World History 102 Notes and Questions 1-18-18

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Outline : Aftermaths of European Global Exploration p489-502

1) Trade and Conflict in Early modern Asia:

Trading Post Map p493 – note different countries’ approach

Dutch- Amboina islands, Batavia, Colombo, Cape Town, Nagasaki, Melaka

Spanish- Manila islands, Philippines

English- Madras, Bombay, Calcutta,

French- Pondicherry

Portuguese- Sao Jorge da Mina, Hormuz, Goa, Calicut, Macau, Melaka, Ternate

Why the Red Sea escapes from European influence?

The Muslim control in the area was very active and strong. Concentration was strongest
there, to control the artery of the trade routes.

Trading Companies – what are they and why are they important?

Instruments of European colonization of the world, commercial entities of merchants.

Legally they had more privileges that many did not, they had local authority, and they brought
the trade to them through influence of military.

European conquest of Southeastern Asia: Philippines (1565) and Java (1619)

No coordinated government or military to fight against foreign invaders.

2) Ecological exchanges: The Columbian Exchange: how many biological species involved? What
were the consequences?

5 bio species exchanged. Diseases, like small pox and other caused medical epidemics.
Plants and Food such as Maze or Corn and other were introduced. Animals, such as
horses and cows. People, Africans and Europeans begin to mix with native peoples.

Reading Assignment : Read Chapter 24: The New World, read pages from p.535 – 549

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