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Human Resource Management Process in Big Bazaar

A Project Report Submitted to

B.Voc. - Retail and Logistics Management


In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of
B.Voc. - Retail and Logistics Management

Central University of Haryana

Supervised By
Dr. Suyash Mishra
Assistant Professor & Teacher-In-Charge
B.Voc. - Retail and Logistics Management

Submitted By
Kapil Yadav
Roll No. - 9337

Session - July- 2016


I,Kapil Yadav hereby declare that the project entitled “Human Resource
Management Process in Big Bazaar’’is based on my own work carried out
during the course of my study under the Co-Supervisor of Mr. Jony.
I assert the statements made and conclusions drawn are an outcome of
my Project work. I further certify that
I. The work contained in the report is original and has been done by me
under the general supervision of my supervisor and co-supervisor.
II. I have followed the guidelines provided by the university in writing
the report.
III. Whenever I have used materials (data, theoretical analysis, and text)
from other sources, I have given due credit to them in the text of the
report and giving their details in the references.

Name – Kapil Yadav

Roll No. 9337

I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my Supervisors
Dr. SUYASH MISHRA and Dr. RISHI KANT as well as Mr. JONY
SIR who gave me the golden opportunity to do this wonderful project on
the topic “Human Resource Management Process in Big Bazaar”
which also helped me in doing a lot of Project work and I came to know
about so many new things I am really thankful to them.
Secondly, I would also like to thank my parents and friends who
helped me a lot in finalizing this project within the limited time frame.



1 Declaration
2 Acknowledgment
3 Introduction
4 Industry Profile
5 Company Profile
6 Objectives
7 HR Polices At Big Bazaar

8 To Study on Work Schedule And Compensation

9 Conclusion
10 Suggestion
11 Bibliography

Human Resource Management (HRM) is an operation in companies designed to
maximize employee performance in order to meet the employer's strategic goals
and objectives. More precisely, HRM focuses on management of people within
companies, emphasizing on policies and systems.

In short, HRM is the process of recruiting, selecting employees, providing proper

orientation and induction, imparting proper training and developing skills.

HRM also includes employee assessment like performance appraisal, facilitating

proper compensation and benefits, encouragement, maintaining proper relations
with labor and with trade unions, and taking care of employee safety, welfare and
health by complying with labor laws of the state or country concerned.

Evolution and developments of HRM

The history of development of HR management in India is comparatively of recent
origin. But Kautilya had dealt with some of the important aspects of human
resources management in his “Arthasastra,” written in 400 B.C. Government in
those days adapted the techniques of HRM as suggested by Kautilya. In its modem
sense, it has developed only since independence. Though the importance of labour
officers was recognised as early as 1929, the appointment of officers to solve
labour and welfare problems gained momentum only after the enactment ofthe
Factories Act of 1948. Section 49 of the Act required the appointment of Welfare
Officers in companies employing more than 500 workers. At the beginning,
Government was concerned only with limited aspects of labour welfare. The
earliest labour legislation in India dealt with certain aspects ofIndian labourers
(Regulation of Recruitment, Forwarding and Employment) sent to various British
colonies in 1830. Important phases of evolution ofHRM are presented in Exhibit:

Recent developments in the area of human resources management include treating
the employees as economic, social, psychological and spiritual men and women.
The important aspects of development of human resources management year wise
is shown below:
In the year 1995, emphasis has been shifted to human resources development
In the year 1998, emphasis on HRD, cultural diversity, teamwork and participative
management has been continuing. Further, the emerging areas are total quality in
management in HRM, empowering the employees and developing empowered
teams and integrating HRM with strategic management as the top management,
realised that HRM is the core of competencies of the 21st century corporations.
 In the year 1999, second National Commission on Labour was setup to study
the labour conditions.
 In the year 2001, emphasis has been on 'smart sizing ofthe organisations'.
 In the year 2002, emphasis has been shifted to positive attitude of the
candidate/employee rather than skill and knowledge. In the year 2003, shift
from intelligence quotient (IQ) to emotional quotient (EQ). In the year
2004, shift from skilled workers to knowledge workers.
 In the year 2005, shift from hierarchical structure to flexible and virtual
structures. In the year 2006, HRM has become the core ofstrategic
management level. In the year 2007, the concept of HRM has been
relegated to human capital management.
 In the year 2008, emphasis has been on retention management and
development of own human resources by companies through alliances with
universities/colleges. In the same year, there was decline in business

operations due to global economic recession and crisis.
 In the year 2009, continuation ofjob cuts, pay costs and lay-offs due to
prolonged global recession and crisis.
 In the year 2014, emphasis is shifted to talent management and flexible
human resource policies and practices.

Nature of HRM is a management function that helps managers to recmit,

select, train and develop members for an organization. HRM is concerned
with people’s dimension in organizations. The following aspects constitute
the core of HRM:
1. HRM Involves the Application of Management Functions and
Principles. The functions and principles are applied for acquiring,
developing, maintaining and providing remuneration to employees in
2. Decision Relating to Employees must be integrated. Decisions on
different aspects of employees must be consistent with other human
resource (HR) decisions.
3. Decisions Made Influence the Effectiveness of an Organization.
Effectiveness of an organization will result in betterment ofservices to
customers in the form ofhigh quality products supplied at reasonable
4. HRM Functions are not confined to Business Establishments Only but
applicable to non-business organizations such as education, health
care, recreation and like.
HRM refers to a set of programmes, functions and activities designed
and carried out in order to maximize both employee as well as
organizational effectiveness.
Objectives of HRM
The primary objective of HRM is to ensure the availability of competent and
willing workforce for an organization. Beyond this, there are other objectives too.
Specifically, HRM objectives are four fold: Societal, Organization, Functional and

Personal Objectives
To assist Employees in achieving their personal goals, at least in so far as these
goals enhance the individual’s contribution to the organization. Personal objectives
of employees must be maintained, retained and motivated.
Functional Objectives:
To maintain the contribution of department at an appropriate level organization
should fulfill the needs. Resources are wasted when HRM is either more or less
sophisticated to suit the organizations demands.
Organizational Objectives
To recognize the role ofHRM in bringing about organizational effectiveness, HRM
is not an end in itselfbut it is only a mean to assist the organization with its primary
objectives organization.
Societal Objectives
To be ethically & socially responsible for the needs and challenges of society while
minimizing the negative impact of such demands upon the organization to use their
resources for society’s benefits in ethical ways may lead to restriction.

Other objectives
 Accomplish the basic organizational goals by creating and utilizing an able
and motivated workforce.
 To establish and maintain organizational structure and desirable working
relationships among all the members ofthe organization.
 Develop co-ordination among individual and group within organization to
secure the integration of organization.
 To create facilities and opportunities for individual or group development so
as to match it with the growth ofthe organization.
 To attain an effective utilization of human resources in the achievement of
organizational goals.
 To identify and satisfy individual and group needs by providing adequate
and equitable wages, incentives, employee benefits and social security and
measures for challenging work, prestige, recognition, security, status.
 To maintain high employees morale and human relations by sustaining and
improving the various conditions and facilities.
 To strengthen and appreciate the human assets continuously by providing
training and development programs.
 To consider and contribute to the minimization ofsocio-economic evils such
as unemployment, under employment, inequalities in the distribution of
income and wealth and to improve the welfare ofthe society by providing
employment opportunities to women and disadvantaged sections ofthe
 To provide an opportunity for expression and voice management.
 To provide fair, acceptable and efficient leadership.

 To create & utilize an able & motivated work force Establish & maintain
sound organizational structure Create facilities attain an effective utilization
Identify & satisfy individual & group needs.
 Maintain high employee morale Training & development Opportunity for
expression Provide fair, acceptable and efficient leadership Facilities and

Scope of HRM
The scope of HRM is indeed vast. All major activities in the working life of
a worker - from the time of his or her entry into an organization until he or
she leaves the organization comes under the preview of

The major HRM activities include HR planning, job analysis, job design,
employee hiring, employee and executive remuneration, employee
motivation, employee maintenance, industrial relations and prospects of

The scope of Human Resources Management extends to:

 All the decisions, strategies, factors, principles, operations, practices,
functions, activities and methods related to the management of people
as employees in any type of organization.
 All the dimensions related to people in their employment relationships
and all the dynamics that flow from it.

American Society for Training and Development (ASTD) conducted fairly an
exhaustive study in this field and identified nine broad areas of activities of HRM.
These are given below:

❖ Human Resource Planning

❖ Design of the Organization and Job

❖ Selection and Staffing

❖ Training and Development

❖ Organizational Development

❖ Compensation and Benefits

❖ Employee Assistance

❖ Union/Labour Relations

❖ Personnel Research and Information System

Human Resource Planning:

The objective of HR Planning is to ensure that the organization has the right types
of persons at the right time at the right place. It prepares human resources
inventory with a view to assess present and future needs, availability and possible
shortages in human resource. Moreover, HR Planning forecast demand and
supplies and identify sources of selection. HR Planning develops strategies both
long term and short-term, to meet the man-power requirement.
Design of Organization and Job:
This is the task of laying down organization structure, authority, relationship and
responsibilities. This will also meandefinition of work contents for each position

in the organization. This is done by :‘job description”. Another important step is
“Job specification”. Job specification identifies the attributes of persons who will
be most suitable for each job which is defined by job description.

Selection and Staffing:

This is the process of recruitment and selection of staff. This involves matching
people and their expectations with which the job specifications and career path
available within the organization

Training and Development:

This involves an organized attempt to find out training needs of individuals to meet
the knowledge and skill which is needed not only to perform current job but also to
fulfill the future needs of the organization

Organizational Development:
This is an important aspect whereby “Synergetic effect” is generated in an
organization i.e. healthy interpersonal and inter-group relationship within the

Compensation and Benefit:

This is the area of wages and salaries administration where wages and
compensations are fixed scientifically to meet fairness and equity criteria. In
addition labour welfare measures are involved which include benefits and services.

Employee Assistanc:
Each employee is unique in character, personality, expectation and temperament.
By and large each one of them faces problems everyday. Some are personal some

are official. In their case he or she remains worried. Such worries must be removed
to make him or her more productive and happy.

Union-Labour Relations:
Healthy Industrial and Labour relations are very important for enhancing peace and
productivity in an organization. This is one of the areas of HRM.

Personnel Research and Information System:

Knowledge on behavioral science and industrial psychology throws better insight
into the workers expectations, aspirations and behavior. Advancement of
technology of product and production methods have created working environment
which are much different from the past.

Globalization of economy has increased competition many fold. Science of

ergonomics gives better ideas of doing a work more conveniently by an employee.
Thus, continuous research in HR areas is an unavoidable requirement. It must also
take special care for improving exchange of information through effective
communication systems on a continuous basis especially on moral and motivation.
HRM is a broa concept; personnel management (PM) and Human resource
development (HRD) are the parts of HRM.

Role of HRM
The role of HRM is to plan, develop and administer policies and programsdesigned
to make optimum use of an organizations human resources. It is that part of
management which is concerned with the people at work and with their
relationship within enterprises.

Current Classification of HR roles:

According to R.L Mathis and J. H. Jackson (2010) several roles can be fulfilled by
HR management. The nature and extent of these roles depend on both what upper
management wants HR management to do and what competencies the HR staff
have demonstrated. Three roles are typically identified for HR.

 Administrative
 Operational Actions
 Strategic HR

Functions of HRM:
Human Resources management has an important role to play in equipping
organizations to meet the challenges of an expanding and increasingly competitive
sector. Increase in staff numbers, contractual diversification and changes in
demographic profile which compel the HR managers to reconfigure the role and
significance of human resources management.

The functions are responsive to current staffing needs, but can be proactive in
reshaping organizational objectives. All the functions of HRM are correlated with
the core objectives of HRM . For example personal objectives are sought to be
realized through functions like remuneration, assessment etc.
1. Strategic HR Management: As a part of maintaining organizational
competitiveness, strategic planning for HR effectiveness can be increased
through the use of HR metrics and HR technology. Human resource
planning (HRP) function determine the number and type of employees
needed to accomplish organizational goals.

HRP includes creating venture teams with a balanced skill-mix, recruiting the
right people, and voluntary team assignment. This function analyzes and
determines personnel needs in order to create effective innovation teams. The basic
HRP strategies are staffing and employee development.

2. Equal Employment Opportunity. Compliance with equal employment

opportunity (EEO) laws and regulations affect all other HR activities.
3. Staffing: The aim of staffing is to provide a sufficient supply of qualified
individuals to fill jobs in an organization. Job analysis, recruitment and
selection are the main functions under staffing.

Workers job design and job analysis laid the foundation for staffing by identifying
what diverse people do in their jobs and how they are affected by them. Job

analysis is the process of describing the nature of a job and specifying the human
requirements such as knowledge, skills and experience needed to perform the job.
The end result of job analysis is job description. Job description spells out work
duties and activities of employees.

Through HR planning, managers anticipate the future supply of and demand for
employees and the nature of workforce issues, including the retention of
employees. So HRP precedes the actual selection of people for organization. These
factors are used when recruiting applicants for job openings. The selection process
is concerned with choosing qualified individuals to fill those jobs. In the selection
function, the most qualified applicants are selected for hiring from among the
applicants based on the extent to which their abilities and skills are matching with
the job.

4. Talent Management and Development: Beginning with the orientation of

new employees, talent management and development includes different
types of training. Orientation is the first step towards helping a new
employee to adjust himself with the new job and the employer. It is a
method to acquaint new employees with particular aspects of their new job,
including pay and benefit programmes, working hours and company rules
and expectations.

Training and Development programs provide useful means of assuring that the
employees are capable of performing their jobs at acceptable levels and also more
than that.

All the organizations provide training for new and inexperienced employee. In

addition, organization often provide both on the job and offthe job training
programmes for those employees whose jobs are undergoing change.

Likewise, HR development and succession planning of employees and managers

both are necessary to prepare for future challenges. Career planning has developed
as result ofthe desire of many employees to grow in their jobs and to advance in
their career. Career planning activities include assessing an individual employee’s
potential for growth and advancement in the organization.

Performance appraisal includes encouraging risk taking, demanding innovation,

generating or adopting new tasks, peer evaluation, frequent evaluations and
auditing innovation processes.

This function monitors employee performance to ensure that it is at acceptable

levels or not. This strategy appraises individual and team performance so that there
is a- link between individual innovativeness and company profitability. Which
tasks should be appraised and who should assess employees’ performance are also
taken into account.

5. Total Rewards: Compensation in the form of pay, incentives and benefits

are the rewards given to the employees for performing organizational work.
Compensation management is the method for determining how much
employees should be paid for performing certain jobs. Compensation affects
staffing and in the matter of staffing; people are generally attracted to
organizations offering a higher level of pay in exchange ofthe work

To be competitive, employers develop and refine their basic compensation systems
and may use variable pay programs such as incentive rewards, promotion from
within the team, recognition rewards, balancing team and individual rewards etc.
This function uses rewards to motivate personnel to achieve an organization's goals
of productivity, innovation and profitability.

Compensation is also related to employee development in the matter of

compensation; it provides an important incentive for motivating employees to
higher levels of job performance in the organization.

Benefits are another form of compensation to employees other than direct pay for
the work performed. Benefits include both legally required items and those offered
at employer’s discretion. Benefits are primarily related to the area of employee
maintenance as they provide for many basic employee needs.

6. Risk Management and Worker Protection-. HRM addresses various

workplace risks to ensure protection ofworkers by meeting legal
requirements and being more responsive to concern for workplace health
and safety along with disaster and recovery planning.

7. Employee and Labor Relations: The relationship between managers and

their employees must be handled legally and effectively. Employer and
employee rights must be addressed. It is important to develop, communicate
and update HR policies and procedures so that managers and employees
alike know what is expected. In some organizations, union/management
relations must be addressed as well.

The term labour relation refers to the interaction with employees who are
represented by a trade union. Unions are organization of employees who join
together to obtain more voice in decisions affecting wages, benefits, working
conditions and other aspects of employment. With regard to labour relations the
major function of HR personnel includes negotiating with the unions regarding
wages, service conditions and resolving disputes and grievances.

Role of HR Manager
Human Resources Manager plays a vital role in the modem organization. He plays
various strategic roles at different levels in the organization. The roles of the HR
Manager include roles of conscience, of a counsellor, a mediator, a company
spokesman, a problem solver and a change agent.

The Conscience Role:

The conscience role is that of a humanitarian who reminds the management ofits
morals and obligations to its employees.

The Counsellor:
Employees who are dissatisfied with the present job approach the HR manager for
counselling. In addition, employees facing various problems like marital, health,
children education/marriage, mental, physical and career also approach the HR
managers. The HR Manager counsels and consults the employees and offers
suggestions to solve/overcome the problems.

The Mediator:
As a mediator, the HR manager plays the role of a peace-maker. He settles the
disputes between employees and the management. He acts as a liaison and
communication link between both of them.
The Spokesman:
He is a frequent spokesman for or representative of the company.

The Problem-solver:
He acts as a problem solver with respect to the issues that involve human
resources management and overall long range organizational planning.

The Change Agent:

He acts as a change agent and introduces changes in various existing programmes.

He also performs various other roles like welfare role, clerical role and fire-
fighting role as indicated in figure above.

As a Specialist:
The HR department has staff relationship with other departments/managers in the
total organization. The personnel department is responsible for advising
management from the Managing Director to the lowest line supervisor in all areas
relating to HR management and industrial relations. HR department also performs
various functions of employment, training and development. It represents the
management in many ofthe relationships that affect the organization as a whole. It
is also responsible for representing various workers’ problems to the management.

HR department generally acts in an advisory capacity; it provides information,

offers suggestions and is not responsible for the end results. The HR managers
must exercise control each and every aspect very tactfully in order to win the
confidence and cooperation of all line managers. They have to persuade line
managers to work with staff specialists and not against them.
As a Source of Help:
In certain situations (when line managers lack skill or knowledge in dealing with
employee problems), experienced HR managers assume line responsibility for HR
matters. But it may be resented by the managers who ought to seek staff assistance
in meeting their HR responsibilities. They should earn the reputation and
confidence ofline managers ofbeing a source ofhelp rather than a source ofthreat to
line managers. Staff assistance is likely to be effective when it is wanted rather
than imposed.

As a Change Agent:
HR Manager should work as an enabler and change agent regarding HR areas and
he should be familiar with different disciplines like management, technology,
sociology, psychology and organizational behaviour as organizational
adaptability, viability and development are dependent on human resources
development. So, the HR manager should work as a consultant of an
organizational development by providing necessary information and infrastructure
to the line managers. Thus, the role of HR managers is more concerned with
providing information and offering advice to the decision-makers rather than
making decisions.

As a Controller:
Nevertheless, it is still true that effective HR executives advise on policies, help
managers in implementing their programmes and provide services, exercise

monitoring and control functions sparingly.

The HR Industry in India

HR Industry (Human resource) industry in India has become a common need for
almost every business that is looking forward for a good growth at the same time
improved organization managements. Right from hiring the right candidate for the
company till providing the best of the curriculum activates for the employees to
grow, there are so many things that an HR actually does.

As per the research conducted, according to social, economic and cultural

landscape, it is in unprecedented change due to which the need for a right solution
that can lead to growth and professionalization has become quite common. This is
the reason why HR industry in India has gained lot of scope.

About HR Services
It is considered as one of the most precious resource for any organization. Right
from recruiting the right person on the board of a company till ensuring that the
management works in an organized manner to achieve success of the organization,
HR looks into every concern related to the company.

The solution that is offered by the team of HR is worth to take and certainly leads
to the growth. There is a dedicated team of experts in HR who are engaged to
offer the clients with workforce solutions and thus also acts as a middleman
between the client and the employee.

To staff the industry in a proper way has become a necessary for the dynamic
business environment. The HR industry thus, ensure that entire gamut of
employment solutions are given to the client to satisfy him in all the best possible

Role of HR industry in India:

Looking forward to the increasing demand of HR industry, the following services

are performed by the team which includes:

 Recruitment process outsourcing

 Corporate training
 Pay-roll processing
 Organizing the clients meeting
 Representing the team
 Looking forward to increase ether venue of the Company

The HR industry also known as staffing industry is highly noticed in different

streams like Information Technology, Finance, Management, Sales, and
Engineering. As per the research made, it has been also noted down that now a
days, the need for such services has increased in aviation and retail industry as

The growth in the economy that is shown by India is highly said to be due to the
HR industry that has come into existence. There are so many factors due to which

Indian HR industry is driven that includes the client industry growth, entry of
multinational companies, large conglomerates in new business domains and many

As per the report, it has been noticed down that the Indian HR industry with
regards to permanent and temporary recruitment segments has shown tremendous
improvement. It has been providing with the best of the opportunities in the

So far, this industry in India as grown at a compounded annual growth rate of 21%
which is certainly a good thing to notice. HR industry in India is certainly at its
peak to get to more success and allow the client to grow. So what do you think,
have you decided to move in this career?

Company Profile

Big Bazaar is an Indian retail store that open by sarvesh a chain of

hypermarkets, discount department stores, and grocery stores. The retail chain was
founded by Kishore Biyani under his parent organization Future Group, which is
known for having a significant prominence in Indian retail and fashion sectors. Big
Bazaar is also the parent chain of Food Bazaar, Fashion at Big Bazaar(abbreviated
as fbb) and eZone where at locations it houses all under one roof, while it is sister
chain of retail outlets like Brand Factory, Home Town, Central, eZone, etc.
Founded in 2001, Big Bazaar is one of the oldest and largest hypermarkets chains
of India, housing about 250+ stores in over 120 cities and towns across the

Big Bazaar was founded in 2001 by Kishore, the founder and chief executive
officer (CEO) of the parent company, the Future Group.Indian actress Asin and the
former Captain of Indian cricket team, Mahendra Singh Dhoni have previously
endorsed for the fashion vertical of Big Bazaar.

Type Private
Industry Retail
Founded 2001; 18 years ago,
Founder Kishore Biyani
Headquarters Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Number of locations 307 stores nationwide, October 2018
Area served India
1.Sarvesh Shivnath Shukla (Founder)
Key people 2.Sadashiv Nayak (President & CEO)
3. Umashankar Shukla (Director)
1. Electronics
2.Movies and music
3.Home and
4. Home Improvement
5. Clothing
6. Footwear
7. Jewellery
8. Health and Beauty
9. Sporting Goods and Fitness
10. Grocery

Parent Future Group

Big Bazaar is a chain of shopping malls in India owned by the Future Group. The
worldwide country chain, Big Bazaar, is formed by CEO of Future Group, Mr.
Kishore Biyani. Growing up in a joint family, Kishore Biyani was expected to
eventually follow his father and uncles and join their textile mill business.
However, Kishore Biyani was always a bit different, even while young. He wanted
to try something different. He classifies entrepreneurs into three classes, creators,
preservers and destroyers. His family belonged to the preserver category, while he
wanted to be a creator. He was willing to experiment and take risks. He wanted to
create a readymade apparel brand. The idea was conceived in the 1980s, and after
some initial setbacks, he established the Pantaloon Shoppe. Later, he thought of
starting a hypermarket retail chain, but was doubtful if the western model would
work in India, considering the Indian shopper’s psyche. Then, he visited the
‘Caravan Stores’ in Chennai, and observed its popularity among customers. He
decided to use this as a model. But his vision and model differed a lot from the
Chennai based retail chain. The retail chain Giyani set up, Big Bazaar, which
expanded rapidly to establish branches all across the country. It is now India’s
largest hypermarket chain. In It Happened in India, Inshore Giyani identifies three
types of Indian customers. He targets the next category. The middle class who
make up a major chunk of the country’s shoppers. He and his team studied this
section of consumers and understood their needs. The Big Bazaar marketing
campaign was specifically targeted at this section of the society and it succeeded. It
Happened in India shares his dreams, vision and his strategies. It also shares his
personal journey, from childhood to becoming the head of one of the most
successful business groups in the country today.

Kishore Biyani is best known for bringing in the great Indian retail revolution.
What’s more, he has consistently gone against conventional wisdom and charted
his own course to make Pantaloon Retail one of the fastest growing retail chains in
not just India but even the world. The company recently launched a campaign
celebrating ten years of Big Bazaar, part of Pantaloon Retail. The touching
campaign not only celebrated the success that the retail chain has seen over the
years but also tried to connect with its customer base by saying sorry and thank
you in the same breath. The Big Bazaar journey has been fabulous. The company
did 150 stores in these ten years. It has been the most interesting stretch for the
company. In terms of growth, the company are the fastest growing chain. Probably
the first hypermarket chain in the world that set up 100 stores in just seven years of
its existence. In that sense, it feels great. In fact, the company is a part of the
changing India. So, whenever the topic of modern India will be touched upon, Big
Bazaar too would be remembered in the same breath. Big Bazaar Retail India
Limited, the flagship retail chain of the Future Group, achieved a unique milestone
in the history of world retail - by being the first hypermarket format in the globe to
roll-out the fastest 101 stores in a short span of seven years. This hypermarket
chain was introduced in India by Pantaloon Retail (India) Limited. The year was
2001. The first store opened in Kolkata and was followed by stores in Hyderabad,
Bangalore and Aurangabad in a short span. It works on the same economy model
as Wal-Mart and has had considerable success in many Indian cities and small
towns. The Group is confident of the Indian retail story. It has not slowed down its
expansion plans despite many other retailers slowing expansion, reducing the

number of outlets, effecting layoffs and even exiting the businesses. In 2006-2007
more Indians discovered the value of shopping in Big Bazaar. Big Bazaar launched
27 new stores in 22 cities, covering over 1.40 million square feet. While Big
Bazaar continued to expand in the large cities it also tapped consumptions potential
in the cities like Agra, Allahabad, Coimbatore, Surat, Panipat, Palakkad, Kanpur,
Nashik, Jalgaon and Kolhapur. By May 2008, there were 89 Big Bazaars spread
across various cities and towns across the country. Big Bazaar plans to have 300
stores and is expecting revenues of 130 billion rupees by the year 2011.

At the time of the launch of Big Bazaar there was no real precedent in the Indian
market giants the RPG hypermarkets had opened in Hyderabad only two months
prior to the launch of Big Bazaar. A western model had to be adapted to suit the
needs of the Indian environment various local markets and local market leaders
were studied. This was done to understand the product mixand the prices offered.
Saving is the key to the Indian middle-class consumer. The store which would be
created had to offer value to the consumer. Keeping this in mind, the concept of
Big Bazaar was created.

Big Bazaar offers a wide range of products which range from apparels, food, farm
products, furniture, child care, toys, etc. Products of all the major brands are
available at Big Bazaar. Also, there are many in house brands promoted by Big
Bazaar. Big Bazaar sold over 3 lakh pairs of jeans, 50,000 DVD-players and
25,000 microwave-ovens. In all, the fashion, electronics and travel segments made
up about 70 per cent of sales. The tag-line is "Is Se Sasta Aur Accha Aur Kahin
Nahi". They work on the model of economics of scale. There pricing objective is
to get Maximum Market Share. Big Bazaar is a chain of shopping malls in India
owned by the Future Group. The worldwide country chain, Big Bazaar, is formed

by CEO of Future Group, Mr. Kishore Biyani. The group do not promise more
than what it delivers. Their basic attraction associated with reasonable prices is
their unique selling price. Though, the products of Big Bazaar stores stocks might
not be advanced, but the customers are assured to avail the worth of the money
spent by them. In 2001, the group opened its first store at Calcutta, which was the
primary departmental store offering regulated services of parking, steel vessels,
apparel, electronics etc. under the one roof at the competitive prices.

Big Bazaar has democratized shopping in India and is so much more than a
hypermarket. Here customers find over 170,000 products under one roof that cater
to every need of a family, making Big Bazaar as India’s favorite shopping
destination. Big Bazaar is the destination where you get products available at
prices lower than the MRP, setting a new level of standard in price, convenience
and quality

1. Food & Grocery: Big Bazaar, Food Bazaar

2. Home Solutions: Hometown, Furniture Bazaar, Collection
3. Consumer Electronics: e-zone
4. Shoes: Shoe Factory
5. Books, Music & Gifts: Depot
6. Health & Beauty Care: Star, Sitara
7. E-tailing:
8. Entertainment: Bowling Co.

Big Bazaar Merchandise

Customer Services of Big Bazaar

Big Bazaar provides a wide range of services to its customers like Trial rooms,
Elevators, Car parking, Security, Baggage counter, Trolleys, Gift wrapping, Free
call in case of emergency, for electronics item provide free home delivery, Wheel
chair is provided at the entrance of the Big Bazaar, stretcher, in any case a mother
wanted to feed her infant child or little child there is mother room to feed the
child, water so that one could shop easily. They even provide them with after sale
services in case of buying electronic items. One of the major services provided by
them are one stop shop as one could get a whole range of items under one shop
and at the most reasonable price. They always have their outlets in such a location
where it is easy to commute.
Big Bazaar provides a customer help desk at entrance of the shop, where customer
can get all the necessary information of any new scheme or offer going on.
Customer desk is for helping and guiding the customers. Customer desk help have
complaint or suggestion box in which customer can write their suggestion and
complaint regarding service, product etc. Big Bazaar provides toll free number for
customer care and email id through which customers can give their complaints
and suggestion. A complaint of any customer can be solved within 24 hrs by a
person who handles complaints if he is not able to solve it within 24 hrs then he
tries to convince that customer, that it would be solve within few hours or days. If
that fellow is not at all able to solve the problem of the customer then it goes to
zonal office.

Customer Relationship Management of Big Bazaar

The Big Bazaar first tries to determine likely prospects i.e. the people who
have a strong potential interest in the product and ability to pay for it. The Big
Bazaar hopes to convert many of its qualified prospect into first time customers
and then to convert those first-time customers into repeat customers. Then the
Big Bazaar tries to convert these repeat customers into clients – they are those
people who buy only from the Big Bazaar in the relevant product categories.
The next challenge for the Big Bazaar is to convert these clients into advocates.
Advocates are those clients who praise the Big Bazaar and encourage others to
buy from it. The ultimate challenge is to convert these advocates into partners
where the customers and the clients work actively together to discover ways of
getting mutual benefit. Thus, in CRM the key performance figure is not just
current market share but share of life time value by converting customers into
partners. In CRM the Big Bazaar identified that small percentage of key
account holders whose contribution to the Big Bazaar revenues is high. So,
from this point of view, CRM is also known as key account management.

Strategic Objectives of the Company

Strategic objectives of a company can be short term and long term. The short-
term objectives are the goals that a company plans to achieve in one or less than
one year. The objectives can range from the products and services they offer to
the management objectives such as enlarging the human capital or more
investment, etc. The Long-term objectives refer to the goals that a company
wants to achieve in the long run, more than one year. The short-term goals help
the company to reach its long-term objectives. Typically, long term objects lay
out what a company wants to become. Big Bazaar wants to become number one
retailer of fast-moving consumer goods. This is a long-term business objective
which can be achieved by achieving the short-term objectives. When the market
requirements and customer requirements change, companies review their
objectives and change or update their business objective to suit the market and
customer requirements Innovative.


1. To study the HR Policies of the company

2. To Study on Work Schedule And Compensation


The company aims to fulfill the following objectives through its HR Policies:

 Ensure high degree of selectivity in recruitment to secure best in the

available work force and train them to excel in their performance.
 Impart induction, orientation and training to match the individual to
the task.
 Provide facilities for all round growth of individual by training and
development through motivation.
 Groom every employees to perform to the full extent contributing to
attain organizational and personal goals.
 Build team and foster team-work as the primary instrument in day to
day activities.

Types of Policies

Employment policy
These policies that helps an organization in hiring, orientation of new
employees, compliance with employment laws and confidentiality.

Right to modify procedures and Policies

Aim – To ensure the organization’s right to modify the given policy or procedure
at any given point of time with or without notification

Policy – The top management and the human resource department reserves the
right to change, add and eliminate the company’s policies, procedures at any given
point of time. New policies and procedures shall supersede any previously issued
verbal or written policies.

Procedure – This policy makes it clear that the organization’s policies can be
changed, added, eliminated at the discretion of the top management. When policy
changes are made, managers and supervisors are required to be familiarize with
new policy and procedure. They are expected to comply with the company policy
and procedure that are currently in force while supervising the other’s work.
Questions and concerns about new or revised policies and procedures should be
directed to Human resource personnel in a timely manner.

Employment at will (Student Employee)

Aim – To clearly establish that each worker’s employment is at will and ensure
each employee understands the at will nature of his/her employment.

Policy – Each person’s employment is at will, unless the employment is duly

authorized written employment agreement or pursuant on terms of the
No policy, provision or procedure is intended to create a binding employment
agreement, implied or expressed contract between the person and the organization.
At will employees will be given the clear notice that their employment is for no

specific term, is not guaranteed in any way and can be ended.

Procedure – To stop any potential wrongful discharge claim, it is important that

the student employee should be aware of the at will nature of his/her employment.
They must sign and date concerned form given by the organization and it will be
retained in each student’s official personnel file.

Recruitment and Selection

Recruitment Policy & Process
To enable selection of right kind of talent into the intended position of the
company to meet current and future needs of the organization. Also to thrive a
strong Employer Branding to attract the best talents available in the industry.
Covers all vacant positions across functions and levels.
Recruitment Norms
Academic Qualification : Minimum Graduation (recognized university) for all
positions without any unjustified gaps in education.

Experience : Either in the type of role outlined in the Job Description, or in

preparatory role.

Application Form: An application letter should be filled by the candidate giving

his personal, educational, professional information. Application form may have
some question relating to
aptitude, reasoning and English language to measure the candidate’s knowledge.


Fill up manpower MRF approval by concerned approving

requisition form(MRF) authority. (Recruitment
Approval matrix)

If approved, forward If not approved,

MRF to HR hold on

Sourcing based on Job Channels- Existing CV database,

Description & specification E- recruitment portals,
through different source Advertisement, Head hunting,
channels Hiring consultants

Screening application and Scheduling interview

short listing

Selection Hold/ Regret filling

Salary negotiation &

fitment preparation Sourcing

Acceptance Decline

Make an offer Intimate concerned

department head
39 about
candidates joining
To Study on Work Schedule And Compensation

Aim – To establish the normal daily/weekly work schedules and the basis of
compensation for regular hours worked, overtime, adjustments to normal work

Definitions – Workday: A scheduled work period between 10.00am to 4.00pm on

the same day.
Overtime: Hours of work by employees in excess of 40 hours per week.
Emergency call-in: When employees are asked to report to work to take care of
an emergency that cannot wait until regular scheduled working hours.

Policy – Work Schedule: The usual full-time weekly work schedule consists of 5
eight-hour work work schedule with 30-minute meal period.
1. First shift: The 8 hour work period beginning from 10.00 am depending
upon the departmental usual work schedule.
2. Second shift: The 8 hour work period beginning from 1.00 pm depending
upon the departmental usual work schedule.
3. Third shift: The 8 hour work period beginning from 10.00 pm depending
upon the departmental usual work schedule.

A organization work schedule may change as and when required. The department
head will consult Human Resources to establish or modify the department’s work
Emergency Call-in: An employee is guaranteed minimum of 4 hour pay for each
call-in occurrence. Call-in hours above 40 hours will be compensated at overtime
Procedure – Overtime records and payment: Overtime pay will be included in the
paycheck for the period the employee has worked overtime.

Responsibility: The immediate supervisor must approve the overtime assignments

and ensure that work is equitably distributed. Such approval must be obtained prior
to the commencement of any overtime. It is the responsibility of Human Resources
for interpreting of such provisions that complies with state laws and regulations
when a question arise regarding the computation of overtime.


The study has helped to identify employee’s opinion towards various aspects
regarding human resources policies in the organization. This study has also
enabled us to perform better and to be productive. The study has also helped the
employee’s of the organization to express their thoughts and their experiences with
regard to HR practices. This study will be helpful for further studies or researches
in the same title.

Based on the findings from the study, some suggestions have been provided to the
management. The management can take the suggestions in to consideration in
order to improve human resource within the organization and also bridge the gap
between employees’ expectations and existing scenario.

1. The Policy of the company provides facilities for all round growth of
individuals by training in-house and outside the organization, reorientation,
lateral mobility and self-development through self-motivation.
2. The Policy grooms every individual to realize his potential in all facets
while contributing to attain higher organizational and personal goals.
3. The Policy builds teams and foster team-work as the primary instrument in
all activities.
4. The Policy implements equitable, scientific and objective system of rewards,
incentives and control.
5. The Policy recognizes worth contributions in time and appropriately, so as to
maintain a high level of employee motivation and morale.


1. The Organization should focus on mentor system intend to help employees

in their career progression.

2. The Organization should conduct Psychometric tests for employees.

3. The Training should be mandatory for all level of employees.

4. The Departments should develop constructive attitude towards each other.

5. The company should give the appropriate recognition for the contributions

and accomplishments made by employees. A flexible reward system should

be adopted by organization to improve employee motivation.

6. A more transparent and full proof communication system developed in the


7. Replacing the lacuna in the current system.

8. Wages and salary administration process should have a more scientific

approach laying stress on equal wages for equal work done.



 Principles of Management By R.N.Gupta

 Management principle By L.M.Prasad

 Principles of management By Radha







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