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a) How do the companies’ market segments differ?

 Woot is an E-tailer  Amazon is an e-commerce
that offers more than
 Woot targets the selling goods on the
discount buyer segment. internet
The company takes a yard  You could buy almost
sale approach to anything on Amazon. It is
marketing. They sell a company that is trying
products purchased from to corner every retail
companies that are going market segment.
out of business,
overstocked, or that have
slow moving items

f) How could either company change its Web site to better

accomplish its competitive strategy?
Both Woot and Amazon can do the same strategy:
- Clean up the look of the website by just putting tabs of
- Don’t put all the extra products on the first page
- Deals can go on a tab and that will clean up the look of
the page
g) Would the change you recommend in step f necessitate a change in one
or more of the company’s value chains ? Explain
The idea of changing the look of the website do necessitate some
change in the company’s value chains :
1. Product and technology development + Human resources
management : In order to change the website , the company
needs to train their staff with well-prepared strategies
and with the requirement for a much attractive website
outlook. They might need to recruit more employees
specialized in the IT task to design a brand new website

2. Primary activities :
The outlook of the website will represent the brand of the
company . Therefore , if the website is successfully
upgraded , it will attract more and more customers . On
the other hands, if the website is not successfully
upgraded , the number of customers will decrease .

In brief :

Website outlook upgraded -> attract more customers -> the

quality control increase -> INBOUND LOGISTICS increase ->
more OPERATIONS are needed -> Finishing good + Delivery ->
more customers with the web analysis -> SERVICING needs
more improvement in order to reach the expectation of the
customers .

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