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5/30/2019 AMALGAM

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1. What is the most frequently used restorative material?

a) Silicate
b) Amalgam
c) Composite
d) Gold
Ans: B

2. The process of mixing solid alloy with mercury to produce amalgam is known as
a) Amalgamation
b) Trituration
c) Mulling
d) Condensation
Ans A

3. In amalgam alloy what acts as oxygen scavengers?

a) Cu
b) Zn
c) Pd
d) Ag
Ans B

4. Indium is alloyed or quaternary alloy where no tin is available for reaction belongs to which generation of
a) First
b) Second
c) Fourth
d) Fifth
Ans D

5. Which component of amalgam will react with mercury to give strength?

a) Cu
b) Ag
c) Sn
d) Zn
Ans: B 1/11
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6. Which of the following constituents of amalgam alloy decreases expansion?

a) Copper
b) Zinc
c) Silver
d) Tin
Ans: D

7. Fluoride-releasing amalgam contains

a) 2% NaF
b) 8% SnF2
c) 0.05% NaF
d) 1% SnF2
Ans: D

8. Eames technique for proportioning alloy & mercury is

a) 1:1 by volume
b) 8:5 by weight
c) 5:8 by volume
d) 1:1 by weight
Ans: D

9. Adequate mixing of mercury is indicated by

a) Dry and incohesive plastic mix
b) Shiny and incohesive plastic mix
c) Dry and cohesive plastic mix
d) Shiny and cohesive plastic mix
Ans: D

10. Undertrituration of the amalgam results in

a) Increased expansion and reduced strength
b) Increased contraction and increased strength
c) Increased expansion but also increased strength
d) Increased contraction and reduction in strength
Ans A

11. The highest mercury concentration in amalgam lling is found

a) At the margin of the restoration
b) In the centre of the restoration
c) In the deepest part of the restoration
d) None of the above
Ans A

12. In a high copper amalgam the phase which is Eliminated is

a) Gamma 1
b) Gamma 2
c) Gamma 1 and 2
d) No phase is eliminated
Ans B 2/11
5/30/2019 AMALGAM

13. Non-gama-2 alloy is

a) Resistant to marginal leakage
b) Resistant to discolouration
c) Resistant to sensitization
d) Resistant to corrosion
Ans: D
14. Compared to lathe-cut alloy, spherical dental amalgam aMoys
a) Require less amalgamation time
b) Require higher forces of condensation
c) Require more mercury for trituration
d) Have longer setting time
Ans A

15. Which of the following does not occur in High Copper Amalgam?
a) Electrochemical corrosion
b) Penetrating corrosion
c) Chemical corrosion
d) No corrosion is seen with high copper amalgams
Ans B

16. Which of the following are characteristic features of high copper amalgam alloy?
a) Low compressive strength
b) High marginal breakdown
c) Less marginal breakdown
d) High creep
Ans C

17. The chemistry behind the condensation of the amalgam is to

a) Condense the unattacked gamma II particles
b) Condense the unattacked gamma particles
c) Condense the unattacked gamma I particles
d) None of the above
Ans B

18. After condensation force of a conventional amalgam is

a) 2-3 kg
b) 4-5 kg
c) 5-7 kg
d) 10-12 kg
Ans A

19. Setting time of amalgam is best controlled by?

a) Using spherical particles
b) Lathe-cu alloy
c) Altering Hg-Alloy ratio
d) Trituration time
Ans D 3/11
5/30/2019 AMALGAM

20. After trituration and condensation of the amalgam, dimensional changes that occur in it can be best descr
a) Contraction followed by expansion
b) Expansion followed by contraction
c) Only expansion
d) Only contraction
Ans A

21. A material like amalgam with high compressive strength but low tensile strength is said to be having
a) Toughness
b) Brittleness
c) Ductility
d) Malleability
Ans B

22. Gamma-2 phase of amalgam causes

a) Delayed expansion
b) Tarnish and corrosion
c) Decreases the strength of restoration
d) All of the above
Ans: A

23. Corrosion of amalgam restoration:

a) Can extend up to a depth of 50 urn
b) Decreases if tin content of alloy increases
c) Is promoted by gama phase of alloy particles
d) Is resisted the most by copper-tin phase in high copper amalgams
Ans D

24. Poor condensation of the amalgam results in

a) High residual mercury content at the margins
b) Contraction of the amalgam
c) Reduced strength of the set amalgam
d) All of the above
Ans: C

25. The chemistry behind delayed expansion of the amalgarr

a) Amalgam coming in contact with moisture
b) Production of hydrogen and its accumulation
c) Sulphides released at margins
d) Presence of zinc in the amalgam
Ans B

26. Co-e cient of thermal expansion of amalgam is

a) 6.6 a (ppm k”1)
b) 11.4 a (ppm k’1)
c) 14.0 a (ppm k”1) 4/11
5/30/2019 AMALGAM

d) 25.0 a (ppm k”1)

Ans: D

27. The time-dependent deformation, creep, is increased in all of the following except
a) Time lag between condensation and trituration
b) Increased condensation pressure
c) Over-trituration and under-trituration
d) Increased residual mercury content
Ans B

28. Amalgam which exhibits least creep and marginal breakdown

a) High copper dispersion phase
b) High copper spherical
c) Conventional lathe cut
d) Conventional admixed
Ans B

29. Marginal failure in dental amalgam restorations is attributed to

a) Excessive creep
b) Poor abrasion resistance
c) Tarnish
d) Loss of cavity varnish
Ans: A

30. The purpose of burnishing the amalgam after condensation is to

a) Reduce surface microporosities plaque accumulation
b) Smoothen the surface
c) Improve the marginal seal of the restoration
d) All of the above
Ans: D

31. Burnishing is usually not recommended for

a) Slow setting low copper amalgam
b) Fast setting high copper amalgam
c) Admixed amalgam
d) Spherical amalgam
Ans B

32. Polishing agents for amalgam are to be wetted

a) To reduce frictional heat
b) To increase the action of polishing agents
c) To prevent the dehydration of tooth structure
d) All of the above
Ans A

33. Considering the total number of failures of amalgam restorations, the maximum number are due to
a) Improper cavity design and high residual mercury content
b) Improper trituration and condensation
c) Improper burning and polishing 5/11
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d) None of the above

Ans: A

34. The threshold limit value of mercury exposures is

a) 0.01 mg/m3
b) 0.05 mg/m3
c) 0.1 mg/m3
d) 0.001 mg/m3
Ans: B

35. The most toxic form of mercury is

a) Methyl and ethyl mercury
b) Mercury vapor
c) Inorganic mercury forms
d) Mercury sulphide
Ans A

36. “Amalgam” means

a) A metallic powder composed of silver, tin, copper and zinc
b) An alloy of two or more rnetals, one of which is mercury
c) An aiioy of two or more metals that have been dissolved in each other in the molten stat
d) A metallic substance in powder or tablet form that is mixed with mercury
Ans B

37. The percentage of copper in single composition high copper alloys is

a) 0-6%
b) 12-28%
c) 10-12%
d) 12-20%
Ans B

38. The ADA speci cation No. 1 for compostion of amalgam alloy, recommends
a) 65% silver, 32% tin and 3% copper
b) 49% silver, 32% tin and 19% copper
c) 65% silver, 29% tin and 5-6% copper
d) None of the above
Ans C
39. Indium is added to amalgam
a) It reduces mercury release during mastication
b) It reduces gamma phase
c) It reduces mercury release
d) It reduces gamma-2 phase during polishing
Ans D

40. The main function of zinc in the amalgam is

a) To produce delayed expansion amalgam after setting
b) To increase the longevity of the amalgam
c) To increase the shelf-life of an amalgam 6/11
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d) All of the above

Ans B

41. Advantage of zinc-containing amalgam is

a) Better handling property
b) Dimensional stability
c) Resistance to creep
d) Toxicity to pulp and dentin
Ans: A

42. Advantages of minimum mercury techniques or Eame’s technique is all except

a) High strength
b) Set quickly
c) Needs no squeezing of extra mercury
d) Greater plasticity and adopts well to cavity walls
Ans B

43. The main purpose of trituration

a) To coat the alloy particles with mercury
b) To dissolve all the particles with mercury
c) To reduce the size of the alloy particles
d) None of the above
Ans A

44. Over-trituration of silver alloy and mercury

a) Reduces contraction
b) Increases the strength of lathe-cut alloy but reduces the strength of spherical alloy amalgam
c) Decreases creep
d) Gives a dull and crumbly amalgam mix
Ans B
45. Which of the following phases of dental amalgam has minimum strength?
a) Gamma 1
b) Gamma 2
c) Epsilon 1
d) Gamma 3
Ans B
46. The percentage of unconsumated alloy in low copper amalgams is
a) 20
b) 30
c) 27
d) 50
Ans: C

47. The best amalgam lling contains

a) Maximum alloy minimum matrix
b) Minimum alloy maximum matrix
c) Maximum alloy, maximum matrix
d) Minimum alloy, minimum matrix 7/11
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Ans A
48. Which phase provides maximum strength in hardened silver alloy?
a) Silver/mercury phase
b) Silver/tin phase
c) Tin/mercury phase
d) Zinc/mercury phase
Ans: B

49. In spherical alloys as compared to lathe cut

a) Less condensing force is required
b) More condensing force is required
c) Both require same condensing
d) Manipulation is easy force
Ans: A

50. Which of the following are the features of the high copper amalgam alloys?
a) Low marginal breakdown
b) Low creep values
c) Elimination of gamma-II phase
d) All of the above
Ans D

51. Which of the following statements is true regarding Lathe cut silver alloy?
a) Requires least amount of mercury
b) Achieves lowest compressive strength at 1 hr
c) Has tensile strength, both at 15 minutes and 7 days is comparable to high copper, unicompositional alloys
d) Has lower creep value
Ans B
52. Which of the following is not true of condensation in amalgam restoration
a) Adaptation to cavity walls
b) Blarger diameter condensers require less condensation pressure
c) Decrease the mercury component of the amalgam
d) Removal of excess mercury from lling
Ans B

53. Higher the mercury/alloy ratio in dental amalgam

a) More the gamma phase formed
b) Less the matrix formed
c) More the matrix formed
d) None of the above
Ans C

54. Setting time is decreased by all of the following for an amalgam except
a) Smaller particle size
b) Longer trituration time
c) Decreased trituration time
d) Low mercury within compatible limits
Ans C 8/11
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55. Net contraction of amalgam results from a!! of the following except
a) Higher condensation pressure leading to low alloy/mercury ratio
b) Longer trituration times with less residual mercury
c) Small particle size leading to saturation of all available mercury
d) None of the above
Ans D

56. The product that is formed on the surface of the amalgam restoration and fequently results in discolourat
a) Sulphide
b) Gamma-I phase
c) Gamma-II phase
d) Oxide
Ans A

57. The following is a corrosive product of higher copper amalgams

a) Silver sulphide
b) Copper oxide
c) Stannous oxide
d) No corrosive product is formed
Ans: B
58. As age advances the microleakage of an amalgam restoration
a) Decreases
b) Increases
c) Constant
d) Variable
Ans A

59. Contamination with moisture of zinc-containing amalgam results in

a) Pitting and decreased corrosion resistance
b) Decrease in strength
c) Postoperative pain due to expansion of the amalgam
d) All of the above
Ans: D

60. How soon after contamination by moisture does a zinc-containing amalgam restoration start expanding?
a) 12 hours
b) 1-2 days
c) 3-5 days
d) One week
Ans: C

61. Dynamic creep is the

a) Continuing alloying between silver-tin alloy and mercury during the life of restoration
b) Deformation of set amalgam during function
c) Process whereby alloy is “wetted” by mercury
d) Spread of amalgam during packing
Ans B 9/11
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62. Creep value of which of the following is the highest?

a) Low copper amalgam alloy.
b) Admix alloy.
c) Single composition alloys.
d) Creep value of all the above-mentioned alloys is same
Ans A

63. Which of the following is true?

a) Creep value of high copper single composition alloy is lowest
c) Creep value of high copper single composition alloy is highest
c) Creep value of high copper admixed alloy is lowest
d) Creep value of low copper alloy is lowest
Ans A

64. Cavity varnish under amalgam restoration serves to

a) Prevent staining of the tooth structure from amalgam
b) Prevent the temperature changes from reaching the pulp
c) Improve the marginal seal of the restoration
d) Both ‘a’ and ‘c’
Ans: D

65. Burnishing of amalgam does not reduce

a) Subsurface microporosity
b) Corrosion
c) Creep
d) The polishing time
Ans B

66. Finishing and polishing of amalgam makes the restoration

a) Increase in tarnish and corrosion resistance
b) Increase the marginal strength
c) Decrease the tarnish and corrosion resistance
d) Increase compressive strength
Ans: A

67. The polishing agent which can be used to polish amalgam restorations is
a) Garnet
b) Emery
c) Silex
d) Alumina
Ans C

68. Mercury toxicity in dental o ce mainly results from

a) Contact with mercury during trituration
b) Inhalation of vapours containing mercury
c) Contact with mercury during condensation
d) Ingestion of amalgam scrap during removal of old restoration
Ans: A 10/11
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69. Well-premeasured capsules of amalgam can release mercury vapour during

a) Mulling
b) Carving
c) Condensation
d) Trituration
Ans: C


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