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Database Management System Assignment Questions

(1): Define the following terms

A: Data
B: Database
D: Database System
E: Database Catalog
(2): DBA and Database Design.Explain?
(3): Define Persistance?
(4): Define Metadata?
(5): Define Transaction Processing Application?
(6): Three main type of action involves database. Explain?
(7): Define Database Application?
(8): Define Database Application in Web Application?
(9): Define some datatypes of MySQL?
(10): What is the difference between 2 tier and 3 tier Architecture?
(11): What is the difference between Logical data independence
and Physical data independence?
(12): Describe the three schema Architecture?
(13): Discuss some types of DBA utilities and tools and their
(14): Discuss the conventions for displaying a ER Schema as on ER
(15): Define the following terms?
(a): Entity
(b): Attribute
(c): Attribute value
(d): Composite Attribute
(e): Relationship Instance
(f): Multivalued Attribute
(g): Derived Attribute
(h): Complex Attribute
(i): Key Attribute
(j) : Value set
(16) :Discuss the naming conventions used for ER Schema
(17): List four applications must likely used a database system to
store persistent data?
(18): List four significant difference between a file processing
system and a DBMS?
(19): List five responsibilities of a DBMS?
(20): What are the main function of DBA?
(21): Define different types of command in SQL?

(22): Design a generalization specification hierarchy for a motor-

vehicle sales company . The company sells motorcycle busses
trucks and cars?
(23): Construct an ER diagram for a hospital with a set of patients
and a set of medical doctors.Associate with each patient a log of
various test and enomination?
(24): Construct on ER diagram for a car insurance company where
Customer have 1 or more car each. Each car has associated with it
zero to any number of recorded accidents?
(25): Define the concept of Aggregation? Give the example when
this concept is used?

(26): Let R {A,B,C} or let R1 and R2 both be relations on schema R.

Give an expression in SQL that is equivalent to each of the following
(27): Consider the following relational schema employee
relation{emp_no , emp_name , office , age} and another relation is
books {ISDN , title , authors , publisher} and loan relation {emp_no ,
ISDN , date}.
Write the following queries in SQL:
(a): Print the name of employee who had borrowed any book
published by Mc Graw hill?
(b): Print the name of employee who has borrowed all books
published by Mc Graw hill?
(c): Print the name of employee who have borrowed more than five
books of that publisher?

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