Colegio Nueva Consitucion Grado Sexto Ingles English Teacher: Sandra Lílly Acosta Z

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English Teacher: Sandra Lílly Acosta Z.

A. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences, as in the example.

Ejemplo: play /often / on / Sundays / they / football

They often play football on Sundays.

1. late / is / she / sometimes _____
______________________________________ 6. sometimes / her / does / she / Fridays / on /
_____ shopping
2. early / up / sister / never / Sundays / on / gets ______________________________________
/ my _____
______________________________________ 7. go / we / twice / month / the / theatre / to / a
_____ ______________________________________
3. usually / he / goes / to / on / Fridays / the / _____
cinema 8. never / in / is / the / at / mornings / Peter /
______________________________________ home
_____ ______________________________________
4. go / you / restaurant / often / a / do / how / to _____
/? 9. he / work / rides / bike / to / his / often
______________________________________ ______________________________________
_____ _____
5. she / the / beach / to / always / goes / in / the / 10. home / they / get / six o’clock / usually / at
summer ______________________________________
English Teacher: Sandra Lílly Acosta Z.

C. Use the prompts and the frequency adverbs to write sentences about yourself.

always usually often sometimes never

1. get up at seven o’clock _______________________________

_______________________________ 5. play computer games in the evenings
2. have a shower in the morning
_______________________________ 6. cook dinner
3. have lunch at school ____________________________-
_______________________________ ___________________________________
4. do homework in the afternoon

Prepare this dialogue in English and present it to your partners:

Mrs. Jones is the English Literacy instructor. Juan Carlos is one of her
students.They meet at the local store.

Mrs. Jones: Good morning, Juan. How are you today?

Juan Carlos: Good morning Mrs. Jones. I am doing just fine. How are you?
Mrs. Jones: I am doing great. Are you coming to my afternoon class today?
Juan Carlos: I hope I can, but I have to go to the doctor for a physical this morning.
Mrs. Jones: Okay. I understand, but I hope you can make it too.
Juan Carlos: I will try my best.
Mrs. Jones: Thanks Juan. Goodbye
Juan Carlos: Goodbye.

Translate it into Spanish:

Hello class. I am your teacher. My name is Tom Langston. Thank you for coming to my
English Literacy class today. Please come every day that you can. In class you can say
hello to others and make new friends. It is nice to meet each one of you. Please tell me your

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