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Tuesday, 24 April 2012 – 17:30

10th Session

With the recitation of Vespers, the 10th Session continues its Capitular work.

The President reminds the assembly of the four themes to be developed in the previous
session asking if all the groups have finished.

He proposes a method to present first to the assembly the first of the topics that concerns
about the themes discussed and developed: on Formation Houses.

Fr. Myzon Camay starts the Group 1 report.

Aspirancy: within 3 years the aspirants in Butuan would have already graduated, and only after
this duration that the house would be empty of brothers!
 Pre-college in Butuan be transferred to Cebu for Philosophy this coming June.

 Newly accepted candidates for Aspirancy be in Cebu already.

Our group identifies and proposes the following that:

 Aspirancy and Postulancy be in Sunny Hills, hence, the Our Lady of Good Counsel be
transferred there!

 Novitiate still in Puertobello

 Professed Brothers (the simple, the solemn who are under formation, the deacons) are
housed in Lower Tabor, for the reasons that (a) the rooms are individualized and (b) the
sense of community life having to involve themselves to the OAD mission and apostolates
in Tabor Hills be fostered.

 Since the house in Middle Tabor is becoming a retreat and recollection center already a
house of three priests (at least) have to be assigned to comprise the community.

 Solemn brothers who are for brotherhood are to be assigned in Middle Tabor.

 THC/SMIRS Fathers of three would be residents under the community of Middle Tabor,
whose focus and responsibility are for the school apostolate only!

Our group agrees to accept without reservation the invitation of the bishop of Pasig for parochial
Our Lady of Fatima Community will comprise the Our Lady of Fatima Parish and the soon-to-
be-accepted San Agustin Parish in Pasig, having 1 prior and 2 parish priests. Having this
structure would foster deeper sense of mission and assimilation of fusing two differing settings
(urban and rural) as one challenging yet enriching reality!
St Rita House is a community having 5 realities: (a) novitiate, (b) boystown, (c) training center,
(d) chapel, and (e) cemetery.
Focus is directed on the (b) boystown. Problems include (1) NO BY-LAWS, (2) NO PERSONNEL-
working forces, (3) NO PROPER DOCUMENTATION, e.g. DSWD, (4) NO COMPETENT
PROFESSIONALS to handle the technicalities of administering or governing orphanage.
There is a need to substantial studies on the nature and governance of orphanage!
The seat of Provincialate is Sunny Hills with the suggested names, open for voting, (a) Our Lady
of Grace, (b) St. Nicolas of Tolentino, (c) St. Joseph the Worker.

Group 2 follows their report given Fr. Jason Solon.

Formation Houses
 We move to define the formation houses of each level of formation in our Order.
These are the existing houses and formation level assignments


Cebu –Middle Tabor Postulancy- Our Lady of Consolation

Cebu –Lower Tabor Aspirancy - Our Lady of Good Counsel

Butuan –Ampayon Aspirancy- Divine Mercy and St. Augustine

Leyte –Merida Novices - Sta. Rita Novitiate House

Luzon –Antipolo Parish - Our Lady of Fatima Parish

Indonesia –Bandung Aspirancy and Professed - St. Joseph Hill


? Rent at Passionist Professed Brothers - St. Thomas of Villanova

 We propose to centralize the houses for Aspirancy, making the Lower Tabor as the house for
HS Graduate Aspirants, and Butuan House as the house for Young Professionals and College
Graduates Aspirants. The present students of St. Peter’s Seminary may be allowed to
continue their studies; others may be evaluated whether it is feasible to transfer some (Pre-
college to Tabor Hill College.
 Provincial House, we propose be Middle Tabor or at Sunny Hills having the council and the
other solemn professed brother with functions to uphold for the mission.
- OAD Religious who opt for the brotherhood, after the solemn profession should be given
functions and responsibilities relevant for the mission; example is having religious brothers
in the orphanage, parishes and others.
 We propose that the professed house be at Sunny Hills House or at Tabor hill.
 St. Thomas Villanova Community should be transferred as proposed above.
 We move for the acceptance of the request of the Bishop of the Diocese of Pasig to manage
the St. Augustine Parish at Pasig City. Thus making our OAD Luzon Communities to two;
Our Lady of Fatima Parish – Antipolo and that of St. Augustine Parish – Pasig.
 We propose the acceptance and the approval of the Canonical Erection of the Mission to
Vietnam, with considerations and exemptions of its present situation.

Fr. John Biton reports the discussions of Group 3.

 Transfer of St Thomas of Villanova House.
 Sunnyhills will be the house of the Simple Professed brothers.
 Aspirants and Postulants together at Lower Tabor, with specific masters and
separated schedules and formation.
 Solemn Professed brothers at Middle Tabor.
 Aspirancy for Mindanao area in Butuan.
 Advocacy for the canonical erection of the house in Vietnam with three to four
 Opening in Manila of a house and acceptance of the parish of St. Augustine in
Palatiw, Pasig.
 To open one canonically erected community for the Boys town and mechanical
 The St. Rita Novitiate House and Pastoral Center should include the
administration of the cemetery.
 Proposal to name the new province in honor of St. Pedro Calungsod.

The President, after the reports asks the assembly if it is already opportune to discuss as
the proposed matter is almost exhaustively tackled.

Fr. Rolando Rafol, quoting the Constitutions 659-660, states that that Canon Law 660 par
2 expresses that those who are prepared for sacred ordination must not be given another

task that hinders them to realize and actualize the said formation. However, he notes that
what we are doing here in our formation is that our professed brothers are assigned away
from their communities with the result of not having proper formation but they are left to

The President clarifies what he has already explained in the preceding session that the
professed brothers under formation, whether simple or solemn, must stay in the professed
house without being assigned to any other community except for certain moment of
exposure. He adds that in the precedent General Chapter, there was a move and proposal
to give active voice to the solemn brothers. But the Congregation of Religious Life has
denied it stressing on the proper place of the professed students focusing more in their
academic formation.

Fr. Rolando adds that this theme about canonical erection will have to be thought
carefully and well. He says that Canon Law requires the moral obligation that the
community erected must support itself and we have to think also of the economic
situation. He says it’s not only to erect, we have also to study and consider many things.

Fr. Randy Lozano likes to clarify regarding the initial formation and to whom it is
applicable. He asks if it is with regard to those brothers applying for priesthood or does it
include the brothers applying for brotherhood only?

In response with what Fr. Randy Lozano has raised, the President says that there is a
vacuum in our Constitutions concerning the matter. He quotes the Constitutions 131,1
and at the same noting that this number will be changed with the revision of the OAD

Fr. Libby mentions about the proposal of erecting a separate community in Biasong for
the Boys Town and the Mechanical Shop. He commends this move and sees that it is a
need in terms of pastoral care and apostolate. He adds that it is a proposal that needs to be
followed up.

Fr. Romeo agrees with Fr. Libby that the vocation and training center should comprise
one community and the Novitiate House as another community. He also adds that on the
part of the Aspirancy house, it needs to be centralized and not to put up Aspirancy houses
simultaneously in different places. He proposes Butuan to be a house for late vocations
and young professionals or college graduates.

Fr. Romeo replies to have two separate aspirancy houses with College graduates and
young professionals to be in Butuan and, for the reason that we are opening Tabor Hill
College, to have the regular students there.

Fr. Christian says that as reported, the situation of Vietnam in gathering the candidates is
a little difficult but we are not the first missionaries of Vietnam as of now. He says that
there are other congregations who are facing the same situation as we are. However, he
says that they are able to erect houses considering the more difficult situations some years
back. He cites as an example the Columban Fathers who have a good piece of land and
they made two separate houses, one house for the foreigners and just outside a very small
door there is a passage going to the house of the Vietnamese formandees. He says that the
Scalabrinians, the Claretians and others are doing the same, even the Divine Sisters and
other female missionaries. He enthuses that the reality in Vietnam is difficult but it is not
impossible to have a community. He urges the assembly to believe that it is God’s work
and that wherever God will bring us He will support us. He says we will have difficulties
but it does not mean that we will give up.

Fr. Myzon stresses that to hold the erection does not mean giving up. He cites as example
the Indonesian mission that took many years before being erected canonically. He thinks

we just have to wait and not to move hastily but with discernment as there is always the
right moment. Personally he commends the efforts and labor of Fr. Christian in Vietnam,
but that should not define the success of having canonical erection as of now.

Fr. Renel says that to his understanding, Fr. Christian was just presenting the possibility
of having a canonical erection. He thinks that to canonically erect Vietnam is also one
way of stabilizing our presence in Vietnam, in having the right people to be placed there
responsible enough to take care of the mission. He further notes that at the present status,
Fr. Christian and Fr. John are not staying together in one community, but having it
canonically erected will just reinforce our OAD presence in Vietnam by assigning really a
stable community having its members and specified function within the community of

Fr. Renan, however, suggests for us to first slow down in erecting houses as we still have
the need of collaboration with the Italian province and if we open houses the question is
in terms of personnel and money can also be considered. He says moreover that now we
are considering accepting a parish in Pasig, to open the Boys Town and other houses, so
we have to think well.

Fr. Christian concedes that Fr. Myzon is correct. He says we are hoping to have a formal
approval of our mission in Vietnam because having the approval would lead towards the
canonical erection that we would want for our mission stations. He says that what we
need for Vietnam is formal approval and acknowledgement that what we are doing there
the work of the community so that as we grow and mature in our community there we
will go for canonical erection.

Fr. Myzon asks to be corrected but he believes there is no one that is opposing the work
of Vietnam and talking about formal acknowledgement is unnecessary since everyone
acknowledges this mission.

Fr. Christian however counters that it seems the community is indifferent to the missions.

To which Fr. Myzon counters that this is not so and says that with the consent of the Prior
General is the understanding that the mission is valid and needs to be supported.

The President notes that the argument has been discussed well and he further stresses that
the new Province should have to take heart the mission of Vietnam. On the matter of the
canonical erection, he says that it is not the competence of the Chapter in dealing such
matter but to the new Provincial. What is important is the orientation of the Chapter in
favor of the Vietnam mission. For a favorable response, the Council then asks the
Definitor General for its approval for the said erection that requires the written
permission of the local Ordinary. There is a very thin juridical implication of the
difference that passes through between a house legitimately constituted and a house
canonically erected. He concludes saying that the Chapter is clear that the OAD presence
will continue in Vietnam.

Fr. Luigi states that as there is the proposal of two additional official erections: in the case
of the parish of Manila and the Boys Town in Biasong, he advocates this. He said there
needs to be one community in Manila which can be used as house of studies and another
community in Antipolo as he says it cannot be that we have one community but the
brothers are scattered, meeting once in a while with a 45 kilometers of distance. He says
that now we have this grace and blessing to be offered the Parish of St. Augustine which
is a great opportunity. He adds that the other community which needs to be constituted as
a house in Biasong is absolutely needed because Fr. Alex in the Boys Town is once again
disconnected from the community and that cannot be, so the Novitiate House and
Pastoral Center should be one community working together and the Boys Town another

Fr. Myzon at this point asks Fr. Luigi when he had learned about the problems in St. Rita
community, and when he sensed something was wrong, if he had done something to
address the problem.

Fr. Randy Lozano for his part reiterates the need to give importance to our brothers who
are for the brotherhood.

Fr. Luigi cites that Brother John, the only brother we have now, who was assigned to help
Fr. Alex backed out. He says that this was the time when he stayed a long time out of the
community. Fr. Luigi says he was affected by the experience of helping the Boys Town
but that now he is doing well.

Fr. Randy counters that this is one case. He proposes to have also a clear program for the
brotherhood with clear tasks in the community. He suggest to have them as part of a
house member, like have houses with two priests and one brother, or like one priest and
two brothers for houses that are not involved in formation.

Fr. Erwin in connection with what Fr. Luigi said asks about whom the problem is, Fr.
Alex or Brother John.

To which Fr. Luigi replies that they never stayed together.

Fr. Erwin tells the community that it is not good for Fr. Alex to stay alone. He thinks this
is what Fr. Luigi is trying to emphasize.

The President interrupts by commenting that the reality of the community will not be the
same again after the Chapter, for this that it is useless to name names.

Fr. Libby reminds us to support the work of Holy Family apostolate in Biasong. He asks
the assembly to take seriously this house as there is also an advantage to open the House.
He says that this is an apostolate to the least fortunate and a good apostolate for us. He
adds that the novices will see the reality of these children and it is an apostolate of
livelihood also. He says that there is a soccer field, welcoming house, the beach, etc. and
that we have many priests now and others will not work anymore. He encourages that this
is the time we can be responsible and we can grow and experience religious life.

Fr. Rolando says that the house in Puertobello in his opinion should not be divided into
two communities. He suggests maintaining only one community, one prior, and maybe
five to six priests and those they must live as one community because as of the moment
we don’t have any orphans and we are not equipped.

Fr. Myzon wants to highlight what Fr. Rolando said. As he sees we are really not
prepared as with the Boys Town there are no by-laws and governing laws yet and that
there are no proper documentation, specially the permit from DSWD. He says that
moreover there are no competent professionals to handle the orphanage, like doctors and
psychologists and social workers who are all equipped with theories and practice on how
to run an orphanage.

Fr. Erwin thinks we can let others work for us and we are only there as an administrator.

Fr. Libby invites each one in the assembly to visit Biasong to see the development and
new realities there so as to support also the foundation of the house.

Fr. Joel supports the need of having two communities in Biasong to give focus to each

Fr. Renel reinforces the opinion as having the mechanical shop and boys town requires
full attention and presence. He says that these are very beautiful apostolates and are ways
of concretizing our witnessing and can also be a new avenue for us to acquaint ourselves
to the signs of the times. He adds that we are very aware of our deficiencies with regards
to our capability as a community but this can also be a very good training ground for us
all to be relevant to the time by responding to the current needs. He says that we are well
aware that it is really a very big work of documentations, hiring personnel, putting peace
and order, like for instance for the case of the school I worked one year for
documentation alone. He says it can be considered as our preoperational stage to prepare
the system and everything for the operation and it can be a privileged task for those who
will be assigned there to do this responsibility.

The President defines that the abovementioned arguments take part and be incorporated
with the theme of Pastoral activity. However, he notices, that there are some topics that
cannot be proposed in Italy & even in the entire Europe concerning the matters of
medical assistance, home for the aged, center for youth, school. These activities were
once governed and organized by the Religious Institute but were all taken by the State
with its civil structures thus making creating a big problem with the religious that are
sometimes constrained in closing their once governed institute. For these that he
admonishes to take this matter very carefully as these entail great responsibility.

Inviting the assembly to continue the reports of the other groups in the following session
followed by the Ritual Prayer, the President suspends the Capitular work.


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