Assignment #6: ENGR 1205-003/A6 Fall 2010 Department of Math, Physics & Engineering

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ENGR 1205-003/A6 Mount Royal University Fall 2010

Department of Math, Physics & Engineering

Assignment #6
Your name and student ID number must be clearly shown at the top of the first page of your
assignment. Assignments must be stapled in the upper left corner.

For each question:

i) clearly state all of the given information,
ii) clearly state what it is that you are trying to find,
iii) present diagrams (if appropriate) and calculations to solve the problem,
iv) present a clear concluding statement complete with proper units.

This assignment will be marked out of 20 (10 marks for each of two questions that will be
chosen for evaluation). The other questions must also be complete or 4 marks will be
deducted for each incomplete question.

Assignments are due to Carol’s drop-box (outside Q311) by 3:20 pm. on Monday, November
29. No late assignments will be accepted. Answers will be posted online Nov 30 (or shortly

1. The simple space truss shown below in Figure 1, is supported by a ball and socket joint
at E and by short links at A, D, and C. Determine the forces in the members AC and

Figure 1
ENGR 1205-003/A6 Mount Royal University Fall 2010
Department of Math, Physics & Engineering

2. A bag of potatoes is resting on the chair of Figure 2. The force exerted by the potatoes on
the frame at one side of the chair is equivalent to horizontal and vertical forces of 24N and
84N, respectively at E and a force of 28 N, perpendicular to member BH at G. Find the
forces acting on member BH.

Figure 2.

3. A toggle clamp holds work piece G in Figure 3 and has the dimensions shown.
a) Assuming the weight of the clamp members can be ignored, determine the vertical
clamping force at E in terms of the input force P applied to the clamp handle. (Your
answer will be an equation.)
b) Given that the dimensions of the toggle are:
d = 4 in
e = 4 in
β such that cos β = 4/5, sin β = 3/5
Due to size restrictions:
1 in. ≤ a ≤ 2 in.
4 in. ≤ b ≤ 7 in.
Find four possible toggle clamp geometries that result in a vertical clamping force at E
that is 10 times greater than the input force P.

Figure 3.
ENGR 1205-003/A6 Mount Royal University Fall 2010
Department of Math, Physics & Engineering

4. For the plane area shown in Figure 4, determine (a) the first moments with respect to the
x and y axes (b) the location of the centroid.

Figure 4.

5. The slender steel rod in Figure 5 is bent as shown, with a semi-circular part of radius 9.9
in., and several straight parts. Locate the centroid of the rod.

Figure 5.

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