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Words you may never have heard of - completed

Estudar on-line em

1. Advise - Sound. - I've come to realise that trying to intercede on behalf of some people can be
utterly pointless sometimes. Also, not everyone is wise and mature enough to
- "Sound advice" normally means advice that follow, as as sound as it might be, not to mention that it backfires when the recipient
is stable, sensible, and usable. The joke turns believes that you are just trying to stick your nose into their personal affairs. So, why
this around, saying that her "sound advice" is bother? Why wasting one's breath? Hindsight is twenty-twenty... let them learn from
"99% sound, 1% advice"... meaning that almost their mistakes. At the end of the day, it's way more productive and nobody gets hurt.
all of her "advice" is just useless noise.
aɪv kʌm tu ˈriəˌlaɪz ðæt ˈtraɪɪŋ tu ˌɪntərˈsid ɑn bɪˈhæf ʌv sʌm ˈpipəl kæn bi ˈʌtərli
(safe and sound) ˈpɔɪntləs səmˈtaɪmz. ˈɔlsoʊ, nɑt ˈɛvriˌwʌn ɪz waɪz ænd məˈʧʊr ɪˈnʌf tu ˈfɑloʊ ædˈvaɪs,
æz saʊnd æz ɪt maɪt bi, nɑt tu ˈmɛnʃən ðæt ɪt ˈbækˌfaɪərz wɛn ðə rəˈsɪpiənt bɪˈlivz
ðæt ju ɑr ʤʌst ˈtraɪɪŋ tu stɪk jʊər noʊz ˈɪntu ðɛr ˈpɜrsɪnɪl əˈfɛrz. soʊ, waɪ ˈbɑðər? waɪ
ˈweɪstɪŋ wʌnz brɛθ? ˈhaɪndˌsaɪt ɪz ˈtwɛnti-ˈtwɛnti... lɛt ðɛm lɜrn frʌm ðɛr mɪsˈteɪks. æt
ði ɛnd ʌv ðə deɪ, ɪts weɪ mɔr prəˈdʌktɪv ænd ˈnoʊˌbɑˌdi gɛts hɜrt.
2. Agreement - Broker - I propose that we broker an agreement that will be a win win.

- To broker agreement aɪ prəˈpoʊz ðæt wi ˈbroʊkər ən əˈgrimənt ðæt wɪl bi ə wɪn wɪn.

- Home buyers typically sign buyer broker

agreements with their real estate brokers /
agents before writing a purchase agreement.
... It's also known as buyer representation.
There are a huge variety of buyer broker
agreements used throughout the United
3. Anxiety - pins and needles - It just occurred to me that I'm a father-to-be, so it's high time I was on pins and
needles, right?
- To be in a state of nervous anticipation.

- a tingling or prickling sensation in a limb ɪt ʤʌst əˈkɜrd tu mi ðæt aɪm ə ˈfɑðər-tu-bi, soʊ ɪts haɪ taɪm aɪ wʌz ɑn pɪnz ænd
recovering from numbness (when a lack a ˈnidəlz, raɪt?
circulation is relieved)
4. Baby - drool - I felt awkward when I found out that my elder sister went around telling everyone I
used to be a big drooling baby.
- drooling baby
aɪ fɛlt ˈɑkwərd/ ˈɔkwərd wɛn aɪ faʊnd aʊt ðæt maɪ ˈɛldər ˈsɪstər wɛnt əˈraʊnd ˈtɛlɪŋ
(drooling over someone) ˈɛvriˌwʌn aɪ juzd tu bi ə bɪg ˈdrulɪŋ ˈbeɪbi.
5. Bat - Blind - I'm as blind as a bat without my spectacles.

aɪm æz blaɪnd æz ə bæt wɪˈθaʊt maɪ ˈspɛktəkəlz.

- unable to see

- as blind as a bat (Humorous)

6. Black - Pitch - The way to my grandaddy farm is pitch black. There's no lamppost or streetlight
- pitch-black
- pitch-dark ðə weɪ tu maɪ ˈgrænˌdædi fɑrm ɪz pɪʧ blæk. ðɛrz noʊ ˈlæmˌpoʊst ɔr strit laɪt ˌwʌtsoʊ
- as black as a pitch. ˈɛvər.
7. Bud- Nip - Corruption is nothing new in our country, but the attention it's been getting of late is.
Unless we start nipping it in the bud, that is, be always on the alert for misconduct and
traits of a shady character, we'll never turn over a new leaf and finally become a fair,
- Nip it in the bud egalitarian country.

kəˈrʌpʃən ɪz ˈnʌθɪŋ nu ɪn ˈaʊər ˈkʌntri, bʌt ði əˈtɛnʃən ɪts bɪn ˈgɛtɪŋ ʌv leɪt ɪz. ənˈlɛs wi stɑrt
ˈnɪpɪŋ ɪt ɪn ðə bʌd, ðæt ɪz, bi ˈɔlˌweɪz ɑn ði əˈlɜrt fɔr mɪsˈkɑndəkt ænd treɪts ʌv ə ˈʃeɪdi
ˈkɛrɪktər, wil ˈnɛvər tɜrn ˈoʊvər ə nu lif ænd ˈfaɪnəli bɪˈkʌm ə fɛr, ɪˌgæləˈtɛriən ˈkʌntri.
8. Butt - Flick - The other day I flicked a cigarrette butt on the street and man passing by frowned upon
me. Shame on me kkkkk

- Flick a cigarrette butt ði ˈʌðər deɪ aɪ flɪkt ə ˌsɪgəˈrɛt bʌt ɑn ðə strit ænd mən ˈpæsɪŋ baɪ fraʊnd əˈpɑn mi. ʃeɪm ɑn
mi kkkkk
9. Chest - Wheeze - People who chain-smoke breeze deeply and have a wheeze in their chest.

-to breathe with difficulty, producing a ˈpipəl hu ʧeɪn-smoʊk brið ˈdipli ænd hæv ə wiz ɪn ðɛr ʧɛst.
hoarse whistling sound in your chest.
10. Crude Oil - Gush - An oil well blowout is when an amount of crude oil gushes uncontrollably and
accidentally from the well.

ən ɔɪl wɛl ˈbloʊˌaʊt ɪz wɛn ən əˈmaʊnt ʌv krud ɔɪl ˈgʌʃɪz ˌʌnkənˈtroʊləbli ænd ˌæksəˈdɛnəli
frʌm ðə wɛl.
11. Dawn - Crack (crack of down) - I wish my job was just a hip, a skip and a jump from my place so I wouldn't have to face
such a long commute at the crack of dawn.
- the very instant that the sun rises
- very early in the morning aɪ wɪʃ maɪ ʤɑb wʌz ʤʌst ə hɪp, ə skɪp ænd ə ʤʌmp frʌm maɪ pleɪs soʊ aɪ ˈwʊdənt hæv tu
feɪs sʌʧ ə lɔŋ kəmˈjut æt ðə kræk ʌv dɔn.
(It dawned on me)
12. Die - Cast From the moment the negotiations failed, the die was cast and war was inevitable.

- the die is cast frʌm ðə ˈmoʊmənt ðə nɪˌgoʊʃiˈeɪʃənz feɪld, ðə daɪ wʌz kæst ænd wɔr wʌz ɪˈnɛvətəbəl.

said when a situation is certain to

develop in a particular way because
decisions have been taken that cannot
be changed
13. Dilemma - Horn - I don't normally find myself on the horns of a dilemma as I have no problem
making up my mind at all.

- Badly married folks who hate divorce find themselves on the horns of a dilemma.
This is a situation in which you have to choose
between two things, both of which are aɪ doʊnt ˈnɔrməli faɪnd ˌmaɪˈsɛlf ɑn ðə hɔrnz ʌv ə dɪˈlɛmə æz aɪ hæv noʊ ˈprɑbləm
unpleasant or difficult ˈmeɪkɪŋ ʌp maɪ maɪnd æt ɔl.

ðɪs ɪz ə ˌsɪʧuˈeɪʃən ɪn wɪʧ ju hæv tu ʧuz bɪˈtwin bædli ˈmɛrid foʊks hu heɪt dɪˈvɔrs faɪnd ðɛmˈsɛlvz ɑn ðə hɔrnz ʌv ə dɪˈlɛmə.
tu θɪŋz, boʊθ ʌv wɪʧ ɑr ənˈplɛzənt ɔr ˈdɪfəkəlt.

(Between the devil and the deep blue sea /

Between a rock an a hard place / on the horns
of a dilemma. )

bɪˈtwin ðə ˈdɛvəl ænd ðə dip blu si / bɪˈtwin ə

rɑk ən ə hɑrd pleɪs / ɑn ðə hɔrnz ʌv ə dɪˈlɛmə.

(feeling pressed, oppressed or deadlocked)

14. Drunk - Staggering - The discombobulated brain of a drunk person makes them stagger, stumble,
fumble and slur their words.
- to walk or move unsteadily, almost falling
over ðə ˌdɪskəmˈbɔbjuleɪtəd breɪn ʌv ə drʌŋk ˈpɜrsən meɪks ðɛm ˈstægər, ˈstʌmbəl,
ˈfʌmbəl ænd slɜr ðɛr wɜrdz.
(it also means incredible/astounding/shocking)
- Even though we've come a long way as far as technological advancements go,
Brazil is a far cry from the staggering technology the super powers possess.

ivɪn ðoʊ wiv kʌm ə lɔŋ weɪ æz fɑr æz ˌtɛknəˈlɑʤɪkəl ədˈvænsmənts goʊ, brəˈzɪl ɪz
ə fɑr kraɪ frʌm ðə ˈstægərɪŋ tɛkˈnɑləʤi ðə ˈsupər ˈpaʊərz pəˈzɛs.
15. Ears - Prick up - Check hearing dogs text.
16. Elbow - Nudge - Nowadays, commuters all over the world have to endure elbow nudging inside
public transportations bursting at the seams.
- Elbow nudging
kəmˈjutərz ɪn ˈmɛni pɑrts ʌv ðə wɜrld hæv tu ɛnˈdjʊr ˈɛlˌboʊ ˈnʌʤɪŋ ɪnˈsaɪd ˈpʌblɪk
ˌtrænspərˈteɪʃənz æz ðeɪ ɑr ˈjuʒəwəli ˈbɜrstɪŋ æt ðə simz.
17. Eyes - Squint - If I remember, he was a dark skinned young fellow, black hair and a squint in his
right eye.

- Even when you squint your eyes, it's impossible to hold your gaze when looking
at the sun.

ˈivɪn wɛn ju skwɪnt jʊər aɪz, ɪts ɪmˈpɑsəbəl tu hoʊld jʊər geɪz wɛn ˈlʊkɪŋ æt ðə sʌn.

ɪf aɪ rɪˈmɛmbər, hi wʌz ə dɑrk skɪnd jʌŋ ˈfɛloʊ, blæk hɛr ænd ə skwɪnt ɪn hɪz raɪt aɪ
18. Feet - shuffle - I hate going all the way down to the bank to pay my bills as I have to shuffle my
feet standing in long lines. I wish I could just detach the stub and mail it to the
-Shuffle ones feet. bank branch with the payment.

aɪ heɪt ˈgoʊɪŋ ɔl ðə weɪ daʊn tu ðə bæŋk tu peɪ maɪ bɪlz æz aɪ hæv tu ˈʃʌfəl maɪ fit
ˈstændɪŋ ɪn lɔŋ laɪnz. aɪ wɪʃ aɪ kʊd ʤʌst dɪˈtæʧ ðə stʌb ænd meɪl ɪt tu ðə bæŋk
brænʧ wɪð ðə ˈpeɪmənt.
19. Fingers - Nimble - Bewared of nimble-fingered pickpockets when
visiting the seedy side of town.
- Quick, light, or agile in movement or action; deft: nimble fingers.
bɪˈwɛr ʌv ˈnɪmbəl-ˈfɪŋgərd ˈpɪkˌpɑkəts wɛn ˈvɪzətɪŋ
ðə ˈsidi saɪd ʌv taʊn.
20. Fire - Crackle - The popping and crackling sounds of a wood
fire are so reassuring and cozy that they have
- The heat from the fire causes the fluids within wood to first boil and then been marketed in DVD form for enjoyment.
vaporize into steam. ... The trapped steam begins to exert pressure on the
surrounding wood. Eventually, the wood gives way. The snap, crackle, or pop
sound you hear is the wood splitting along a crevice and releasing steam into ðə ˈpɑpɪŋ ænd ˈkræklɪŋ saʊndz ʌv ə wʊd ˈfaɪər ɑr
the fire. soʊ ˌriəˈʃʊrɪŋ ænd ˈkoʊzi ðæt ðeɪ hæv bɪn
ˈmɑrkətəd ɪn ˌdiˌviˈdi fɔrm fɔr ɛnˈʤɔɪmənt.
21. Fire - Smolder (AME) Smoulder (BRE) - The fire was started by a smoldering cigarette
butt that was most likely flicked out of the
window of a passing car.
-smoldering fire
ðə ˈfaɪər wʌz ˈstɑrtəd baɪ ə ˈsmoʊldərɪŋ ˌsɪgəˈrɛt
When a fire is barely burning, it's smoldering. Fires can smolder for days bʌt ðæt wʌz moʊst ˈlaɪkli flɪkt aʊt ʌv ðə ˈwɪndoʊ
without anyone's knowing, then burst into a conflagration that gets the fire ʌv ə ˈpæsɪŋ kɑr.
department sirens wailing all over town. Smolder is a word that is often used
figuratively to describe situations or people's feelings.
22. Flame - Flickering flame. - And he would lie down on the bed and look at
the flickering of the flame on the ceiling, and it
Flickering Flame. Some believe that a flickering candle flame is announcing would put him into a very, very deep state in
the arrival of a spirit. Another traditional meaning is that strong, almost raw which he would be able to imagine and come up
emotions are involved and can lead to arguments. ... East: A flame flickering with new ideas.
toward the east indicates the mental part of your spell is working.

ænd hi wʊd laɪ daʊn ɑn ðə bɛd ænd lʊk æt ðə

ˈflɪkərɪŋ ʌv ðə fleɪm ɑn ðə ˈsilɪŋ, ænd ɪt wʊd pʊt
hɪm ˈɪntu ə ˈvɛri, ˈvɛri dip steɪt ɪn wɪʧ hi wʊd bi
ˈeɪbəl tu ɪˈmæʤən ænd kʌm ʌp wɪð nu aɪˈdiəz.
23. Hair - Teased There are some interesting videos on You Tube
showing how to tease hair.
backcomb to hold your hair away from your head and brush it towards your
head with a comb, in order to make it look thicker
24. Hair - Wisp Frilly wisps of hair

ˈfrɪli wɪsps ʌv hɛr

25. Haunches - squat Check text ballerina.
26. Head - Nod Even though he nodded his head, I believe he wasn't 100 % in favor of the idea.
When it came down to it, we couldn't count on him to broker an agreement.

ˈivɪn ðoʊ hi ˈnɑdəd/ˈnɑdɪd hɪz hɛd, aɪ bɪˈliv hi ˈwɑzənt 100 % ɪn ˈfeɪvər ʌv ði aɪˈdiə.
wɛn ɪt keɪm daʊn tu ɪt, wi ˈkʊdənt kaʊnt ɑn hɪm tu ˈbroʊkər ən əˈgrimənt.
(nod agreement is another possibility)
27. Hear - Throb Let me become the throb of your heart... and drape myself with your beauty.

if a part of your body throbs, you feel pain in it lɛt mi bɪˈkʌm ðə θrɑb ʌv jʊər hɑrt... ænd dreɪp ˌmaɪˈsɛlf wɪð jʊər ˈbjuti.
in a series of regular beats
28. Horse - prance - The Prancing Horse is the symbol of Italian sports car manufacturer Ferrari and
its racing division Scuderia Ferrari.

-to walk in an energetic way and with more ðə ˈprænsɪŋ hɔrs ɪz ðə ˈsɪmbəl ʌv ɪˈtæljən spɔrts kɑr ˌmænjəˈfækʧərər fəˈrɑri
movement than necessary: 2. When a horse ænd ɪts ˈreɪsɪŋ dɪˈvɪʒən Scuderia fəˈrɑri.
prances, it takes small, quick steps and raises its
legs ...

(prancing around is similar to strut around)

29. Hunger - Pangs - I normally have some protein bars on me at all times to tide me over and keep
the hanger pangs at bay. This way, I resist the urge of indulging myself in junk
food in between the big meals.
- Hunger pangs accompany feelings of hunger
aɪ ˈnɔrməli hæv sʌm ˈproʊˌtin bɑrz ɑn mi æt ɔl taɪmz tu taɪd mi ˈoʊvər ænd kip
ðə ˈhʌŋgər pæŋz æt beɪ. ðɪs weɪ, aɪ rɪˈzɪst ði ɜrʤ ʌv ɪnˈdʌlʤɪŋ ˌmaɪˈsɛlf ɪn ʤʌŋk
fud ɪn bɪˈtwin ðə bɪg milz.
30. Keyhole - Peek - Some people stuff paper in keyholes to prevent themselves from being
watched by family members whose got a bit of a voyeuristic streak to them. I.e,
those kinky, pervert people who derive pleasure from secretly seeing naked

sʌm ˈpipəl stʌf ˈpeɪpər ɪn ˈkiˌhoʊlz tu prɪˈvɛnt ðɛmˈsɛlvz frʌm ˈbiɪŋ wɑʧt baɪ
ˈfæməli ˈmɛmbərz huz gɑt ə bɪt ʌv ə ˌvɔɪjəˈrɪstɪk strik tu ðɛm. aɪ.i, ðoʊz ˈkɪŋki,
ˈpɜrvɜrt ˈpipəl hu dəˈraɪv ˈplɛʒər frʌm ˈsikrɪtli ˈsiɪŋ ˈneɪkəd ˈbɑdiz.
31. Lame - hobble Yesterday I saw this lame old men hobbling up the street on his creeppled feet.

ˈjɛstərˌdeɪ/ˈjɛstərdi aɪ sɔ ðɪs leɪm oʊld mɛn ˈhɑbəlɪŋ/'hɑblɪŋ ʌp ðə strit.

32. Leaf - Shake - PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) is no joke and should be taken seriously.
The mere thought of a post traumatic event have some folks shaking like a leaf.
Shake as a leaf
pi-ti-ɛs-di (poʊst trɔˈmætɪk strɛs dɪˈsɔrdər) ɪz noʊ ʤoʊk ænd ʃʊd bi ˈteɪkən
ˈsɪriəsli. ðə mɪr θɔt ʌv ə poʊst trɔˈmætɪk ɪˈvɛnt hæv sʌm foʊks ˈʃeɪkɪŋ laɪk ə lif.
33. Lettuce - Crisp - One of my co-workers can't stand the food they serve us at my company. He's
always going on and on about how languid and wilt the lettuce in the salad is.
For him the lettuce should always be fresh and crisp otherwise it's good for

wʌn ʌv maɪ koʊ-ˈwɜrkərz kænt stænd ðə fud ðeɪ sɜrv ʌs æt maɪ ˈkʌmpəni. hiz ˈɔl
ˌweɪz ˈgoʊɪŋ ɑn ænd ɑn əˈbaʊt haʊ ˈlæŋgwəd ænd wɪlt ðə ˈlɛtəs ɪn ðə ˈsæləd ɪz.
fɔr hɪm ðə ˈlɛtəs ʃʊd ˈɔlˌweɪz bi frɛʃ ænd krɪsp ˈʌðərˌwaɪz ɪts gʊd fɔr ˈnʌθɪŋ.
34. Lighting - Bolt - I was awakened in the middle of my sleep the other night after this lighting bolt struck the roof of my
next door neighbour.

- Lighting bolts travel aɪ wʌz əˈweɪkənd ɪn ðə ˈmɪdəl ʌv maɪ slip ði ˈʌðər naɪt ˈæftər ðɪs ˈlaɪtɪŋ boʊlt strʌk ðə ruf ʌv maɪ nɛkst
through the air at speeds dɔr ˈneɪbər.
of up to how many miles
per hour?
35. Lips - Smack - At the mere thought of my mother's cooking I start smacking my lips. Speaking of which, the biggest
pet peeve of my elder sister is lip smacking. I can't even recount the number of times she slapped me
- lip smacking over the had for doing that when I was a kid.

æt ðə mɪr θɔt ʌv maɪ ˈmʌðərz ˈkʊkɪŋ aɪ stɑrt ˈsmækɪŋ maɪ lɪps. ˈspikɪŋ ʌv wɪʧ, ðə ˈbɪgəst pɛt piv ʌv maɪ
ˈɛldər ˈsɪstər ɪz lɪp ˈsmækɪŋ. aɪ kænt ˈivɪn rɪˈkaʊnt ðə ˈnʌmbər ʌv taɪmz ʃi slæpt mi ˈoʊvər ðə hæd fɔr
ˈduɪŋ ðæt wɛn aɪ wʌz ə kɪd.
36. Mascara - Smear - Brides make it a point not cry on their wedding day so they won't smear their mascara and end up
messing up the photos. Even though they sometimes have to fight back their tears to prevent them
- mascara is substance from running their mascara, for them being eye-catching and camera-ready is a must.
used as a cosmetic to color
the eyelashes and
eyebrows. - braɪdz meɪk ɪt ə pɔɪnt nɑt kraɪ ɑn ðɛr ˈwɛdɪŋ deɪ soʊ ðeɪ woʊnt smɪr ðɛr mæˈskɛrə ænd ɛnd ʌp ˈmɛsɪŋ
ʌp ðə ˈfoʊˌtoʊz. ðoʊ ðeɪ səmˈtaɪmz hæv tu faɪt bæk ðɛr tɪrz tu prɪˈvɛnt ðɛm frʌm ˈrʌnɪŋ ðɛr mæˈskɛrə,
- you can also run your fɔr ðɛm ˈbiɪŋ aɪ-ˈkæʧɪŋ ænd ˈkæmərə-ˈrɛdi ɪz ə mʌst.
37. Night - Dead - Even though I am an urbanite, If I'm not out and about having fun, I don't enjoy hitting the sack in the
dead of night.
- In the dead of night / In
the middle of the night ˈivɪn ðoʊ aɪ æm ən ˈɜrbəˌnaɪt, ɪf aɪm nɑt aʊt ænd əˈbaʊt ˈhævɪŋ fʌn, aɪ doʊnt ɛnˈʤɔɪ ˈhɪtɪŋ ðə sæk ɪn ðə
dɛd ʌv naɪt.
38. Owl - Hoot - It's very frightening to be in deserted place in the dead of night and just hear the hoot of an owl.

ɪts ˈvɛri ˈfraɪtənɪŋ tu bi ɪn ə dɪˈzɜrtɪd pleɪs ɪn ðə dɛd ʌv naɪt ænd ʤʌst hir ðə hut ʌv ən aʊl.
(nobody gives a
hoot/nobody gives a rat
39. Paper - Crumpled - I've had my fair share of hardships and setbacks in life. For instance, when I was a kid I used pass out
leaflets out on the streets to make ends meet. However, the sight of people crumpling them and
littering the streets with them made me want to pursue another line of work.
- Crumpled paper
aɪv hæd maɪ fɛr ʃɛr ʌv ˈhɑrdʃɪps ɪn laɪf. fɔr ˈɪnstəns, wɛn aɪ wʌz ə ˈtiˌneɪʤər aɪ wʌz ɔlˈrɛdi ˈfɛndɪŋ fɔr ˌmaɪ
ˈsɛlf ænd faʊnd ðɪs ʤɑb ɪn wɪʧ aɪ hæd tu pæs aʊt ˈlifləts aʊt ɑn ðə strits tu meɪk ɛndz mit. ˌhaʊˈɛvər, ðə
saɪt ʌv ˈpipəl ˈkrʌmpəlɪŋ ðɛm ænd ˈlɪtərɪŋ ðə strits wɪð ðɛm meɪd mi wɑnt tu pərˈsu əˈnʌðər laɪn ʌv wɜrk.
40. Peacock - Strut - He was a born peacock. He introduced himself as 'the leader' and strutted up and down like a
- to walk in a pompous
manner; swagger hi wʌz ə bɔrn ˈpiˌkɑk. hi ˌɪntrəˈdust hɪmˈsɛlf æz ðə ˈlidər ænd ˈstrʌtɪd ʌp ænd daʊn laɪk ə ˈpiˌkɑk.

(strut your stuff)

41. Question - Field - Normally, it is the spokesperson for the president
or some sort of press agent who fields questions
from journalists and reporters.
- To answer a series of questions, especially from reporters.
ˈnɔrməli, ɪt ɪz ðə ˈspoʊkspərsən fɔr ðə ˈprɛzəˌdɛnt
ɔr sʌm sɔrt ʌv prɛs ˈeɪʤənt hu fildz ˈkwɛsʧənz frʌm
ˈʤɜrnələsts ænd rɪˈpɔrtərz.
42. Rain - Pitter patter. - Nothing quite like sleeping in on our day off with
the pitter patter of the rain in the background. What
beats this sensation though, is when you hear the
pitter patter of tiny feet around the house.

ˈnʌθɪŋ kwaɪt laɪk ˈslipɪŋ ɪn ɑn ˈaʊər deɪ ɔf wɪð ðə

ˈpɪtər ˈpætər ʌv ðə reɪn ɪn ðə ˈbækˌgraʊnd. wʌt bits
ðɪs sɛnˈseɪʃən ðoʊ, ɪz wɛn ju hir ðə ˈpɪtər ˈpætər ʌv
ˈtaɪni fit əˈraʊnd ðə haʊs.

(rug rats)
43. Shoulder - Chip - He has a chip on his shoulder, he is under the
delusion that the world owns him something.
- to have a chip on your shoulders
hi hæz ə ʧɪp ɑn hɪz ˈʃoʊldər, hi ɪz ˈʌndər ðə dɪˈluʒən
ðæt ðə wɜrld oʊnz hɪm ˈsʌmθɪŋ.
(rubbing shoulders with)
44. Skunk - Stench The stench of a skunk seems to last forever.

ðə stɛnʧ ʌv ə skʌŋk simz tu læst fəˈrɛvər.

- apossum or possum can be mistaken for a skunk

check this link -

(as drunk as a skunk)

45. Snake - Fags - A rattlesnake's fangs are neatly folded away when
not in use but are swung forward for the strike.ə
- A fang is a long, sharp tooth that is used to do harm. Vampires have them,
venomous snakes have them... you could have them, too, if your Halloween ˈrætəlˌsneɪks fæŋz ɑr ˈnitli ˈfoʊldəd əˈweɪ wɛn nɑt
costume includes a set of pointy teeth. The word fang came into English ɪn jus bʌt ɑr swʌŋ ˈfɔrwərd fɔr ðə straɪk.
from the Old Norse word fang, meaning "capture, grasp.
46. Spine - Chills - When I realised that the menacing looking dude
was coming my way, I felt a chilling sensation slide
up my spine.
(take a chill pill/chill out )
wɛn aɪ ˈriəˌlaɪzd ðæt ðə ˈmɛnəsɪŋ ˈlʊkɪŋ dud wʌz
ˈkʌmɪŋ my weɪ, aɪ fɛlt ə ˈʧɪlɪŋ sɛnˈseɪʃən slaɪd ʌp maɪ
47. Steak - Sizzle - The other day I had this finger licking
good (could be smack lipping good)
- Sizzling steak sizzling steak.

ði ˈʌðər deɪ aɪ hæd ðɪs ˈfɪŋgər ˈlɪkɪŋ gʊd

(kʊd bi smæk ˈlɪpɪŋ gʊd) ˈsɪzəlɪŋ steɪk.
48. Throat - Parched Walking in the sun-parched his throat. So
now he would use some water to quench
- to make dry, hot, or thirsty: Walking in the sun parched his throat. to dry (peas, his thirst.
beans, grain, etc.) by exposure to heat without burning; to toast or roast slightly: A
staple of the Indian diet was parched corn. - ˈwɔkɪŋ ɪn ðə sʌn-pɑrʧt hɪz θroʊt. soʊ naʊ
hi wʊd juz sʌm ˈwɔtər tu kwɛnʧ hɪz θɜrst.
49. Thunder - Clap - The recent mounting criticism I've been
getting of late is nothing short of a clap
- single loud noise of a thunder thunder in a calm sky.

ðə ˈrisənt ˈmaʊntɪŋ ˈkrɪtɪˌsɪzəm aɪv bɪn

- thunder/clap of thunder ˈgɛtɪŋ ʌv leɪt ɪz ˈnʌθɪŋ ʃɔrt ʌv ə klæp ʌv
- thunderclap ˈθʌndər ɪn ə kɑm skaɪ.
50. Vitality - Oomph - The campaign just didn't have any

ðə kæmˈpeɪn ʤʌst ˈdɪdənt hæv ˈɛni umf.

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