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Investor Proposition Worksheet

Use this worksheet to lay out the basic information that you would present to a potential investor.

Amount of Capital Required Uses of Capital

“The company is seeking [$X]…” “The capital will be used for…”
The company is seeking 7,000 The capital will be used to gather the
necessities we need to provide content
and products for our customers.

Exit Strategy
Proposed Structure
“The current plan is to achieve an exit for the
“In exchange for the [$X], the company is
Investor by selling the company at the end of [X]
proposing [X%] ownership in the business based
years [to a strategic buyer/to a financial
on a Post-Money Valuation of [$X]…”
buyer/through an IPO]”
In exchange for the 7,000, the company is The current plan to achieve an exit for
proposing 15% ownership in the business the Investor by selling the company at
based on a post money valuation of the end of 3 years to a Strategic buyer.

Investment Highlights
Higher the percentage of women practicing self care
Highlight 1:

Saving time
Highlight 2:

Subscription based services are trending

Highlight 3:

Highlight 4: N/A

Subject to Change | ©2018 Uncharted Learning, NFP 1

COPYRIGHT WARNING: Do no reproduce or make available to persons outside your School.
Investor Proposition Worksheet

Points to Discuss if Asked

Money Multiple:

Internal Rate of Return:

Exit Multiple:

Discount Rate:

Subject to Change | ©2018 Uncharted Learning, NFP 2

COPYRIGHT WARNING: Do no reproduce or make available to persons outside your School.

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