Joshua Porter - 1 Tracking Themes

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Tracking Themes TKM

Directions: For each listed theme, find at least THREE strong examples from the novel.
(1/2 point each example)


Education Scout learns to read The kids don’t know Scout learned a bad
without her knowing about snow word at school
and miss caroline
thinks her father
taught her
Bravery/Cowardice Atticus has to Scout doesn’t listen “Don’t you know
defend a black man to her brother and you’re not supposed
in the deep south that gets charater to even touch the
development to trees over there
think for her self
Racial Prejudice Jem call navite Scout isn’t fighting Franics called
american heads ceil because he is atticus a
indian heads insulting atticus for nigger-lover
defending a black
Social Class Walter is kind of Scout fights walter The ewells are call
Prejudice made fun of because because he gets her the disgrace of
he is poor in trouble maycomb and live
like animals

Gender Prejudice Jem and dill think A Group of Uncle Jack nevers
Scout is more girl foot-washers where listens to scout
like and girls can’t mean to miss
do what boys can maudie

Loss of Innocence Scout and Jem “Then why did Cecil Mrs. Dubose said
witness Miss say you defended “Your Fathers no
Maudie’s house *****? He made it better than the
burning down sound like you were ****and trash he
runnin’ a still works for”
Answer the following question:
Which theme do think is ​most important​ to the overall meaning of this novel? (1 pt)
I believe that Racial prejudice is the most important to the overall meaning of thr novel.

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