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to fulfill Semantic Mid-Term Test assigned by Mr. Asep Hardiyanto, S.Pd.,M.Pd

in English Education Study Program


Mutia Tanjung
NPM 1588203028



1 Angela : Excuse me, you just hit me in the head. Want you
something to say
2 Carter : Apologize to the gray hair, she almost cough.
3 Mason : Whatever it is not like she has much longer anyway
4 Angela : Don’t you have a grandmother? Imagine someone
treating her this way!
5 Mason : What had happened! Beside I trained my grandma
well she knows when to shut her trap
6 Carter : Yeah, so her teeth don’t fall out
7 Mason : Shouldn’t you be at home cooking for some old fart
8 Carter : Well look it’s not talking anymore. Should known
with face like that. Nobody would be caught dead
with you.
9 Angela : Actually I just lost my husband
10 Carter : Ouch, well maybe you could check with mall security.
Someone might have found him sucking a bag of
prune juice and brought it back.
11 Mason : Did he kill himself because he couldn’t live with your
ugly ass anymore
12 Angela : Why you…. If you nothing nice to say why don't you
just leave me alone?
13 Alex : Come on guys, lets go To Jimmy’s and get some
burgers and catch the next bus
14 Mason : Ok, I’m starving
15 Carter : Well see you later conspirator
16 Lynn : Carter get out here I’m ready I’m ready to go
17 Carter : I don’t want to go
18 Lynn : Move it Mr, or no more video games for the rest of
the week. Come on hurry up. Be polite!
19 Carter : Yeah fine
20 Lynn : Hi I’m your next door neighbor. We just wanted to
stop by and welcome you to the neighborhood.
21 Angela : Hi, I’m Angela nice to meet you.
22 Lynn : We made you a little something.
23 Angela : Oh that’s so nice. And who is this young man
24 Lynn : Oh this is my son, Carter
25 Angela : Nice to meet you Carter. Would you like to come in
for a cup of tea? I was just preparing some.

26 Lynn : Sure, Carter and I have some time.

27 Lynn : Oh thank you. So Angela how do you like the

neighborhood so far?
28 Angela : Well I just moved in a week ago but everybody I met
so far has been very friendly. How long have you
lived here?
29 Lynn : Oh about five years or so. We chose this
neighborhood because it’s close to my office and there
were a couple of schools by for Carter
30 Angela : You know I used to teach at Glenview just around the
corner up until I retired
31 Lynn : Oh really. Oh that’s where Carter goes
32 Angela : What a small world, isn’t it Carter?
33 Carter : I guess
34 Lynn : Angela, Carter’s been really struggling with his grades
lately and with my schedule. I just don’t have time to
help him. I’m just wondering do you do any part time
35 Carter : Mom, what’s with you? She just moved in don’t stop
bothering already. It’s not like I’m failing anything.

36 Angela : Oh you don’t have to worry about me young man. Be

my pleasure to teach you a lesson or two would be no
trouble at all. Exchange perhaps Carter could help me
around the house with few things. Move has taken a
toll on my elbow.
37 Lynn : Ah that's wonderful. Thanks so much Angela
38 Angela : You are very welcome
39 Angela : Hello Carter, come
40 Carter : Hi

41 Angela : We can sit in the dining room, follow me

42 Carter : Look, I’m only here because my mom is forcing me
to. If you think that I owe you anything, for not retting
me out last time
43 Angela : Carter, you may be a bully in the street, but you are in
my house now. You are going to play by my rules and
show some respect or
44 Carter : Or what?
45 Angela : Or I’ll tell your parents everything that went down the
other day at the bus stop. Make sure your teacher
would love To hear that story.
46 Carter : Ok fine whatever
47 Angela : Ok fine, Mrs. Wellington
48 Carter : Ok finel, Mrs. Wellington
49 Angela : Good, see those boxes over there. I want you to move
them upstairs for me
50 Carter : This isn’t tutoring
51 Angela : I’m the teacher you’re the student you dont get to
question my teaching methods. Lift with your knees
not your back.
52 Carter : Mrs. Wellington, im done for today. I’m gonna head
out now
53 Angela : Thank you carter
54 Carter : Hey
55 Angela : That’s your father? I haven’t seen him around is he
working out of town?
56 Carter : Should ask him that yourself
57 Angela : I’m sorry carter. I didn’t mean to upset you. I was just
curious you never mentioned him
58 Carter : Look he’s gone. All right , and he’s never coming
back. look dont want to talk about this anymore. Can I
go now?
59 Angela : See you tomorrow carter
60 Angela : Oh carter, are you finished yet?
61 Carter : umm. Yes
62 Angela : Carter, this is a classic. You state the facts but you
dont give your take on it. Youneed to develop your
ideas. You need to immers yourself in the story. But i
don’t see any of your creativity in this writing
63 Carter : Because this book’s boring
64 Angela : Really? It’s important to be open minded in life you
know. You dont want to just gloss over your life like
you did this book you miss out on so much.
65 Angela : Perhaps to find this more inspiring what if I asked you
to do your assignment on this instead?
66 Carter : This is an original and it’s meant. Where’d you get

67 Angela : Well, my husband Harold collected comics.

Collection of CC with your age the box with a box is
upstairs. Personally I don’t see what’s so great about
them, but it will help you with your writing.
68 Carter : Have you ever red one before?
69 Angela : Actually No. Couldn’t get past a couple of pages. Just
never appeal to me
70 Carter : Looks like it just gave yourself some homework is
your enough to read it too.
71 Angela : Suppose, I will.
72 Carter : Mmm, remember it’s important to be open-minded in
life. You can miss out on so much.
73 Angela : Ah, so you were actually listening to something I
said?. So we have a deal then you comeback, Friday
with your report, and i’ll review it after finish reading
the comics.
74 Angela : This is a lot better. In fact what you wrote help me
understand the nuances of a story lines. You can
catually do a good job if you put your mind to it.
75 Carter : Thanks, so do you like the comics?
76 Angela : Wasn’t that bad as I expected. In fact..
77 Carter : Beat your crappy classics hands down?
78 Angela : I don’t think I’d go that far. But i will admit I did
enjoy the part where he discovered his superpowers
79 Carter : That was the best part. Mrs. Wellington do you think I
could see some more of your husband’s collection?
80 Angela : Follow me
81 Angela : Those were my husband’s favorite. (pointing to blcak
box near him) you can borrow them if you want.
82 Carter : Really?
83 Angela : Yes but bring them back. I might want to read a few
myself. Besides something would happen with them,
Harold would come back and haunt you.
84 Carter : This is the first copy
85 Mason : Hey man,what gives?
86 Alex : Hey look. It’s that old hag from last time. Wanna go
say hi?
87 Mason : Her again need that old people smell out to be coming
from somewhere
88 Alex : Yo, let’s go.
89 Mason : Whatever loser
90 Carter helped angela.

The Types of Deixis:

1. Referential Deixis
2. Spatial Deixis
3. Temporal Deixis

Referential Deixis Spatial Deixis Temporal Deixis

Whatever it is not like Oh that’s so nice. And Actually I just lost my

she has much longer who is this young man husband

Don’t you have a Look, I’m only here Ok, I’m starving
grandmother? Imagine because my mom is
someone treating her this forcing me to

We just wanted to stop Make sure your teacher Well I just moved in a
by and welcome you to would love to hear that week ago but everybody
the neighborhood. story. I met so far has been very

Just never appeal to me Good, see those boxes .....but you are in my
over there. I want you to house now.
move them upstairs for
Look he’s gone. All right, Those were my Hey look. It’s that old
and he’s never coming husband’s favorite. hag from last time.

The Analysis of Referential Deixis

1. Whatever it is not like she has much longer anyway.
Mason talk to Alex and Carter that Angela won’t be long in life. She in
this sentence refers to Angela (talk about her age of long life).

2. Imagine someone treating her this way!

Angela asked Carter, Alex and Mason to imagine if their grandmother
bullied like her. Her in this sentence refers to everyone’s grandmother.

3. We just wanted to stop by.

We in this sentence refers to Carter and His Mom Lynn. His mother invite
Carter to visit to their newly neighbour.

4. Just never appeal to me.

Me in this sentence refer to Angela. When she talk to Carter she has no
interest on reading the comics.

5. He’s never coming back.

When Angela gave Carter’s book to Carter, a photo dropped from his book
and it was Carter’s Father. He in this sentence refers to Carter’s Father.
Carter said that his father will never come back.

The Analysis of Spatial Deixis

1. And who is this young man?
Carter and his mother come to Angela’s house to welcome her in the
neighborhood. This refers to Angela that ask Carter’s Mother (Lynn)
who is the boy beside Lynn because Carter was hiding behind his

2. I’m only here because my mom is forcing me to.

Carter comes to Angela house to start their tutoring. Here in this
sentence refers to Angela’s house where Carter forced by his mother to
have private study with Angela.

3. Make sure your teacher would love to hear that story.

Angela force Carter to continue the study with her by threaten him
with telling about he and friends bullied Angela to make Carter want to
tudy. That refer to the moment when Carter and his friends was
bullying Angela.

4. I want you to move them upstairs for me.

Angela asked Carter to move the boxes near him to the second floor of
Angela’s house. Them refer to the boxes and Upstairs refer to the
second floor .

5. Those were my husband’s favorite.

Angela shows the room full of his husband’s collection and word
Those refers to the boxes which pointed by Angela about his
husband’s favorite collection.

The Analysis of Temporal Deixis

1. Actually I just lost my husband

When Angela got bullied, old to Carter and his friend that her husband
was died. In this sentence word lost mean that her husband already

2. Ok, I’m starving

Mason told Carter and Alex to leave Angela after they were bullied
Angela. I am starving means that Mason was very hungry.
3. Well I just moved in a week ago but everybody I met so far has been
very friendly.
Angela was the new neighbour for Carter’s Mother, Lynn. A week ago
in this sentence means that Angela already stayed in her new house for
a week.

4. ....but you are in my house now.

Carter was coming to Angela’s house to have a private study. Now in
this sentence refers to the day and exact time they had private in study
was held.

5. It’s that old hag from last time.

When Carter with his friends Alex and Mason on the way near the bus
stop they saw Angela. Alex remembered Angela about when they met
for the first time. Last time refer to the time that has been happened in
the past.

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