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Dear Sir/Madam

Under instructions and authority from my client____________________________,

Regd, Office at__________________________________________ and Corporate Office
at __________________________________________ through its
__________________________________________ (hereinafter called as my ‘Client’), I
do hereby serve upon you the following notice of demand under

1. That my client is _________ limited Company and deals in Export of

_________________ in the name and style as ‘__________________’ in India.

2. My client states that you approached to my client and requested my

client to give personal loan of Rs.__/- to you. My client considered your
requests and my client gave a personal loan of Rs. ___/- to you by
Cash/Cheque [if by cheque: Cheque No.____ dated on ____ for Rs. ____
drawn on___.].

3. My client states that at the time of taking this personal loan amount the
total __ installments each worth Rs.___/- p.m were fixed by my client payable
by you to my said client.

4. My client further states that you deposited some installments with my said
client and later on you became unable to make the balance payment of
monthly installments to my said client. That inspite of the liability of payment
of goods amount of Rs. _________/- you have been miserably failed to make
payment of the said amount due to my client from you deliberately with
malafide intent, hence you are liable to pay the said loan amount of Rs.
__________/- alongwith interest at __% p.a. from the date of due till actual
realization of the said sum, which comes to Rs. __________/-

5. My client states that thus you are liable to pay the total amount of Rs.
________/- to my above named client and my above named client is entitled to
recover the same from you.

6. That my client requested you several times through telephonic message and
by sending personal messenger to your office for release of the said outstanding
payment, but you have always been dilly delaying the same on one pretext or
the other and so far have not paid even a single paisa out of the said
outstanding undisputed amount.

Therefore, finally I hereby call upon you to pay to my client Rs.

__________/-. along with interest at __ % p.a. from ____ [date of receipt of
exported item] till actual realization of the said amount, together with notice fee
of Rs. ____/- to my client either in cash or by demand draft or Cheque which
ever mode suits you better, within clear 15 days from the date of receipt of this
notice failing which my client has given me clear instructions to file civil,
criminal, suit for recovery and other Misc. proceedings against you in the
competent court of law and in that event you shall be fully responsible for all
costs and consequences arising thereof.


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