Smath Studio Keyboard Shortcuts

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Keyboard shortcuts


Modified: 2011/08/05 10:48 by admin - Categorized as: English

» Keyboard shortcuts

Here is an incomplete list of shortcuts built-in into SMath Studio:


" - Insert Text region

' - Insert Unit

\ - Insert square root

[ - Insert el() function - subscript

] - Insert line - code block

. - literal subscript in variable,function,unit names

^ - Raise to power operator

! - Factorial

% - -/+ Minus plus

& - Insert Boolean And

| - Insert Boolean Or

~ - Insert Boolean Not

@ - Insert a 2D plot

Ctrl+. - Symbolic calculation of the equation

Ctrl+= - Insert Boolean "Equal to"

Ctrl+\ - Insert n-th root

Ctrl+g - Pressing after a character, gives it in Greek (Symbol palette)

Ctrl+M - Insert Matrix

Ctrl+E - Insert Function dialog box

Ctrl+W - Insert Unit dialog box

Ctrl+T - Insert blank Image

Ctrl+0 - Insert Boolean "Greater or Equal to" operator

Ctrl+1 - Insert Matrix transpose

Ctrl+3 - Insert Boolean "Not Equal to" operator

Ctrl+8 - Insert Vector Multiplication operator

Ctrl+9 - Insert Boolean "Less Then or Equal to" operator

Ctrl+Enter or Shift+Enter - Insert new line in the text region

Ctrl+Shift+P - Insert Pi constant (3.1415...)

Ctrl+Shift+Z - Insert Infinity


Ctrl+Z - Undo changes

Ctrl+Y - Redo changes

Ctrl+X - Cut

Ctrl+C, Ctrl+Insert - Copy

Ctrl+V, Shift+Insert - Paste

Ctrl+A - Select all page controls / Select all inside the control (depends on cursor position)

Home, End - Can be used inside Text or Math controls to move cursor to the start or end of


Ctrl+B - Bold text

Ctrl+I - Italic text

Ctrl+U - Underlined text

F8 - Change multiple variable,function, unit names


Ctrl+N - Create a new page

Ctrl+F4 - Close current page

Ctrl+P - Print current page

Ctrl+O - Show open file dialog

Ctrl+S - Save current page

F9 - Recalculate page


Dynamic Assistance (Auto-Completion)

TAB, Ctrl+Enter, Shift+Enter, DoubleClick - Auto-complete with the chosen

variable/function name

Ctrl+space - Auto-Complete if menu is shown, otherwise manually activates Dynamic

*+Enter - For Smartphones

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