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Fedecamaras, CTV set to meet

today to discuss wage increases

By Aaron W. Finkel
Daily Journal Staff
In an effort to break the
stalemate over workers
salary increases represen-
tatives from the Federation
of , Chambers of Commerce
and the Venezuelan Workers
Confederation (CTV) are
scheduled to meet today with
Labor Minister German
Although this afternoon's
encounter will be the fourth
time the two sides have tried
to reach a solution to the pro-
blem of salary increases, it is
unlikely a definitive agree-
ment will be reached.
The business and workers'
groups remain far apart in
their proposals and while
both want to avoid nasty con- DO YOU SEE WHAT I SEE? - Consecomercio President Edgar Romero Nava, left,
frontations neither seems and Fedecamaras President Eddo Polesel discuss salary liikes.
willing to make any bold con- (DJ photo by Pedro Lara)
cessions. "We will not pro-
mote confrontations and we percentages for a possible in- Bs.15,000 a month will re- The first bonus would be paid
are ready to listen to any ef- crease in the minimum wage ceive an increase equal to 22 onJan . 1.
fort (on the part of the CTV) or for a general increase. percent of their current During the second quarter,
but the effort must be beara- Fedecamaras also has salary. That increase, one-third of the difference
ble," Fedecamaras President another proposal on the table however, will also be paid in between the increase and the
Eddo Polesel said Wednes- calling for workers severance the form of a bonus that will Bs.1,300 minimum raise
day. . pay to be paid on an annual not be included in severance (Bs.700 in this case) would be
The CTV has stuck to its basis instead of the current pay computations. added to the bonus.
guns and insisted that an system where workers are Therefore the same worker
across the board 30 percent paid their accumulated No worker will receive less
than the same Bs.1,300 in- would receive monthly .
salary increase that would be severance pay when they bonuses of approximately
implemented Jan.1, 1990 and leave their places of work. crease given to minimum
wage earners. For example Bs.1,533 (Bs.1,300 plus one
would be included in workers The proposal, which also calls third of Bs.700) throughout
prestaciones and a 100 per- for the creation of a workers those workers earning
salaries under Bs.5,909 a the second quarter.
cent increase in the minimum retirement fund, is being For the third quarter, two-
wage is needed to help treated as separate from the month will receive the
monthly bonus of Bs.1,300. thirds of the difference would
workers recover from the ris- anticipated January salary be added to the bonus and
ing costs of basic goods. The increases. Twenty-two percent of
Bs.5,909 is approximately during the fourth quarter the
current minimum wage is The new proposal, which full difference would be
Bs.4,000 a month. was presented by Polesel, Bs.1,300.
added to the basic Bs.1,300
While the Federation of National Trade and Services If there is a difference increase. Thus, the same
Chambers of Commerce has Council President Edgar between the minimum possi- worker would receive
acknowledged the need for a Romero Nava and National ble. increase of Bs.1,300 monthly bonuses of Bs.1,766
salary increase it has main- Industrial Council President (which would be the case for and Bs.2,000 during the third
tained the payment of re- Ernesto Navarro Rwz, calls any worker earmng more and fourth quarters respec-
troactive severance pay puts for those workers that earn than Bs.5,909 a month) that . tively. ·
an immense burden on busi- the current mmimum wage of difference will be added to Workers earning more than
ness owners and has con- Bs.4,000 to receive a monthly the basic Bs.1,300 bonus and Bs.15,000 a month would
sistently rejected all attempts bonus of Bs.1,300 which be paid over the second, thrird have to negotiate directly
to include a wage increase in would not figure m the com- and fourth quarters of each with their employers to agree
retroactive severance pay. putation of severance pay. year. on a salary increase.
Prior to Tuesday, when the The first bonus would be paid For example, a worker that According to reporters that
private sector group outlined on Jan. 1. was entitled to a Bs.2,000 met with CTV President An-
a new wage increase pro- Workers currently earning raise would receive a tonio Rios on Wednesday, the
·posal, Fedecamaras officials more than the minimum Bs.1,300 bonus for the three CTV has already rejected the
had never mentioned specific salary but not more than months of the first quarter. latest Fedecamaras proposal.

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