My Bei

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Sophia Flannery

Becoming Aware

Materialistic people are everywhere. I walk around them every day on the bus, in the
hallways, and mostly on social media. In fact, it makes me believe that people think materialistic
things really matter life.

We all walk around with our phones attached to our hands like an extra body part. When
it's dying we charge it and when its broken we get it fixed. Just like a broken bone getting
surgery it’s opened up, parts are replaced, and it is still usable. We take care of our phones like
nothing else and they always have to get the newest one. I watch these kids in my school judge
other people because of the phone they possess or what headphones they wear. The other day
I saw a couple girls walking down the hallway and one of them had an iphone 5, and the other
girl had some other super fancy iphone. The girl with the fancy phone looked at at the other girl
and said “oh my god, you still have a 5.” She started laughing and I thought that was some good
stuff because that truly mattered in that girls mind that she had a cooler phone than the other
girl. To me it doesn’t matter if your phone takes amazing photos, it calls, gets messages sent
from person A to person B. Most people follow the style trends, wearing name brands all looking
the same. But I know now that materialistic things don’t define us or make us who we are. I like
to imagine what happens after this life. Are we also physical or are we just a ball of energy
called our soul? We don't have anything else to do in this world except to learn.

After I realized this, everything in my childhood came crashing down. My whole room
was useless and all of the things on my wall all a waste of time. Thinking I will never unknow
that, maybe I have lost time doing things that were unimportant. It’s all materialistic things that
we have been taught throughout life that affected our generation and somehow I pulled myself
out. I stepped aside and and I had too look back. Living in the human world is one simple thing,
to experience, learn from that to gain consciousness.
Materials matters, do you agree? I believe that nothing truly matters and life is about the
experience. We have a timeline of life, that is one end to another so, why care about
materialistic things? In my opinion, I truly think that we are here on the Earth for the simple
reason to experience and learn the human ways. My belief is that it doesn’t matter how you
dress, what kind of phone you have or anything like that. You only have this one life so don’t get
to focused on materials.

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