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Developmental Lesson Plan

Teacher Candidate: Kendra Boris Date: __11/20/18___

Group Size: 20 Allotted Time 20 minutes Grade Level Kindergarten

Subject or Topic: Squanto

Common Core/PA Standard(s):

Standard- 8.3.K.A
Identify American people related to national holidays.

Learning Targets/Objectives:
The kindergarten students will be able to understand the life of Squanto by taking events of his
life and putting them in sequential order.

Assessment Approaches: Evidence:

1. Thumbs up and Thumbs down 1. Number of Thumbs
2. Checklist 2. As students are completing this task the
3. Kid Writing Paper teacher will be walking around looking to see
if students are looking at the picture cards and
…. putting them into the correct order and are
working independently.
3. Students will be able to identify at least one
part of Squanto’s life in order to draw a
picture and write that it was their favorite
part. Kid writing sheets will be collected to be
hung up.

Assessment Scale:
 Proficient: students are able to draw a picture and talk about their favorite part
of the story.
 Basic: students are able to draw a picture but unable to describe what their
favorite part was of the story.
 Below Basic: students are unable to recall anything from Squanto’s life to draw
or write about their favorite part.

Subject Matter/Content:
 What Thanksgiving is.
 There were pilgrims.
 There were Native Americans.
Key Vocabulary:
 Squanto: a famous Native American who helped the Pilgrims
 Journey: an act of traveling from one place to another.

 Who was Squanto.
 What he did and his life journey.
 How he helped the pilgrims survive.
 Why he helped the pilgrims.

Introduction/Activating/Launch Strategies:
 “So kindergarten I have a question if we were to get a new student in our class, what
are some things that you could do to help them feel comfortable?”
 The teacher will wait for a desired response.
 “What if they had no idea where anything was around this school would you be
someone who would help them find their way around our school?”
 Teacher will wait for desired response.
 “So boys and girls today we are going to be learning about a Native American named
Squanto and how he helped the Pilgrims when they arrived in America!”

Development/Teaching Approaches
 In the beginning of the lesson the teacher will give each student a Native American
headband, and they will be instructed not to put on until later.
 Also the teacher will tell the students that she has a fun thing planned today, and if it
seems like they are getting to wild we will have to stop and I will just have to tell you
about our friend Squanto.
 The teacher will have the students get into a big circle around the room, or just stand
up at their desk.
 “So boys and girls I am going to tell you about our friend Squanto, and I am going to
have you act out some parts of his life to help us understand his life. So when I tell you
what to do I want you to do the same thing and when I tell you to stop we need to all
stop so we can go on with the story. Okay!?”
 “Lets try practicing stopping together. So when I say march start marching and then
when I say stop I want you to stop. Okay!?”
 “Begin to march………….. now stop!”
 “Good job kindergarten for listening, now let’s begin our story!”
 “So boys and girls Squanto was born in one of our states named Massachusetts, and
here he was a part of a Native American Tribe called the Patuxet tribe.”
 Everyone will be instructed to put on their Native American Headbands.
 “So when Squanto was a young boy he would hunt (Everyone pretend like they are
walking through the woods like you are hunting). He also liked to do things like fishing
(pretend like we are fishing), and hunting (pretend like we are hunting) when he got
 “Okay, stop.”
 “One day a man named Captain George Weymouth came to the land and was searching
for gold (everyone pretend like we are searching for something). However, Capt.
George couldn’t find it so instead he took some of the Native Americans with him,
including Squanto!” (Everyone wave and look sad because we are pretending to leave.)
 “Okay, stop.”
 “He lived in England until he arrived back home” (wave and be happy because we are
back home!)
 “Okay, stop”
 “He was happy being back home until another man named John Smith tricked (act like
you are shocked) Squanto to board his ship!” (If we are in a circle we are going to walk
in a circle like we are walking onto the ship. If students are at desk, they will walk in
 “Okay, stop.”
 “John Smith took Squanto back to England.” (Everyone wave and look sad again
because we are pretending to leave.)
 “Okay, stop.”
 “After a few years (tap your wrist like you are showing time is going by) Squanto
finally arrived back to America! (Everyone wave because we are again finally home!”
 “Okay, stop”
 “But boys and girls when Squanto got back home to his village everyone was gone!
(Now pretend like you are curious and searching for everyone)”
 “Okay, stop”
 “Squanto decided he was going to now go live with another tribe”
 “After spending time here, a new group of people arrived to America… Does anyone
know who this group of people may be?”
 Teacher will wait for desired response
 “Now I want everyone to wave to the Pilgrims…. Okay, stop.”
 “After Squanto became friend with the Pilgrims (turn to your partner and shake their
hand…. Okay stop.) Squanto knew winter was coming and he knew his friends needed
help to survive (act like your cold because Winter is coming.)
 “Okay, stop”
 “Squanto got a great idea (act like you have an idea), he decided to show the Pilgrims
how to grow corn (pretend to plant), catch fish (pretend to catch fish), and find wild
berries (pretend to find berries).
 “Squanto continued to live a good life, until one day he got really sick and passed
 “So kindergarten as you can see Squanto had a really adventurous life… can someone
tell me what their favorite part was?”
 Teacher will call on 2-3 students for their favorite part.
 The teacher will then ask the students to give thumbs up or down if they understand the
 If all student’s thumbs are up then we will go on, however if any thumbs are down, I
will go back and revisit the content.
 The teacher will then instruct the students to go back to their seats and they will be
given a worksheet to complete. On this worksheet they will cut out four pictures that
are apart of Squanto’s life and have to put them in the correct order.
 “Okay boys and girls each of you have four pictures that are a part of Squanto’s life,
and I want you look at each picture and put them in the correct order that they occurred
in his life. Just lay them out and do not glue them on until we have gone over it
 The teacher will also read what each picture card says to help students put the pictures
in the correct order.
 As the students are completing this the teacher will be walking around filling out a
checklist to make sure students are:
 -working independently
 - looking at the pictures and putting them in the correct order.
 Once the teacher has allowed the students to put the pictures in the correct order, she
will then go over them asking the students what picture comes first, second, third, and
 “Okay boys and girls can someone tell me what picture do you think comes first in
Squanto’s life?”
 Teacher will wait for desired response, and then explain why that picture is placed in
that spot in the sequence of Squanto’s life.
 Teacher will continue this until she has gotten through each picture in the sequence.
Students will then be instructed to glue on the pictures.
 The teacher will then hand out a piece of kid writing paper for students. On the writing
section there will be a sentence starter saying.. My favorite part of Squanto’s life
 “So boys and girls what I want you to do now is draw a picture of your favorite part of
the story about Squanto. I would like to see all of you use as much detail as you can,
and use a lot of color. Once you are finished Mrs. McGinley and I will call you back to
write about your favorite part of the story.”
 Once students are finished drawing the teachers will start calling students back to
complete the written portion of the assignment.
 These forms will be collected and then a bulletin board about Squanto will be created
by putting up students Kid Writing.

Closure/Summarizing Strategies:
 “Good job today boys and girls, we have learned so much about our friend Squanto and
about all the different things we went through in his life.”
 “So today boys and girls we all got a chance to write about our favorite part of
Squanto’s life, so very quickly we are going to go around the room and show your
picture of Squanto and tell the class your favorite part and say why it is your favorite
 The teacher will allow the students to quickly show their picture and state their favorite
part and why it is their favorite part.
 “Great job boys and girls so now we are going to take your pictures and put them
outside so all the other students in the school can also learn about Squanto and his
adventurous life!”

L.V and E.R: students who have poor fine motor skills they will be provided with dots on their
paper for them to trace their name and letters.

For students who come across a letter they are unsure how to make assistance will be given.

 20 Indian headbands
 20 sequencing papers
 20 Kid Writing paper
Class of Kinders. (n.d.). Thanksgiving timelines {Squanto and Pilgrim}
kindergarten & first grade. Retrieved November 9, 2018, from Teachers Pay
Teachers website:

Squanto. (n.d.). Retrieved November 9, 2018, from Ducksters Educational Site:

Reflective Response:
Report of Student Learning Target/Objectives Proficiency Levels

Remediation Plan (if applicable)

Personal Reflection Questions

1. Was acting out Squanto’s life a good way for students to understand and be motivated to
learn about the life of Squanto?

2. Were students able to sequence the life of Squanto independently using the picture cards?

*** The report of the data and personal reflections I have attached as a separate
= yes
= no

Student Is the student working Is the student looking

independently? at each picture card
and putting them into
the correct order.
Student Is the student working Is the student thinking
independently? and choosing the
correct face to show if
respect is being shown
or not.

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