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H l1 ,f 111111 \\llh ""' l1tll h I 1;!111• thtl• ll h1t I 11
h hul ""l'I ho l l• • t• t 11111 1

1'1 • '1<'111• ''I •" •"'I.t t111111 ,,., I111111

·I "''"', I 1111 11111 II ltl olll M11I I I ""' '"

I '•'•'I'• ,.., Il l l'o' "''" lo111 11t11ll v 111111, 1 '111111111 Wl l lt 11111 1 11 t1 111l • HI 1111111111[\ I \ 11•

I •• n·l11•d l '"I' t i f \t1.,ft1111' """"'' .11 11 1 q11 11 111l1 d /\11111 l wro d • I'• 111 1\ 1•

"" h ie Ill I th u l n11<1 I '"" 1lk11• l 111o 1 """I"'"''" It• '"' nl 11 I Ill"''' ''"" .
•111d t>lo ll lPtl to q11.i111•I 11111 q 1 1ppli'd wlllt n 11 h 111111 •1 wl111 It 'N" 1111\lr • rl

ll\• ll tcJ ·llopkt••'P• t l lollt f1 •ll d11w11 I n 11 1,. liu11! 11I Ii"' ·.11111 1111111 11• 111 1111• •I

( hn. 1'P• ti I 1111111 1.11yj11q I11 wo11ld 1'1\I I11111 I' 11 1111 111 Ill • 11

Gop.1l.1k11sl11111 Gup.1lo1k11• l11 i.1 who w.1· t11tf11 111111 1111111 r h• • Ii .• cl p\r f111

pof1Ct" .i11ested Rahul i111d f 1l11cl chnrge :,hro Pt I•11dr>n r, • VltJ ',\1•11 hI

/)I OSt"Cllf JOrl 111 1110 Sf'SSIOllS Cour t """ rl u r111u lrtal, a11 r •yf!Nllr lll 11 Ille

sl1c1pkt cpcr slated tl 1c11 rt wa< Gop::1ln11sl111£J wlto :..l<1pJ ir·t1 I 1hut .r • l
star ted thelighlas he noticed the whole 1nc1dent and 1\ was he who ha11e

called lhe ambulance to take the Gopalknshna to the hospi I The Tnal

Court r elying on Dying Declaration of Gopalakrlshna con111cted Rahul for

comm1ss1on of murder and sentenced him for hie 1mpnsonment Rahul

challenged the con111chon by flhng a Cnm1nal Appeal, before the \-\1gh

Court of Karnataka , relying on the deposition.of the eyewitness ie


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