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Morgan Kopish

Mr. Yerkes


18 April 2019

The Will

I’ve always felt emotionally detached to living things-except to my dad. He is my rock.

My dad always understood what I was feeling before I could even label it. But now, my rock is

gone. Passed away due to heart disease. But at least he passed in his sleep. It could’ve been

worse. He could have had a heart attack and felt himself in horrible pain. But he’s gone, and

there is nothing I can do about it.


It’s the day of the morbid funeral in which family he was never close with, comes and

says what a kind man he was and how much they loved him… What a joke! They might as well

pick up a hobo from a random street and have him say a couple words. Pathetic. But either way,

I’m going. The dress I’m wearing is the same black dress I wore to my mother’s funeral. Nobody

will know so it’s fine. I’m already invisible. My brother doesn’t even acknowledge my existence.

I’m still just his little sister that he bullys... I don’t even know if Justin is coming to the funeral.

He never talked to Dad, but rather to Mom. She died when I was 17 and Justin was 18. I

remember being called to the principal’s office with my brother, and I could just feel something

was wrong…


The intercom in the school says with a monotone voice, “Justin and Colleen Wright,
please report to the principal’s office.” My class and teacher turn around to look at me… Why

are they staring? They just said a name on the intercom, it’s not like they said something

important? We’re juniors in highschool, yet we still act as if we’re in the second grade.

Ignoring the stares, I pick up my backpack and head to the office. Man it’s hot today. I

hope practice gets cancelled today because it’s too hot to run. I feel like I’m going to die just

walking across campus! Finally, I reach the office and walk to the principal’s. I see an officer in

the lobby, he takes off his hat and puts it to his chest as I walk by. Why does he does he do that?

Is it supposed to be a sign of sympathy? Whatever.

My brother is already there by the time I arrive. I give Justin a questioning look as to why

we are here, but he just shrugs his shoulders. The principal looks down at her hands as I shut the

door and take a seat. I wonder why she looks so sad. Something must’ve happened to her. Oh

well, too bad she has to spend the rest of her day with rude high schoolers.

I say to the principal, “Did we do something wrong to be sent up here? I promise I

haven’t done anything wrong.” I cross my arms in defense. The principal looks at the both of us

with eyes filled with somber, “There has been a tragedy in your family… Your mom died of a

heat stroke as of 30 minutes ago.” My brother puts his head in his lap. I hear him whimpering.

Why is he so sad? We can’t do anything now. It’s just apart of life. “I’m sorry they didn’t contact

you sooner, but they were too focused on… “ She clears her throat as if that will help her say it,

“Trying to save your Mother’s life.” Justin shudders. “The police officers in the front will

accompany you to the hospital. Your father is already there.” The principal croaks. I respond

with a nod of my head and a tap on my brothers shoulder to signal that we should go. My brother

slowly rises up with leaky faucets for eyes. He needs to man up.

The funeral for my father was simple yet refined, just like he would have liked. But the

time for mourning is over. The tears have been shed and now it's time for what everyone in the

family wants-the prized possessions in a will. To be honest, I couldn't care less. I already have

what I want. I have an apartment, a job, food, and books. I’m set for life. I just need books. They

keep me going. But my brother on the other hand, always asks for money for his poker addiction,

he’s materialistic, a college dropout, and doesn’t care about anyone other than himself. He really

wants Dad’s money and estate-or rather lack of-because father was not a rich man. He was a

mildly successful author but only enough for a house and some food. But any money to Justin, is

gold. He can have all the money for all I care. I just want him out of my life for good.


We sit in my father’s old living room with the executor looking over my father’s will

once more before telling us what possessions we are given. The executor looks up with his tiny

glasses and snow colored hair and says, “Before we get into the inheritances, let me offer my

condolences for your loss. It’s hard losing a parent but even more so losing both.” Justin looks

away and scoffs. Why has he changed into such a shallow person? Ever since mom died seven or

so years ago, he’s changed into a selfish man. But who cares, I’m not going to see him after this.

The executor reads off our possessions as so: Justin gets the estate and his money and I receive

my father’s books and vintage typewriter. Justin seems thrilled to be receiving the money. He

laughs now thinking he will be the richest man alive, but really, he’s going to bet it all tonight

and lose everything. But I don’t care that he inherited the money and estate because that’s not

what I wanted. I received the best inheritance of all, my father’s knowledge and brain. With
these items, my father can live forever in books and my brain.

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