Episode 38 Starting Over

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Episode 38

Starting Over

1 We see a plane flying through the air.

3 Rebecca Casey sits in the plane, looking sadly and thoughtfully out the window.

5 Ramón puts the star atop his Christmas tree.

7 Alberto sits at the desk in his office, holding an envelope. A fellow architect looks over the partition. He holds a similar
8 envelope.
9 ALBERTO Pete—Christmas bonus. Yes!
10 COWORKER (reluctant to open it) Yeah, what did we get this year~
11 ALBERTO Ahh—same as last year. Two seats to the opera.
12 COWORKER Boss sure likes his opera, huh? (looking at Alberto’s tickets) Hey, you did well this year.
13 Grand Tier, Row A.
14 ALBERTO Just what I needed. . . uh-huh—for a special friend.
15 COWORKER The woman in the photo?
16 A copy of the photo of Rebecca in the desert sits in his office.
17 ALBERTO Yup, and right now she could use a little tender loving care...
18 COWORKER Better be careful, my friend. People are gonna start thinking you’re in love.
19 ALBERTO Hey! Rumors like that can ruin a man’s reputation!
20 COWORKER Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.


22 Rebecca opens the door with her key and enters.
23 NANCY (voice from above) Rebecca, is that you?


25 Rebecca carries her suitcases into the living room and greets Nancy.
26 REBECCA Yes, it’s me.
27 Nancy Shaw gives her a warm hug. She regards Rebecca with loving concern.
28 NANCY Are you all right?
29 REBECCA I’m OK. I’m just exhausted, that’s all.
30 NANCY You’ll feel better after you get settled.


32 Rebecca sits on the couch, looking around gratefully.
33 REBECCA For a while, I didn’t know if I’d ever be back.
34 NANCY I understand. You must miss your father terribly.
35 REBECCA Yes, I do. How’s your uncle?
36 NANCY Truthfully, not so good.
37 REBECCA I’m sorry. What’s wrong? He’s not happy at the nursing home?
38 NANCY (nods “yes”) Edward keeps asking to come home. It breaks my heart. I can’t take care of
39 him anymore. I did what I thought was best.
40 REBECCA You did the right thing. It’s sad, though.
41 NANCY Well—glad to have you back. We’ve all missed you.
42 REBECCA I’ve missed my life here. And a lot of schoolwork. I hope I can make it up...
43 NANCY Take it one step at a time...
44 REBECCA Ooh—the first step is to call my advisor.
45 She reaches for her address book.
46 NANCY Would you like some tea?
47 REBECCA Yeah.
48 We see Rebecca opening her address book. A picture of Rebecca, Kevin, and their dad on Kevin’s graduation day is
49 inside. Rebecca dials.



51 Professor Thomas, a music professor and Rebecca’s college advisor, is working on his computer. The phone rings and
52 Professor Thomas picks it up.
53 PROFESSOR THOMAS Thomas here...
54 REBECCA Hello, this is Rebecca Casey.
55 PROFESSOR THOMAS Oh, Rebecca, how are you?
56 REBECCA Pretty well. I just got back.
57 PROFESSOR THOMAS Your father was sick, wasn’t he? How’s he doing?
58 REBECCA (quietly) He passed away.
59 PROFESSOR THOMAS I’m very sorry to hear that.
60 REBECCA Thank you. .. .Uh, the reason I’m calling is that I would like to get together and talk
61 about my courses. Is there any chance we could meet today or tomorrow?
62 PROFESSOR THOMAS I’m planning to be in my office late today. Why don’t you come by—say,
63 around five o’clock?
64 REBECCA I’ll be there.
65 PROFESSOR THOMAS See you then.
66 She hangs up the receiver. Nancy returns with the tea.
67 NANCY Here’s your tea.
68 REBECCA Oh, thanks.
69 NANCY Did you reach the college?
70 REBECCA Um-hmm. I’m gonna meet my advisor today at five o’clock. I’ll see what he says. I’ve
71 missed so many classes.
72 NANCY Well, don’t worry about that right now. Things have a way of working out.
73 REBECCA You’re right. Did you hear anything from Emma Washington?
74 NANCY No. I called her as you asked me to. She was very sorry to hear about your father.
75 REBECCA I should probably give her a call, too. . . see if I still have a job.
76 Nancy looks at the graduation picture.
77 NANCY Ahh—your father looks so happy here.
78 REBECCA You know, Nancy, I found out what the problem was between my dad and Uncle
79 Brendan. . . why they didn’t talk for so many years.
80 NANCY Oh?
81 REBECCA Uncle Brendan told me about my mom.. . that they were both in love with her.
82 NANCY And that’s why your father and I never got along. I always told your mother that
83 Brendan was the man for her. Your father got very angry at me when he found that out.
84 But your mother had a mind of her own. She went ahead and married Patrick anyway.
85 That’s when they stopped talking...
86 REBECCA They had a chance to talk before Dad
87 NANCY Good. They made peace?
88 Rebecca nods “yes.”


90 We see Rebecca walking toward the school; the children approach her and welcome her back. Rebecca walks into the
91 empty cafeteria. Emma is getting snacks ready for the kids. Emma sees Rebecca and gives her a big hug.
92 EMMA Rebecca, how are you?
93 REBECCA OK, I guess.
94 EMMA I was so sorry to hear about your dad.
95 REBECCA Thanks. How are things goin’ here?
96 EMMA Frantic as usual. Listen.. . um—I hope you understand. . . You know, I had to find
97 someone for your old job.
98 REBECCA Oh...
99 EMMA I didn’t know whether you were coming back—and, uh, we’re so shorthanded. I—I—I
100 had to replace you. I hope you will understand.
101 REBECCA I understand.
102 EMMA There might an opening next semester.. . right after the New Year.
103 REBECCA Please, keep me in mind.
104 EMMA You know I will. You’re so great with children! Urn—are you going back to college?
105 REBECCA I hope to. I have a meeting with my advisor at five o’clock today. I have so much
106 catching up to do.
107 EMMA You’ll do just fine. Listen, are you still giving guitar lessons?
108 REBECCA I sure am.
109 EMMA Good. I’ll put a notice on the bulletin board.
110 REBECCA Thanks.
112 Ramón, who has been coaching a group of boys in soccer, sees Rebecca watching the group from behind a fence. Ramón
113 walks over, and talks to her.
114 RAMON Rebecca? Are you really here? I don’t believe it!
115 REBECCA I’m here! Really here.
116 Ramón heads for the gate so he can join Rebecca.

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