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Rosy paused in the hallway, this would be the first time they would meet in almost ten years.

It’s the same one, slick black hair, blue eyes, strong cologne and the scent of fresh strawberries,
it’s all coming back to me. I had told myself to never go back home after that day. I couldn’t stand the
fact that my mom has passed away. Ever since that Friday Afternoon, that horrible day filled with havoc.

I was coming home from work and i met Joanne on the way home, and had one of those weight
lifting conversation, it’s amazing what an old pal can do to your stress. Wash it away, wash it away I say!
Had i got home earlier maybe it would’ve been different. I always make the wrong decisions and do the
wrong things. Or maybe it was fate, but all it is now is that we’ll never know. The piece of art, the one i
worshipped, brought me home and hope with a single smile was lying there helpless, beautiful,
peaceful. I felt it, that terrible feeling, oh God it ached. I drop everything and ran towards her lying on
the chair, we had got from grandma. My arms wrapped around her frame. In my arms was the individual
I’d die for, the one I think I can’t ever survive without. The thought of your absence chokes the life out of
me and i silently die an aching death. John had been with me from day one, and what i had done to
compensate him? I left the damned boy and ran from my old life, it was the only option i had, or so i
think. He was my high school sweet-heart. We did everything together from crying to climbing
mountains. But things change i guess. We often have to look past the present comfort for confirmation
and do what must be done, on the best interest of our future.

There he was, and here i am staring at him. With a swift turn he whipped around and glanced at
me. The urge to ran towards him. In his eyes i saw everything all again, the movie of my past, the
laughter, the blossom of life, it was all confined in this boy’s eye. The book he was holding held the
words “Finding finding yourself” I wondered if he hvea changed from

I waslk up to his and, “Hi Miss,bow

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