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Original Article

Effect of graded early mobilization versus routine

physiotherapy on the length of intensive care
unit stay in mechanically ventilated patients:
A randomized controlled study
Priyakshi Bezbaruah, Narasimman Swaminathan, Cherishma D’silva, Shabari Kidyoor
Department of Physiotherapy, Father Muller Medical College, Mangalore, Karnataka, India

ABSTRACT was observed between early mobilization and routine

physiotherapy groups with respect to the length of ICU
Background: Early mobilization is an important component
stay. Conclusion: Early mobilization showed better
of physiotherapy used to prevent and decrease pulmonary
outcome compared to routine physiotherapy in reducing
and immobilization complications, which are the major goals
the length of ICU stay in mechanically ventilated patients.
of physiotherapy in the intensive care unit (ICU). Prolonged
The results of this study cannot be generalized due to the
bed rest and hospitalization leads to deconditioning and
small number of subjects.
weakness which can further increase the length of the
ICU stay. This study was conducted to find an answer Key words: Complications, early mobilization, ICU,
to whether early mobilization is as effective as or better physiotherapy
than routine physiotherapy in reducing the length of ICU
stay in mechanically ventilated patients. Study Design: INTRODUCTION
Randomized controlled study. Study Setting: Medical
ICU, Father Muller Medical College Hospital. Mangalore, In most of the intensive care units (ICUs), bed rest is
Karnataka, India. Aim: To detect the effectiveness of considered as the routine standard of care which leads to
graded early mobilization and routine physiotherapy and to immobility, deconditioning, and weakness.[1-4] Patients who
compare these techniques with respect to the length of ICU are admitted in ICUs are surrounded by various equipments
stay in mechanically ventilated patients. Materials and and life support systems, and therefore mobilization is
Methods: Fifteen subjects of both gender who were on
considered to be a complex task.[5] Muscle strength decreases
mechanical ventilators fulfilling the inclusion criteria were
to 20% within one week of immobilization with an additional
randomly assigned to two groups, group 1 (graded early
decrease of 20% in each subsequent week.[6,7] The presence
mobilization, n = 8) and Group 2 (routine physiotherapy,
of muscle weakness is associated with the duration of
n = 7) by using the randomization plan from the website
mechanical ventilation and length of ICU stay.[8,9] Prolonged All the vitals of the subjects
bed rest also increases the production of reactive oxygen
were noted as they were made to perform particular
species (ROS) with a decrease in antioxidative defence.[10,11]
maneuvers depending on the group they belonged to.
The term ROS describes a variety of molecules and free
Participants recruited into the early mobilization group
were mobilized as soon as their vitals were stable and radicals derived from molecular oxygen. ROS plays a very
were able to participate in the therapy. The patients who important role in tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha-induced
underwent routine physiotherapy were mobilized once oxidation of myofilaments resulting in contractile dysfunction
they were extubated. At the time of discharge from the
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ICU, days of weaning, days first out of bed, and length
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of ICU stay were noted. Results: A significant difference Website:

Address for correspondence: Mr. Narasimman Swaminathan,

Department of Physiotherapy, Father Muller Medical College,
Mangalore, Karnataka, India.

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Bezbaruah, et al.: Graded mobilization in mechanically ventilated patients

and atrophy.[12,13] Critically ill patients in the ICU commonly the ICU as well as criteria for progressing to the next phase.
receive less than 60% of their nutritional intake during The purpose of this study was to find out the effect of early
their ICU stay leading further to malnutrition.[14] Early mobilization on the length of ICU stay in mechanically
mobilization in ICUs may help to improve the respiratory ventilated patients.[22]
function by optimizing the ventilation/perfusion matching,
increase the lung volume and improve the airway clearance, Materials And Methods
reduce the adverse affects of immobility, increase the level
of consciousness, improve cardiovascular fitness, increase Patients
functional independence, and increase psychological A sample of 15 subjects who were on mechanical ventilator
well- being.[15-17] Mechanically ventilated patients usually between May 25, 2011 and October 30, 2011 at the medical
receive very high doses of sedatives and analgesics which leads ICU, Father Muller Medical College Hospital were included
to prolonged periods of unconsciousness and immobility.[15] in the study. The study was approved by the ethical
Kollef and colleagues identified excessive ICU sedation to committee of the institution.
be an important cause of prolonged mechanical ventilation
and length of ICU stay.[18] Physical mobilization during The inclusion criteria were mechanically ventilated patients
mechanical ventilation of the ICU patients helps them to with respiratory pathology, in the age group 30-60 years,
be active.[19] out of sedation with Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) of 14/15
(VET), and stable vitals. Patients with any neurological
Although physical therapy has a theoretical appeal, it has impairment, unstable fractures, spinal fractures, and
not been determined whether it benefits when initiated early fractures of the lower limb were excluded from the study.
during the ICU treatment.
Bailey and colleagues first reported the trial of early
[20] Those subjects fulfilling the inclusion criteria were randomly
mobilization in mechanically ventilated patients. They assigned early mobilization and control group by using a
reported that early mobilization after physiologic predetermined computer generated randomization plan.
stabilization in the ICU might lead to patients accomplishing
ambulation by the time of discharge from the ICU. Patients Group 1 experimental group: Graded early
with respiratory failure admitted to respiratory ICU (RICU) mobilization protocol
at LDS Hospital in Salt Lake City over a seven-month According to this protocol, graded early mobility can be
period were included in the study. Patients with mechanical defined as beginning the mobility program when the patient
ventilation >4 days were eligible. Mobilization began when is minimally able to participate in the therapy, has stable
patients had neurological stability, respiratory stability, and hemodynamic status, and is receiving acceptable levels of
circulatory stability. oxygen.

Schweickert and colleagues[21] reported a randomized trial The criteria for mobilization were heart rate less than
of early physical and occupational therapy in patients with 110/ min at rest, mean arterial blood pressure between 60
respiratory failure requiring mechanical ventilation. The and 110 mmHg, fraction of inspired oxygen less than 0.6,
patients were randomized into the intervention group and and oxygen saturation greater than 88% on activity.
the control group. The intervention group received early
mobilization which included range of motion (ROM), side The vitals of the patient were to be assessed before, during,
sitting, Activities of daily living ADL, transfer training, and after any mobility intervention.
and ambulation. Patients in the control group underwent
The protocol was modified due to practical concerns and
physical/occupational therapy, as ordered by the primary
was divided into four phases.
care team physician, occurring after extubation. The
primary end point was to return to functional independence
at discharge from hospital. There was a shorter duration Phase 1
of delirium (median 2 vs. 4 days), more ventilator-free This included patients who were critically ill with multiple
days (median 23.5 vs. 21.1 days), and improved return to medical problems, had limited activity tolerance, and were
independent functional status (59% vs. 35%). unable to walk.

Perme and Chandreshekhar developed a four-phase The goal of phase 1 was to make the patient sit at the
protocol which provides guidelines for early mobilization in edge of the bed unsupported or with minimal assistance

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Bezbaruah, et al.: Graded mobilization in mechanically ventilated patients

and initiate standing with manual assistance and walker mechanical ventilation, were able to participate actively. The
support. goal of phase 4 was to promote progressive transfers and
walking independence. Assessment of physical therapy was
General criteria for progressing to the next phase were that carried out, the phase of the program in which the patient
the patient followed commands, had stable hemodynamics should be included was determined, and the mobility plan
and acceptable oxygenation, and was able to stand with a of care was established.
Group 2 control group (patients who received
Phase 2 routine physiotherapy)
This phase included patients in acute/subacute phase with This included positioning, postural drainage, percussion,
multiple medical problems, in a stable condition, and able vibration, suctioning, and passive ROM exercises. They
to participate better in the activities. were mobilized after they were extubated from the
ventilator. The duration of the physiotherapy session was
The goal of phase 2 was to initiate re-education of gait 30–45 minutes for both the groups as tolerated, twice a day
with the walker. till the day of discharge from the ICU.

General criteria for progressing to the next phase involved the Outcome measures were days first out of bed, days of
patient following commands, having stable hemodynamics weaning, and length of ICU stay which were taken on the
and acceptable oxygen, being capable of transfer to chair with day of discharge from the ICU [Figure 1].
the assistance of a walker, and walker re-education.
Statistical analysis
Phase 3 Chi-square test was used to analyze differences within
This included patients in acute/subacute phase with the group. Mann-Whitney test was used to compare the
multiple medical problems or resolving medical problems outcomes between the groups following the intervention.
and able to participate actively in the therapy. The software used for statistical analysis was SPSS 13.

The goal of phase 3 was to initiate independent transfer RESULTS

training with walker and provide progressive walking
re-education. General criteria for progressing to the next Group 1 (early mobilization) comprised eight subjects with
phase included the patient following commands, being a mean age of 50.38 [standard deviation (SD): 8.400] and
hemodynamically stable, with acceptable oxygen levels, group 2 (routine physiotherapy), seven subjects with a mean
and with improved tolerance to a progressive walking age of 50.43 (SD: 4.158). In Group 1, there were two males
program. and six females. In Group 2, there was one male and six
females. Table 1 shows the demographic data.
Phase 4
Patients in subacute phase, who had been weaned from The mean days first out of bed in early mobilization and

Table 1: Baseline characteristics

Characteristic Category Early mobilization Routine physiotherapy P value
Gender Male 2 1
Female 6 6
Age [yrs; M (SD)] 50.38 (8.4) 50.43 (4.158) 0.908
Diagnosis Acute asthma 2 1
Acute exacerbation of COPD 4 5
Brochiectasis 2 0
Pulmonary TB 1
Mode of ventilator SIMV 8 6
CPAP 0 1
PCO2 52.888 (8.99) 56.943 (7.6339) 0.242
PO2 145.925 (52.944) 139.943 (70.124) 0.563
pH 7.3450 (.11123) 7.3643 (.09964) 0.908
HCO3 29.213 (7.0015) 44.7 (9.7101) 0.728
SD=Standard deviation, COPD=Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, TB=Tuberculosis, SIMV=Synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation,
CPAP=Continuous positive airway pressure, PCO2=Carbon dioxide partial pressure, PO2=Oxygen partial pressure, HCO3=Bicarbonate

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Bezbaruah, et al.: Graded mobilization in mechanically ventilated patients

15 patients on mechanical ventilator Table 2: Comparison of days first out of bed between
the two groups
Group N Min Max Mean SD Median Mann- P value
GROUP 1 (n=8) GROUP 1 (n=7) Whitney
(Early Mobilization) (Routine Physiotherapy) test
Inter 8 2 4 2.88 0.641 3.00 3.33 0.001
Control 7 7 9 7.71 0.756 8.00
Min=Minimum, Max=Maximum, SD=Standard deviation
Routine Physiotherapy + Early Mobilization Routine PT

Table 3: Comparison of days of weaning between the

Positioning (with stable hemodynamic parameters Till pt. is intubated two groups
Percussion and intubated pts) Group N Min Max Mean SD Median Mann- P value
Vibration Whitney
Postural drainage Bed mobility-bridging test
Suctioning Side sitting Once extubated Inter 8 5 6 5.38 0.518 5.00 3.38 0.001
Unsupported sitting Control 7 7 9 7.43 0.787 7.00
Transfer training-transfer from bed to chair Min=Minimum, Max=Maximum, SD=Standard deviation
Sit to stand, spot marching
Walking re education Mobilization initiated
Table 4: Comparison of the length of ICU stay between
the two groups
Group N Min Max Mean SD Median Mann- P value
Till the day of ICU discharge Till the day of ICU discharge
(n=8) (n=7)
Figure 1: PT: Physiotherapy, pt.: Patient Inter 8 5 6 5.63 0.518 6.00 3.38 0.001
Control 7 7 9 8.00 0.577 8.00
routine physiotherapy were 2.88 (SD: 0.641) and 7.71 Min=Minimum, Max=Maximum, SD=Standard deviation

(SD: 0.756), respectively [Table 2].

Difference in days first out of bed between the two groups

on the day of discharge from the ICU was statistically
significant (P = 0.001) [Table 3].

The mean days of weaning in early mobilization and routine

physiotherapy were 5.38 (SD: 0.518) and 7.43 (SD: 0.787),
respectively [Table 4].

Difference in days of weaning between the two groups was

statistically significant (P = 0.001).

The mean length of ICU stay in early mobilization and Figure 2: Between the group comparison on out of bed, days
of weaning, days of ICU stay
routine physiotherapy was 5.63 (SD 0.518) and 8.00
(SD 0.577), respectively Figure 2.
ventilated patients. Its role and safety measures are yet to be
Difference in the length of ICU stay between the two groups established. Many articles in the literature have documented
was statistically significant (P = 0.001). the effect of early mobilization in critically ill patients but
there were no fixed protocols pertaining to this. To the best
DISCUSSION of our knowledge, there are no randomized trials to check the
feasibility of early mobilization in mechanically ventilated
In most of the ICUs, bed rest is considered as the routine patients based on a protocol.
standard of care. Prolonged bed rest leads to neuromuscular
weakness and deconditioning.[7] There is a significant reduction It was found in the literature that the presence of muscle
in the strength of both skeletal and respiratory muscles.[23,24] weakness was associated with the duration of mechanical
All of these lead to delayed weaning from the ventilator and ventilation and length of ICU stay.[19-21,25] Therefore the
prolong the length of ICU stay. Routine physiotherapy is the main outcome measures used were days first out of bed,
standard of care in all ICUs[1] Early mobilization is not a duration of mechanical ventilation, and length of stay
new concept but it is not routinely practiced in mechanically in the ICU.

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Bezbaruah, et al.: Graded mobilization in mechanically ventilated patients

To identify the length of stay in the ICU, subjects on activity level of the patient and this in turn could assist in the
mechanical ventilators with a history of respiratory patient being weaned early from the mechanical ventilator.
pathology were included in the study. All the subjects
were conscious and oriented with GCS = 14/15 so that Moreover, critically ill patients in the ICUs receive heavy
they could actively participate in the therapy. Subjects sedation which is associated with increased duration
were hemodynamically stable with a heart rate less than of mechanical ventilation, whereas early mobilization
110/ minute at rest, mean arterial blood pressure between could further result in decreased duration of mechanical
60 and 110 mmHg, fraction of inspired oxygen less than ventilation and decreased length of ICU stay.
0.6, and oxygen saturation greater than 88% on activity.
There was a sudden drop in the saturation level of one patient
The protocol used in this study was a four-phase protocol in the intervention group during early mobilization who,
which was modified from Perme and Chandrashekhar however, recovered within a few seconds. No other adverse
from the American Journal of Critical Care, 2009. Each phase effects were identified in both the groups. Patients in the early
provided guidelines on types of exercises, positioning, bed mobility group could be ambulated with the ventilator around
mobility, transfers, and gait. General criteria for progressing the bedside and there were no adverse effects noted. All the
to the next phase were also mentioned. patients could tolerate early mobility well with the ventilator
and there were no unstable hemodynamics noted after the
There was a significant difference in all the outcome ambulation. There was also no dislodgement of any tubes or
measures between the groups. The early mobilization lines while ambulating the patients which suggested that early
group was out of bed earlier, had more ventilator-free days, mobilization was feasible. Thus it can also be concluded that
and had a much more reduced length of stay in the ICU early mobilization is safe and can be administered effectively.
compared to the routine physiotherapy group. As a result,
it was found that patients in the early mobilization group This study was mainly done to demonstrate the efficacy
remained more active most of the time compared to those of early mobilization and routine physiotherapy and to
in routine physiotherapy. Furthermore, the patients in the compare the effect of the two techniques on the length of
early mobilization group had fewer complications than ICU stay in critically ill patients on mechanical ventilators.
those in routine physiotherapy and were able to cope with There was a statistically significant difference in all the
the condition more efficiently than the control group. outcome measures used in the study. This shows that
early mobilization has a positive effect, thereby reducing
The advantages of early mobilization are that it enhances
the length of ICU stay and can be administered safely in
the cardiovascular function including increase in cardiac
mechanically ventilated patients.
output, increases myocardial contractility, decreases
peripheral resistance, decreases chronic inflammation, and This study included subjects with different respiratory
preserves neuromuscular and musculoskeletal integrity. It pathologies, that is, the groups were not homogenous which
is also hypothesized that mobilization improves pulmonary might have affected the outcomes. Moreover, functional
mechanics, improves ventilation/perfusion matching, improvement of the subjects could not be assessed because
improves gaseous exchange, and helps in better airway the patients were shifted to the wards as soon as they were
clearance. extubated. The study could not be generalized because
of the small size of the sample. Another limitation of the
As a result of all these positive factors, the patients were out
study was that the mobility protocol was limited in its
of bed earlier compared to the routine physiotherapy group.
delivery only to the ICUs. Further follow-up of the patients
The psychological benefit of early mobility is another could be done to see its effect on the length of stay in the
positive outcome observed in the study. Once the patients hospital. The study was not blinded as the same therapist
progress to functional mobility, they develop a much more who allocated the patients into groups also administered the
positive outlook towards their recovery. The medical intervention and measured the outcomes. A similar study
condition of the patients did not deteriorate as a direct with a large sample size and a more homogenous group
result of intervention associated with the early mobility and with blinding of the assessor can be used which will improve
walking program. the understanding in this regard. Future studies measuring
functional improvements may provide clarification as to
Once a patient is being able to sit, stand, and ambulate the effect of early mobilization on long-term functional
with the ventilator, it can have an encouraging effect on the outcomes.

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