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A hospital-wide strategy

for fixing emergency-department

A sustained reduction of emergency-department wait times
requires not only an end-to-end transformation of
multiple hospital processes but also a change in hospital
culture, stronger staff skills, better performance management,
and visible leadership.
A hospital-wide strategy for fixing emergency-department overcrowding 2

Brandon Carrus, Emergency-department (ED) over- Our work with hospitals in multiple parts of
Stephen Corbett, crowding is common in countries across the the world demonstrates that substantive,
and Deepak globe. Patients must often wait hours sustainable improvements in ED performance
Khandelwal before being seen by a doctor and far longer can be achieved: average wait times can
before being transferred to a hospital be lowered by one-third or more, for example,
bed. The result is not merely inconvenience often within a few weeks.1 There is no
but rather a degradation of the entire single “right” approach that can be applied at
experience—quality of care suffers, patients’ every hospital, but certain elements are
safety is endangered, staff morale is essential for success. Although the performance-
impaired, and the cost of care is increased. improvement program can begin with
“quick wins” in the ED, it must also include the
Many hospitals have tried to reduce ED wait wider hospital organization. And significant
times, but their efforts usually fail to effort must be put into a cultural shift: the
produce sustainable results, for two reasons. staff must come to understand how seemingly
The first is the narrowness of most per- small changes in their actions can improve
formance-improvement programs, which focus patient care in other parts of the hospital.
solely on the ED. Many of the factors that To reinforce this cultural shift, the hospital must
contribute to ED overcrowding occur in other refine its performance-management systems
parts of the hospital and thus are beyond and enhance its staff’s capabilities to ensure that
the department’s control. Hospitals are complex, both buttress the improvement program.
high-stress systems that require significant Leadership is also crucial: the hospital’s CEO and
cross-departmental and cross-role coordination senior executive team must visibly support
at all times. Even something as seemingly the program, and clinicians at the front
simple as transferring a patient can require line of care delivery, especially doctors, must
the involvement of six to ten clinical and champion the necessary changes.
nonclinical staff members. Therefore, the only
way to make substantial operational A performance-improvement program of
improvements in one part of a hospital is to this type can also be implemented at
implement corresponding changes in the health system level to reduce wait times
other areas. in multiple EDs. This approach can be
particularly helpful, for example, when all
The second reason that many ED-improvement the EDs in a city are overcrowded.
1Many of the changes we
programs do not produce long-lasting
recommend in this results is that they focus only on processes, The limits of quick wins
article increase a hospital’s
efficiency and therefore
not staff attitudes. If the changes are The consequences of ED overcrowding can
could potentially lower costs, to be sustained, the staff must be willing to be profound. Some severely ill patients
enhance revenues, or
both, especially in reim- part with tradition and to collaborate may be forced to wait too long for treatment,
bursement models based on
across physical and organizational divides. and their condition may worsen as a con-
diagnosis-related groups.
In some cases, however, the The hospital’s culture must enable teamwork. sequence. Patients with less severe illnesses
financial impact could
be more difficult to predict Creating this type of culture is, in many may leave without being seen by a doctor,
because of differences ways, the most difficult part of improving only to return later with a more complicated
in how health systems fund
care delivery. ED performance. condition. Patients awaiting hospital admission
3 A hospital-wide strategy for fixing emergency-department overcrowding

may have to “board” in the ED, lying on gurneys The changes that have the greatest impact vary,
in hallways for hours or days (Exhibit 1). depending on the specific challenges a
As the overcrowding gets worse, ambulances given ED faces. A thorough investigation should
may have to be diverted to other EDs, the therefore be conducted to identify the most
staff may start to feel overwhelmed, and patients’ important bottlenecks; at the same time, certain
problems may be overlooked in the general “no regrets” changes can be implemented
confusion. In addition, costs rise as the efficiency quickly in the ED to drive short-term impact. At
of care diminishes. one hospital we worked with, for example,
the introduction of a fast-track system for
The problems can be alleviated through the appli- patients with low-acuity conditions shortened
cation of “lean” principles borrowed from manu- average wait times by one-and-a-half hours
facturing. (For more information about them, see within one week.
sidebar, “How lean principles can transform ED
care delivery,” p. 7.) For example, streamlined These quick wins are important. They provide
triage and registration procedures can minimize immediate relief to the ED staff and send
the unnecessary administrative work that bur- a strong signal that change is possible. As a
dens nurses. Better matching of staff levels with result, they help build support for the
typical patient volumes can prevent patients from improvement program. However, the quick wins
being left in the ED because no porters are avail- offer only limited relief because they do not
able to International
Health transport them to the wards.
2009 address the primary causes of ED overcrowding.
ED Overcrowding
Exhibit 1 of 6
Glance: In many health systems, the average length of ED stay is quite long, especially for patients
who require inpatient admission.
Exhibit title: ED length of stay
Exhibit 1

ED length of stay Average patient length of stay while in the ED1


In many health systems, Hospital All patients Discharged patients Admitted patients
the average length of A 18.8 16.6 41.8
stay for an emergency B 16.6 14.5 28.3
department ( ED) is quite long, C 13.9 11.0 28.9
especially for patients who
D 13.4 8.1 36.4
require inpatient admission.
E 12.3 10.0 30.2
F 10.9 7.5 30.9
G 10.6 7.7 38.6
H 8.3 6.1 25.9
I 8.2 7.1 27.3
J 7.6 6.3 32.8
K 7.1 5.2 26.9

Total region 11.8 9.5 30.5

1 Average length of stay for ED patients is defined as the time between triage and physical departure from the ED.
Source: McKinsey analysis; regional health system data
A hospital-wide strategy for fixing emergency-department overcrowding 4

Getting the staff to adopt desired behaviors . . . requires

a shift in mind-sets: the staff must see the connection
between their actions and ED overcrowding and understand
how changing their behavior can improve patient care

Furthermore, an improvement program that are usually sufficient to alleviate capacity

focuses on the ED alone might not reduce constraints (Exhibit 2). Some of the process
the overall burden of work; instead, it might changes needed to speed discharges
inadvertently shift that burden to the are quite simple: having doctors write discharge
inpatient side—a more costly and lower-quality orders earlier in the morning, for example,
solution. An end-to-end transformation or having housekeepers clean the beds more
of multiple hospital procedures is required for quickly once they are vacant.
long-term success.
Getting the staff to adopt desired behaviors,
A hospital-wide transformation such as the ones just described, is more
At many hospitals, the primary causes of difficult, because it requires a shift in mind-sets:
ED overcrowding include four factors the staff must see the connection between
over which the ED staff has no direct control: their actions and ED overcrowding and
a lack of free inpatient beds, a lengthy understand how changing their behavior can
and sometimes convoluted admission process, improve patient care. Visual signals can
difficulty getting timely consultations be used to encourage the mind-set shift and
from non-ED physicians, and difficulty getting reinforce the desired behaviors. For
diagnostic procedures scheduled and example, signs can be posted in each inpatient
results returned. Correcting these problems unit to remind the full interdisciplinary
requires an end-to-end transformation of team of the estimated number of days until each
multiple hospital processes, which can also be patient’s discharge; the signs encourage
accomplished by applying lean principles. the team to make sure that all necessary tests
are ordered and that the patients’ families
A lack of free beds, for example, prevents (and, in many health systems, social services)
admitted patients from being transferred to are notified before the day of discharge.
wards in a timely and efficient manner;
as a result, they must board in the ED while Other process changes may require new support
beds are found. Resolving this problem structures or skills. For example, discharge
rarely requires a hospital to build new procedures can be expedited if the nursing staff
wards. More efficient discharge processes— develops checklists to ensure that all appro-
designed to eliminate the unnecessary delays priate steps are taken and all paperwork is filled
that inappropriately extend length of stay— out before a patient is ready to be sent home.
5 A hospital-wide strategy for fixing emergency-department overcrowding

Health International 2009

ED Overcrowding
Exhibit 2 of 6
Glance: By discharging inpatients earlier in the day, ED patients can be transferred to wards faster.
Exhibit title: Expediting admission

Exhibit 2

Expediting admission More discharges before 11 am create bed capacity for Discharging almost all appropriate patients by 2 pm
late-night and early-morning ED patients creates bed capacity for early-afternoon ED surge

If inpatients are discharged Patients on medical wards discharged before 11 am Patients on medical wards discharged before 2 pm
earlier in the day, patients % %
in emergency departments (EDs) 26.2 61.2
can be transferred to wards faster.


Baseline1 End of pilot2 Baseline1 End of pilot2

The result is a three-hour decrease in median admission time

20 • Patient receives ideal level

Median admission time of care sooner
at the end of the pilot2 3 hours • Staff is happier since patients

15 arrive earlier in the day

Patients admitted, %

shift, when support resources

Median admission
are available
time before the pilot1 • Less overlap of admissions
10 and discharges

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Time of day when admitted patients arrive in general-medicine beds
1 Average during four weeks before pilot.
2Average during last two weeks of pilot.
Source: McKinsey analysis; regional health system data

The streamlined procedures not only enable includes faxed or electronic transmission
earlier discharges but also permit the of a patient’s records from the ED to the ward
nurses to spend more time on patient education. can help enormously in this regard. Designating
A daily, early-morning “bed meeting” one ED nurse as the equivalent of an air traffic
or a Web-based report available to all staff controller can also help. This “flow nurse”
members can increase collective aware- can alert others in the hospital whenever backups
ness about bed availability. in the ED are starting to build. Bed assignments
can then be made in real time—as soon as
Once the beds are freed up, the next step is another patient is discharged, rather than after
to get ED patients into them as soon as the bed is cleaned. (The transfer and bed
possible. A streamlined transfer process that cleaning can be performed simultaneously.)
A hospital-wide strategy for fixing emergency-department overcrowding 6

Health International 2009

ED Overcrowding
Exhibit 3 of 6
Glance: A performance improvement program can significantly reduce average length of stay.
Exhibit title: Shorter length of stay

Exhibit 3

Shorter length of stay Average length of stay,

patients on medical wards

A performance-improvement Days
program can significantly 8.0
reduce average length of stay. 7.1 6.8

Baseline Two weeks Last two

after pilot weeks of
launch pilot

Source: McKinsey analysis; regional health system data

Similar types of changes, also based on lean Ensuring that changes are sustained
principles, can be used to streamline admissions, Many hospitals have achieved strong,
make consultations easier, and increase rapid results by implementing the operational
capacity in the radiology department and diagnostic improvements just described. They have
labs. In most cases, the changes can be found, however, that it can be difficult to get the
implemented inexpensively; they do not typically changes to stick. Cognitive psychology
require new staff positions, unplanned helps explain why: human beings do not make
capital expenditures, or significant additional decisions or modify their behavior based
operating resources. But their impact can on purely rational factors; thus, change programs
be profound. One hospital implemented based solely on those factors are unlikely
a 14-week performance-improvement program to succeed.2 Health professionals pride them-
because it was facing a 10 percent increase selves on their scientific rationality, but if
in the number of patients who came to its their long-term patterns of behavior are to be
ED each year. The program enabled the hospital altered, their beliefs and emotions (their
to double the percentage of patients dis- altruistic desire to provide better patient care,
charged by 11 AM. As a result, average length for example) must also be engaged. This is
of stay decreased by 1.2 days (Exhibit 3), the only way to effect a permanent change in the
and the number of patients who could be trans- hospital’s culture. A clear message carefully
ferred from the ED within eight hours more communicated to the staff can begin the process
than doubled. As the hospital’s processes became of cultural change; the shift can then be
more efficient, patient safety, patient satis- reinforced by improving the staff’s capabilities,
faction, quality of care, and staff morale rose. strengthening the hospital’s management
The net impact of these changes is that the infrastructure (the formal mechanisms it uses
2Carolyn Aiken and Scott
Keller, “The irrational side ED can now comfortably handle 30 percent more to monitor performance), and providing
of change management,” strong, visible leadership from the hospital’s
patients than before, with the same physical,
April 2009. infrastructure and level of resourcing. senior executives and key clinicians.
7 A hospital-wide strategy for fixing emergency-department overcrowding

Communicating to change culture for them—they will be much more likely

The long-term success of any performance- to embrace the need for change because their
improvement program depends on whether the beliefs and emotions will be engaged.
clinical staff is willing and able to change Thus, communication is a crucial component
its behavior. It is highly doubtful that employees of the improvement program.
will change if they think that the improve-
ment program is designed simply to save money The communication plan begins with a clear,
(a purely rational argument). But if staff inspirational message from the hospital’s
members understand that the program’s primary CEO and executive-management team, under-
goal is to improve patient care—and that an scoring the need for cultural change.
ancillary benefit will be a better work experience General messages we have found to be effective

How lean The concept of ‘lean’ began in manufacturing but has example, use different valve couplings for different gases
principles can since been applied in service industries, including so that only the correct gas can be administered).
health care. It is predicated on the belief that waste leads
to poor quality, poor service, and increased costs. A lean transformation is not designed to make people
ED care delivery
A lean transformation therefore seeks to minimize the work harder; rather, it is a way to help people
eight types of waste that lead to inefficient operations become more efficient by enabling them to concentrate
(exhibit). Overall, it makes processes as efficient as on those parts of their jobs that add the most value.
possible through a number of approaches, including: In emergency departments (EDs), waste can take a variety
of forms—for example, redundant paperwork, out-
management : identify the key measures of of-date medications that need to be replaced, illegible
success for each area and make the status of those or incomplete orders that must be double-checked.
measures transparent to all. However, it can also include the confusion caused by having
too many patients lying in hallways. By identifying and
Process eliminating these sources of waste, a lean transformation
and role redesign : review how tasks are
completed and then optimize what is done, how it is can help the doctors, nurses, and other staff members
done, and who does it. spend more of their time helping patients.

Standardized The first part of a lean transformation is therefore a

operations : define best practices across
jobs, create easily followed sequences, and then thorough ‘diagnostic’—an investigation of the
spread the findings throughout the organization so that most common types of waste within a system. Among
everyone follows the best practices. the techniques used to identify waste are process
 mapping and root-cause analysis. As its name implies,
Pull scheduling : change scheduling processes process mapping involves plotting out every step in
so that activities are driven by capacity in the next a given activity. A triage/registration process map, for
area (for example, the number of free beds in the example, would identify each thing the staff must
postoperative recovery area directly affects the number do between the time patients first present in the ED and
and complexity of operations scheduled). the time at which they are first seen by a doctor.
 Root-cause analysis—the repeated asking of the question
Error proofing : incorporate tools and procedures that ‘why’—is
  used to pinpoint the underlying factors that
make it almost impossible for errors to occur (for are most responsible for a given problem.
A hospital-wide strategy for fixing emergency-department overcrowding 8

include “Be the change you want to see” and through a variety of formats, including town
“We can’t solve problems using the same thinking hall meetings, intranet articles, e-mails,
we used to create them.” and cafeteria displays. Communications should
also make clear that the performance-
In addition, the program’s specific goals must be improvement program is one of the hospital’s
communicated clearly: improved patient top priorities for the coming year.
safety, higher quality of care, greater patient
satisfaction with treatment, and a better Before the program begins, surveys and focus
Health International for
work environment, 2009
example. Both the inspi- groups should be conducted to gauge
ED Overcrowding
rational message and the program’s goals the staff members’ attitudes, discover the specific
should A (forbe
then sidebar)
conveyed to the staff regularly issues that are most likely to resonate
Glance: Various types of waste can make hospital operations inefficient—and risk damaging
patient care.
Exhibit title: Eight types of waste

Exhibit Type of waste Example

Eight types of waste
Wasted motion Pharmacy technician spends 20 minutes looking in multiple places
for a specific drug
Various types of waste can
Rework X-ray technician has to reenter 10–20% of test requests because the
make hospital operations wrong side of the body was indicated
inefficient—and risk damaging
patient care. Overproduction 7 of the 16 forms in an admissions packet are redundant

Excess inventory Out-of-date medications are kept on the shelf because excess
inventory was ordered

Wasted transportation 25% of patients admitted to one ward are transferred, within 36 hours
of admission, to another ward that provides a similar level of care

Excess processing Nurse has to record a patient’s respiratory rate on 4 different forms
within the patient’s chart

Waiting time Operating-room team must wait 20 minutes for a procedure to

begin and is not free to do other tasks

Wasted intellect Numerous improvement ideas are lost because no one is interested
in them

Once the sources of waste are identified, the next steps The best results are achieved when the staff is involved
are to develop and then test potential solutions. from the initial diagnostic onward. After all, they are
For example, better organized, more conveniently located the ones most likely to know where the biggest sources of
supply cabinets can eliminate delays caused by waste lie, and they often have excellent suggestions
out-of-stock or outdated medications. for how problems can be resolved. And because the staff
members help design the potential solutions, they are
more likely to embrace the necessary changes.
9 A hospital-wide strategy for fixing emergency-department overcrowding

with them, and identify the barriers most likely organization, helping them to improve their
to hinder change. The questions asked own capabilities.
should stress both the positive (“What strengths
can we take advantage of to improve?”) In some cases, one-on-one education may be
and the negative (“What’s wrong?”). At this stage, needed. For example, doctors who wait
listening is critical—even the best communi- till the late afternoon to write discharge orders
cation plan will fail if the information it conveys may not realize that they are preventing ED
is not something the staff cares about. patients from being transferred to inpatient beds.
By gathering data on each doctor’s typical
Communication remains important throughout discharge times, a hospital can identify outliers
the performance-improvement program. (the doctors with the latest discharge times)
Initially, the staff may be uncomfortable with and then use the data to discuss with them how
a lean transformation; as clinicians, they a change in their behavior could improve
usually adopt new procedures only after the overall patient care.
procedures have been proved worthwhile
through a lengthy, rigorous process, such Managing performance well
as a clinical trial. The more informal, iterative To sustain the impact of an improvement
approach used during a lean transformation— program, the hospital must clearly define its
designing and piloting solutions, and then rolling new operational accountabilities (who is
out the ones that work well—may therefore responsible for doing what in the new system),
strike the staff as less scientific. But the rapid as well as the performance metrics that
results that can be achieved are often enough to will be used to determine how well it is achieving
convince them of the benefits of the process. its goals. The clinical staff should be closely
Thus, the program’s successes should be involved in these decisions; it is much easier for
communicated throughout the hospital. The people to accept changes to their jobs and
staff’s commitment to change will increase ensure that the changes are sustained if they
as they learn of the program’s successes, have had a say in what the changes are.
and the needed cultural shift will take place. For example, one hospital consulted not only
its department heads but also its frontline
Increasing staff capabilities staff before deciding on the 12 performance
Education becomes increasingly important metrics it would use to gauge the success of
once the program is under way. Many its efforts to reduce ED overcrowding (Exhibit 4).
staff members may not have the skills needed It found that both the staff in the ED and the
to identify problems, develop solutions, staff on the inpatient wards had a strong
or ensure that the solutions are sustained. commitment to patient safety and that both
Key staff members should therefore be groups felt that patients were endangered if they
trained in a variety of skills—not only lean had to board in the ED for hours or days.
skills, such as process mapping and Thus, both groups recognized the importance of
root-cause analysis, but also how to collaborate, using the number of ED patients waiting for
build team trust, and influence others. inpatient beds as a performance metric,
These staff members can then become role and both groups were highly motivated to keep
models and coaches for others in the that number to a minimum.
A hospital-wide strategy for fixing emergency-department overcrowding 10

However, even the best metrics will have only Providing effective leadership
limited impact unless the results are visible No improvement program can succeed without
to all and reviewed regularly during performance leadership. At hospitals, two forms of leader-
discussions. A scorecard delivered by 8 AM ship are crucial: senior-executive support and the
each morning can inform all staff members of involvement of key clinicians. The hospital’s
how many beds the hospital has freed up CEO and executive-management team must do
in recent days and whether it has suffered any far more than develop a message to convey to
blockages in specialized units, such as the the staff. At least one of them must play an active
ICU; the scorecard can also alert them to what leadership role in the program throughout
they should expect that day (anticipated its duration. Furthermore, every senior-executive
discharges and planned admissions, for example, meeting should include a review of progress
and the number of people still awaiting against the program’s objectives. This high level
transfer from the ED). If the scorecard suggests of senior-executive involvement can be sig-
problems, the frontline managers can discuss naled to the staff in multiple ways. One executive
the results with the staff, determine why we worked with called frontline managers
the problems arose, and set up plans to correct whenever she spotted a recurring problem in the
them (if possible) that day. Midlevel man- daily scorecards. Another executive held
agers can regularly review the results with the weekly review meetings with midlevel managers.
frontline managers so that they can identify Public celebrations of success can also be
and resolve the problems that cannot be easily effective. A compliment from the hospital’s CEO
corrected by the frontline staff. The senior not only underscores the hospital’s commit-
executives can monitor the scorecards regularly ment to change but also makes the clinical staff
and holdInternational 2009
the midlevel managers accountable feel that their contributions toward improved
ED Overcrowding
for delivering the desired results. patient care have been recognized.
Exhibit 4 of 6
Glance: These 12 metrics can be used to gauge the success of efforts to reduce ED overcrowding.
Exhibit title: Performance metrics

Exhibit 4

Performance metrics Metrics that directly reflect ED performance

• 90th percentile of ED length of stay, by acuity level and discharge disposition

These 12 metrics can be • Percentage of ED visits longer than a threshold duration (eg, 8 hours or 12 hours)
• ED volume or throughput
used to gauge the
• Ambulance offload time
success of efforts to reduce • Ambulance diversion time (if relevant)
emergency-department • Percentage of patients who left against medical advice and/or left without being treated
(ED) overcrowding. • Time between triage or registration and initial physician assessment
• Time between first assessment and disposition decision

Metrics that affect the ED but reflect the performance of other hospital departments

• Number of admitted patients boarded in the ED

• Inpatient length of stay (on high-priority units such as general medicine)
• Percentage of inpatients discharged before 11 am and 2 pm
• Percentage of long-term-stay patients in high-acuity beds (if relevant)
11 A hospital-wide strategy for fixing emergency-department overcrowding

Clinician leadership is also critical to As these hospitals undergo the work required to
convincing the frontline staff of the need for identify the root causes of overcrowding
change. Some clinicians should therefore in their EDs and develop appropriate solutions,
assume the role of champions for the improve- they are encouraged to share their findings
ment program by adopting best practices with one another. This helps ensure that, to the
themselves and encouraging their colleagues to extent possible, the solutions that will be
do likewise. Given their position in the piloted are consistent. Once implementation of
hospital hierarchy, doctors should play a promi- the solutions begins, the hospitals must
nent role, but they should not be the only also put in place the necessary performance-
change champions. Nurses and other health management improvements and communication/
professionals should also be involved.3 educational programs needed to ensure that
culture and capabilities are changed.
Other factors that are important for the
success of the improvement program are listed A larger set of hospitals is included in the
in Exhibit 5. second wave; these hospitals begin the
transformation process once implementation
Achieving results system-wide at the first set of hospitals is well along.
Although many performance-improvement This way, the second set of hospitals can take
programs are carried out one hospital at advantage of the lessons learned by the
a time, it is also possible to transform multiple first set and thus begin implementing proven
hospitals within the same network or solutions. If the health system is large
health system as part of a single improvement enough, the performance-improvement program
program. A multihospital approach is can be designed to include a third and
particularly helpful when the challenges con- even a fourth set of hospitals.
fronting the network or health system go
beyond the four walls of any one hospital. (For When a performance-improvement program is
example, if long wait times are common in implemented system-wide, it is important
all EDs in a city, then the performance in each that all of the system’s managers use a consistent
ED must be enhanced or access to services set of metrics to gauge how the hospitals
will be unequal.) In this situation, the overall are doing. These metrics will generally include
goals of the transformation—the substantial some of the scorecards the clinical staff
improvements that will be made at all hospitals— uses to monitor results within each hospital, as
are established system-wide, but the solutions well as additional measurements designed
are tailored to the needs of each facility. to assess system-wide achievements. Of necessity,
the scorecards used in this type of program
3For more information about The program is set up so that the hospitals’ will not be as customized as they would have
the role of clinician leadership participation in the program is staggered. been if they had been developed for a single hos-
in effecting change, see
James Mountford and Caroline Initially, only a handful of hospitals are included, pital. But this disadvantage is offset by the
Webb, “ When clinicians
under the assumption that they will become fact that the hospitals have the opportunity to
February 2009. the reference cases for the system as a whole. learn from one another.
A hospital-wide strategy for fixing emergency-department overcrowding 12

Health International 2009

ED Overcrowding
Exhibit 5 of 6
Glance: Seven factors help ensure the success of a hospital performance improvement program.
Exhibit title: Key success factors

Exhibit 5

Key success factors Visible senior-executive support The hospital’s CEO and executive-management team must agree on the scope and objectives of the
program and translate them into a message that will resonate with the staff. In addition,
at least one senior executive must play an active leadership role throughout the program’s duration.
Seven factors help ensure
the success of a hospital Clinical champions for change Doctors, nurses, and other clinical staff members should be involved in the program from its initial
performance-improvement stages. Representatives of each group should serve on cross-functional working teams and be included
program. among the program’s full-time project leaders.

A focus on patient care All communications should resonate with the clinical staff. They are much more likely to respond to
messages about improving patient safety, quality of care, or both than to cost-cutting appeals.

Regular communication The communication plan should make certain that the right messages are conveyed again and
again, especially when times get tough or change fatigue sets in. In addition, the communication plan
should include frequent updates to inform all staff members about what is going on.

A focus on sustainability Performance-management improvements, skill building, and cultural changes are not ‘nice to haves’
from the start that can be added toward the end of the program. They must be incorporated from the start.

Multiple methods of learning For most adults, classroom teaching is the least effective way to learn. Thus, the educational
programs should include both dynamic alternatives (such as games, small breakout groups, case studies,
guest speakers, and multimedia presentations) and on-the-job training.

Simultaneous improvements No improvement program that focuses on the emergency department alone (or any other area of
in multiple areas the hospital) will produce sustained results. Instead, simultaneous changes should be made throughout
the hospital to ensure that no new roadblocks to improvement arise.

This type of system-wide improvement program Brandon Carrus, a principal in McKinsey’s

can achieve substantial results. One Canadian Cleveland office, leads the Firm’s health care service
operations efforts in North America. He has
city opted to transform 13 of its hospitals at once.
served payors, providers, and health systems on
Within half a year, it had lowered the average
operational transformations and service
wait time in its EDs by almost 20 percent and strategy issues. Stephen Corbett, a principal in
reduced admission delays by 34 percent. In the Toronto office, is a leader of the Canadian
addition, the number of patients who had to wait health care practice. He has conducted numerous lean
in the ED overnight was cut drastically. transformations in hospitals and other settings;
before joining the Firm, he was a member of Toyota
Motor’s lean-implementation group. Deepak
Khandelwal, also a principal in the Toronto office,
is a leader of the North American operations and
At many hospitals, ED overcrowding is a symptom health care practices. He has led performance
of other problems. Thus, it can signal the transformation efforts in health care and other industries.
need for changes that, if properly implemented,
can improve patient care, raise staff morale,
and lower costs—not only in the ED but through-
out the hospital.

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