Spaghetti With Chickpeas

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Spaghetti with chickpeas


1 Pasta

2 pasta with balsamy vinegar

2.1 Ingredients

2.2 Preparation

3 food with vegetables

3.1 Ingredients

3.2 methodology of preparation


Pasta could be a favorite Italian food for an outsized range of individuals, particularly young and
previous, with its delicious style it's additionally straightforward to arrange, and its ingredients ar few
and out there in any house. It are often ready in some ways.

In this article, we are going to show however the bachamel food works with chicks, also because the
approach food works with vegetables.

Spaghetti with chickpeas


Three hundred grams of chilled chicken section to squares.

Three hundred and lxxv grams of food.

A piece of sliced onions. 0.5 a teaspoon of salt.

1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper.

2 tablespoons oil.

One hundred grams of cheese cheese slices.


Five cups of milk.

Five tablespoons of flour.

Three fingers of butter.

A pinch of salt.
A pinch of white pepper.

A pinch of ground black pepper.


We cook noodles with salt-cured water, till steamed. place in a very bowl the number of oil, then add
chicken, salt, black pepper, a bean of sliced onion, and submerged with water, and leave till mature.
Place the chicken noodles within the kitchen appliance receptacle. Heat the oil in a very pan, add the
onion, and let it soften. Garnish with black pepper, salt and raise chicken and food. Preparation of
the balsamy sauce: Heat the butter at medium temperature, add the flour thereto, stir well, till
golden. Add the previous milk mixture step by step, and continue stirring, till we tend to kind a thick
combine. mix the previous mixture with salt, black pepper and white pepper. Sprinkle 0.5 the
number of sauce and cheese in Chinese, move the ingredients well, then add the remainder. Bake
food at a hundred ninety ° C, leave it for associate degree hour solely quarter, till bronzed.

Pasta with vegetables Ingredients:

500 grams of pasta.

Five beads of squash section.

Four grains of tomatoes dig tiny squares.

Four peppercorns dig tiny squares.

One and a 0.5 cups of spaghetti sauce.

Half a teaspoon of cumin.

Small spoon of salt.

Quantity of broccoli for adornment.

How to prepare

We can cook noodles mistreatment salt-cured water, till they become soft, and their color is canted
to white. place in a very bowl of zucchini, tomato, red pepper, spaghetti sauce, combine the mixture
with garlic, salt, stir well ingredients, place the pot blazing, till boiling, and let the vegetables fade.
Place the food within the dish, and on top of it the vegetable sauce


1 Pasta

2 pasta with balsamy vinegar

2.1 Ingredients

2.2 Preparation

3 food with vegetables

3.1 Ingredients

3.2 methodology of preparation

Pasta could be a favorite Italian food for an outsized range of individuals, particularly young and
previous, with its delicious style it's additionally straightforward to arrange, and its ingredients ar few
and out there in any house. It are often ready in some ways.

In this article, we are going to show however the bachamel food works with chicks, also because the
approach food works with vegetables.

Spaghetti with chickpeas


Three hundred grams of chilled chicken section to squares.

Three hundred and lxxv grams of food.

A piece of sliced onions. 0.5 a teaspoon of salt.

1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper.

2 tablespoons oil.

One hundred grams of cheese cheese slices.


Five cups of milk.

Five tablespoons of flour.

Three fingers of butter.

A pinch of salt.

A pinch of white pepper.

A pinch of ground black pepper.


We cook noodles with salt-cured water, till steamed. place in a very bowl the number of oil, then add
chicken, salt, black pepper, a bean of sliced onion, and submerged with water, and leave till mature.
Place the chicken noodles within the kitchen appliance receptacle. Heat the oil in a very pan, add the
onion, and let it soften. Garnish with black pepper, salt and raise chicken and food. Preparation of
the balsamy sauce: Heat the butter at medium temperature, add the flour thereto, stir well, till
golden. Add the previous milk mixture step by step, and continue stirring, till we tend to kind a thick
combine. mix the previous mixture with salt, black pepper and white pepper. Sprinkle 0.5 the
number of sauce and cheese in Chinese, move the ingredients well, then add the remainder. Bake
food at a hundred ninety ° C, leave it for associate degree hour solely quarter, till bronzed.

Pasta with vegetables Ingredients:

500 grams of pasta.

Five beads of squash section.

Four grains of tomatoes dig tiny squares.

Four peppercorns dig tiny squares.

One and a 0.5 cups of spaghetti sauce.

Half a teaspoon of cumin.

Small spoon of salt.

Quantity of broccoli for adornment.

How to prepare

We can cook noodles mistreatment salt-cured water, till they become soft, and their color is canted
to white. place in a very bowl of zucchini, tomato, red pepper, spaghetti sauce, combine the mixture
with garlic, salt, stir well ingredients, place the pot blazing, till boiling, and let the vegetables fade.
Place the food within the dish, and on top of it the vegetable sauce

Pasta chicken
1 Pasta

2 Chicken Pasta

2.1 Ingredients

2.2 Pasta

2.3 Preparation

Pasta is a kind of dry pastry that has many different shapes such as hollow, conical, spiral, cylindrical,
, And there are even types can be stuffed, and to the present there is no saying confirming the origins
of pasta. There are different sayings that indicate that pasta has Greek, Chinese, Japanese, Italian or
Arabic origins, but it is not disputed that Italy is the first country to manufacture and even prepare
pasta of all kinds. Rome is named the capital of pasta, and can be prepared in many ways. This article
will give you the way to prepare pasta chicken distinctive and strong flavor.

Pasta chicken


chicken washed and cut.

Cinnamon sticks.

They burned a garland.

A large spoon of cardamom.

Beans of onion section.

Tablespoon vegetable oil.

Small spoon of salt.

A teaspoon of black pepper.

The pasta has half a kilo of noodles any shape as desired.

A piece of onion cut into cubes.

A teaspoon of curry.

A teaspoon of spice problem.

2 tablespoons vegetable oil.

Half a teaspoon of turmeric.

A tablespoon of mashed garlic.

A teaspoon of black pepper.

Two tablespoons of salt.

Three pieces of chopped tomatoes.

Two cups of problem vegetables.

A cup of tomato paste.

Half a cup of chopped parsley.

Oudan of green onions for decoration.

How to prepare

We climb the chicken by placing the pieces in a pot on the fire with vegetable oil and stir slightly. Add
the cardamom, bay leaves and cinnamon promises and turn over, then add salt and black pepper.
Add the amount of water to cover the chicken pieces, then leave the mixture on the fire until the
chicken is fully cooked.

The chicken halves are then removed and cut into small cubes. Half the chicken broth, and then we
will cook the pasta for a few minutes until it is fully cooked and then the two halves and pour it cold
water so as not to stick together. Put the vegetable oil on the fire in a bowl and add the onions and
turn to become a golden color.

Add the garlic and continue stirring then add the chicken cubes. Add curry, salt, black pepper,
turmeric, spices and stir well until the chicken pieces are seasoned and take the spices flavor
completely. Add the tomato sauce and stir, then add the appropriate amount of chicken broth.

We add the problem vegetables and turn over, and if we notice that the mixture became thickened
can increase the amount of other broth chicken. Leave the mixture on low heat until the ingredients
get mixed and mixed together. Add the parsley, then stir from the fire and stir gently. Add the pasta
over the previous mixture and put it on low heat for twenty minutes. Sprinkle pasta with chicken in
serving dish and sprinkle with green onions.
Several methods of cooking Steak

1 Meat Steak

2 Steak with Pepper Sauce

2.1 Ingredients

2.2 Preparation Method

3 Grilled Beef Steak

3.1 Ingredients

3.2 Preparation Method

4 Steak with Vegetables

4.1 Ingredients

4.2 Preparation Method

5 Steak with Potato Puree Light

5. 1 Ingredients

5.2 Method of Preparation

6 Quick Chicken Steak

6.1 Ingredients

6.2 Method of Preparation

7 Recipe of Mountain Bake Steak with Video


Meat dishes vary in variety of dishes, which are a favorite of many people, Many of them are keen to
visit restaurants that are prepared to prepare the most popular forms of steak, often prepared from
beef, with your mother The intention is also prepared from red meat and fish, and is prepared by a
variety of varieties also sauces with steak sauce such as precious mushrooms, sauce Albyarenaz,
sauce and pepper. In this article we chose to introduce the most popular methods of working the

Steak with Pepper Sauce


Ten grams of Black Pepper Love.

500 grams of sliced beef.

A cup of cooking cream.

A tablespoon of flour.
Pepper, to taste.

Salt, to taste.

Two cups of water.

Two tablespoons of ghee.

Method of setting

Put the water in a pot on the fire with the addition of black pepper love. Leave the mixture boiling on
the fire until half of the water evaporates. Then move on to steaming the steaks with pepper and
salt, and then we will heat them in a teaspoon of ghee. Put the steaks in a dish after the finish, and
add her remaining margarine spoon with flour. Then add the pepper mixture gradually with
continuous mixing until we have a thicker mix. Add the cream later and continue stirring until the
ingredients are homogenized. Return the steaks to the frying pan and let them boil with the sauce for
half a minute, until they are ready to serve.

Grilled Beef Steak


Five cloves of garlic, mashed.

Kg of steak.

Two tablespoons of salt.

Three tablespoons of vegetable oil.

Half a teaspoon of black pepper.

A teaspoon of chili.

Preparation Method

We mix salt, garlic, black pepper, and chili in a small bowl. Place the steak slices in the previous
mixture, and place in the refrigerator for several hours until the sauce slices are cooked. After the
steak slices are cooked well, we heat the grill, and then put the steak inside. Slide the steak strips
until they ripen from both sides, and place them in the serving dish where you can serve salad, and
fries with them.

Steak with vegetables


Three medium sized onions.

Kg of beef steak.

Two medium-sized potatoes.

Four cloves of garlic.

Two pieces of carrots.

A piece of squash.
Two teaspoons of black pepper.

A piece of turkey pepper.

A tablespoon of vinegar.

Half a teaspoon of ginger.

Salt to taste.

A sprinkle of cinnamon.

Method of preparation

We wash the pieces of steak well in water, with holes in each piece by the knife, and left in the air
until we prepare the stapling. Then, garlic, onions and turkey pepper, add spices and season the
pieces of steak well with the mixture and put a spoon of vinegar on them. Cover the chunks with the
spice and place in the refrigerator until the vegetables are prepared. We bring the vegetables by
slicing potatoes into cubes, zucchini and carrots into medium slices, and then climbing the vegetables
and draining when finished. Put the Tefal spatula in a skillet, and then add the boiled vegetables with
the sauce and stir them over low heat. Put the vegetables aside when finished, place the pieces of
steak in the pan until they level, and serve them with vegetables.

Steak with Potato Puree Light

a cup of milk.

Kg of mashed potatoes.

Salt, to taste.

White pepper as desired.

A tablespoon of butter.

Cinnamon Chopsticks as desired.

Black pepper to taste. A packet of mushroom section.

Kg of soaked steak (vinegar, barbeque, mustard) for 1 hour of time.

Pack or cup of intense cream (low-fat, 5% fat).

Three tablespoons of corn starch dissolved in a small amount of water.

Put the butter in a saucepan with the addition of mashed potatoes directly over it. Gradually pour
the milk and be constantly mixing. Add the mixture to the mixture, leaving the mixture on medium
heat for 5 minutes. Dilute the skewed steak in another pot from all sides. Add 1 liter of water with
cinnamon sticks and salt. Close the pot and leave the mixture simmer on medium heat for half an
Add the melted starch and mushrooms with stirring, and then leave for 2 to 5 minutes to boil. Then
add the cream with stirring until all ingredients are mixed with the fire extinguished when finished.
We offer steak and mushrooms alongside a plate of mashed potatoes.


1 Seafood

2 Seahawan sour and sweet

2.1 Ingredients

2.2 Method of preparation

3 Quick fried oysters

3.1 Ingredients

3.2 Method of preparation


Seafood or seafood is a label called on small marine creatures, such as prawns, shrimp, oysters Fish,
mussels, and seafood are the basis of healthy eating, which we must eat whenever we have the
opportunity. Seafood prepared with a delicious taste with a special flavor and fresh, and we can not
limit the recipes of the sea fruits a certain number because they are many, The inventory will give
you two delicious recipes from Seafood recipes.

The sichuan is sour and sweet


three hundred grams of pineapple.

One tablet of sweet red pepper.

One pill of yellow peppers.

A teaspoon of mashed garlic.

One or two hot red pepper (as desired).

A teaspoon of sea salt.

A tablespoon of crushed ginger.

Twenty-four pieces of royal prawns.

Three tablespoons of vegetable oil.

Three tablespoons of white vinegar.

One hundred and fifty ml of pineapple juice, unsweetened.

Tablespoon soy light soy sauce.

Half teaspoon of starch.

1/4 cup coriander finely chopped.

Method of preparing

the pineapple crusty and cut lengthwise into eight slices and discard the hard pulp. Heat the grill over
medium heat, stir pineapple for four minutes or until the color changes from all sides. In the
meantime, cut the different types of peppers into slices lengthwise, stir the pepper until slightly
tasted. Mix the garlic with the ginger, chopped red pepper, finely chopped, and a little oil, then pat
the prawns cleaned with this mixture. Heat the oil in a large pan over medium heat. Add the prawns
and saute for 3 minutes until the color is pink. In the meantime, cut the pineapple into small cubes.
Mix pineapple juice, vinegar, soy sauce, starch, a teaspoon of water, then add the mixture to the pan
with prawns. Add the pineapple and roasted sweet peppers. When boiling pineapple juice, heat the
heat and leave it for three minutes on the fire and then lift the pan.

Zinni squash with chopped coriander and served with steamed rice.

Fast fried oysters plug six large pieces of oysters, well cleaned.

2 tablespoons of olive oil.

Two tablespoons of butter.

Half a grain of lemon.

1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper.

Four fresh leaves of sage.


Place a large pan over medium heat. Beat the olive oil and the sesame leaves in the pan until you get
a little chilled. Add the butter, and when you melt add the clams. When the oyster is browned and
the light brown is acquired from the sides, lift it off the fire, stir the lemon over it, and leave it in the
hot pan for 30 seconds until it ripens. Bring oysters with mashed potatoes.

5.Chinese food

1 Chinese Food Method

2 Grilled Chicken Salad with Cashew Sauce

2.1 Ingredients

2.2 Preparation

3 Noodles in Hot Dog

3.1 Ingredients
3.2 Method of Preparation

Chinese food

Chinese food is served as foreigners and Europeans come from different parts of the world to taste
our food Arabic, many of us may admire the Western food and dishes, which is one of the most
famous and famous Chinese food, where the specialty of certain restaurants to prepare and provide
meals in many Arab countries, we will address some of the most popular ways to do Chinese food .

Chicken Grilled Salad with Cashew Sauce


-Chicken Ingredients:

1 kg of boneless, cut chicken breast into a wide range of slices.

Half cup of acid. Amount of salt.

The amount of black pepper.

Spoon of onion powder.

Spoon of garlic powder.

Half a cup of oil.

-Ingredients of the sauce:

half a cup of soaked cashews for the whole night.

A cup of olive oil, preferably light.

Half a cup of parmesan.

Two pieces of garlic.

Four tablespoons of mayonnaise.

Spoon of custard desserts.

A little salt and pepper.

Power Components: Pack of lettuce. Spaghetti bag, boiled and cool.

A cup of parmesan cheese.

-Ingredients of bread:

a portion of the bread of the baguette cut into circles.

Two pieces of mashed garlic.

A little coarse salt.

A quarter cup of parmesan.

One quarter cup of mozzarella.

Method of preparation
Spice the chicken with the ingredients of the spices, leaving it for a full day aside. The next day, bring
a grill and paint it with a small amount of oil; Place the grilled slices in a dish and boil well until use.
Preparation of the sauce, and the cashew nuts, and put it with the rest of the ingredients and mix
well in an electric mixer; so that the ingredients homogenize together. Mix half the sauce with
noodles, stir well and place in the oven for 2 hours. Prepare the bread, place it in the oven tray,
sprinkle with garlic, pepper, salt and oil. Insert the bread tray into the oven until red, add the cheese
and leave until browned too. Cut the lettuce into a group of large pieces, and mix them with pasta.
After two hours add the rest of the sauce, stir with the ingredients well, and put in a special dish for
serving. Chop the chicken as desired and place it over the lettuce and sprinkle with parmesan on the
face, and serve with bread.

Hot Dog Noodles


Three noodle and fried noodles.

Three beads of zucchini, cut into a group of slices.

Three pieces of sliced carrots.

A cube of magi. Garlic of garlic.

Four fingers of hot dog, cut into circles.

Three teaspoons of cooking oil.

Teads Preparation

Method: Boil zucchini and carrots half-smooth, filtered from water well. The noodles also boiled half
a stalk and filtered from the water, and put it in a saucepan on the fire. Add the oil and hotdogs in it
with garlic. Add magi and other ingredients. Add the cabbage and stir with the rest of the ingredients
for 2 minutes. Add the noodles, zucchini and carrots, and stir them on fire for three minutes.
Make an Avocado salad in different ways

1 avocado salad
2 types of avocado salad
3 avocado salad method
4 avocado salad and mozzarella with mango
4.1 Ingredients
4.2 Preparation Method
5 avocado salad and shrimp
5.1 Ingredients
5.2 Preparation Method
6 Video Tuna and Avocado Salad

Salad avocado
salad Avocado is one of the most important appetizers served alongside the main meal
because of its delicious taste. The avocado salad can be prepared in a number of easy and
simple ways. Its ingredients are available at home and are inexpensive and can be prepared
in a very short time. The avocado farmers sometimes find them sprinkled with some
hormones that increase the weight of the avocado, but if you taste them are devoid of real
avocado taste, we recommend avoiding the purchase of avocado with large grains; So as not
to spoil power. The avocado is delicious, which is two types: either small or medium, which
has the taste of real avocado, which is preferred to be used in eating, and there is a type of
avocado with long grain, also this type has a good taste, and before opening an avocado We
should choose the soft bean if the grain is rigid and can not be grinded. If the grain is not ripe
yet, it is not recommended to use it, because it will be hard to grind. When buying avocados
we have to rest our hands, choose medium grain or small size, soft bean The plane to make
out the power.
How To Make Avocado Salad Avocado Salad Garlic
A century of hot green pepper.
A piece of garlic.
A small pinch of salt.
Two pieces of avocado.
Juice is half a grain of lemon.
A spray of olive oil.
Prepare a cup of green peppers, cut into very small pieces, and then cut them with the finely
chopped minced meat, until they become very small pieces, and put them in the bowl of
pottery. Peel the garlic clove, cut it as we cut the pepper, and place it over the pepper in the
bowl. Add a small salt wedge to the garlic, and then stir well. We serve two avocados, cut
them with a knife from the middle, take out the kernel, and dig it with the spoon until we get
the avocado. Place the avocado in a mixture of pepper, garlic and salt, mix the ingredients
well, then squeeze half the lemon, and sprinkle with a little oil.

Avocado salad and mozzarella with mango

2 cups of watercress leaves.
A grain of avocado.
A grain of mango.
Orange Juice.
A tablespoon of lemon juice.
A small piece of red chili, fresh or dried.
Two slices of dried tomatoes without oil.
One hundred and fifty grams of mozzarella cheese, grated.
Three tablespoons of olive oil.
A tablespoon of honey.
A pinch of salt.
A pinch of black pepper.
Method of preparation
We clean the leaves of watercress, and wash it and half of the water. Cut the mangoes and
mozzarella into small cubes. Mix lemon juice with orange juice, olive oil, honey well. Cut the
chili finely and mix it with salt and black pepper. Cut the dried tomatoes into small pieces
and add them to the mix. We also add mango cubes to the mix. Place the leaves of the
watercress in the serving dish, distribute the tomato mix, the mangoes, and finally the
avocado and cheese, so that the salad is ready to serve.

The avocado salad and shrimp

two pieces of avocado.
Half a kilogram of shrimp, medium in size, cleaned, salted and peeled.
Two cups of lettuce lettuce.
Half a cup of boiled corn.
1 cup fresh mushrooms, sliced into slices.
two big spoons of lemon juice.
The sauce is three tablespoons of mayonnaise.
A tablespoon of mustard.
quarter cup of lemon juice.
Brush of dried oregano.
A quarter cup of olive oil.
A pinch of white pepper.
A pinch of salt.

Place the lettuce in the serving bowl, then separate the mushroom slices, with the boiled
shrimp and corn over the lettuce in the dish. Peel the avocado and cut the pulp into thin
slices. Sprinkle the lemon juice over the avocado until it turns black. Prepare the sauce by
mixing all ingredients well in a small bowl. Pour the sauce over the salad and toss the
mixture and serve it immediately.

How to make chicken salad

1 Salads
2 How chicken and olive salad
3 Chicken salad with vegetables
4 Chicken salad with cheese and vegetables
5 Recipe of entrees
Chicken salad with the authorities
The authorities are considered necessary and always preferred with the main meals as it
works to open the appetite and prepare the stomach to receive food, in addition to taste
One of the most famous types of salads is the chicken salad, which is characterized by its
unique bank and contains many essential nutrients for the body, and it is a favorite of many,
and there are many recipes for the preparation of chicken salad, which we will provide some
of this article.

How to make chicken and olive salad

Half a head lettuce section.
Two tomatoes.
Beans cut into slices.
Two clips are cut into circles.
Half a cup of black olives.
Four hundred grams of chicken cut into medium-sized slices.
Red pepper cut into slices.
Salt, to taste.
Half a teaspoon of black pepper.
One quarter cup yogurt.
One quarter cup red vinegar.
Six tablespoons olive oil.
Freshly ground black pepper.

Pour chicken in a bowl with yogurt, vinegar, salt, and black pepper, for at least half an hour.
Roast the chicken on the grill until it is cooked from all sides. Place lettuce, onion, cucumber,
tomato and red pepper in the serving dish, add olive and mix all ingredients together. Add
the chicken to the salad. Mix salt, black pepper and olive oil well in a small bowl. Sprinkle the
ingredients above the salad and serve.

Chicken Salad with Vegetables

Two pieces of chicken breast.
Two slices of eggplant cut into strips lengthwise.
Two slices of zucchini sliced into length.
Three medium-sized carrots cut into thin, long strips.
A piece of green peppers cut into thin strips.
A cup of lettuce cut into slices.
Medium sized yoghurt for sauce.
Garlic of garlic for sauce.
Two lemon cubes for the sauce.
1/4 teaspoon salt for the sauce.
Black pepper pepper for sauce.
A tablespoon of vinegar for the sauce.
Spoon a mint for the sauce.
Heat chicken breasts either in the oven or on the fire, and then leave to cool and then cut
into strips. All vegetables except lettuce in a non-stick skillet, all slightly. Mix the ingredients
of the sauce well with each other. Place the lettuce in the serving dish, then put the veggies
over it, then put the chicken breasts over it, and put the sauce next to it.

Chicken salad with cheese and vegetables

2 pieces of boiled or grilled chicken breast.
A tablespoon of mayonnaise.
Pepper, salt and spices.
Mozzarella or grated cheddar.
Three cloves of grated garlic.
Scattered Islands.
Leaves of lettuce for decoration.
Tomato and pepper romi cut small pieces.
Cut the chicken breasts into cubes, and then place the mayonnaise and hearts well with each
other. Add the grated carrots, grated garlic and their hearts well. Put mozzarella or cheddar
cheese on the salad. Place salt and black pepper as desired with chopped peppers and
tomatoes. Mix the mixture well, then add it with lettuce and cheese.
A green tasty salad, is always a good idea

1 Power

2 Green salad

2.1 Ingredients

2.2 Preparation

3 Green salad with onions

3.1 Ingredients

3.2 Preparation method

4 Green salad with acid

4.1 Ingredients

4.2 Method of preparation

The Authority is one of the most popular side dishes that everyone prefers to start eating because its
delicious taste serves to open the appetite. It also plays a large role in facilitating digestion, preparing the
stomach for food, and containing a large amount of nutrients, that make it According to the irreplaceable,
it is famous Types of powers are green power. Green salad is one of the most delicious and nutritious
salads, which are characterized by their bright and different colors that serve to open the appetite. It is
always preferred to have this dish on the dining table for its great benefits. It contains the necessary
nutrients that enhance the immunity of the body. And reduce the problems of pressure for its role in
reducing the absorption of salt in the stomach, apart from the usefulness of large diabetics, and many
other benefits, and is the green power of the easiest types of authorities in preparation, and we will
provide the methods of preparation by easy steps and Simple.

Green salad

are two pieces of tomato.

Two packets of cucumber.

Two pieces of colored pepper.




Cut all vegetables into small pieces, place them in a dish, mix well, then add them, and add a little olive oil.
Green salad with onions Ingredients three grains of tomatoes. Two packets of cucumber. An onion. Carrot.
Two tablespoons of green dill. Three tablespoons of olive oil. A teaspoon of dry mint. Vinegar according to
desire. Salt, to taste. Method of preparation Cut the tomatoes and cucumbers into small cubes, and
sprinkle both onions and carrots. Place the dill and vinegar in a deep bowl, add the mint and salt and mix
well. Add the tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, and carrots to the previous mixture and mix the ingredients
well with each other, then add the oil to make it ready to serve.

Green salad with sour garlic cloves.

An onion.


Acid juice or vinegar, as desired.

Two tomatoes.

Two packets of cucumber.

A bouquet of parsley.

Chili pepper.

Method of preparation

Wash, the tomato well and cut it into small pieces. Crispy cucumber and loaf shaped loops and then grind
the onions finely or you can cut it into strips, as desired. Wash the parsley and sprinkle it finely. Wash the
chili, sprinkle garlic with salt, add acid juice, or vinegar, and then add the mixture to the salad and their
heart well. Put the salad in the serving dish and place it.

Delicious Pasta Salad


1 Pasta

2 Various pasta salads

2.1 Pasta and vegetable salad

2.2 Pasta salad with black olives and eggplant

2.3 Spaghetti salad with mushrooms

2.4 Pasta salad with milk and garlic

Pasta noodle salad

There are many varieties and shapes in the market They are light, colorful, short and long, and there are
types of meat, or cooked with tomato sauce. The intervention of pasta in the preparation of several
authorities, and we will discuss during this article some ways to prepare pasta authorities.

Various salads pasta noodle salad

vegetable ingredients

envelope of pasta, short grain.

Envelope of cream cheese — cream cheese.

Half a cup of liquid milk.

A tomato, large, stiff, finely chopped.

Two medium-sized options, finely chopped.

1/4 cup finely chopped parsley.

Method of preparation

We boil water and put a little salt and oil on it, and climb noodles in it. Mix the cheese with milk well until
it becomes like liquid milk mixture, and then add the parsley. Add salt and spice, then put tomatoes and
cucumbers on top. Mix the pasta after filtered from the water, then pour it in the dish and sprinkle it with
a few parsley leaves. Note: Cheese should be at room temperature, so mix thoroughly with a liquid milk,
otherwise mix.

Pasta salad with black olives and eggplant


two cups of pasta, short grain.

A cup of fried eggplant, cut into small cubes.

Medium onion, cut into thin slices.

A cup of feta cheese.

A teaspoon of marjoram powder.

Half a cup of black olive slices, free of the kernel.

A pinch of salt.

Method of preparation

We climb noodles in a wide saucepan with water, and a little salt and oil until fully cooked. Two halves of
watermelon noodles. Cut the red onions into thin slices, and pour on the fire for two minutes until slightly
softened. Cut the feta cheese and then put the marjoram with the onion, and put the pasta on it, and toss it
with each other in a deep bowl. Place the fried eggplant cubes after cleaning the oil completely in the pasta
bowl and lightly toss, then put black olives on the face of the pasta, and a few piece of feta cheese.

Spaghetti Salad with Mushrooms


1/4 cup of mushrooms, cut into slices.

Onion, medium size, finely chopped.

Garlic of garlic mashed.

A quarter cup of olive oil.

A teaspoon of grated nutmeg.

A large spoon of oregano.

Two tablespoons of parsley.

One hundred grams of parmesan cheese.

A pinch of salt. A pinch of black pepper.

500 grams of spaghetti.

Method of preparation

We climb noodles with water, salt, oil, until you ripen and then half of the water and put it in the main
dish. Place in a pan of onion and garlic with a little oil, and stir until the onion is softened, and then put the
pieces of mushrooms cut into slices and turn slightly. Add the salt, white pepper, oregano, and nutmeg, stir
all the ingredients together, add parsley and put parmesan cheese over it. Pour a little olive oil into the
pasta, then pour the sauce over the pasta, and mix the ingredients together.
Lemon juice and green lemon


1 lemon juice with mint

1.1 Ingredients

1.2 Preparation

2 lemon juice and green lemon

2.1 Ingredients

2.2 Preparation

3 lemon juice with concentrated mint

3.1 Ingredients

3.2 Preparation lemon juice with mint


Ten leaves Of green mint.

Half a cup of lemon juice.

One cup of water.

One cup of ice cubes.

Five tablespoons sugar.

Preparation Method

Place the lemon juice, water cup, ice cubes, sugar into the electric mixer and mix well, then put into cups,
provided directly.

Lemon juice and green lemon

Ingredients for medium-sized lemon.

Medium-sized lemon.

Two cups of water.

Ten leaves of mint.

Teaspoon white sugar.

Salt spray.

Eight cubes of snow.


Prepare a cup or glass cup. Remove the lemon and sour lemon from the refrigerator, then cut, squeeze,
and drained from the seeds. Place the lemon juice, mint leaves, salt and ice cubes in the electric mixer, and
then add two cups of water and a small teaspoon of white sugar. Run the mixer with the mixing
mechanism, after placing all the ingredients in it, until all the ice cubes are broken, and mixed well with
the other ingredients. Bring the cup or cup that has been prepared before, and can be a glass of Schnapper,
or a special cocktail.

Lemon juices with concentrated mint


A glass of water. Snow. Sugar. Lemonade.

High concentration mint syrup.

Preparation of the cups.

Put both: ice, sugar, lemon juice in the blender, and add water to them. Turn on the electric mixer and mix
the ingredients together so that the mixture becomes smooth and homogeneous. Pour the resulting juice
into the cups, taking into consideration that the cup is not filled to the end, leaving a quarter of the cup
empty. Add the concentrated mint syrup on the cups slowly and accurately until the cups are full of juice,
as the mint liquor flows to the bottom of the cups.

Fruit Cocktail

1 Fruit Cocktail

1.1 Ingredients

1.2 Method of Preparation

2 Lemon and Rosemary Collection

3 Cocktail Bananas and Strawberry 4 Video Cocktail


Two tablespoons honey.

Four grains of bananas.

Four grains of mango.

Two baskets of strawberries.

A cup of liquid cream.

Two cups of milk.

A cup of ice cubes.

Two tablespoons of nuts.

Method of preparation
Bring four transparent cups for submission. Get rid of the necks of strawberry beads using a knife. Place a
little honey, ice cubes and strawberries in the mixer bowl, and run at medium speed for a minute until
smooth strawberry juice is formed. Pour the juice into the transparent cups. Cut the bananas into slices,
and then place them in the blender jar. Add the milk, a little honey, and ice cubes, then run the mixer on
medium speed for a minute, to get a smooth banana syrup, then pour the banana syrup slowly over the
strawberry juice. Peeling the mango and cutting it into cubes, then put the mango in the mixer bowl, put
the remaining honey, and ice cubes and run the mixer at medium speed for a minute until the mango
syrup is soft. Pour the mango syrup into the cups to form a fruit cocktail. Place the cream in the mixer
bowl and install the racket rack, then run the mixer on medium speed until the graft is tightened. Put your
cream in a decorative bag fitted with an ornate funnel, then distribute your gravy on the cocktail cassette.
Spray the nuts on the fruit cocktail and serve it directly.

Lemon and rosemary cocktail


Three cups of: fresh lemon juice, water.

A cup and a half of sugar.

Three sticks of rosemary.

Oud of Vanilla.


Place sugar, rosemary, vanilla, water in a bowl. Place the pot on low heat and mix the ingredients for five
minutes. Leave the mixture for thirty minutes then choose large pieces and remove them. Place the lemon
in the pot and mix the mixture well. Leave it back for at least three hours, taking care to mix it in the cup.
Put some pieces of ice before serving.

Banana Cocktail and Strawberry


Five or six large strawberry beads.

Two tablespoons sugar or honey.

A banana. Cubes of ice.

Half a cup of milk - as desired.


Cut the bananas into medium-sized pieces, and cut the strawberries into halves. Add sugar or honey, and
can add ice cubes or yogurt - as desired. Mix all these ingredients in the blender until the light red color


1 Gingerbread Value

2 Gingerbread

3 Gingerbread with Soda and Lemon

4 Gingerbread with Milk and Cinnamon

5 Gingerbread with Pear

6 Gingerbread with Hibiscus

Ginger syrup
Half a cup of peeled ginger and cut into strips.

Half a glass of water.

Sugar syrup: one cup of sugar.

Three quarters of a cup of water.

Served with ice, lemon or soft water.


Place the water and ginger in a stainless steel cooker, leave to boil for Five minutes, keep the fire away for
20 minutes, and remove the ginger from the refrigerator. Preparation of the sugar syrup: Put the water
and sugar in a small saucepan, leave them on medium heat for about Five minutes, add the ginger to the
water, place it in the refrigerator for many hours or leave it until it completely cools. Put the ice in the cups
as desired, pour half of it with a gingerbread, add the soft water and slices of lemon and feet.

Ginger syrup with soda and lemon


fresh ginger clip to loops.

Hot water.

One and a half liter of soda.

Chips of lemon.

Leaves of mint.

Cubes of ice.

White honey.


Add the ginger to the hot water and the heart well. Place the snow, mint leaves, lemon slices, and soda
over the ginger. Add the honey to the ginger syrup to make it cool.

Ginger syrup with milk and cinnamon


Fresh ginger.

Crushed cinnamon.

Milk. Sugar - according to desire.

Hot water.


Preheat ginger, milk, and cinnamon on the fire. Add sugar to the previous ingredients and feet. Ginger
syrup Ingredients: Two liters of apple juice. Chips of ginger. Chips of pear. Ordines of cinnamon. Four
grains of cardamom. Three tablespoons of brown sugar. Four glasses of lemon juice. Two slices of lemon.
Preparation: Pour the apple juice into a pot and put it on the fire. Add sugar, cardamom, cinnamon, nuts
and ginger to the cup. Add lemon juice to the previous ingredients. Leave the liquid mixture on fire to melt
all ingredients with sugar. Pour the juice in a set of cups, decorated with cinnamon sticks and feet.
Hibiscus ginger syrup Ingredients: One large tablespoon of peeled ginger slices. Three quarters of a cup of
sugar. Four bags of hibiscus. Two big spoons of lemon juice. Four glasses of water. Preparation: Place four
cups of sugar, ginger, and water in a medium-sized cooker on the fire until boiling. Add hibiscus bags and
cover for 15 minutes. Pour the drink into a bowl containing iced water, add his lemon juice and his feet.

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