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Murillo 1

Jasmine Murillo

Professor Batty

English 101

26 May 2019


The essay I have revised over once more is my essay 1, Undecided Major Students. I went

over the comments and feedback I had received and did my best to incorporate what I was

missing and tweaking minor mistakes as well. I fixed my format to MLA with 12pt and Times

New Roman font. I basically re did my original draft all over again and made sure to make my

thesis was easier to seek and understand. I included quotes toward the middle of my paragraphs

rather than starting my paragraphs out with one. I also gave an explanation as to why I chose the

quote and it’s meaning. In addition, I did my best to word out my sentences so that they’re easier

to grasp and not being awkwardly placed in as in my original draft. Adding on I made sure to

introduce the problem and within the body paragraphs explain what the solution would be than

jumping right into it, as I previously did. I even changed the title of my essay so it would be

more interesting to the reader. While going over my final draft I corrected grammar mistakes that

were presented and did my best to improve the overall quality of the essay. Furthermore my

organization was corrected, the format of the essay was changed to MLA, I quoted and

interpreted the quotes in my own words as best as I could, and added in better information to

support what I was attempting to convey.

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