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Amendment Description In your own words/real life


1 Gives all citizens freedom of This is what allows people to

religion, freedom of speech, speak their mind and openly
freedom of assembly, and disagree about things
freedom of the press. concerning a country’s leader
or any opinion

2 Gives people the right to bear Today, this amendment is

arms. controversial regarding the
gun control issues.

3 In war times, no soldier may A soldier cannot just crash at

gain shelter in a home someone’s home without
without the owner’s consent. them saying it is okay.

4 People have the right to be Someone cannot have

secure in their persons, property taken away or be
houses, papers, and effects, investigated without proper
against unreasonable evidence or reason.
searches and seizures.

5 No person can be accused or When people plead the 5th,

held to answer for a capital or they are referring to this
crime without a grand jury to amendment, and refuse to
decide their fate. answer questions without a
jury present.

6 Guarantees the rights of One who is accused of a

criminal defendents, the right crime has the right to a free
to a lawyer, the right to an lawyer, a trial, and the identity
impartial trial, and the right to of whom accused the person
know who the accusers are. of the crime.

7 Codifies the right to a jury trial If one is given something as

in certain civil cases little as a traffic ticket, they
have the right to fight it in
court with a jury present.

8 Excessive bail shall not be People convicted of crime

required, nor excessive fines cannot be mistreated
given, nor cruel and unusual excessively.
punishments inflicted

9 Certain rights of all citizens Not all rights that people have
are not written in constitution are in the constitution

10 Increases the balance of If the federal gov passes a

power between federal gov law, state gov do not always
and state gov have to comply

11 US courts can’t participate in If a US citizen is accused of a

cases where the acused and crime by a French citizen, US
the accuser are from different courts can not resolve it.

12 If the presidential vote comes The house of representatives

to a tie, the house of had to choose between
representatives must choose Thomas Jefferson and Aaron
the president Burr due to a tie.

13 Abolished Slavery and After 1864, holding slaves

involuntary servitude was considered illegal

14 Granted rights to all US All people born in the United

citizens, no matter their race States, regardless of
ethnicity, are equal under the
eyes of law.

15 Everyone citizen has the right Every citizen of the United

to vote, regardless of color, States can participate in
race, and ethnicity elections. One cannot be
denied because of race.

16 Allows congress to levy taxes The Congress can issue

taxes without opposition from

17 Allows citizens to cast votes Before this amendment,

of senators directly. representatives votes for
senators rather than the

18 Called for the banning of This amendment has been

producing, transporting, or repealed. But at the time, all
selling of intoxicating liquors were illegal

19`` Gave men and women equal It allowed men and women
voting rights who were citizens to have
equal say in elections.

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