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STARTER DATE NAME CLASSROOM LANGUAGE ‘Al comienzo de la clase ‘The start of the lesson Buenos dias a todos, {Qué tal estan? Good morning everyone, how are you all? * | eEstan listos para empezar? Is everybody ready to start / begin? Voy a pasar lista rm going to take Attendance Quin fata? Who's not here today? / who's absent today? Captar'la atencién | Getting everyone’s attention Escuicheme, por favor Usten to me, please Callados, por favor | Quiet(en) down please ePresten todos atencin, por favor? Would you all pay attention, please? Lis, gestés atento? Luis, are you with us? | Grdenes sencillas Simple commands Joc Erte / sal (Sade case) Come in / go out leave the class) | Levantate /signtate Stand up / sit down Date prisa, no tenernos todo el dla [ hurry op, weaver gota day! | Preparense, que vamos a empezar Settle down and let's get started ‘Comprobar que se ha entendido ‘Checking understanding ¥| eentiende? Do you understand? ‘2Me seguis hasta ahora? ‘Are you with me (so far)? el Eee ea resent Doyo! havea aoe se] vanes a comers TaEe ck he ster sc Eredar ieee pregunta cn vrata? Cony rede quetonauoud? Ani ar a los estudiantes y corregir errores | Encouraging students and correcting errors Muy bien | Very good / weil done, [ correcto. That's correct / ight Tu respuesta es muy buena / esta casi bien No exactamente, inténtalo otra ver Your answer is very good / almost right. Not exactly, try again. ‘Adivina Ke * x Have a guess ,/ Guess, | Nessa: prctcar mas esto You need more practice with this. STARTER DATE NAME {ZAlguien tlene otra respuesta? Deberes ‘Does anybody have any other answers? Homework Esta es la tarea pare mafiana This is your homework for tomorrow. Hoy no hay tares. There is ne homework today. Hagan el ejercielo 10 de a pagina 23 de tarea ‘Do exercise 10 on page 23 for homework ‘lterminarla clase Ending the lesson Recogan, es casi tiempo de termino. ts (almost) time to finish / pack up. TTerminamos por hoy. That's all (enough) for today. Hasta la préxima clase. iQue tenga buen fin de semanal ‘See you next lesson. Have ance weekend! ‘Cosas que puedes decir tu profesor/a ‘Things you might say to your teacher {Lo siento, no lo entiendo im sorry, }don't understand, eWerdén? / ecomo? Pardon? / Sorry? 2 Qué significa “sill”? ‘What does “chai” mean? eCéme se dice "X” en inglés? ‘eComo se escribe..? How do you say "X" in English? How do you spell ®."? eGbmo se dice..? Que significa..? LEsto esté bien? gs esto correcto? {LGual es el pasado de “ir? How do you say"? What's the meaning of *."2 is this correct? / right? ‘What is the past of “go"? “cmo se pronuncia esta palabra? iow do you pronounce this word? “Qué tenemos que hacer exactamente? ‘What exactly do we have to do? Perdone. 2Puedo pasar? “Puede hablar més despacio, por favor? Excuse me. May / Can come in? Could you speak more slowly, please? Lo siento lego tarde im sorry, I'm late / Sorry t'm late ‘zPuedo ie al baiio, por favor? ‘May / Can 1 go to the toilet, please? Puede repetir, por favor ? ‘Can you repeat (that), please?

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