Elijah Baxter - Tda-R J Final

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Using William Shakespeare’s play ​The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet​, choose one character and analyze

his/her actions and motivations. What motivates him/her to make certain choices? How do his/her choices
complicate the plot?

The ​Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet​, written by William Shakespeare, is a story about love that becomes a

tragedy by the complications of other characters actions. In this story, Romeo is the one of the main characters

that made choices and actions that complicated the plot. In the plot of the story Romeo is motivated by love at

first site to fall in love with Juliet. Romeo commits the actions of killing Tybalt and killing himself which

complicates the story line. The reasons that support how Romeo complicated the story line are: killing Tybalt,

killing himself with potion he was given, and Romeo sneaks into the mascarade ball with Mercutio and

Benvolio. All three of these actions committed by Romeo complicate the plot and lead to the deaths of Romeo

and Juliet.

The first reason that supports how Romeo complicated the story line is when Romeo snuck into the

mascarade ball. According to act 1 scene 5, Tybalt states “This, by his voice, should be a Montague. Fetch me

my rapier, boy.” This statement from Tybalt represents that if Romeo never snuck into the mascarade ball,

Tybalt would not have the urge to try to kill Romeo. If Romeo never snuck into the mascarade ball, Juliet would

of had the chance of never meeting Romeo which could have prevented both of their deaths. According to act 1

scene 5, Romeo states “It seems she hangs upon the cheek of night Like a rich jewel in an Ethiop’s ear.” This

statement from Romeo represents the theme love at first site; love at first site would eventually cause Romeo to

try and win Juliet's heart without thinking of the possible consequences. If Romeo tried to be more vigilant

when making his decision to love Juliet this could prevent both of their deaths.

The second action that complicated the plot that came from Romeo is killing Tybalt. When Romeo

killed Tybalt this caused more complications between the Capulets and the Montagues which lead to Romeo's

exile. According to act 3 scene 1, Romeo states “This day’s black fate on mo days doth depend; this but begins

the woe others must end.” This statement from Romeo means that Romeo was going to kill Tybalt and that
there would be mourning in both sides of the family. If Romeo did not become the slayer of Tybalt this could

have prevented his exile and would keep Juliet from drinking the potion. According to act 3 scene 1, Romeo

states “Tybalt, the reason that I have to love thee doth much excuse the appertaining rage.” This statement from

Romeo represents that Romeo tried to stop Tybalt and Mercutio from fighting and that Romeo’s love for Juliet

should not make him a villian. If Romeo successfully prevented Tybalt from killing Mercutio this could prevent

Romeo’s exile and the mourning of both families.

The final action made by Romeo that could have prevented complications was when Romeo committed

suicide. According to act 5 scene 3, Juliet states “Thy husband in thy bosom there lies dead… This is thy

sheath; there rust, and let me die.” This line from Juliet represents that since Romeo killed himself this

persuaded Juliet to stab herself, so she could live eternally with Romeo. If Romeo did not kill himself this could

have prevented Juliet from committing suicide and providing more mourning for the families of the Capulets

and Montagues. According to act 5 scene 3, the Prince states “A glooming peace this morning with it brings.

The Sun for sorrow will not show his head.” This statement from the the Prince of Verona tells us that the

actions of Romeo and Juliet would lead to the unification of the Capulets and Montagues. Even though

Romeo’s actions caused death and sorrow, his actions would eventually lead to the unification of the family

through love.

In conclusion, Romeo commits actions through the theme of love at first site that complicated the plot of

the play. Three of the many actions that support how Romeo complicated the plot are: sneaking into the

mascarade ball, killing Tybalt, and Romeo committing suicide. All the actions committed by Romeo led to the

deaths of himself and Juliet that would lead to the unification of the Capulets and the Montagues.

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