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Names: Joesph, Aliyah, Lizette, Aaron, Alejandro Date: 01-15-19 Block: 5/6

Major Concepts of Quarter 3 US History

Major Concept What happened? Who experienced/ effect How it tells this part of the
on/ contribution of history
The end of westward 1.Overview of the time 1.the time period was from 1800s- That people would go to the cities
expansion in the US period 1900s. The people that experienced “boomtowns” to go mine and after
People traveling from west these was the people from the east they would migrate to other
(Pages 106-117) to east for mining heading to the west for a better life boomtowns to find silver and more
opportunities for a better finding silver. until they destroyed .than mining
companies would get sued due to the
2. What pull factors led to
fact they would now do hydraulic
westward expansion?
mining that would overflow banks and
rivers which than was stopped only if
they had a place they could have
stored the sediment.
Segregation and 1.Overview of time period This time period was a horrible time Segregation and Discrimination stories
Discrimination 2.What laws were created for people of color, because they will never be told exactly honest
in an effort to segregate lived in constant fear. They were because of the history and the
(Pages 163-171) African Americans? forced to feel like they didn't belong rewriting of history. The book gave a
merely because of the color of their good glimpse of this part of history, but
skin. It was horrible. A laws that I would’ve wanted more information
were created as an effort to which included both sides of the story.
segregate african americans were The book was not biased but in my
called the jim crow laws. opinion, I do not think it was
completely told all the way.
Mass Culture 1.Overview of the time The mass culture was a new That the mass culture was called like
(Pages 302-309) period movement that was coming into this because of the changes of
2.How did mass media and America like the producing of modernizations of america. So it
sports help the United hollywood, broadcast and etc changed america big time in every wa.
States develop a popular
Progressivism 1. Overview of the time The time period was from 1890- Progressivism and the story of
(Pages 208-242) period 1920. the term was applied to the progressivism is not biased, it is
Names: Joesph, Aliyah, Lizette, Aaron, Alejandro Date: 01-15-19 Block: 5/6

2. How did political responses to social and economic completely explaining the social and
programs and unions problems and that industrialization economical problems of everybody, no
improve the lives of caused. just in favor of one group of people. It
Americans? political unions and programs explains how progressivism and what
benefited the lives of the workers came with it, benefited children and
because it raised the wages of the workers, but it also hurt the big
workers when there jobs were apart businesses because they had to take a
of the union. progressivism lot of their own money and paid the
benefited the children, workers, etc. workers more.
the people that it was against was
the factories/the people hiring the
workers because they had to pay
them more.

Regulation and 1. Overview of the time Roosevelt become president he this shows Roosevelt and the things
Conservation period changed the role of the federal that he did when he was president.
2. What impact did government and use this to push his
(Pages 224-241) presidents’ Roosevelt and views
Wilson have on big
US Imperialism 1. Overview of the time Time Period: Late 1800’s
(178-201) period
2. How did the Open Door
Policy expand US
The Industrial 1. Overview of the time After the civil war industry rapidly It’s not a biased story it shows both
Revolution in the early period. expanded. sides of the story and the good and
2. How did Industrialization People left their farms to work in bad of the industrial revolution.
1900s change migration patterns factories and mines natural
(Pages 130-162) in the United States? resources America had was timber,
coal, iron, and copper.
The ice-making machine was
invented and was used to keep food
fresh and lasted longer.
Names: Joesph, Aliyah, Lizette, Aaron, Alejandro Date: 01-15-19 Block: 5/6

US as a World Power 1. Overview of the time Time Period: 1872-1917

(Pages 175-201) period. The techniques that the United
2. What techniques did the States used to become a power
United States use to were, increasing it’s trade and
become a World Power? military presence in East Asia and
Latin America. By the 1900s it had
become an American Empire
WWI – not the soldiers 1. Overview of the time Time Period: 1917
going off to war period.
2.How were Americans
(Pages 257-263) impacted domestically?
Women Reform and 1. Overview of the time Time time period was the 1900-20’s. This part of history was told very
Public Life period. 2. How did the role This time period brought a lot of brilliantly in the book. They explained a
of women change? What suffrage and horrible complications lot about the women's suffrage and
(Pages 212-214, 217, political/social change led for women. Woman were seen as the different things they had to endure
258, 299) to this change? incapable and were constantly and go through, which really gave me a
threatened. This changed very more in depth perception of what
drastically. Women were then seen history and life was like back then. I do
as the leaders they have always been not think the way they told these
during the prohibition movement. stories in the book was biased at all.
They rallied to change laws and They gave all sides of the story and I do
make a movement. Because men not think they withheld any
were in the military, women were information. After reading this i felt
starting to get hired by jobs that more knowledgeable about the subject
were particularly made for men. and could definitely read more.
After women won the right to vote,
that was the cue for them to break
from traditional roles and
accomplish tasks they wanted to.
Fight for Equality: 1.Overview of the time
Voices of those who period.
were not included
Names: Joesph, Aliyah, Lizette, Aaron, Alejandro Date: 01-15-19 Block: 5/6

The Roaring 20’s 1. Overview of the time More Americans started living in It shows how america had advanced
(Pages 281-309) period cities. Women were getting more from farms to cities and how things
2. What industries sparked rights and freedom. Women could that we use today were made and how
economic growth during start voting. people will buy radios big they use to be.
the 20’s? What impact did and go out to the movies as there's
each industry have on the were new things and way to have
lives of Americans? fun.

Harlem Renaissance 1. Overview of the time 1. overview of the harlem it shows how the harlem renaissance
(Pages 310-315) period 2. What were the renaissance was the caused a big thing in america and what
causes and effects of the movement of when african was the main goal of the renaissances.
Harlem Renaissance? american decided to
Specifically, how did it promote their self as equals
change America's social and relevant to the american
identity? society by bringing their
literature, music , stage
performance and more.
2. causes of the harlem
renaissance was to show
america their music and
Names: Joesph, Aliyah, Lizette, Aaron, Alejandro Date: 01-15-19 Block: 5/6

their culture ways. one of

the effects was that to
influence african americans
to not be scared to show
their culture ways.
The Crash and 1. Overview of the time 1. The overview of the Crash and I believe this was objective, because
Depression period. Depression was that the Wall Street the main stock market company is Wall
2. What caused the Great Crash of 1929 happened and stock Street and everyone during that time
(Pages 319-328) Depression? market started to fall and many period knew it was cause of them so it
people lost their jobs, homes and is not really biased. Also, the Bull
couldn’t afford anything. Then in Market helped rise up the stock
September 1929, the market market, but later it caused problems
dropped severely and they called this and the market began to drop severely
“bear market”. bad.
2. The Wall Street crash of 1929
caused the Great Depression along
with the Bull Market. The Bull
Market was useful because it helped
rise up the Stock market. But
something happened and it dropped
really bad.
The Hardship of the 1. Overview of the time 1. This time period, people were The Hardship of the Great Depression
Depression period. going jobless, homeless and losing a plays a big role in history, because this
2. How were Americans lot of their life. was the impact of everyone’s lives and
(Pages 329-335) impacted by the Great 2. The Americans were struggling a how they lived. During this time,
Depression? lot. People were hungry and had to people struggled and couldn’t get
How were migration line up outside for free food and a things they wanted like money, jobs,
patterns and cities altered lot of them lost their jobs and homes or even provide for their family.
due to the Great couldn’t provide for themself or The hardest thing about this was that
Depression and the Dust family. people struggled, businesses fell down
Bowl? one-fourth of the people were
The New Deal 1. Overview of the time 1. During the time of The New Deal, Overall, the New Deal was very
(Pages 345-372) period. this was what President Roosevelt important, because it helped with a lot.
Names: Joesph, Aliyah, Lizette, Aaron, Alejandro Date: 01-15-19 Block: 5/6

2. How did the New Deal did to help end the recession of the If it wasn’t for the New Deal I don’t
change the role of the Great Depression. during the Great think the world would be like it is now.
federal government? Depression a lot of businesses The New Deal in the past was useful to
crashed and the Wall Street stock- those in need. It helped provide wealth
market fell deeply. This was when in for people, give back jobs, money
Roosevelt came up with the New economy shot back up and started
Deal in 1932. It was to help people working well again and more people
get their life back and help the stock- were successful.
markets go back up. The New Deal
helped a lot of people that were in
great depression, so they got jobs,
money and businesses back.
2. The federal government changed
their economy, so they basically
helped aid the wealth for the people
and the people in need they would
try to help provide food and find jobs
for them...
US Response to the 1. Overview of the time People had less jobs and made less It shows what the government did to
Depression period. money. The government was make the depression better and how
2. How did presidents borrowing money. Britain and other people got involved to help out.
(Pages 345-372) Roosevelt and Hoover canada give the government money.
combat the Depression?

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