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How did you find coming up I found when coming up with an idea, this was a creative and easy
with an idea that challenged process that worked very quickly and fluently. This is because prior to
you enough for your FMP? beginning this FMP I was generating ideas that were in my interest as this
would allow me to keep motivated and on top of my work every day as
my ideas would reflect on my personal life as well as interests.
Furthermore, by thinking of ideas that would interest me, I also decided
to think of a medium of production that was not presented to its full
advantage previously, this is so I would be motivated to do this medium
as this was in my interest topic wise. I thought of choosing the medium
of a documentary as I currently only gained a merit for this production,
so I thought I could build on this type of production by thinking of a
relevant, interesting and unique idea which has not been portrayed in
the media that much which allows my ideas to have more meaning. A
documentary would challenge me for my FMP as this is a complex type
of production full of opportunity to challenge a topic, I will do this
through finding knowledgeable individuals on the topic as well as doing
a high amount of primary and secondary research to gain a large
understanding of the medium. I had three documentary-based ideas
that stood out in terms of interest compared to others. These three ideas
were documentaries on the following topics, knife crime, anxiety and
depression within the youth and How auto tune has affected the Music
industry. The first idea of a documentary on knife crime was not my
favourite, this is because this is widely talked about in the media lately
and overall would be difficult to portray when getting interviewees that
would be happy to talk about this issue whether they’re the victim or
attacker. I personally feel this would be a very controversial topic to
present which would be dangerous to show visually. I also believe
viewers would not want to see this as they hear about everyday making
it repetitive and furthermore is quite a dark and sensitive topic. The
mental health documentary I personally admired as this topic means a
lot to me and spreading awareness of this topic would be beneficial to
others as this would educate them on the topic and furthermore open a
door to viewers as it would make them feel more inclined to show
emotion. The problem with this topic is that once again this is very
sensitive and getting interviewees would be difficult as well as it being
popular within the media with multiple opinions on the subject
depending on your self-experience or furthermore a family or friend
around you suffering from this, which conveyed to me that this would
be a touchy subject that is how you see it based on opinion which is
very understandable. Lastly our final idea was a documentary on music
and how auto tune effects this, I have a strong passion for music and I
feel the development of this industry has not been talked about enough
and furthermore if this is a positive or a negative. I have multiple sources
for this subject as well as location making it more reliable and realistic.

How has writing a proposal Writing a proposal allowed me to reflect on previous productions as well
helped you with finalising as myself in terms of personal skills and media skills (rationale). The
your idea? proposal also allowed me to create in a short amount of detail my
overall project idea and what equipment and resources I would need
to pull of this production (project concept). Finally the proposal also
allowed me to evaluate my current decisions to work in a pair with Ben
as well as what he gains from this choice as well as myself. Furthermore,
this also elaborated on how I would record myself through this FMP for
example decisions made and how I would evaluate myself as an
individual and in a group (evaluation). This proposal helped me a very
large amount as it allowed me to understand my learned skills
professionally and socially for example editing techniques and
communication with others. This allowed me to reflect and understand
what skills would be required throughout to present this final major
project. This was successful as I referred back to previous units and
highlighted my strengths and weaknesses as well as explaining in detail
what this course has taught me and how it’s changed me as a person.
One issue when creating this proposal was during typing the project
concept which outlined in short, my overall brief idea of what my
documentary will be about (auto tunes effect on the music industry), I
had to here discuss what resources, locations and crew would be
needed for this as well as interviewees. This was difficult and became an
issue because I only had a very brief idea of what this documentary
would be about, so I had not completely thought what equipment
would be needed as well as locations. This is because I have no visual
showing of this and as me and Ben had not discussed this idea in full
yet. This made generating the idea as a whole difficult as we had only
though of brief aspect of the production and not a whole. I solved this
by communicating with Ben and discussing professionally what we
wanted from this idea as we were both ambitus for this idea. We both
discussed this carefully and considerately to ensure each other’s ideas
had been considered between us both in a positive and open minded
manner as well as being understanding for this reasoning, as we had to
be realistic about what we could and couldn’t do for example the
probability of us getting to a beneficial location for our production that
could set and atmosphere as we both live far apart and the guidelines
states that in group work (pairs) everyone must be present within the
production shoots.

How did the feedback help The feedback I gained from mine and Ben’s idea was beneficial to a
you adapt your idea – what certain point although I do feel more results would make this feedback
did you change after seem more reliable and trustworthy in order to gain more constructive
feedback? feedback that could give us both a better overall idea of what needed
to be done for this to be conventional documentary as well as effective
and interesting. I solved this problem by sending this to friends who were
trustworthy and that would give a valid and constructive opinion which
will allow us to gain a better understanding of our FMP idea (How auto-
tune has effected the music industry). This was successful as it boosted
our overall responses allowing us to have more feedback to learn,
understand and evaluate in order to gain more ideas from our target
audience (youth-mid – 15-50). I feel this issue could have been resolved
more effectively by sending this group chats such as family ones as this

would be beneficial as you are most likely ensured to gain a response.

The downfall of this idea is that because their family their going to be
more supportive rather than critical which means despite the fact you
have reliable and constructive feedback; this may also be not honest
as they have not been critical there for making this not trustworthy
feedback. I personally believe that this constructive feedback allowed
us to develop our idea much further as it suggested key elements which
are needed to make a successful and conventional documentary such
as one participant suggesting interviews of industry individuals as this
would make the production more reliable. Other feedback we got was
from our teach (Sarah) who helped us a very high amount as she
evaluated and discussed with use other angles we could go for such as
how talent shows like X-factor and Britain’s got talent have scarred the
music industry by influencing talentless musicians. This feedback was
very beneficial because it allowed us to develop our production much
further and the overall angle/concept of the idea. This was done
through considerate listening of others (teacher) constructive criticism
which allowed me and Ben to understand our production much more
as to what the content is going to be allowing us to come up with a
name for the production (Money over passion). This allowed us to move
away from one reason (auto tune) as to why the music industry is
becoming less creative to moving towards the industry as a whole and
looking into the entire system. Gaining this feedback from Sarah was
very beneficial as it allowed me and Ben to develop this single idea
much, thinking of such aspects as interview questions and the style of
production this would be and how this could be portrayed, this allowed
us to create our extended project in more detail which is more reliable
and accurate allowing us as the creators to feel more motivated,
ambitious and confident in our idea as we now feel that we can create
a professional documentary which follows the codes and conventions.

Are you on track for the I am currently not on track this week as I have not sent out a second
week? If not, how far behind survey after my extended project idea asking participants to answer
are you? sensibly as to if they feel my projection has been developed and they
admire this idea. This also means besides this I have not evaluated these
answers as I have not sent out a survey, I promise to do this asap to
ensure I have reliable feedback on my productions development in
order to develop this idea even further.

What work do you need to I currently just need to send out a survey on my extended project idea
complete outside of lessons and gain constructive feedback to develop this idea further as well as
to stay on track? evaluating and gaining an understanding of this feedback. I will do this
to ensure I don’t fall behind as well as this benefiting Ben as he will not
fall behind due to me and furthermore this will allow us to progress much
further ensuring that we are up to date and ready each day to move
on, I will do this in a Wednesday workshop as I still have to follow THC
Vibes rules/ terms and conditions in order to succeed as I cannot edit
this unless feedback is given.

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