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 1 ounce cod milt

 1/2 cup dashi
 2 teaspoons soy sauce
 1 teaspoon mirin
 a few sections of dried wakame seaweed
 a small pinch of green onion, thinly sliced


1.Combine the dashi, soy sauce, and mirin. Divide the liquid in two 3 to 4 ounce
bowls or ramekins.

2. 2.

Divide the cod milt into two sections. Place each section in the bowls with the dashi
mixture. Add the wakame seaweed, garnishing with the green onions if desired.

3. 3.

Preheat a bamboo steamer or steamer insert over medium heat. Cover the bowls with
small individual lids or saran wrap. Place the bowls inside the steamer. Steam for five
to seven minutes over low heat, until the surface turns completely opaque and the
ridges of the milt tighten and become more defined. Serve immediately.


Steaming captures the sweetness of milt. I steamed a section of the milt in a broth of dashi,
mirin, and soy sauce. A few strands of softened wakame completed the bowl; for additions to
the soup, try a few sections of simmered daikon or lightly sautéed shitake mushrooms.
Steamed over low heat, the surface of the milt turns completely opaque while its ridges
tighten and become more defined. Alternatively, try steaming sections of the milt as an
addition to chawan mushi.

Treat milt like a nice piece of calf's liver. Heat a cast iron until it's smoking hot; then salt and
lightly dredge the milt in flour. Pan-fry the milt for one minute on each side, until the surface
is crisp and golden brown. Serve with rice and a wedge of lemon.


When fried in oil, milt needs to be thoroughly coated

to protect its delicate, tender texture. Milt tempura is not as lacy as vegetable tempura, but the
crispy batter encases a soft and creamy interior.

Materials make the papeda:

 100 gr sago flour

 1000 cc of water
 1/2 tsp salt
 1/2 tsp sugar
 How To Make A Recipe How To Make Papeda (Papua):
 Sago flour melt with 300 ml water
 Add salt and sugar
 Boil remaining water
 Pour the water already boiling sago flour into the solution, stirring gently so that the
Sago is cooked evenly
 Papeda is said to mature if it is still not clear if matangnya can be cooked dough evenly
over low heat while stirring continuously
 If it is a clear lift and serve warm.
 Yellow Fish Soup As A Complement Papeda


 1/2 kg of tuna, clean and soak it with lemon and salt

 1 piece of lime, juicing
 Basil, siangi
 cayenne pepper, remove the stem is green
 2 tbsp oil for sautéing
 1 stalk Lemongrass, memarkan
 2 pieces of bay leaf
 600 ml boiled water
 Spice paste:
 2 cloves garlic
 4 pieces of onion
 3 pieces of pecan
 2 cm ginger
 2 cm turmeric
 1 tbsp caster sugar
 1 tsp tbsp salt

How to make it:

 Saute seasoning already mashed with Lemongrass and greetings until aromatic and
 Add boiled water, Cook until it boils
 Enter your fish, salt, sugar and cayenne pepper, Cook until the fish is cooked
 Just before cooking, add the basil leaves and lemon juice, mix well
 Serve as a complement papeda.

1. 1 kg of mackerel fish
2. 1 boiled eggs
3. 5 pieces of tofu
4. 1 egg
5. 3 tablespoons starch flour
6. 3 tablespoons cornstarch
7. 1 celery stalk
8. 1 spring onion
9. to taste Ice water
10. sufficient Cooking oil
11. Finely spices:
12. 6 cloves of garlic
13. 2 cloves of red onion
14. 1 small segment of ginger
15. 1/2 bks pepper powder
16. 2 bks chicken royco
17. 1 tsp salt
18. A pinch of sugar


Potong kepala dan ekor ikan lalu belah ikan dan ambil dagingnya saja lalu dikerik
dengan sendok

Blend the fish meat slightly "until smooth then discard the fiber" white
and store in refrigerator prezer 15 minutes

blender along with spices that have been in the puree

Mix the meat dough with spices and eggs and put the starch and
cornstarch and put the onion and celery leaf, put the royco and pepper
until blended and then blender again a little "then give ice water 1/4
cup or according to taste if still felt a little stiff can be added ice
water again

Prepare a ransom of water in a pan if it is boiling, put the meatball dough

according to the taste of the palm of the hand with a little cooking oil so
that the dough is easily formed, if it is floating means that meatballs are
cooked and remove the drain
Fried tofu and then split the contents with dough bakso egg dressing with
meatball dough and then boil until float.

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