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Cone clutch
A simple form of a cone clutch is shown in fig. it
consists of ;i driver or cup and the follower or cone.
The cup is keyed to the driving shaft by a sunk key and
has an inside conical surface or face which exactly fits
the outside conical surface of the cone. The slope of the
cone face is made small enough to give a high normal
force. The cone is fitted to the driven shaft by a feather
key. The follower may be shifted along the shaft by a
forked shifting lever in order to engage the clutch by
bringing the two conical surfaces in contact.
Advantages and disadvantages of cone clutch:
1. This clutch is simple in design. •
2. Less axial force is required to engage the clutch.
Disadvantages :
1. There is a tendency to grab.
2. There is some reluctance in disengagement.
Strict requirements made to the co-axiality of the shafts being connected

Torque transmitted by the cone clutch:-

Let Di = Inner diameter of cone, Ri = inner radius of cone,

Do = Outer diameter of cone, Ro = Outer radius of cone,
Rm = mean radius of cone, Dm = mean diameter of cone,
∝ = Semi cone angle or pitch cone angle or face angle,
P = Intensity of normal pressure at contact surface,
µ = Coefficient of friction,
Fa = Axial force
Fn=Normal force =
sin α

Consider an elemental ring of radius ‘r’ and thickness ‘dr’ as shown in the figure

The sloping length =
sin α

Area of elementary ring =2π r
sin α
Normal force on the ring = P 2π r
sin α
p 2π r. dr
Axial component of the above force × Sinα

= 2π pr dr
Total axial force Fa = ³Ri
2π pr dr ------------ (1)

Frictional force outer ring = µ p 2πr
Sin α

Moment of friction force about the axial

= µ P 2π r ×r
Sin α
= 2π p µ r 2
Sin α

Ro dr
Total torque T = ³ Ri
2π µ Pr 2
Sin α
---------- (2)

Uniform pressure theory: p constant

Equation (1) becomes

Ro Ro
Fa = ³Ri
2π pr dr = 2π p ³

Fa = π P (Ro2 − Ri2 )

p= ---------- (3)
π (Ro2 − Ri2 )

Equation 2 becomes

Ro Ro
2π P µ
T= ³ 2π p µ r Ro − ri
2 2 2
( ) Sindrα =
Sinα ³r
Ri Ri

2π µ p Ra3 − Ri3
T= =
Sinα 3

Substitutes the value of P from equation ---------- (3)

2π µ P Fa Ra3 − Ri3
T= = ×
Sinα π Ro2 − R12( 3 )
2π Fa Fa Ra3 − Ri3
T= = ×
3 Sinα π Ro2 − R12 (Ro2 − Ri2 ) ( )
2π Fa 2 §¨ Do − Di ·¸
3 3
µ Fa
T= × × = . Dm ---------- (4)
2 Sinα 3 ¨© Do2 − Dio2 ¸¹ 2 Sin α

2 § Do3 − Di3 ·
Where D m= ¨ ¸
3 ¨ D2 − D2 ¸
© o io ¹

Axial force Fa = π P (Do2 − Di2 ) ---------- (5)

Uniform wear: For uniform wear condition Pr = C Constant

Ro Ro
Equation (1) become Fa = ³
2π P r d r = 2π P ³Ri

Fa = 2π c (Ro − Ri ) or

2π (Ro − Ri )

Equation (2) become

Ro Ro
dr 2π µ C
T = ³ 2π P µ r 2 = ³r d r
Sinα Sinα Ri

2π µ c
= a
R 2 − Ri2 )
Sinα 2

Substitute for C

2 π µ Ra2 − Ri2
Sinα 2π (Ro − Ri )

µ Fa (D + Di ) . µ Fa D m
× o
2 Sinα 2 2 Sin α

Do + Di
Where Dm = Mean diameter Dm =

If the clutch is engaged when one member is stationary and other rotating, then the cone faces
will tend to slide on each other in the direction of an element of the cone. This will resist the
engagement and then force

Axial load Fa i = Fa (Sinα + cos α )

Do − Di
Force width b=
2 Sin α

Outer diameter Do = Dm + b Sinα

Inner diameter Di = Dm − b Sinα

A cone clutch is to transmit 7.5 KW at 600 rpm. The face width is 50mm, mean diameter is
300mm and the face angle 15°. Assuming co efficient of friction as 0.2, determine the axial
force necessary to hold the clutch parts together and the normal pressure on the cone surface.

Given P = 7.5 KW, N = 600 rpm, b = 50mm,

Dm = 300mm, ∝ = 15° µ = 0.2

P × 60 × 10 6 7.5 × 60 ÷ 10 6
T= = = 119375 N − mm
2π N 2 π 600

µ Fa Dm
Torque transmitted T =
2 Sin α

0.2 Fa × 300
119375 =
2 Sin 15

∴ Fa = 1029 .88 N
Also Fa = π Dm Pb Sin α ---------- Equation 13.37 DDH

1029.88 = π × 300 P × 50 Sin 15

P = 0.0844 N / mm 2

A friction cone clutch has to transmit a torque of 200 N-m at 1440 rpm. The longer diameter
of the cone is 350mm. The cone pitch angle is 6.25°the force width is 65mm. the coefficient
of friction is 0.2. Determine i) the axial force required to transmit the torque. ii) The average
normal pressure on the contact surface when maximum torque is transmitted.

Data T = 200 N-m, 2 × 105 N-mm N = 1440 rpm

Do = 350, ∝ = 6.25° b = 65mm, µ = 0.2

I) Axial force

Outer diameter Do = Dm + b Sin α

350 = Dm + 65 Sin 6.25

∴ Dm = 342.92mm

1 µ Fa Dm
Torque transmitted T=
2 Sin α

1 0.2 × Fa Dm
2 × 10 5 = ×
2 Sin 6.25

∴ Axial force required Fa = 634.934 N

ii) Average normal pressure

Fa = π Dm Pb Sin α

634.934 = π . 342.92 × 65Sin 6.25° P

∴Average Normal pressure

P = 0.0833 N / mm 2

An engine developing 30 KW at 1250 rpm is filted with a cone clutch. The cone face
angle of 12.5°. The mean diameter is 400 rpm µ = 0.3 and the normal pressure is not to
exceed 0.08 N / mm2. Design the clutch

Date: P = 30KW, N = 1250 rpm, ∝ = 12.5°, Dm = 400mm, µ = 0.3, P = 0.08 N/ mm2


i) Torque transmitted

p × 60 10 6 30 × 60 × 10 6
T= =
2π N 2π 1250

T = 229200 N − mm
ii) Axial force Fa

1 µ Fa Dm 1 0.3 Fa × 400
T= 229200, ×
2 Sin α 2 Sin 12.5

Fa= 826.8 N

Fa = π Dm Pb Sin α

826.8 = π . × 400 × 0.08 × b × Sin 12.5

b = 38mm
Inner diameter Dm = Dm − b Sinα = 400 − 38 Sin 12.5 = 392 mm

Outer diameter Dm = Dm + b Sinα = 400 + 38 Sin 12.5 = 408mm

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