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Description Host Name Department Manufacturer Model Status Category Serial Number Part Number
Service TAG Express Code Company Asset TAG Physical Location Cage/Room# Rack # Rack Position
Private IP Public IP NIC Switch/Port Nagios Monitored? SAN/NAS Connected? Total Drive Count OS
OS Version Warrenty Start Date Warrenty End Date Date of Purchase Purchase Price Lease Begin Date
Lease Expiry Date Leasing Company Buy-Out Option Monthly Lease Payment URL Notes
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36 Items To Capture For Practical Asset Tracking

Equipment Detail
(1) Description (Production CRM DB Server) - This field should explain the purpose of this equipment. Even
this equipment based on this description.
(2) Host Name (prod-crm-db-srv) - The real host name of the equipment as defined at the OS level.
(3) Department (Sales) - Which department does this equipment belong to?
(4) Manufacturer (DELL) - Manufacturer of the equipment.
(5) Model (PowerEdge 2950) - Model of the equipment.
(6) Status (Active) - The current status of the equipment. Use this field to identify whether the equipment is i
Active - Currently in use
Retried - Old Equipment, not getting used anymore
Available - Old/New equipment, ready and available for usage
(7) Category (Server) - There are different ways to use this category field. I primarily use this to track the ty
could be one of the following depending the equipment:
Power Circuit
Firewall etc.


For tracking purpose, different vendors use different names for the serial numbers. i.e Serial Number, Part Num
Code etc. For e.g. DELL tracks their equipment using Service Tag and Express code. So, if majority of the equi
make sense to have separate columns for Service Tag and Express Code.

(8) Serial Number

(9) Part Number
(10) Service TAG
(11) Express Code
(12) Company Asset TAG - Every organization may have their own way of tracking the system using bar cod
this field to track the equipment using the code assigned by your company

(13) Physical Location (Los Angeles) - Use this field to specify the physical location of the server. If you hav
the city name to track it.
(14) Cage/Room# - The cage or room number where this equipment is located.
(15) Rack # - If there are multiple racks inside your datacenter, specify the rack # where the equipment is lo
numbers, create your own numbering scheme for the rack.
(16) Rack Position - This indicates the exact location of the server within the rack. for e.g. the server located
position of #1 and the one above is #2.

(17) Private IP ( - Specify the internal ip-address of the equipment.
(18) Public IP - Specify the external ip-address of the equipment.
(19) NIC (GB1, Slot1/Port1) -

Tracking this information is very helpful, when someone accidentally pulls a cable from the server (If this neve
time before it happens). Using this field value, you will know exactly where to plug-in the cable. If the server h
specify all the NIC’s using a comma separated value.
In this example (GB1, Slot1/Port1), the server has two ethernet cables connected. First one connected to the o
server. Second one connected to the Port#1 on the NIC card that is inserted to the PCI Slot#1.
Even when the server has only one ethernet cable connected, specify the port # to which it is connected, to av
servers comes with two on-board NIC labeled as GB1 and GB2.

(20) Switch/Port (Switch1/Port10, Switch4/Port15) - Using the NIC field above, you’ve tracked the exact po
connected on the server. Now, you should track where the other end of the cable is connected to. In this exam
the GB1 is connected to the Port 10 on Switch 1. The cable connected to the server on PCI Slot#1 and Port#1
(21) Nagios Monitored? (Yes) - Use this field to indicate whether this equipment is getting monitored throug

(22) SAN/NAS Connected? (Yes) - Use this field to track whether a particular server is connected to an exte
(23) Total Drive Count (4) - This indicates the total number of internal drives on the server. This can come v
e.g. Some of the dell servers comes only with 6 slots for internal hard-drives. In this example, just by looking
disk drives in the servers and you have room to add 2 more disk drives.

OS Detail
(24) OS (Linux) - Use this field to track the OS that is running on the equipment. For e.g. Linux, Windows, Cis
(25) OS Version (Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 5)) - The exact version of the OS.

(26) Warrenty Start Date
(27) Warrenty End Date

Purchase & Lease

(28) Date of Purchase - If you have purchased the equipment, fill-out the date of purchase and the price.
(29) Purchase Price
(30) Lease Begin Date - If you have leased the equipment, fill-out all the lease details.
(31) Lease Expiry Date
(32) Leasing Company - The company who owns the lease on this equipment.
(33) Buy-Out Option ($1) - Is this a dollar-one buy-out (or) Fair Market Value purchase? This will give you a
new equipment after the lease expiry date or to keep the existing equipment.
(34) Monthly Lease Payment

Additional Information

(35) URL - f this is a web-server, give the URL to access the web application running on the system. If this is
(36) Notes - This is a place to track your additional notes about this particular equipment that doesn’t fit unde
tempting to add username and password fields to this spreadsheet. For security reasons, never use this spread
password of the equipment.

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