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Atoms and Periodic Table Choice Board 

Choose up to 5! Choose 1 for 100 Choose up to 2!

(10 points each!) points! (25 points each!)
Write Lewis Dot Design a 3 D Write the electron
Structures for 10 elements. model of an configuration for
Atom! francium.
Write atomic trends and Included what the
show me on the periodic element is,
table. protons, neutrons,
and electrons with
Write Bohr models for 10 Write a 2 page Write out how the
elements that have over 20 paper on the synthetic elements
electrons. timeline of how were discovered
the atom model
Write the vocabulary out that we use today
for chapter 6 in our book came to be. (Use
all 4 scientists)
Tell what all elements on Create a picture Explain how the
the periodic table can be a book of the periodic table was
solid, liquid, and gas. periodic table, arranged at first,
What are compounds of Draw an image and compare it to
elements that our in our that represents how it is now
each element
daily life? (List atleast 10)
include a caption
that explains it.
(24 elements)
Explain what the Create a Explain the use of
metalloids are and what powerpoint of all chemical and
properties they posses the elements physical properties
Explain what the reaction found in the in the historical
is between halogens and human body. development of
alkali metals. (At least 5 Explain how they the periodic table
sentences) help us.

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