Civil War Podcast-Creation Task

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Lesson Plan: Q&A Podcasts, Historical Figures

GRADE: 11-12

Subject: History


Students will create a Podcast interviewing a classmate who will be portraying a historical figure from the Civil

War. Students will need to create relevant questions discussing their involvement in the Civil War and

appropriate responses.


ISTE 7a. Students use digital tools to connect with learners from a variety of backgrounds and cultures,

engaging with them in ways that broaden mutual understanding and learning.


A computer with internet access and speakers, Podomatic or Podbean website.


-Students will work in pairs, one person is the interviewer, the other the interviewee.

-Students will need to create a list of questions and rehearse possible responses.

-Students Podcasts will need to be 5-10 minutes in length.


-Students will have their Podcasts assessed on the basis of a rubric, see below.

Below Expectations Approaching Expectations Meets or Exceeds
Podcast is not engaging, Podcast lacks Appropriate, engaging,
irrelevant, or are difficult engagement, and reflective. Podcast is in-
Content Quality to follow in meaning relevancy, or may be off depth, and reflective
Podcast may contain Speech is fluent, speech Podcast has originality
Speech and Grammar significant errors in may contain a few and flair, emphasizing
grammar, speech is grammar errors, errors important points, has
choppy without complete do not impede the fluency and contains no
sentences viewer’s understanding errors in grammar.

The use of podcasting in the classroom is great for motivational purposes. Students enjoy the creativity

of making a podcast and it can get them interesting in the learning. Also, students are more motivated when

they know they will have an audience. For example, if you know you have to present your research finding in

front of the class, the likelihood of you doing your best increases significantly with the added pressure. But, if

you have the anonymity of turning in your research to your teacher, less care could be put forth. So students

who will make a podcast that can be accessed by their other students can be a huge motivator to do well, and

let’s be honest, not embarrass themselves. Podcasting is a great ability for students to acquire due to the

increasingly popularity of podcasting to receive news and information. It also, gives students the power to

learn and create.

Podcasting is a tool that students can use to synthesize and summarize the information they are

learning. It can be more meaningful then taking notes in information retention. Many teachers are podcasting

important lectures so students can access them at a later date for review. Podcasting puts the power in the

hands of individuals instead of media companies, therefore it’s important that we empower our students with

experiences in podcasting.

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