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Q2. Q3. Q4 Qs. © son, 6 years hence DCUL IY WTUUIE April. 2019 Sta. 4 Page No. | Total Marks: 100 Total Time : 60min | al fraction: CQ) AB Q) 91,25 G) 9128 (4) 9 RIS Insert the bracket in proper place so that the equality is true: 48 + 8-245=13 , Q) +8 Q) (8-2) (G3) 8 + 8) @ ers What is the sum of the expression (Sm — 3n)and (79 2n) 4) m-n Q) m+ Gy 2m-Sn (4) 2m + Sn In writing all the prime numbers between | and 100, how many times would the digit 2 be used? a 3 Q 2 a a 0 “The sum of the ages of a husband and wife 6 years ago was 48 years, The sum of the ages of the husband, wife and son at present is 63 years. What will be the age of the ay 5 Q) 6 QB) 7 4) > Which of the following Roman Numeral has the largest value? (1) XXXXIX (2) XXVII (3) XLVI ccd 28 ue On the circumference of a circle given besides, points A to H u are drawn, How many line segment can be drawn joining any G, c two points ? ay 28 @ & ©) 16 (4) 24 k dD E If 19th April 2018 was on Thursday, then which of the days appeared 5 times in that month? (1) Monday & Tuesday (2) Wednesday, Thursday & Friday (3) Saturday & Sunday (4) Sunday & Monday In the following pairs of fractions, which pair of fractions is Not Equivalent to each other? a 14. 8 ag 2, 44 @) 15, 2 A) Noncofthese are az ae aye Nenwoktiese . What will be the digit in the ten thousands place of the difference ot the given (wo numbers: Ninety Seven Lakh Forty Three Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty Three and Forty Nine Thousand Six Hundred Eighty Two ay 0 Q) 8 (G3) @ 1 aot le Q. 11, Using all the one digit prime numbers form the greatest odd numbet’? (1) 97523 Q) 7523 G) 7325 (4) 9753 Q. 12. Which two digits in the number 73251 should be interchanged ah lerchanged so that it becomes completely divisible by 6? eed so that it become (2&1 Q) sat aoe ae: Q.13. If 15-3x=x-~9, then the value of x =? (Wy) 3 Qs 3) 6 WY) 2 Q.14. The sum of which two numbers of the following is a square number? () 8817 Q) 16854) BAO 5724 Q 15.. Eight circles of equal diameters are drawn in a rectangle touching each other at one point only. The radius of the circle is 6 em, find the perimeter of the rectangle (em Q) 48m 3) 144em (4) 96cm Q. 16. Using the digits 3, 4, 5, 7 each only once, how many odd numbers greater than 5000 can be made? a 8 Q 12 8) 6 (a) 4 —E,~G_A Q.17. Which two points would you join in the figure given besides so that there are exactly four triangles (1) GB (2) BE y (3) AD (4) GD w 15 ° = 6 49 — Which number does @ represent? C B ao 9 Q 139 B) 129 4) 119 Q. 19. Ifthe decimal fraction 0.0357 is multiplied by 100, the answer will be? (357 (2) 0.357 G) 35.7 (4) 3.057 Q. 20. Solve using the BODMAS Rule: 8+ 8x8-8=8 (dy 0 (2), 15 3) 63 (4) 71 Q.21. A four digit number 9 & 8 @ , is divisible by 9, and 4 represents a same digit. Find the digit at the @ place. ay 5 Q 4 G3) 3 @ ot in how many ways can the number 136 be written as the product of two numbers? Oy a) 4 “5 Q. 22. I aw 6 M.S.E. Fina April. 2019, stad Page No. 3 oe the pea at in Roman Numeral can be written as which of the follows? if : : ] Q)— ybecccL: (G) — MCMLXXXXxVII (4) Molen Q. 24. In the Magic Square given besides, the sum of the numbers horizontally, vertically and diagonally are the same. When the magic square is completed which of the following numbers is not used ? a 2B Q) 6 B) 4 aera Q.25. Which pair of angles given below are complementary to each other? (i) 55° & 45° (2) 65° & 25° 3). 35°& 48° (4) 17? & 63" Q. 26. What number should be added to 710 so that the result is a square number? a9 Q) 15 3) 28 4) 31 Q.27, Find the value of the expression 5 p + 6 q~ 12 ,when p=7and q=p—3 a) 140 Q) 35 @G) 47 (4) 52 Q. 28. The number in place of the @ in the series 5, 14, 25, 38, 4,70, 89 ay 48 Q 3 GB) 59 @ 6 Q. 29, Find the value of the variable ‘T” when 31 -T=2T* 7 a) 8 Q) 24 @B) 12 @ 6 2. 30. The perimeter ofa square is 36 em. If three such squares arejoined | 9 _@ by their edges as showm in the figure, what will be the perimeter 4 (1) 108em (Q) 54cm @) em (4) *90'%m Q.31. The sum of the numbers horizontally, vertically or diagonally add up 54 in a magic square of 3 by 3 boxes. Which of the following numbers can be in the central box? ()14 Q 16 Q) 27 a WB Q. 32. Which of the following can be the product of (@ @ 7)and (@ @ 6) where @ denotes digits not necessarily the same? qi) (1342 (2) 312312 3) 9933012, (4) 51276 Q. 33. A boy celebrated his oth birthday on 15th April 2019 which was a Monday. His 12th i vi 1 on which day of the week? ie (2) Tuesday (3) Wednesday (4) Sunny are the measures of two angles of a triangle. Which one of them can be .sceles triangle? Q. 34. Given below go? & 40° 3) SS 0° the measure of an iso m7 a) 90° & 50° (2) (4) 60° & 40" email: ashmaths@pn3.vsnlnetin

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