Assessment Methods and Types Conduct of The Course

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Conduct of the Course:

Most sessions will combine lectures, discussions of the assigned exercises and readings, and
class discussion. My style is informal and the more interaction among members of the class,
the better. The exercises, readings and website review is vital for classroom discussion. You
have everything to gain from thoughtful analysis and preparation. Since teamwork and small
group discussions are characteristics of most business activities, I am asking you to form a
group of four-five students to discuss the exercises when group activities are required. The
responsibilities of each member of the group are:

• On-time attendance
• Homework done in advance of the group meeting
• Active involvement in discussion
• Constructive critiques of the work of the other group members

Assessment Method:

Grading will be based on the following components:

Component %

Group assignment & Report 25

Individual assignment & Presentation 15
Mid term exam 10
Final examination 50
Total 100

Details of the assessment tasks follow:

1) Group Assignment & Report 25%. This consists of a group presentation plus submission
of a copy of report and references. While student may discuss ideas surrounding the
issues and possible solutions with classmates, student presentation and submitted report
and references must be student own group’s work. A copy of the group assignment
assessment guidelines is found in Appendix 1. The final marks for the group assessment
are a combination of the lecturer’s assessment (70%) and self and peer assessment (30%).
A copy of the Self and Peer Assessment form are included in Appendix 2. All group
members’ completed confidential Self and Peer Assessment forms should be submitted
with the copy of report and references. Details of the group assignment as below:


a) Students are to form a group of 4-5 people and are required to prepare a report
on the development and performance of Shariah compliant investments such as
equity investment, Sukuk, unit trust, FOREX and REITs.
b) Each group will be given RM100K to compete in a trading game on the chosen
investment asset based on actual pricing in the money or capital market. You
should apply the concepts learnt in class to make investment decisions. These
concepts include (but are not limited to) an understanding of: the relationship
between risk and return, the behaviour of the price and return, the impact of
transaction costs on returns, the valuation techniques such as discounted cash
flow and relative valuation.
c) Data can be obtained through Bursa Malaysia, Securities Commission Malaysia
free online software, and newspaper.
d) Format of the report:
Font: Aril, size 11
Spacing: 1.5
Length: Minimum 8 pages, excluding references and appendices, if any.
Content of the report:
1. Introduction
2. Background of the company issuing the instrument (the issuer)
3. The descriptive of the instrument
4. The behavior of the price and return of the instrument
5. Performance and valuation of the asset
6. Conclusion
7. References
e) The report must be submitted in hard copy.
f) The deadline for submission: Week 12.
g) Presentation of the group project will be held in the week 13 and 14.

2) Individual Assignment 15%. (CURRENT ISSUES IN MONEY & CAPITAL MARKETS). Each
student will present 8 minutes capsule in class on an issue relevant to money and
banking. The presentation will be taking place in the tutorial class. Each student must
relate their presentation to the topic discussed in the class. Given the scope of issues that
affect on money and capital market practices, students may choose to discuss any
element related to those issues. However, it is the student's responsibility to provide a
strong link between the topic and in-class discussions during the semester. Thus, the
presentation should not only describe the issue, but also analyze and provide implications
for money and capital markets. On the day of the oral presentation, each student must
submit a written report on the topic. This should be a FIFTEEN SENTENCES in length USED

3) Mid Term Exam 10%. There will be one mid-term exam, which represent 10%. Each exam
question will tie directly to one or more of the chapter-learning outcome. The Mid Term
Exam will be worth 10% towards student’s total course grade.

4) Final Exam 50%.

This schedule will change as new information becomes available. Check the GOALS often.
Course Lecturer
Name : Dr. Norhaziah Nawai
Office : FEM (Level 2, Room 29)
Phone : 06-798 6440
Email :
Office Hours: pm and by appointment
APPENDIX 1 – Group Assignment (70%)


Group Members:

i) Presentation Assessment Excellent Good Adequate Poor

(10) (8) (6) (4)

1) Presenters sound and appear interested, confident

and enthusiastic about what they are doing?
2) Creativity/inventiveness of presentation?

3) Appropriate powerpoint, handouts, etc are used?

4) Presentation clearly conveys thorough and careful

5) Shows a full understanding of the topic?

ii) Final Report Assessment

1) Information is very organized with well-constructed

2) Information clearly relates to the main topic.

3) Evidence of extra research (e.g journal articles) which

is properly referenced?
4) Shows detailed research and information gained from an
in-depth study to gather pertinent information.
5) Material has been submitted by the appropriate due dates.

Other comments (if applicable)

Overall Group Assignment Mark

APPENDIX 2 - Group Assignment (30%)


Your final mark for the group assignment is determined by the lecturer’s assessment of your group presentation and copy of
report, plus self and group peer assessment of your contribution to this task. The lecturer awards a group mark, which forms
70% of your final grade. The other 30% is determined by the self and peer assessment ratings.

Please fill in the names of the members of your group (including yourself) and rate their individual contributions to the group

In rating yourself and your peers, use a one to five point scale, where

5 = Superior;
4 = Above Average;
3 = Average;
2 = Below Average; and
1 = Weak.

Insert your name in the first column and your peers’ names in the remaining spaces (One name at the top of each column).

Yourself Team Members

Participated in meetings
Accepted responsibilities and assignments
Completed assignment on time
Respected and supported team’s decisions
Quantity of work done (fair share)
Given the opportunity, would you work with this
team member again? (Yes=5; Maybe=3;No=1)
Enter total score here

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