Elijah Baxter - 1 Copy of R J Characters and Theme

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How do characters’ dialogue and actions help

develop the theme?

With your shoulder partner, choose 2 characters you have read so far. Complete the chart, choosing one character
each to focus on. Think about how the characters act or react. What theme did Shakespeare want readers to learn?
Be ready to defend your reasons!

Act Character Dialogue/Actions What was his/her motivation or What theme could possibly
and emotional state? be developing?

Romeo “It is the East, and The two have suddenly fallen in love Love at first sight.
Act 2, Juliet is the Sun.” He and are attempting to get together
scene is putting Juliet in and seek each other another night.
2 the center of the
Universe by being
called the Sun.

Act 2, Juliet “Or, if thou wilt not, Romeo and Juliet are craving at The theme being developed
scene 2 be but sworn my love at first sight and they want to through Romeo and Juliet’s
love.” get together no matter the cost. emotions is love at first sight.

Act 2, “Then plainly know This quote shows how Romeo feels Love at first sight.
scene 3 my heart’s dear love about Juliet and expresses his
Romeo is set on the fair feeling for Juliet to Friar Lawrence.
Page daughter of rich
214 Capulet:”

“That’s my good son: He feels worried for Romeo about Love at first sight.
but where hast thou loving Juliet because they just met.
Friar been then?” Friar Lawrence feels happy for
Lawrence Romeo even though he is worried.
Act 2, “One, gentlewoman, This shows how god made love to Love will prevail
Scene 4 Romeo that god hath made withstand actions of people.
himself to mar.”

Nurse “If you be he, sir, I The nurse is saying how if Romeo is Love will prevail
desire some to continue with his love for Juliet
confidence with you.” he needs to be able to stand up for
his love for Juliet.

Act 2 Romeo “It cannot This quote shows Romeo needing to Gratefulness
scene 6 countervail the be grateful because he wasn’t
exchange of joy.” punished with death instead he was
punished with exile.

Friar “So smile the This quote is when Friar Lawrence Gratefulness
heavens upon this is telling Romeo to be grateful for
holy act that the princess’ decision to keep him
after-hours with alive.
sorrow chide us not!”

Act 3, Benvolio “For now these hot Benvolio is saying that Mercutio Death leads to hate and
scene 1 days is the mad blood and Tybalt’s death lead to more hate sorrow.
stirring.” between the Capulets and

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