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THURSDAY Vol. XXXX No. 11199
May 30, 2019
Ramadan 25, 1440 AH

www. 2 Riyals

Amiri Diwan
Eid holidays
PM to attend Gulf
summit in Makkah, says
Qatar, Iraq sign pacts
The Amiri Diwan has announced that
Eid al-Fitr holidays for the ministries,
other government organs and the
general authorities and institutions
will start on Sunday, June 2 and end
foreign ministry official to strengthen relations
on Monday, June 10. State employees E the Prime Minister and bility to achieve the collective secu-
will resume work on Tuesday June 11. Minister of Interior Sheikh rity and higher interest of the people
Eid holidays for Qatar Central Bank Abdullah bin Nasser bin of the region,” she said.
(QCB) and banks and financial Khalifa al-Thani will attend a Gulf A high-level source told Al Jazeera
institutions working under the summit in Makkah this weekend, yesterday the face-to-face between
supervision of QCB and Qatar one of the first high-level meet- HE Sheikh Abdullah and top officials
Financial Markets Authority (QFMA) ings with blockading nations since from Saudi Arabia, the United Arab
will be determined by the QCB the embargo was imposed on Qatar Emirates (UAE), Bahrain and other
governor. nearly two years ago. countries will take place at the meet-
Announcing the attendance of ing starting today.
Advisory for travellers HE Sheikh Abdullah bin Nasser bin The summit is expected to focus
Khalifa al-Thani, Qatar’s Ministry on regional security issues amid
to avoid Eid rush of Foreign Affairs spokesperson HE soaring tension between Iran and the
Hamad International Airport (HIA) Lolwah Alkhater said Qatar has nev- US and its Gulf allies.
and national carrier Qatar Airways er been absent from active and posi- His Highness the Amir Sheikh
have issued travel advisories to tive participation at all levels — Arab, Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani received
passengers travelling during the Islamic and international. an invitation from Saudi King Sal-
upcoming Eid al-Fitr holidays and “It again puts the supreme inter- man to attend the emergency Gulf
peak travel season to arrive at the est of the region above bilateral dif- Co-operation Council (GCC) sum- His Highness the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani and Iraqi Prime Minister Adil Abdul Mahdi holding official talks.
airport three hours prior to their ferences, as the wise leadership has mit earlier this week.
flight. In a statement, HIA advised
passengers departing during the
decided to take part at a high level
with the participation of HE Sheikh
“The fact that the Saudis con-
tacted the Amir of Qatar directly Amir holds official talks with Iraqi prime minister
peak Eid period to be sure to check Abdullah bin Nassar al-Thani at the suggests that the tension with Iran
in online, arrive three hours prior three Makkah Summits,” she tweeted. is taken very seriously in Riyadh. QNA They reviewed bilateral relations and and the prime minister witnessed the
to their flight and use the e-gates In a separate tweet, HE Alkhater So the kingdom is ready to build a Doha the means to enhance them, particular- signing of the second executive pro-
(if registered) to “avoid queues and said the hard and delicate circum- broader-than-usual consensus on ly in economy, commerce, energy, cul- gramme for a memorandum of under-
continue enjoying comfortable stances of the region currently and how to deal with Iran,” Andreas Krieg ture, education, and scientific research. standing for cultural and scientific co-

and seamless travel” through HIA. the rising tension, require wisdom from King’s College London told Al is Highness the Amir Sheikh The two sides also discussed the lat- operation between the governments
Page 5 and responsible handling. “Accord- Jazeera. Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani est regional and international develop- of Qatar and Iraq in higher education
ingly, the participation of Qatar, In June 2017, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Iraqi Prime Minister Adil ments, particularly the developments and scientific research for the aca-
RAMADAN THOUGHT which enjoys reason and a sense of Bahrain and the UAE cut off ties with Abdul Mahdi held official talks at the in the region. demic years 2019/2020, 2020/2021
responsibility, is considered a na- Qatar and imposed a land, sea, and Amiri Diwan yesterday. Following the session, the Amir and 2021/2022. To Page 28
Allah accepts only the tional and humanitarian responsi- air blockade on the Gulf state.
repentance of those who do evil
in ignorance and foolishness
and repent soon afterwards; it
is they whom Allah will forgive
and Allah is Ever All-Knower, All-
Wise. (Qur’an 4: 17)

Prayer times
Qatar slams UAE
Fajr....3.16 Zuhr....11.31 Asr....2.56
Maghrib.....6.22 Isha.....7.52 trade complaint
Fasting times
QNA “Qatar regrets that the UAE did not
Iftar today ............................ 6.22pm Doha take the opportunity, at that time,
Imsak tomorrow...............3.06am to look into its own restrictive trade
measures. Instead, it circulated me-

he Government Communica- dia statements suggesting that Qatar
tions Office (GCO) yesterday “confessed” that its instruments vio-
said that the UAE has made a lated WTO rules. That was an unfor-
second request to the World Trade Or- tunate attempt to seize some small
ganisation (WTO) to refer a complaint advantage in the UAE’s continued
it had lodged about alleged Qatari re- media campaign against Qatar, and is
strictions on the import and sales of — like so much of the UAE’s rhetoric
goods, to a dispute-resolution panel. concerning Qatar – false,” the state-
In a statement, the office said the ment said.
supply of goods from the UAE has The GCO stressed that all Qatari
been heavily restricted since the UAE, actions taken concerning goods origi-
Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Egypt nating in the UAE have been, and re-
barred their suppliers from exporting main, consistent with Qatar’s WTO
to Qatar after blockading the country obligations. The office also said that
in June 2017. WTO rules allow measures aimed
The statement noted that Qatar had at protecting consumers, including
pointed out at a previous meeting that through requiring accurate statements
the alleged Qatari restrictions did not about goods, adopting requirements
exist, adding that Emirati exporters to ensure human health, product
may be suffering because they cannot safety, food sanitation and to address
export to Qatar, but that the responsi- environmental concerns, highlighting
bility for that lies with the Emirati re- that Qatar has longstanding laws in
strictions, rather than with any meas- these areas, and will continue to en-
ures taken by Qatar. force them rigorously.

‘32,000 firms established since siege’

ome 32,000 new companies they adapted quickly to the block-
have been established in Qatar ade, in no small part thanks to the
since the unjust blockade was rapid steps adopted by the govern-
enforced two years ago, Qatar Cham- ment”, the official Qatar News Agen-
ber (QC) Chairman Sheikh Khalifa bin cy reported.
Jassim bin Mohamed al-Thani said The year 2017 saw the forma-
yesterday. tion of 15,000 companies, with
This marked an increase of around the number increasing to 17,000
34% over the previous two years, in 2018. The new companies were
when 24,000 new firms were set up in established in a variety of sectors,
the country, he informed. such as agriculture, transport and
In a statement yesterday, Sheikh manufacturing. The years 2016 and
Khalifa stressed that the local pri- 2015 saw the formation of 13,000
vate sector “proved its great abil- Sheikh Khalifa bin Jassim bin and 11,000 companies, respectively.
ity in dealing with big challenges, as Mohamed al-Thani To Page 11
Gulf Times
2 Thursday, May 30, 2019

Amir condoles with
Japanese emperor QOC celebrates International Day for Challenge 2019
His Highness the Amir Sheikh
Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani and
Cabinet approves draft
His Highness the Deputy Amir
Sheikh Abdullah bin Hamad
al-Thani have sent cables to
decision on terms for
Emperor Naruhito of Japan
and Prime Minister Shinzo
Abe condoling the victims of a
taking part in tenders
stabbing incident that occurred

in Kawasaki City. HE the Prime he Cabinet’s regular meet- The Cabinet approved the acces-
Minister and Minister of Interior ing, chaired by HE the sion of the State Audit Bureau to the
Sheikh Abdullah bin Nasser bin Prime Minister Sheikh Economic Co-operation Organisa-
Khalifa al-Thani also sent a similar Abdullah bin Nasser bin Khalifa tion of the Supreme Audit Institu-
cable to Prime Minister Abe. al-Thani, yesterday approved its tions (ECOSAI) as an observer.
draft decision on the terms and The Cabinet also approved the
conditions for the participation following:
Qatar condemns of companies and entities estab- 1- A draft grant agreement on
blast in Thailand lished and registered with the Free funding the support for the Inde-
Qatar Olympic Committee (QOC) has celebrated the seventh edition of the International Day for Challenge 2019, held annually under the Zone Authority and Qatar Finan- pendence Accreditation Programme
Qatar has expressed its strong umbrella of TAFISA - The Association For International Sport for All. The committee organised the programme at the Al Tamakon School. cial Center or other entities legal- and the partnership programme to
condemnation of a deadly The events included various sports activities and a lecture on health education presented by the Qatar Cancer Society. Supervisor of the ly authorised to do so in tenders, support the Supreme Audit Institu-
explosion in Pattani in Thailand. event Afra al-Sada said it aims to raise awareness about sport and the importance of its practice to improve public health. She added that auctions, practices, competitions tions (SAI) operating in the sensitive
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs QOC has decided to grant those with special needs the chance to participate in this year’s International Day for Challenge. She praised the and direct agreement. conditions in Audit Bureau in Qa-
has expressed Qatar’s firm interaction of the students of Al Tamakon School with the events. Under the provisions of the draft tar for the INTOSAI Development
position rejecting violence. decision, companies and entities, Initiative between the State Audit
other than insurance companies and Bureau of Qatar and the INTOSAI
banks, may participate in tenders, Development Initiative.
auctions, practices, competitions 2- A draft grant agreement on
and direct agreements, in accord- funding the support for the use

Foreign ministry issues travel advisory for citizens ance with the terms and conditions
set forth in this decision.
Companies and entities, when
of the framework of SAIs per-
formance measurement, and to
enhance e-learning capabilities
participating in tenders, auctions, by the State Audit Bureau in Qa-
QNA non-Qatari escorts are travel- if they are lost. It advised citi- citizens must communicate with count that the number of work- practices, competitions and di- tar for the INTOSAI Development
Doha ling, the sponsor must inquire zens travelling in groups to not the embassy to receive advice. ing hours are 8 hours per day, as rect agreement, shall be subject to Initiative between the State Audit
about the visas and procedures carry large sums of money indi- The department urged citi- well as the holidays and week- the provisions of the Tenders and Bureau of Qatar and the INTOSAI
followed in this regard, the de- vidually and distribute it among zens to register on the website ends. Auction Regulation Act and its Development Initiative.

he Consular Affairs De- partment added. family members. It pointed out of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs The department also advised executive regulations. The Cabinet takes the neces-
partment at the Ministry It urged citizens travelling the importance keeping the before travelling. to open a bank account for the Following the meeting, held at sary measures to ratify:
of Foreign Affairs has is- abroad to not carry gold jewel- money exchange receipt. The department advised citi- worker. If the payment is in cash the Amiri Diwan, HE the Minister 1. An agreement on the can-
sued a number of guidelines and lery and valuables or interact When arriving at the airport zens to not bring meat and dairy then proof of receipt must be of Justice and Acting Minister of cellation of visa requirements
advice to Qatari nationals wish- with nationals of some countries of the country of destination, products to European countries. taken. The sponsor must also se- State for Cabinet Affairs Dr Issa for holders of diplomatic, private
ing to travel abroad. that have opposing positions the Qatari passenger must in- If a citizen wishes to bring food cure adequate housing. Sponsor Saad al-Jafali al-Nuaimi stated and official passports between the
The department emphasised to Qatar. It also urged citizens form the customs officer of the (not mentioned above), he or she must inform the nearest Qatari the following: governments of Qatar and Nepal.
the importance of ensuring six to pay attention to children in cash he or she has (if it exceeds should not exceed the personal diplomatic mission in case the The Cabinet reviewed topics on 2. A memorandum of understand-
months validity of passports and crowded areas and markets. 10,000 euros or 10,000 US dol- use (2 kg). worker runs away. its meeting’s agenda as following: ing for co-operation in agriculture
identity cards, obtaining entry The department stated that lars) before it is discovered to The Department of Consular The Department of Consular The Cabinet approved the draft and food security between the gov-
visas from countries requiring security services of the host avoid charges or confiscation. Affairs advised Qataris going to Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign law on regulating real estate de- ernments of Qatar and Nepal.
prior visas and following host country should not be allowed The department advice citi- the United States to ensure that Affairs urged citizens to see the velopment. The Cabinet took the appropri-
country’s regulations and laws to inspect the place of residence zens to avoid gatherings and sus- all legal issues related to their website of the Ministry of For- The draft law is to replace Law ate decisions on:
and travel requirements and in- without permission from the picious places and approaching stay in America are resolved, eign Affairs to No 6 of 2014 to regulate real estate 1- Draft decision of the Cabinet
ternational aviation regulations. relevant authority, and empha- strange objects. It also advised such as paying traffic fines and know the countries that exempt development, in order to keep up to establish a committee on the
The Consular Affairs Depart- sised the need to ensure the offi- citizens to not wear face cover attending US courts. It empha- passport holders (of all types) with the recent developments and real estate development strategy.
ment advised nationals and citi- cial status of persons requesting such as niqab in countries that sised the importance of ensuring from obtaining visas or require activate the real estate market. 2- Draft decision of HE the Min-
zens not to purchase air tickets personal identity. prohibit it. In the event of any that electronic devices are free of prior visas through embassies or The Cabinet approved that ister of Municipality and Environ-
from the airlines of the blockad- It urged citizens to keep handy problem, citizens should head di- any subjects that are against US visas at the country’s ports upon Qatar will host the next edition ment on the prohibition of disposal
ing countries via the Internet. the numbers of Qatar embassy rectly to inform the nearest em- laws. arrival. of the World Telecommunication of waste in non-authorised areas.
It also advised citizens to keep in the host country for reference bassy or consulate of Qatar and In the case of travelling com- Citizens can communicate Standardisation Assembly, which 3- The letter of the Planning and
passports, air tickets and valu- when necessary. notify officials of the problem. panions (servants, nannies or with the Ministry of Foreign will be held in 2020. Statistics Organisation Chairman
ables in safe places, and not to The department noted that If a Qatari citizen is being in- drivers), their passports should Affairs via the following phone The Cabinet approved the acces- and the Chairman of the Perma-
pledge a passport or ID card to passport number and ID number vestigated, he or she must head not be kept with the sponsor, numbers from inside and outside sion of the Qatar Financial Markets nent Population Committee on the
any party in any way. should be kept in mind when re- immediately to inform the State the department said, adding that Qatar: 40111104-40111000- Authority to the Francophone In- annual report of the Committee for
If non-Qatari workers and questing the help of the mission mission. If there is a terrorist act, the sponsor should take into ac- 40111104. stitute of Financial Regulation. 2018. – QNA

Transport ministry to provide medical

examination service for seafarers
QNA to ensure that the require-
Doha ments of international con-
ventions in force are met.”
Such services, he added,

he Ministry of Trans- would contribute to en-
port and Commu- hancing the functioning of
nications (MoTC) Qatar’s commercial and in-
announced yesterday that dustrial ports globally with
it has launched a service a view to promoting the
regarding medical examina- Qatari maritime sector to
tions and medical certifica- the international ranking it
tions for seafarers. deserves.
The ministry signed a Officials of the transport ministry and Al Ahmadani Medical He said that the centre
memorandum of under- Centre exchange documents after signing the MoU. has all the required medical
standing (MoU) with Al and technical capabilities
Ahmadani Medical Centre on Standards of Training, ing, MoTC’s Assistant Un- as well as qualifications and
in that regard. The cen- Certification and Watch- dersecretary of Maritime approvals from the bodies
tre will provide medical keeping for Seafarers Transport Affairs Dr Saleh concerned to be in charge
examinations and fitness (STCW 1978), its amend- bin Fetais al-Marri said that of performing medical ex-
reports for seafarers and ments and with the en- “these services are a part of aminations and issuing fit-
people working on board dorsement of Qatar’s Min- MoTCs strategy for plan- ness reports for seafarers
vessels in line with the istry of Public Health. ning and developing the and those working on board
International Convention Commenting on the sign- maritime transport sector vessels.

Ministry prepares mock tests for students

QNA for the end of the year ex- importance of carrying out the capabilities of students
Doha ams. mock tests in state schools in the mock tests to iden-
The ministry said these according to the schedules tify the strengths and weak-
exams, which have been ap- prepared by the school, in nesses and take the neces-

he Student Assess- plied in all the schools in the line with the quarterly plans sary actions.
ment Office at the state, have been uploaded set for this. Due to the importance of
Ministry of Educa- on the ministry’s website, The office also prepared these tests in preparing the
tion and Higher Educa- with mock tests of the na- and trained the education students well for the final
tion prepared mock ex- tional exams’ materials in field through holding semi- exams, the ministry has al-
ams for subjects included Arabic, English, mathemat- nars and training work- lowed parents to access all
in the Secondary School ics and science for the third, shops. These seminars and mock tests through its offi-
Certificate to support and sixth and ninth grades. workshops emphasised the cial website:
raise students’ readiness The office emphasised the importance of assessing qa

Huawei launches limited edition of P30 Pro Amber Sunrise

uawei Consumer a gift - the latest Huawei IP68 rating, protecting the
Business Group has Watch GT with purchases phone against water and
launched the lim- made until June 9, 2019. dust.
ited edition of its flagship Huawei Watch GT is worth The Huawei P30 Pro is
champion, the P30 Pro Am- QR799. powered by the Kirin 980,
ber Sunrise. It is available Inspired by nature, the Huawei’s fastest chipset
in Huawei showroom in Al- new Amber Sunrise col- yet along with a 4,200 mAh
Nasr Street, kiosk in Doha our transposes the beauty battery with 40W Huawei
Festival City and at select of the golden morning sun SuperCharge which can
retailers across Qatar. in the Huawei P30 Pro. charge the phone back up
Amber Sunrise colour of Shifting between orange to 70% in 30 minutes. It
the Huawei P30 Pro, with and red, the gradient is also includes GPU Turbo
512 GB of storage and 8GB achieved by an innovative 3.0, which improves gaming
RAM, will be available for process which also boosts experience by enhancing Huawei P30 Pro Amber
QR 3,999 and comes with durability, leading to the graphics. Sunrise rearview.
Gulf Times
4 Thursday, May 30, 2019

Aster Medical Centre opens registration
for post-Ramadan health checkup facility

ster Medical Centre, a division of
Aster DM Healthcare, has opened
registration for post-Ramadan
health checkup at QR69. This facility will
be available until June 30.
The comprehensive services include
Family Physician at Aster Medical Centre
Al Rayyan said, “A detailed checkup after
Ramadan will help you to understand the
health benefits of Ramadan.”
The checkup will be available at Aster
centres at Al Hilal (Near Woqod Petrol
Qatar Visa Centre
opens in Nepal
Complete Blood Count, Blood Sugar Station), C Ring Road (Near Subway Sig-
(fasting), Total Cholesterol, Uric Acid nal), Industrial Area (Near Street 1 and foot
(Kidney), SGPT (Liver), Blood Pressure, over bridge), Al Rayyan (Near Shafi Mas-
Dental Checkup, Body Mass Index, Physi- jid), Al Khor (Near Lulu Mall) and Old Al
cal examinations and consultation of a Ghanim (Behind New World Centre).
physician. Those who wish to avail this package,
Talking on the importance of Post Ra- Whatsapp, “HEALTH” to 74799300 or call
madan Health Checkup, Dr Sakir T P, Aster Helpline 44440499. QNA

atar yesterday inaugurated
a visa centre in the Nepa-
lese capital Kathmandu as
part of the Qatar Visa Centres Pro-
gramme, to facilitate and streamline
procedures for bringing expatriates
to the country.
The opening of Qatar Visa Centre
in Nepal is part of the opening of 20
centres in eight countries - Sri Lan-
ka, India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pa-
kistan, Philippines, Indonesia, and
Tunisia. These centres will serve in
speeding up visa procedures. Qatar and Nepal officials pose for a photo after the inauguration of Qatar Visa Centre in Kathmandu.
Nepal is the fifth country where
a visa centre was opened after Sri He pointed out that Qatar was keen
Lanka, Bangladesh, Pakistan and In- to choose Nepal to be among the first
dia - which have proved to be a great eight countries to launch Qatar Visa
success in providing premium, sim- Centre abroad, in order to facilitate
plified and more advanced services. the recruitment of skilled workers, as
The centre provides facilities for well as the completion of procedures
those who have initial approval for and legal requirements for obtaining
entry visas to Qatar where they can visas to Qatar for the purpose of visit
complete the registration of their and residence.
biometrics, medical examinations The ambassador pointed out that
and the signing of contracts elec- these procedures were carried out in
tronically through a unified chan- the past after the entry of the expa-
nel, and thus saving time and effort. triate to Qatar, but now these cen-
The Qatar Visa Centre operates tres will provide these services in
in a more rigorous and responsible the expatriate country.
manner. The centre complies with “This will ensure the speed of
international standards that ensure special procedures for the issuance
greater transparency, traceability, as of visas and residence permits in
well as the ability to track and Qatar,” he said, pointing out that
improve procedures. the procedures carried out by Qatar The Qatar Visa Centre building in Kathmandu.
Qatar ambassador to Nepal Visa Centres do not affect the inter-
Yousef Mohamed al-Hail said in a nal procedures of the country of the international organisations. authentication of documents and
statement that the opening of Qatar expatriate related to travel abroad. For his part, Major Abdullah Kha- scientific qualifications, as well as
Visa Centre in Nepal comes within Ambassador al-Hail expressed lifa al-Mohannadi, director, Visa other services.
the framework of strengthening the thanks and appreciation to Nepalese Support Services Department at the He pointed out that the upcom-
relations between the two countries workers in Qatar and their participa- Ministry of Interior, said that the ing stages of the project will cover
and the keenness of Qatar to tion in development, stressing that visa centre provides many services all types of visas, whether fam-
support these relations. Qatar provides an excellent environ- in the first phase, which include, ily, business or tourism and other
The inauguration ceremony was ment for foreign employment, which vital data services, medical exami- services will be announced in a
attended by officials from both sides. was welcomed by the concerned nation, signing of work contracts, timely manner.
Gulf Times
Thursday, May 30, 2019 5

Criminal Studies Institute concludes training
course for employees of Customs

The Criminal Studies Institute of the Public Prosecution concluded yesterday a training course for magistrates and
employees of the General Customs Authority. A total of 25 employees took part in the course, during which head of Al
Rayyah Prosecution Abdullah Mohamed al-Malki and director of the institute Turki al-Qorashi honoured the participants
and presented them with their certificates. The Criminal Studies Institute offers training courses to employees from all
ministries and public authorities in Qatar.

HIA, Qatar Airways issue

advisory for travellers to
avoid Eid holiday rush
amad International that check-in closes 60 by lithium batteries are download the ‘HIAQatar’
Airport (HIA) and minutes prior to departure. prohibited for carriage and mobile app available for
national carrier During security checks, passengers are advised to both Andriod and iPhone
Qatar Airways have issued passengers are also re- minimise travelling with for updates and to assist
travel advisories to passen- minded to ensure they are pets due to the holiday peak making the passengers jour-
gers travelling during the not carrying any prohib- time. ney more seamless with re-
upcoming Eid al-Fitr holi- ited items such as liquids, To assist during the busy al-time information about
days and peak travel season aerosols, and gels and to peak period with passengers flight status, baggage claim,
to arrive at the airport three ensure they pack any liquid returning from Eid holidays, time and direction to board-
hours prior to their flight. containers in a clear, reseal- and for the interest of pas- ing gates and food, beverage
In a statement, HIA ad- able plastic bag with each sengers convenience and and retail offers from Qatar
vised passengers departing being 100ml or less. safety, access to the arrival Duty Free (QDF).
during the peak Eid pe- New baggage wrapping and departure curbsides In a separate advisory,
riod to be sure to check in centres are also located near may be restricted to au- Qatar Airways advised pas-
online, arrive three hours row three and 10 in the air- thorised vehicles only be- sengers booked to travel
prior to their flight and use port. Electronic items larger tween 10:30pm and 2am on from until July 15, to arrive
the e-gates (if registered) than mobile phones need to June 8 and 9. and check in at Hamad In-
to “avoid queues and con- be removed from bags and Passengers are requested ternational Airport at least
tinue enjoying comfort- placed in trays for X-ray to proceed to the short- three hours prior to de-
able and seamless travel” screening. term car park during these parture to avoid any delays
through HIA. HIA also points out that busy peak periods. in view of the “upcoming
Passengers travelling small vehicles such as hov- Passengers departing Eid holiday and peak travel
through HIA are reminded erboards that are powered from HIA are advised to season.”
6 Gulf Times
Thursday, May 30, 2019

Ooredoo offers ICC Cricket
World Cup season pass
HMC emergency, key services to
oredoo has an-
nounced it will be
offering a special
season pass for a one-time
fee of QR199.
Ooredoo tv customers can
raikhi, director, public re-
lations and corporate com-
munications at Ooredoo,
remain open during Eid holidays
ICC Cricket World Cup subscribe to the ICC Cricket said of the package: “We amad Medical Cor- departments at Hamad will be closed from Sunday,
season pass that will show World Cup season pass by know we have plenty of poration (HMC) General Hospital, Al Wakra June 2 and will re-open on
all matches on Ooredoo tv. switching to Channel 394 on cricket fans here in Doha, has announced its Hospital, The Cuban Hos- Sunday, June 9. When OPD
The 12th edition of the Ooredoo tv, calling 111 or by and they want access to all operating hours for the Eid pital and Al Khor Hospi- clinics are open, they will
most-awaited cricket visiting the nearest Ooredoo the major fixtures of the al-Fitr holidays. All emer- tal will all remain open be supported by admin-
tournament is scheduled shop. Customers who do not season. We are delighted gency and inpatient serv- 24-hours a day, seven days istrative and clinical sup-
to be hosted by England have Ooredoo tv can sign to be able to offer them the ices across HMC’s network a week. Heart Hospital’s port services, including
and Wales from today until up by visiting any Ooredoo opportunity to catch every of hospitals will operate as Emergency Department (for pharmacies.
July 14. All matches will be shop to collect their set-top match of the exciting ICC usual, 24-hours a day, seven cardiac patients only), the Outpatient Clinics at
available live and exclusive box and subscribe to the ICC Cricket World Cup 2019, days a week. National Center for Cancer NCCCR will be closed from
on OSN Cric Xtra 1 and Cricket World Cup 2019 sea- and at the great-value “Every day across our Care and Research’s (NC- June 2 until 6 and a limited
OSN Cric Xtra 2 on Oore- son pass. price of just QR199 for all hospital network our teams CCR) Urgent Care Center number of clinics will open
doo tv, as part of the new Manar Khalifa al-Mu- the matches.” deliver high-quality care to (for patients with symp- from 10am to 12 noon on
many thousands of patients, toms associated with ongo- June 2, 3, and 6 for patients
and this Eid will be no dif- ing cancer treatments), and with urgent medical needs.
ferent. Our outpatient de- the Women’s Wellness and The NCCCR’s Radiotherapy
partments will close for Eid, Research Center’s Emer- Unit will remain open dur-
but clinical teams across gency Department (for ing its regular hours of 7am
our hospitals will continue obstetrical or gynaecologi- to 3pm, Sunday to Thurs-
to provide the highest levels cal emergencies) will also day. The Day Care Unit will
of patient care in our Emer- operate as per normal tim- be closed on June 4 and 5.
gency Departments and ings. Dialysis services will The Heart Hospital’s
across many essential serv- also operate as per normal non-invasive OPD services
ices throughout the holiday timings, as will Paediatric will be open on June 2 and 3 Ali Abdullah al-Khater, chief communications officer, HMC.
period. On behalf of eve- Emergency Centers, which but closed from June 4 to 6.
ryone at HMC, I would like will remain open 24-hours The Communicable Dis- Al Khor Hospital will re- change their appointment,
to wish you and your fam- a day, seven days a week for eases Center will operate open all outpatient clinics can call the Hamad Custom-
ily a safe and healthy Eid,” medical emergencies in- morning clinics from 8am on June 11. er Service Center on 16060.
said Ali Abdullah al-Khat- volving patients under the to 12 noon on June 5 and 6 Patients requiring infor- Nesma’ak will be closed
er, chief communications age of 14 years. and evening clinics from mation about clinic oper- on June 4, 5, and 6 and will
officer at HMC. The majority of Outpa- 3.30pm to 7.30pm on June 2, ating hours, scheduled ap- resume regular operating
HMC’s main emergency tient Departments (OPD) 3, and 5. pointments, or wishing to hours June 7 at 2pm.

Compass International School WISE convenes

Doha to open new campus stakeholders for
N collaboration
ord Anglia Education has
announced that it is ex-
panding in Qatar “due to

the ongoing success” of Compass he World Innovation resentatives from government
International School Doha. Summit for Education agencies, and leaders of Colom-
The current three campuses (WISE) – an initiative of bian foundations.
in Madinat Khalifa, Gharafa and Qatar Foundation (QF) recently During the session, at-
Rayyan will expand to include organised a roundtable for key tendees learned about QF’s
Themaid Campus, which is cur- decision-makers in education vision and initiatives, includ-
rently accepting admissions for the to debate ways of improving ing the innovative programs
2019/2020 academic year, it has knowledge-sharing and coop- led by QF’s Pre-University
said in a press statement. eration efforts. The event, which Education. Speakers included
“The new state-of-the-art, pur- took place in May, was held on Hisham bin Hashim, content
pose-built campus will offer stu- the sidelines of 2019 Concordia development specialist, Mar-
dents an exceptional learning envi- Americas Summit in Bogotá. keting and Events, QF, and Jen-
ronment - from its well-equipped Concordia Americas Summit nifer Yakub, head, Partnership
science laboratories and theatre to is Concordia’s flagship regional and Business Development,
the 25m swimming pool and spe- symposium convening in Latin PUE Strategic Initiatives, QF.
cialist areas for design, technology America, which focuses on is- Elyas Felfoul, director, Part-
and music,” the statement notes. The design of the proposed new school building. sues across the region. The fo- nerships and Policy Develop-
The campus will accept students rum brought together a number ment, WISE, said, “By advancing
from Early Years through to Year 10 61 schools across 28 countries, Dr Terry Creissen, executive of high-level speakers, including important in-person discussions
for the 2019/2020 academic year, has collaborations with world- principal, said: “At Compass Inter- the president of Colombia Iván on education challenges in the
offering the International Primary renowned institutions such as The national School Doha, our philoso- Duque Márquez – who, during region, WISE is strengthening
Curriculum, English National Cur- Juilliard School and Massachusetts phy is ‘Be Ambitious’ and our new the forum, met with WISE repre- ties with its community in Co-
riculum and IGCSEs. In the coming Institute of Technology (MIT), state-of-the-art campus, The- sentatives – and government of- lombia and in Latin America, and
years, the campus will also accom- which “offer students a wealth of maid, demonstrates our ambition. ficials from across the continent. helping to identify and provide
modate A levels as well as other vo- innovative curricular experiences We look forward to building on our WISE’s roundtable brought visibility to more impactful ini-
cational programmes (BTEC). and help children connect with 12 years of academic excellence in together a number of high-level tiatives in the region.”
The main language at Themaid their future”. Qatar and allowing our unique col- stakeholders, such as the vice- WISE’s effort at Concordia
Campus will be English, with Ara- Through a collaboration with laborations with Juilliard, MIT and minister of higher education for Americas Summit kicks off the
bic classes available for native Ara- Unicef, students are encouraged Unicef to grow. Themaid Campus Colombia, Luis Fernando Pérez planning for WISE@ – a regional
bic speakers and for international to research, develop and debate is an opportunity for students to be Hurtado, the former minister summit to advance innovation
students as a foreign language. solutions to the challenges facing inspired by the world of learning in of education for Mexico, Aure- and effective policy-making in
Nord Anglia Education, with society. purpose-built facilities.” lio Nuño Mayer, as well as rep- education – in Colombia in 2020.

Civil Defence distributes Iftar meals

Indian embassy
warns against
fake websites
he Indian embassy has issued an advi-
sory on fake websites claiming to offer
Indian e-visa to foreign nationals.
In a post on its Twitter page yesterday, the
embassy said it has come to its notice that
some third-party websites are offering Indian
e-visa to foreign nationals.
The websites are as follows: https://www., https://www.evisain-, https://www.indianvisaservice.
org,, ht-
tps://, https://www. and https://www.
“It is hereby notified that the above web-
sites are ‘FAKE’ and have been found to
be misguiding foreign nationals and dup-
ing them of their money in some cases,” the
advisory said. The General Directorate of Civil Defence has distributed Iftar meals to motorists at different places
The correct website for applying e- in the country as part of “its keenness to communicate with the public and raise awareness of
visa for India by foreign nationals is safety procedures”, the Ministry of Interior has tweeted.

CNA-Q to hold summer sport camps for children

ollege of the North Atlantic ries: 6-8 years, 9-12 years and 13-15 tional, leisure and creative activi- two large, sparkling clean swimming
– Qatar (CNA-Q) will be years. The two oldest groups will be ties for each age group from June pools and ample recreation facilities
offering inaugural summer separated by gender. 30-July 4, July 7-11 and July 14-18 at our beautiful campus location in
sport camps on campus for children The three disciplines are: Fal- and Falcons’ Football Academy, Duhail. We are thrilled to reach out
aged 6 to 15. cons’ Aquatics Camp for swimmers in partnership with Future Sport to the greater Doha community to
The Falcons’ Summer Camp of all abilities and ages to improve to develop the skills of youth who offer these summer sport camps in
will run for five weeks from June their technique while having fun in are passionate about football from support of health and wellness for
23 - July 25, offering three different and out of the water to beheld from July 21-25. youth of all ages!” said Tony Mar-
sporting disciplines. Campers will June 23-27; Falcons’ Multi-Sport “CNA-Q has state-of-the-art fa- tin, manager, Sport and Wellness at
be separated into three age catego- Camp - a mix of athletic, recrea- cilities, including two gymnasiums, CNA-Q.
Gulf Times
Thursday, May 30, 2019 7


Qatar’s education landscape

showcased at US conference
amad Bin Khalifa Univer- The event that opened on May “The global education ecosys- largest, and most prominent in- presidents, provosts, directors and
sity (HBKU) and Qatar 26 and ends tomorrow saw the tem continues to evolve and adapt, stitution for higher education in managers, signature programmes
University (QU) are partic- participation of more than 9,000 and the event provides an invalu- Qatar,” Dr Khalid al-Khanji, QU supporting global learning, peace
ipating in the NAFSA (Association industry professionals from 3,500 able platform to assess these ongo- vice-president for student affairs, building, risk management and in-
of International Educators) 2019 institutions and organisations ing developments, compare notes commented. “NAFSA 2019 mir- ternationalisation, poster presen-
Annual Conference and Expo, a across 100 countries, who ex- and evaluate the efficacy of latest rors QU values such as partnership, tations, and a NAFSA community
premier professional learning and changed valuable insights on all advancements. international diversity and innova- celebration.
networking event for international areas of international education “HBKU is at the forefront of tion. HBKU is a multidisciplinary in-
educators, held under the theme administration, student services, multidisciplinary education in the “We attract international stu- stitution that regularly collabo-
Global Leadership, Learning, and research and teaching from a global region and it is always an excep- dents because we put our student’s rates with local and international
Change, this week in Washington, perspective. tional honour to represent Qa- first. Our key focus is to draw stu- partners to promote knowledge ex-
DC. University delegations included tar and showcase our innovative dents via our specialisation in key change and showcase its innovative
HBKU and QU delegates are senior members of management teaching methods to the global ed- science, technology, engineering approach to delivering world-class
heading up the Qatar Pavilion and international office associates, ucation community, while gleaning and math areas, by providing an graduate programmes.
at the event, under the theme of who were actively engaged in a se- invaluable information from our exciting learning environment and As a premier national institu-
Study in Qatar. ries of events, sessions, and con- international peers.” prioritising research methodolo- tion, QU continuously invests and
The dedicated stand serves to ference hall showcases. The theme of this year’s confer- gies.” participates in studies which fur-
showcase Qatar as an emerging Maryam al-Mannai, vice-pres- ence sought to encourage reflection More than 200 professional ther science and society.
global destination for higher edu- ident for student affairs at HBKU, on the status quo in the education learning sessions and programmes As both a leader in emerging gas
cation and research, and the suc- said: “NAFSA is a key event on the field and how best to overcome were held throughout the duration technologies and an environmen-
cesses achieved through its on- international education calendar, current challenges faced in the of the event, including specialised tally-conscious institution, QU’s
going collaborations with global and HBKU is proud to have partici- teaching profession. pre-conference learning work- autonomous research units strive HBKU and QU showcase Qatar’s education landscape at
partners. pated for the fifth year running. “Qatar University is the first, shops, leadership programmes for to make an impact on a global scale. NAFSA 2019.

Sidra Medicine opens registrations for paediatric surgeons congress

idra Medicine has an- Education and Training Beyond said. “We look forward to shar- additional details about abstract
nounced that the regis- Borders, Qatar will be welcom- ing our success stories with our submissions at
tration link for WOFAPS ing the brightest and innovative global peers at WOFAPS 2019 “WOFAPS 2019 is an excel-
(World Federation of Associa- thought leaders in the surgical and learning from them in re- lent opportunity for surgeons
tions of Paediatric Surgeons) and medical field.” turn.” in the Middle East, Africa, Asia
2019 is now live. “In a matter of months after WOFAPS 2019 aims to cover and South America in particu-
WOFAPS will be hosted by opening our inpatient hospital the most cutting edge advances lar, where many surgeons have
Sidra Medicine in Qatar for the in January 2018, we have done in paediatric surgical care in ad- to deliver care in resource-chal-
first time from November 1 to 3 much to do be proud of, includ- dition to addressing the current lenged settings. This will be a
at the Qatar National Conven- ing the conjoined twin separa- challenges impeding optimal major theme of the conference.
tion Centre. tion, surgeries for young patients surgical care for children in high Along with my colleagues from
Dr Mansour Ali, chair of Pae- with short bowel syndrome, epi- and low income countries. the Department of Surgery, I en-
diatric Surgery at Sidra Medicine lepsy, bladder exstrophy, cranio- More than 1,000 surgeons courage our surgical peers and
and the Middle East WOFAPS facial deformities, congenital from all over the world are ex- affiliates from around the world
representative, said: “With the heart diseases, orthopaedic pected to join the congress. to join us at WOFAPS 2019, ” Dr
2019 WOFAPS’ scientific committee members. theme Moving Collaboration, challenges, and much more,” he Applicants can register and get Ali continued.
8 Gulf Times
Thursday, May 30, 2019

Qatar Charity holds Quran contest for non-Arabic speaking children
he men’s branch of Qatar Charity (QC) Centre for
Community Development in Al Khor held a Quran
contest for children from non-Arabic speaking
expatriate communities in Al Khor and Al Dhakira, in
cooperation with the Friends Cultural Center (FFC), a Qatar
Charity community development center for Asian expatriate
communities in Qatar.

The competition came as part of the social programme In a statement, Abdul Nasir Aramkottukuzhi, coordinator competition was very tight. I am sure this type of competition increased my confidence level and improved my
entitled “Tawasul” implemented by the center in Al khor, in of the contest, said “The intent of this Quran recitation competition will increase the interest of children in learning recitation skill”
cooperation with FCC. competition is to encourage younger children to learn and and understanding the correct recitation of the Holy Quran”, It is worth mentioning that Qatar Charity, through the
The competition, in which 35 students, aged 6 to 13 years, practice the correct recitation of the Holy Quran, and thus said, Abdul Haque cherikkammal, a member in the judging “Tawasul” programme, aims to provide cultural, social,
took part, aims at encouraging participants to learn Tajweed, to improve their recitation skill”, pointing out that all the 35 panel for the contest. and educational services to the non-Arabic-speaking
phonetic rules of Qur’anic recitation, in order to read the participants performed exceptionally. He also thanked Qatar The first winner, Aisha Abdul Nasir, a 5th-grade student communities in Al Khor and Al Dhakira, and enhance
Holy Quran properly. The contest also included a lecture on Charity for providing all support to conduct this event. at the Alkhor International School, said, “I am delighted communication among them.
the importance of fasting and the blessed month of Ramadan. “We really struggled to find the winners as the to attend this Holy Quran recitation competition. The

Qatar Charity receives Zakat al-Fitr Qatar Charity’s radio programme

to benefit 474,000 people worldwide “Omniaty”
advocates for orphans worldwide
‘Omniaty’ which literally
means ‘my wish’ is an English-
language live radio programme
transmitted via Qatar Radio
during the holy month of
Ramadan. It seeks to grant
simple wishes of children
and orphans from all over the
In order to understand the
impact of the programme and
the interaction of listeners with
it, we talked to the programme
presenter Ms. Manar Magdy
What is this programme?
This programme gives non-Arabic speakers in Qatar as in Qatar to support projects and
listeners information on the well as some Arabs who prefer activities that benefit children
issues of children and orphans to listen to this programme. and orphans around the world
and makes them aware of Qatar What do you aim through in order to provide a better life
Charity’s activities, events, this radio programme? to them.
programmes, and humanitarian The programme aims to How do listeners interact
and developmental projects introduce to listeners the wishes, with the programme?
dreams and aspirations of many We always get feedback
Q atar Charity (QC) continues to distribute Zakat al-Fitr
worldwide, benefiting 474,000 people in 25 countries
The value of Zakat al-Fitr for each person is 15 Qatari
riyals, which can be paid through Qatar Charity’s website
and app using credit or debit card. It also can be given by
implemented worldwide. It also
encourages them to get involved children around the world,
and achieve social solidarity
through SMS and
participants interact with the
in humanitarian activities and
Also, Qatar Charity continues to receive donations, dialing 44667711 around the clock, in addition to paying by granting their wishes. program through social media.
support those in need.
including Zakat Al Fitr, from philanthropists in Qatar until Zakat al-Fitr at Qatar Charity’s headquarters, branches, This programme is a valuable They lavish praise on it as it the
the morning of Eid Al Fitr, as it seeks to increase the number and collection points at shopping complexes. Who is your target audience?
We target a large segment of opportunity for philanthropists first of its kind in Qatar.
of beneficiaries of the Zakat Al Fitr project.

Qatar Charity distributes Eid clothes to over 3,000 orphans worldwide

atar Charity (QC) continues to distribute clothes to Palestine
orphans across the globe to bring the joy of the Eid al-Fitr Some 250 orphans of the Gaza Strip sponsored by Qatar
celebration to underprivileged children, benefiting more Charity benefited from its Eid clothing project.
than 3,000 orphans whom it sponsors in 24 countries around the Sudan
world. Besides, Qatar Charity implemented the Eid clothing project
The distribution the Eid clothes, which comes as part of Qatar in Sudan to benefit 200 orphans during a ceremony held in the
Charity’s “Ramadan, the Gift of Giving” campaign for the year 144 Sudanese capital Khartoum.
AH, has been completed in some countries, while in some other Albania
countries, it continues. Each orphan gets new clothes and shoes. Qatar Charity’s office in Tirana, Albania has provided the
Somalia opportunity to orphans to select their new clothes in cooperation
Qatar Charity’s office in Somalia distributed Eid clothes to 250 with the clothing stores.
orphaned boys and girls in the capital, Mogadishu. It also handed
over these clothes to other 250 orphans in Hargeisa, Somaliland.
Gulf Times
Thursday, May 30, 2019 9


QU, Huawei partnership to empower

next generation of ICT leaders
atar University College of
Engineering (QU-CENG)
yesterday signed an MoU
with Huawei Technologies In-
vestment Co Ltd – Qatar, which
will see the first Huawei Author-
ised Information and Network
Academy (Haina) programme
launched in Qatar.
The MoU was signed by QU-
CENG dean Prof Abdelmagid
Hammuda and Huawei Technol-
ogies CEO Frank Fan, in the pres-
ence of QU president Dr Hassan
al-Derham, Huawei Technolo-
gies vice president Farhan Khan,
Huawei representatives and QU
leadership, faculty and staff.
Huawei will deliver its train-
ing and certification pro-
grammes to QU through Haina,
while promoting QU as a train-
ing organisation to its students
and customers base for Haina-
based programmes and selected
professional programmes ac- QU and Huawei officials at the MoU signing ceremony yesterday.
cording to QU’s capability and
capacity. tors to become Huawei certified the ICT realm within Qatar, and Prof Abdelmagid Hammuda touch with technological ad- tion in Qatar. The Huawei acad- and country, contributing to the
Additionally, Huawei will pro- academy instructors. work with Huawei to develop a said: “Through this MoU, Qa- vancements and innovations in emy will equip Qatari youth with growth of our economy. Initia-
vide Huawei Certification Acad- The university will also add the training schedule that meets stu- tar University CENG showcases China, and to interact with ex- the necessary skills and know- tives such as this one between
emy Instructor (HCAI) training Haina certification course as an dents’ needs. its commitment to providing perts easily. how to lead the country’s journey Qatar University and Huawei
for professional instructors for extension course for the QU cur- Both parties will monitor the students with opportunities to “We are proud to roll out our to become a knowledge-based demonstrate the power that
each course direction. riculums, liaise with local net- Haina programme and offer heighten their skills and com- flagship global CSR programme society and support digital trans- cooperative action can have in
QU will provide classroom and working industry – in particular suggestions for continuous im- petencies and to enhance their in Qatar in partnership with a formation in Qatar,” said Fan. shaping the future of a nation,”
other teaching facilities to ac- government entities and insti- provement, explore opportuni- knowledge in the field of infor- leading educational institution “Developing the technology said Dr Ibrahim al-Nuaimi, un-
commodate Huawei ICT equip- tutions – to promote and deliver ties for alliances, and seek to ad- mation and communications such as Qatar University, and in capabilities of Qatar’s youth will dersecretary of the Ministry of
ment for the Haina programme, Haina network training across a dress the ICT skills requirements technology. This opportunity collaboration with the Ministry have a significant impact on the Education and Higher Educa-
as well as professional instruc- wider outreach of population in within the Qatar ICT landscape. will help students stay in close of Education and Higher Educa- smart evolution of our society tion.

soar in many
places as
summer sets in
People in Qatar expe-
QNB, Mastercard join
rienced a scorching
Wednesday yesterday
as temperature soared
to 46C in some places,
hands again for ‘Mega
weather charts showed.
The Qatar Met
department had said
in a tweet on Tuesday
Summer’ promotion
that high temperatures NB Group has launched the new
were expected to ‘Mega Summer’ campaign in part-
continue in the coming nership with Mastercard to reward
days, urging people to its customers for their card usage.
avoid direct sunlight. The QNB Cards Mega-Summer Campaign
According to the is the largest and most rewarding card cam-
weather report, a maxi- paign in the region, and will take place from security and safety while delivering the most
mum temperature of May 30 to September 25. rewarding experience to our loyal custom-
46C was recorded yes- This year’s campaign offers customers ers” said Heba al-Tamimi, general manager,
terday in Abu Hamour, who spend with their QNB Mastercard credit QNB Group Retail.
the Qatar University or debit cards a chance to win the iconic As- On the partnership, Somu Roy, Country
area, Sheehaniyah and ton Martin DB11 V12 in a raffle draw. manager (Kuwait and Qatar) Mastercard
Batna, followed by 45C Cardholders can also win up to QR25,000 said: “By rewarding consumers with price-
Mall of Qatar is bringing ‘super heroes’ for Eid al-Fitr celebrations. in Doha (airport area), in cash back for their weekly purchases, said less opportunities for using their credit and
Turayna, Karana, Ghu- QNB, which is the largest financial institu- debit cards, this exciting campaign encour-
wairiyah and Jumayli- tion in the Middle East and Africa. ages the migration of customers towards
yah, 44C in the Hamad Each cumulative QR100 spent locally on digital banking.

‘Super heroes’ to enhance International Airport

area and Abu Samra.
Other places with
temperatures above
40C were Mesaieed at
QNB Mastercard credit cards will grant the
cardholder a chance to enter the raffle draw,
while each cumulative QR100 equivalent spent
in foreign currency abroad or for online shop-
ping using a QNB Mastercard credit or debit
“As a strategic partner to QNB, Mastercard
continues to work towards unlocking the po-
tential that digital payments have to offer to
everyday consumers by delivering unparal-
leled consumer-centric lifestyle offerings.

immersive activities for 42C and Wakrah at 41C.

Yesterday’s mercury
levels were an increase
over the temperatures
recorded on Tuesday,
card will grant the cardholder three chances.
QNB’s launch of this campaign “demon-
strates the bank’s desire to reward” its cus-
tomers for their daily card usage as part of
its “continuous efforts to recognise and re-
The opportunity to win an Aston Martin is
among the many other benefits of entering
this draw, and we encourage our cardholders
to participate and get the chance to take part
in priceless experiences.”

Eid at Mall of Qatar when the highest was

44C in Sheehaniyah,
Batna and Karana,
and 43C in Doha, Abu
Hamour and Turayna.
ward” its customers for their daily banking
transactions and offer them a “unique and
seamless” banking experience.
“We are very proud and pleased with the
launch of this year campaign, as it further
QNB Group’s presence through its sub-
sidiaries and associate companies extends
to some 31 countries across three continents
providing a comprehensive range of ad-
vanced products and services.

o celebrate Eid al-Fitr, Mall activation areas located in West Gate represents an opportunity to attract Today, the maxi- demonstrate QNB’s commitment to bring The total number of employees is more
of Qatar is bringing DC’s The 2 and East Gate 2. Mall of Qatar will shoppers and its success encourages mum temperature is about the best value proposition to our card- than 30,000 operating through 1,100 loca-
Justice League, Nickelodeon’s make sure every visitor joins the Jus- us to continue bringing more world- expected to be 43C holders. QNB’s world class award-winning tions, with an ATM network of more than
Dora The Explorer and Ice Age char- tice League Academy to fight to save class shows to Qatar. We hope that in Abu Samra, 42C in card products are built on very high levels of 4,400 machines.
acters Sid and Diego for exclusive the world,” according to a statement. our visitors will enjoy their favourite Doha, 41C in Dukhan,
shows along with immersive activa- Mall of Qatar is also giving visitors characters, some of which will visit and 40C in Wakrah and
tions for visitors of all ages. the opportunity to sing along with the Middle East for the first time, as Mesaieed.
Superman, Batman, Wonder three other famous characters, Nicke- we continue our dedication to cre- The detailed forecast
Woman and The Flash will regale
their fans who can train alongside
The Justice League during interac-
lodeon’s Dora the Explorer and Sid and
Diego from Ice Age, who will be per-
forming live from the Ooredoo Stage.
ating wonderful memories for the
whole family, “said Stuart Elder, Mall
of Qatar CEO.
for today says hot
daytime conditions
are expected along
Vodafone Qatar’s Flex woos
tive shows on the Ooredoo Stage per-
formed over the five days of Eid al-
Fitr at 2pm, 5pm and 9pm.
Dora will delight little ones at 11am,
3.30pm and 7pm and Ice Age Sid and
Diego will captivate the crowd at
As part of the Summer in Qatar
festival organised by National Tour-
ism Council, roaming artists will
with slight dust in
some places as well as
cricket World Cup fans
“After each show, snap a selfie with 11.50am, 4.15pm and 7.40pm, every also entertain kids throughout the Fine conditions will

your favourite super heroes during day during Eid al-Fitr. mall and shoppers can enter the raffle prevail offshore, and odafone has an-
the Meet & Greets. Participate in ac- “We are very excited to announce draws for a chance to win cash prizes there could be some nounced the launch
tion-packed games and experiences our wonderful Eid al-Fitr celebra- and super cars for every QR200 spent clouds at times. of a limited edition
and test your Super Hero abilities in tions. Our entertainment programme at any of the retailers. Flex Postpaid plan for QR125
through which fans in Qatar
can watch the ICC Cricket
World Cup 2019 live on their
handsets exclusively on

Papa John’s releases new promotional video WAVO at no additional cost,

plus get 6GB each month
free data for six months.
“The limited-edition

apa John’s International on the true values of Ramadan; Flex Plan is a great offer for
has released a new brand kindness, humility, peace and cricket enthusiasts, who can
video ‘It’s time for sharing’, spirituality. now watch Live World Cup
to observe the holy month of Ra- It highlights how support and matches in addition to having until July 14, 2019. Addition- Vodafone’s partnership
madan, it was announced yester- encouragement helps children to the flexibility to use their plan ally, customers upgrading to with WAVO is one of several
day in a statement. manage the fast, as the time will on data as well as internation- Flex 150 and above such as Red designed to provide custom-
Produced in collaboration with come to celebrate and eat with al and local calls. Flex is one of Postpaid plans can also en- ers with exclusive promo-
the Jawad Business Group and friends and family. our most popular products joy watching the ICC Cricket tional offers and deals.
the Tender Hearts Arena, the vid- The Ramadan brand video due to the freedom it gives World Cup 2019 for free. The business has recently
eo follows a 12-year-old boy’s day forms part of a wider creative its users, so we are pleased Existing customers can signed a host of other part-
of fasting from Suhoor to Iftar, marketing campaign for Papa to further enhance this offer, also get the subscription nership agreements that add
where a surprise visit to a local John’s International in Europe, continuing our commitment to watch the games live on value to customers in a vari-
school supports the charitable the Middle East and North Af- to connecting customers to WAVO with a 100% value- ety of ways with brands and
focus of Ramadan, as well as the rica. the people and things that back on one-time QR200 businesses including Ta-
joy of sharing pizza with friends ‘It’s time for sharing’ is avail- matter most,” chief operating subscription fee. More infor- labat, the Entertainer, Ang-
and family. able to view on Papa John’s Qatar officer Diego Camberos said. mation is available on www. hami and Qatar Airways, ac-
A scene from Papa John’s new brand video. ‘It’s time for sharing’ focuses YouTube account. The Flex 125 Plan is available cording to a statement.
Gulf Times
10 Thursday, May 30, 2019


A glimpse of Paradise
he greatest pleasure of the
dwellers of Paradise will be the
sight of their Lord. When the
dwellers of Paradise see Him, they will
forget everything, including all the
types of pleasure that they had previ-
ously enjoyed.
The bounty of seeing Allah in Para-
dise is one of its distinct features, and
is a means of Allah The Almighty hon-
ouring its dwellers:
{“[Some] faces, that Day, will be ra-
diant, Looking at their Lord.”} [Qur’an,
75: 22-23]
Meaning that the faces of the believ-
ers will be beautified and joyful as a re-
sult of their looking at the Face of their
Lord, as was stated by Imam Al-Hasan
may Allah have mercy upon him.
Allah The Almighty also Says: {“For
Doha Bank group chief executive Dr R Seetharaman and other officials at the Doha Bank Suhoor. them who have done good is the best
[reward] — and extra…”} [Qur’an, 10:
26] The ‘best reward’ in this verse re-
fers to Paradise, and the ‘extra’ is to be

Doha Bank names Al Dana given permission to look at the Face of

Allah. The Prophet, sallallaahu `alaihi
wa sallam (may Allah exalt his men-
tion), clarified in the following nar-
ration: Suhayb, may Allah be pleased

winners at Suhoor banquet with him, reported: “The Messenger

of Allah, sallallaahu `alaihi wa sal-
lam, said: “When the inhabitants of
Paradise enter it, Allah, the Glorious
and Exalted, will say to them: `Do

oha Bank has recently hosted a you wish for me to give you anything
special Suhoor banquet wherein more?’ They will reply: `Have You not
it also announced the winners of made our faces bright? Have You not
its ‘Al Dana’ savings draw. brought us into Paradise and delivered
“Doha Bank strongly believes in the us from Hell?’ Then, Allah will remove
importance of engaging with its cus- the Veil (that screens Him from the
tomers and clients as they represent a believers); the (dwellers of Paradise)
key pillar that keeps the bank motivated will then feel that they have not been
and inspired to continuously develop awarded anything dearer to them than
and grow,” said Sheikh Abdul Rehman looking at their Lord.” [Muslim] Then
bin Mohamad bin Jabor al-Thani, man- he, sallallaahu `alaihi wa sallam, re-
aging director, Doha Bank. cited the verse (i.e., the 26th verse of
During the holy month, the value of Chapter Yunus).” as small as the ‘speck’ on the date ration ought to put their mind at ease.
these engagements is amplified with the Having known the greatest bounty seed, which is a reference to the very Umm ‘Umaarah, may Allah be pleased
unique spirit of Ramadan, and “we are and pleasure which the dwellers of fine membrane that covers it. with her, went to the Prophet, sallal-
delighted to have hosted our partners in Paradise will attain is looking at the In this verse, Allah The Almighty in- laahu `alaihi wa sallam, and said, “O
success at this year’s Suhoor event and Face of their Lord, it becomes evident forms women specifically that He will Messenger of Allah! Why are women
look forward to many more in the fu- how deprived the sinners are and how not wrong them, provided they fulfil the not mentioned in the Qur’an as much
ture,” he said. He was accompanied by great their loss is. They will be pre- condition in it (which means): {“Who- as men are?” So Allah The Almighty
Ahmed Abdul Rahman Yousuf Obaidan, One of the winners of Al Dana savings scheme. vented from seeing the Face of their ever does righteousness, whether male revealed the verse (which means):
Doha Bank vice president, and Ali Ibra- Lord, as Allah The Almighty Says or female, while he is a believer— We will {“Indeed, the Muslim men and Mus-
him Abdullah al-Malki, board member with a splendid Suhoor gathering, which monthly draws of Al Dana 2019, Qatar’s (what means): {“No! Indeed, from surely cause him to live a good life, and lim women, the believing men and be-
of Doha Bank as well as other distin- also provided an excellent opportunity most popular savings scheme that boasts their Lord, that Day, they will be par- We will surely give them their reward lieving women, the obedient men and
guished guests from clients to some of to reaffirm our commitment to further the biggest prize pool in the country. As titioned”} [Qur’an, 83: 15] [in the Hereafter] according to the best obedient women, the truthful men
the nation’s most prominent business enriching our offerings to meet and ex- many as three Al Dana account holders Reward for women in Paradise of what they used to do.”} [Qur’an, 16: and truthful women, the patient men
figures. ceed the needs and expectations of our took home 1mn Doha Miles each in sal- Allah The Almighty clarifies (what 97] Imaam Ibn Katheer may Allah have and patient women, the humble men
“Ramadan is a special occasion of the customers,” said Dr R Seetharaman, ary transfer draws, while two walked means): {“And whoever does right- mercy upon him said, “This is a promise and humble women, the charitable
year to celebrate the spirit of unity and Doha Bank group chief executive. away with QR50,000 each. In addition, eous deeds, whether male or fe- from Allah to anyone from the children men and charitable women, the fast-
togetherness, and at Doha Bank, we are A total of 64 Doha Bank custom- 59 customers won QR5,000 each in daily male, while being a believer - those of Aadam, whether male or female, who ing men and fasting women, the men
delighted to have marked the holy month ers won prizes in the first and second draws. will enter Paradise and will not be perform good deeds, which (of course) who guard their private parts and the
wronged, [even by as much as] the are those deeds that are in accordance women who do so, and the men who
speck on a date seed.”} [Qur’an, 4: with the Book of Allah and the Sunnah remember Allah often and the women
124] This reflects the kindness of Al- of His Messenger, sallallaahu `alaihi wa who do so – for them Allah has pre-
lah The Almighty and informs us that sallam, and who perform them whilst pared forgiveness and a great reward.”}

Ooredoo team visits young patients He will deal fairly and equally with
both males and females in terms of
accepting their good deeds; He will
their hearts believe in Allah and His
Messenger, that they will live a good life.”
If women still doubt their reward in
[Qur’an, 33: 35] [At-Tirmithi]

Article source:

not wrong anyone by even an amount the Hereafter, then the following nar-

at HMC in Ramadan CSR initiative

eams of Ooredoo vol-
unteers paid a sur-
prise visit to children
at Hamad Medical Corpora-
tion (HMC) as part of its on-
going Ramadan CSR activity
They spent time with
young patients at HMC, en-
gaging them in storytelling
and colouring activities, and
surprised them with gifts
and gift vouchers.
Children also had the
opportunity to take pho-
tos with hospital staff and
Ooredoo volunteers, and the
teams of volunteers thanked
the staff for all their efforts
in looking after the young
patients throughout the
Speaking about the ongo-
ing Ramadan CSR activity
schedule, Manar Khalifa al- A team of Ooredoo volunteers during HMC visit.
Muraikhi, director PR and
Corporate Communications our practical support for our can be difficult and stress- hopefully bring a little cheer
at Ooredoo, said: “Ramadan local communities, in line ful for many of us, espe- to their day.” Ooredoo will be
is the ideal time of year for with our corporate respon- cially children, so we were continuing its schedule of
us to plan and carry out ac- sibility strategy. We know delighted to be able to visit CSR activities until the end
tivities that demonstrate spending time in hospital young patients at HMC and of Ramadan and Eid.

GWC powers Youth Company’s drive

he Youth Compa- and volunteerism in our
ny’s yearly Ramadan CSR efforts,” he explained.
volunteer initiative A total of 70 volunteers en-
“7asanat Olympics” has gaged in a number of initia-
been reaching out to thou- tives including distributing
sands of people across Qatar Iftar boxes at traffic lights at
for the sixth year running. maghreb time, hospital vis-
The initiative’s various ac- its for patients who cannot
tivities, supported by GWC, be with their families, and
the leading provider of lo- targeted clean-ups of Qa-
gistics and supply chain tar’s beaches.
solutions in the country, The volunteers also vis-
began on the first day of Ra- ited various community
madan and will conclude at centres as part of their
the end of May. outreach, including the
“A main driver for the Muaither Residential Com-
company’s purpose and pound for the Elderly, Step
passion over the last 15 by Step, Omega Center, and
years has been and will con- Volunteers waiting to distribute Iftar boxes. Hope Center for children
tinue to be our enthusiastic with special needs. The
support for the local com- as we witness the sixth year ympics, we continue our event also included a Ga-
munities,” said GWC Group of our commitment to the tradition of supporting rangao children’s festival on
CEO Ranjeev Menon. “Now success of the 7asanat Ol- youth, entrepreneurship, the 14th night of Ramadan.
Gulf Times
Thursday, May 30, 2019 11


Snapshots from the campaign conducted by Doha Municipality in the Najma and Mansoura areas.

Inspection campaign targets

abandoned vehicles, hygiene
oha Municipality’s Gen-
eral Control Department Vehicles, heavy equipment removed in Al Shamal Municipality
has conducted an in-
spection campaign in the Najma Al Shamal Municipality’s General
and Mansoura areas of Doha, Control Section, in co-operation
targeting abandoned vehicles, with the security department
encroachments on public roads concerned, carried out an
and violations of advertisement inspection campaign over two
and public hygiene regulations. days to spot and remove aban-
The initiative resulted in the doned vehicles and equipment.
detection a number of viola- The campaign resulted in the
tions and removal of various removal of five abandoned vehi-
encroachments in accordance cles and heavy equipment.
with the relevant municipal laws In addition, the owners of aban-
and regulations, the Ministry of doned vehicles who were noti-
Municipality and Environment fied through stickers, removed
(MME) said in a statement. 25 such vehicles, the Ministry of
The campaign was carried Municipality and Environment
out in co-operation the Gen- (MME) said in a statement.
eral Cleanliness Department and Al Rayyan Municipality’s Al
Rescue Police (Al Fazaa) patrols. Gharafa office conducted 105
Meanwhile, the statement regular inspection campaigns,
said Al Rayyan Municipality’s with 53 warning stickers being
Al Gharafa office carried out 85 pasted on abandoned vehicles tled through reconciliation after ties for necessary legal action
inspection tours, where new In addition, the office issued stipulated fines. The other eight at the MME conducted five reg- there. paying the stipulated fines, while against the offenders. Fines col-
buildings were inspected and 29 15 violations reports with seven were referred to the security de- ular inspection campaigns, with Besides, 40 violation reports six other violations were referred lected for the period amounted
site cleanliness certificates were of them resolved through rec- partments concerned. three violations being issued and were issued with 34 of these set- to the relevant security enti- to QR60,900.
issued accordingly. onciliation on payment of the Also, the State Property Unit resolved through reconciliation.

Iran’s Supreme Leader says Sudan bankers lead strike as

govt will not negotiate with US pressure mounts on generals
AFP announced they would partici- work on Tuesday, although the
Reuters was hopeful Iran would come to and return to the negotiations acting US Defence Secretary Khartoum pate took part in the two-day flights of Sudanese airlines
London negotiating table to reach a new table, which they left them- Patrick Shanahan said the ad- campaign. Badr, Tarco and Nova remained
deal: “I really believe that Iran selves, the door is not closed.” ditional troops announced last “According to our assess- suspended. But outside the

would like to make a deal... “But our people judge you by week would be going to Gulf undreds of workers ment it was 90% successful.” central bank headquarters in

ran will not negotiate with and I think that’s a possibility your actions, not your words.” states. Without giving details at Sudan’s banks and Another protest leader Ba- downtown Khartoum, hun-
the United States, Supreme to happen.” Khamenei has the final say in or evidence, Shanahan said government offices, bikir Faisal said that since the dreds of employees along with
Leader Ayatollah Ali Khame- Khamenei was quoted as say- all major policies under Iran’s that while the Iranian pos- including the key oil ministry, talks were suspended last week, workers from other banks, the
nei said yesterday, after Presi- ing on his website: “We said be- dual system, split between the ture had changed recently, the went on strike for a second day there had been “no break- oil ministry and telecommu-
dent Hassan Rouhani signalled fore that we will not negotiate clerical establishment and the threat remained. yesterday to demand the coun- through” in negotiations with nications sector held a dem-
talks with Washington might be with America, because nego- government. He added that sending mili- try’s ruling generals step down. the generals. “There is no of- onstration against the military
possible if sanctions were lifted. tiation has no benefit and carries He is also the head of the tary assets into the region, such The two-day strike, which ficial communication with the council, an AFP correspondent
Washington withdrew last harm.” armed forces. as deploying bombers, Patriot one protest leader said was military council.” said.
year from an international nu- Khamenei said Iran had no Iranian Foreign Ministry missiles and accelerating the “90% successful”, aimed to Protest leaders warned that Carrying Sudanese flags,
clear deal signed with Tehran problems negotiating with Eu- spokesman Abbas Mousavi said movement of an aircraft car- pressure the military council if the generals did not respond banners and placards reading
in 2015, and it is ratcheting up ropeans and other countries, on Tuesday that Iran saw no rier strike group to the Middle that took power after ousting to their demands, further es- “civilian rule”, they chanted
sanctions in efforts to shut down but added, “We will not nego- prospect of negotiations with East, had helped deter attacks longtime president Omar al- calatory measures like launch- slogans against the generals.
Iran’s economy by ending its in- tiate over the core values of the the United States. against Americans in Iraq. Bashir in April to hand over to ing civil disobedience would The demonstrators said they
ternational sales of crude oil. revolution. We will not negoti- Last week the Pentagon an- US national security adviser civilian rule. be planned. Thousands of em- were striking and protesting
US President Donald Trump ate over our military capabili- nounced the deployment of John Bolton also said yesterday The Alliance for Freedom ployees of government offices, after a group of soldiers report-
condemned the accord, signed ties.” 900 additional troops to the naval mines “almost certainly and Change protest movement banks, private sector firms and edly attacked bank employees
by his predecessor Barack Earlier in the day, Rouha- Middle East, and extended the from Iran” were used to at- called the strike after the sus- the docks of Port Sudan ob- on Tuesday.
Obama, as flawed for not being ni had taken a more positive deployment of another 600 tack oil tankers off the United pension of talks over the shape served the two-day strike, say- “We are here to say that we
permanent and for not cover- stance. service members in the region, Arab Emirates this month, and of a transitional authority. ing only civilian rule can lift reject the military government
ing Iran’s ballistic missile pro- In remarks carried by state describing it as an effort to bol- warned Tehran against con- “The strike was successful,” Sudan out of its political crisis. and what happened to central
gramme and role in conflicts television, he said: “Whenever ster defences against Iran. ducting new operations. protest leader Ahmed Ismail Yesterday, the capital’s air- bank employees,” said protester
around the Middle East. they lift the unjust sanctions Speaking with reporters en Mousavi dismissed Bolton’s told reporters late yesterday, port began to return to normal Somaya Osman, an employee of
Trump said on Monday he and fulfil their commitments route to Indonesia yesterday, remarks as a “ludicrous claim”. adding that all the sectors that after scores of staff had stopped telecoms company Zain.

32,000 firms established during blockade: Qatar Chamber chairman

From Page 1 resilience of the economy. the principles of GCC economic the local market. It also included and other chambers around the held meetings with more than an active partner in the overall
Sheikh Khalifa said the integration prevented a coun- providing more incentives to world. Sheikh Khalifa said QC 200 trade delegations to discuss development process, especially
The QC chairman said a number of factories increased by try from expanding in a certain the private sector for promot- urged merchants and business- mutual investment opportuni- in light of the considerable con-
number of factors helped the around 17% to reach 823 in 2019, industry if it was already exist- ing local industries, increasing men, from the first day of the ties and the possibility of estab- fidence and concrete support of
country defeat the blockade, compared to 707 factories in ing in one of the GCC member- production, enhancing relations blockade, to urgently find alter- lishing economic partnerships the government for this sector,
including the economic and 2016 - as 116 new factories were countries. with friendly countries and ac- native means to import goods, and alliances in light of the in- which has enabled it to con-
legislative environment, sound established. The number of per- Further, he stressed that the tivating trade with countries especially food. centives, facilities and benefits tribute strongly to food security
strategic plans as well as co- mits for establishing factories blockade provided a strong around the world. The chamber also co-ordi- for investment proposed by Qa- projects and meet the needs of
operation among all bodies, and reached 613 with total invest- impetus towards achieving Highlighting the chamber’s nated with various government tar and the governments of those the local market for food prod-
trade relations with friendly ments of QR34bn, compared to many significant accomplish- role during the blockade, he said agencies concerned to form spe- countries. ucts, especially poultry and milk.
countries. 466 permits in 2016 with invest- ments, including accelerating it had sought - since the begin- cialised committees to address Sheikh Khalifa affirmed the He said Qatar’s non-oil ex-
He noted that the blockade ments of QR31bn. the country’s economic strate- ning of the blockade - to remove all obstacles and ensure the con- role played by the chamber as an ports increased by 35.1% in 2018
had no impact on Qatar’s econo- The QC chairman said all gies, expanding agricultural and all obstacles faced by the private tinued flow of goods from abroad important part of the self-suffi- according to certificates of ori-
my, affirming that the shock fac- these achievements were a re- industrial projects, increasing sector. without interruption, and also ciency strategy, noting that the gin issued by Qatar Chamber.
tor of the blockade was swiftly sult of the blockade, as it allowed outward investments, promot- This was achieved through launched several initiatives to private sector proved it was a real The total value of these ex-
absorbed thanks to co-operation the establishment of factories ing local investment and attract- the co-operation relations it has support national products. partner in the economic process. ports amounted to QR24.4bn
among all actors as well as the with no restrictions. Previously, ing more foreign investments to with related entities in the State During the blockade, QC has The private sector has become compared to QR18.05bn in 2017.
Gulf Times
12 Thursday, May 30, 2019

Wellbeing Show them how it’s done
sports such as the principles of
Your skincare needs to be Vegan competition and sportsman-
ship. Let’s not forget to men-
tion the emotional experiences
testing still exists today for many they go through that help them
products, but more companies develop their emotional matu-
are waking up to the fact that it’s rity. For example, being exposed
both unnecessary, and inhumane. to different social surroundings
There’s still a lot of work to be done, and events, dealing with team-
but introducing brands into the mates and coaches or even the
market that are centred around tougher challenges such as not
the ethics of Veganism will act making the team, losing or even
as a catalyst that will lead to the getting injured. An element of
following example: Let’s say I have By Reem Abdurrahman Jassim sports is definitely beneficial to
two face oils, both promising to al-Muftah a child’s upbringing and engag-
improve the elasticity and vibrancy ing in sports with them is even a
of my skin. One is made from 100% better way of being an active role

natural ingredients, and the other egular exercise is a key to model.
has chemical additives to attempt happy and healthy mind. Now let’s go back to how this
to replace the true power of nature As adults, it seems we only leads to a happy and healthy mind,
By Ghanim al-Sulaiti and has also been tested on animals truly understand this concept as adults, we now understand that
— it’s clear that for the majority of when it’s too late and then always when we physically exert our-
In many columns I’ve written about us, it’s a no-brainer as to which face regret why we didn’t start earlier. him with his handyman chores balanced and healthy lifestyle, wellness values. When children selves, our bodies release neuro-
the importance of introducing oil we would choose. Natural and What do we do now? We need and gardening were all helping but then I started understand- have a passion for sports or even transmitters (signals) that help
veganism into our everyday lives. ethical wins every time. to learn from our mistakes and shape my future lifestyle. On ing emotional and social factors at least try to engage, they learn balance our body’s reactions to
Whether it’s through consuming a As part of my portfolio of my ethical, help our children develop and the other end, my mother would too. Being in a school that offered things like self-discipline for try- stress and pain, in turn, releasing
plant-based diet, or ditching plastics vegan businesses here in Qatar, I understand the holistic benefits continuously show and explain, physical education and after- outs and commitment to team a rush of ‘happiness’ through our
for recyclable, sustainable materials have launched a flagship store for of regular exercise from an early with her own hands, what I school sports activities and with practices while learning rules, bodies and regulating our mood.
—there’s a reason 2019 is labelled my vegan alchemist brand. I wasn’t stage before it’s too late for them should eat and why; a balanced the strong support of my parents, sports etiquette and how to be The more we exercise, the more we
‘The Year of the Vegan’. The vegan looking to enter a market whereby too. Through my personal expe- diet composed of all the neces- engaging in various sports defi- a team player. Simultaneously, can get addicted and realise how
food industry alone has recorded my products will change and adapt to rience as an example, I would like sities our growing bodies need. nitely further instilled in me my they experience so much through good it feels to be active on a regu-
20 percent growth over the last compete with the fast-moving nature to highlight certain experiences Watching my father maintain his lar basis. Children cannot easily
year as more people have switched of the skin industry. Instead, my that developed and supported a physical activity and simultane- understand this, but we still have
to way a life that is cruelty free for company is set around vegan values positive wellness attitude in me ously watching my mother pre- to try and convince them of this
animals, doesn’t contribute to meat that remain at the heart of my brand. from the start. pare and cook our food is what I truth is by showing them exactly
and dairy industries that are killing Values that mean the only ingredients As a young child, I saw my believe was the foundation of my how it works, and that is where
the Earth, and is instead full of found throughout the range are prov- father and mother consistently healthy lifestyle today. Parents we come in, where our personal
health benefits for the long-term. en to heal, nourish, feed, rejuvenate, motivating me to be active and are critical in laying this founda- choices make a difference on oth-
The growing demand for all things replenish, hydrate and restore the to eat well so I can ‘grow big,’ tion for their children, you have ers. Children are easily influenced,
vegan has made other industries health of the skin—our biggest organ. ‘strong’ and of course, ‘smart.’ to practise what you preach, es- so let’s use it to our advantage and
take notice, especially skincare and They’re also ethical, vegan values that What I did not know was that pecially at home and even more lead by example. Motivation and
beauty. It’s because the ingredients extend across my company. From it would be the actual key to my so, in the kitchen and the great role models are key in our com-
found in a face cream, for example, the violet miron glass, a sustainable, overall well-being! My father in- outdoors. Children need to see munity, so if you haven’t already,
are often plants or fruits that are recyclable material, that some of our itially ignited my love for playing their role models being healthy take this as an opportunity to take
classed as vegan. It can be said that: products are bottled in, to the paper sports as he was a football player and active and understand that control of your own lifestyle, but
If it’s good to ingest, then it’s typi- we send our invoices on, I’m focused himself. Growing up with him, it really IS a necessary element also show those around you how
cally great to apply topically. on my commitment to veganism and playing football with my siblings to life. it’s done, especially our young.
Vegan beauty and skincare means sustainability, and I’m able to deliver and I, taking me out for a brisk Yes, I started to understand
the absence of animal ingredients — that commitment through my ethical walk around the neighbourhood the important role that physi-  The author is a wellness advocate
and major brands are switching to choices at the company. after dinner or asking me to help cal activity and food played in a and influencer @keys2balance.
vegan products in a bid to meet the When it comes to skincare, I like to
growing demand. Perhaps the big- keep things simple. In fact, there
gest benefit to come out of the vegan is an art to the simplicity of vegan
beauty movement is that it’s pushing skincare products, and less really is
customers to become more aware more. Performance wise, vegan skin Learning doesn’t have a graduation date
of what’s inside the products that we and beauty products are consid-
use in the bathroom, and it’s leading ered superior since they have lesser to an independent opinion’. Living in
to more people wanting to assess ingredients in them. a new world with an outdated mind
ingredients of such products prior to The important takeaway here, is that creates conflict and distress within
a purchase. there’s a vegan alternative not just oneself, and therefore it manifests
People are starting to question and to everything in your fridge…but to into vicious cycles of thinking that
research what they’re buying, and in everything in your bathroom, cabinet create disorders such as anxiety and
essence — it’s empowering individu- or washbag. Not only will making depression.
als with knowledge that leads to the the switch benefit our planet in the
following realisation: nothing can be long term, but your skin will reap the Reconditioning
more beneficial for our skin than a rewards from day one. One day, the educated child is told
100% natural ingredient. that he is weak. The conscious
In addition to this, the future of the  The author is an expert in vegan mind quickly highlights the schema
beauty industry is not just vegan, wellbeing and health. (framework) for the word ‘weak’,
but it’s ‘not animal-tested’. Animal Instagram handle: @Ghanim92  listing associations made in the past.
By Sanah Thakur ‘Weak’ to him means; disappoint-
ment, incompetent, useless. His
self-esteem has been affected and

Wellness Meal Plan A child attends school at the age

of 3. He spends between five to
eight hours a day, across 14 years,
demotivation strikes in. Imagine
however, that instead of giving up, he
identifies this reaction and works on
organising facts, theories and unlearning the negative associations
critical opinions about the way the with that word. He actively associates
world works and his potential role other words with his identity and
in it. He learns about numbers and understand that ‘weak’ also means
words, chemicals and motion, the ‘not as strong’, ‘lower in value only in
body and the brain. This knowledge comparison’, sensitive and providing
is departmentalised and built on space to reach ‘stronger’. He now
through further exposure, often bi- uses this as motivation to strengthen
ased in accepting new information. this new association.
The child now believes that the
pursuit of this external knowledge Redefining education
is what creates the foundation for Acclaimed philosopher, J Krishna-
his identity. He knows more about murti said that apart from main-
the world he lives in rather than the stream violence, it is also violence
world that he is, and that is OKAY. A when we torture ourselves to fit
high school diploma, validates that into a particular pattern established
it is okay. The child is now ready by society, condemning ourselves
for the world. But he’s ready with to conform to a pattern. Conflict
knowledge he began automati- starts when there is an accumula-
cally acquiring from the age of 3. tion of knowledge, as a girl or boy,
His resume has been updated, but as a Christian or Muslim, as rich or
his knowledge is outdated. One as poor – as opposed to learning.
day in his future, he is faced with Learning requires discipline, in the
a challenge he wasn’t ‘educated’ sense of being committed to aware-
about. His identity was built on the careers and families? Opinions are While knowledge is accumulated through associations made and ness of what is going on within your-
knowledge he accumulated – as being voiced every day, with no about the outside world, a desire strengthened with repetition in expe- self. Breaking the protective layers
a boy, a doctor, religious, a hard acceptance of mistakes, no space to inquire and learn about ones’ rience over time. Perspectives about of centuries of conditioning, that has
worker – and it failed him. The for growth and more importantly, mind should be strengthened and the world have been conditioned into designed a blue print for our every
Baked Pakoras: conflict disturbs him, the illusion- no desire to unlearn and relearn. maintained for years to come. Old our lives and it is on this condition- action. An individual who claims to
ary identity shatters around him. Change is only fashionable when associations and patterns of think- ing that we manifest our behaviour. be an expert is arrogant in unlearn-
Ingredients: A failure to unlearn and relearn it’s a diet, new versions are devel- ing should be replaced and new Can you even begin to picture the ing and relearning as the world
leaves him arrogant in perception. oped only in technology and infor- versions of ourselves should be cel- number of associations we have, changes. But a lifelong student is al-
• 1 medium potato, peeled and sliced in thin, small slices He is now useless to the world he mation increases in value, the fur- ebrated. The journey of healing a stored within our brains? Some asso- ways humble to the limits of his/her
• 1 sliced onion • Salt to taste prepared for. ther away it is from us. The internal critically conditioned mind, begins ciations are positive and beneficial to own learning and working to build
• 1 tsp carom seeds • 2 tbs chopped coriander world, beyond the facts of physical with an awareness of its world. our lives, manifesting into healthy be- on it. It’s time we redefine education,
• 2 tbs chopped mint leaves leaves What are we learning? functions, still stays a stranger. The haviours. On the other hand, certain balancing a curiosity of the internal
• 1/2 tsp turmeric powder • 1 tsp chilli powder Why are institutions still educating paradox, however, is that we spend Learning as conditioning associations create negative patterns and external world equally, healing
• 6 tbs chickpea powder • 1 tsp cumin powder us about the wrong things? Why do our whole lives within it. Though The behaviourist approach in Psy- of thinking and behaviour. And in this minds, one word at a time.
• Juice of 1 lemon • 1/2 tsp baking soda we realise so late that self-care and there are no concrete answers, chology presents learning as a proc- world of hyper sharing, these nega-
• Olive oil to grease • 1/2 cup of water awareness, a persistent curios- the path forward lies in redefining ess of conditioning and imitation. tive patterns are excused with an  The author can be contacted on
ity for learning is as important as ‘compulsory education’. Every piece of information is learnt arrogant reinstatement of ones’ ‘right Instagram @sincerelysanah
For the yogurt dip:
• 1 cup of yogurt • Juice of 1/2 lemon
• A handful of finely chopped mint • 1 grated cucumber

Method: Faith over fear

Mix all the ingredients in a bowl. Add one spoon of water at a time
while you are mixing. You want thick consistency. Make medium ending there was a little cloud When I say fear, I don’t necessarily that God is always with me, always Being calm about everything al-
sized-pancake-shaped pakoras on a baking tray covered with baking of sadness, knowing we will say mean terror. But, what I am refer- for me, I never feel afraid, regard- lows your mind to find solutions.
paper, or you can use muffin tins, if that is more convenient for you. goodbye to this beautiful month ring to is all the things that make less of the circumstances going on Calmness is also a state of trust.
Bake for 20 minutes in a preheated oven on 250 Celsius. until next year. It has been a us anxious, nervous, tense and that around me. Instead of overthinking and over
beautiful month filled with fasting, which brings on the need for us to Yes, colleagues or family members reacting just surrender for that
For the yogurt dip all you need to do is mix all the ingredients prayer and time spent with loved want to control our surroundings. and friends may betray us, they moment and allow yourself to
together and Enjoy The Taste of Eating Right! ones. It has also been a time of The root cause of fear is distrust. may deeply hurt us, but if we give receive guidance for what doesn’t
togetherness, contentment, faith When we are betrayed, injured or ourselves to God, if we make our make sense. It’s easy to get caught
and reflection. abused, we decide that the world relationship with Him our first pri- up with the stresses and struggles
Lately, the discussions that I have and those around us cannot be ority then we will never be broken of daily life, but faith is an active
been having with both, friends and trusted. In this way, we lose that inside; we will always be cared for. decision. Choosing faith over fear
coaching clients makes me believe faith which is so vital in life. God had a plan for us long before is a decision I make every day.
By Shefa Ali that omnipresent fear is one of the What is the answer? My antidote to we even realised, we are being
biggest obstacles in our peace, fear is to firmly root myself in God prepared for it. Never forget to  The author is a consultant and
happiness and general progression (by whatever name, whatever form trust God, because with that trust coach. Instagram handle: @miss_
When I realised Ramadan is nearly in life. you choose). When I remind myself the results will be beautiful. shefa, Website:
Gulf Times
Thursday, May 30, 2019 13


Jordan’s king tells Kushner peace

possible only with a Palestinian state

ordan’s King Abdullah
told US President Donald
Trump’s adviser Jared Kush-
ner yesterday that a lasting Mid-
dle East peace can come only
with the creation of a Palestinian
state on land captured by Israel
in a 1967 war and with East Jeru-
salem as its capital.
Kushner is leading a US del-
egation to the Middle East this
US officials have said the
trip, which began in Rabat and
will include Jerusalem, is partly
aimed at bolstering support for
a late June conference in Bah-
rain, in which Kushner is to
unveil the first part of Trump’s
long-awaited Israeli-Palestinian
peace plan.
A palace statement said Ab-
dullah, who aides say has been
deeply concerned about the
plan, told Kushner Israel had to
withdraw from the West Bank
that Israel captured in the 1967
Arab-Israeli war.
Jordan is worried the plan
could jettison the two-state so- Jordan’s King Abdullah meets with Senior White House Adviser Jared Kushner in Amman, yesterday.
lution that is backed by the Unit-
ed Nations and most countries Amman has been particularly dismantle the United Nations centration of UN-registered Trump has touted the US short of their core demands. “The deal of the century will
around the world. sensitive to any changes of status Relief and Works Agency (UN- Palestinian refugees. Officials peace plan as the “deal of the Dozens of Jordanians holding not pass. Down with the US,”
The Palestinians want to es- in Jerusalem after the Trump’s RWA) that provides services to have expressed concern that century”, but the Palestinians placards denouncing Kushner’s chanted protesters who includ-
tablish a state in the West Bank, administration’s decision to rec- about 5mn Palestinian refugees Trump’s peace plan would even- have boycotted the Trump ad- visit staged a small protest on ed figures from Jordan’s main-
East Jerusalem and the Gaza ognise it as Israel’s capital. across Jordan, Lebanon, Syria tually pave the way for revoking ministration since it recognised Tuesday night near the heavily stream Islamist movement, the
Strip, all territory Israel cap- Jordanian officials have also and the West Bank and Gaza. the right to return for refugees in Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and fortified US embassy in the Jor- country’s largest opposition
tured in the 1967 war. been worried by the US drive to Jordan hosts the largest con- the kingdom. anticipate the plan will fall far danian capital. group.

Regime strikes on Syria UN envoy calls for stop

militant enclave kill 15 to Idlib air campaign
AFP Beirut/New York EU seeks civilian protection
The European Union called yesterday for a ceasefire

he UN’s Syria envoy called for a stop to fight- in Syria’s Idlib province and said Russia, Turkey, Iran

he latest strikes in the ing after government forces intensified air and the Syrian government must protect civilians un-
fiercest wave of regime strikes on rebel-held areas in the province of der siege. At least 180,000 people have fled an surge
bombardment on a mili- Idlib yesterday, killing at least 15 civilians. in violence in the province in northwest Syria, the last
tant enclave in northwestern Late last month, forces of Syrian President major stronghold of rebels who have fought against
Syria killed at least 15 civilians Bashar al-Assad, supported by Russian air pow- President Bashar al-Assad’s government since 2011.
yesterday, a war monitor said, er, initiated a massive campaign against rebels in Government bombing has killed dozens in the
despite calls to halt the attacks. Hama and Idlib, the last major opposition strong- past three weeks. The Syrian government says it is
Air strikes by Russian and hold in Syria. responding to attacks by Al Qaeda-linked militants.
government warplanes, some In New York, UN envoy Geir Pedersen called for “We expect the Syrian regime and the Astana guaran-
using barrel bombs, and shell- a stop to the air compaign, saying it puts 3mn civil- tors to fulfil immediately their responsibilities and
ing have claimed a mounting ians in Idlib at risk of being killed. commitments, and ensure the immediate protection
civilian death toll over the past Speaking on the Syrian peace process, he warned of civilians,” the EU’s top diplomat Federica Mogherini
few weeks. that the lasting divisions in Syrian society put the and its humanitarian aid chief Christos Stylianides
The violence, which comes country at risk of a “no war, no peace” scenario that said a statement, referring to Russia, Turkey and Iran’s
despite a truce deal brokered This picture taken yesterday shows smoke plumes rising following reported Syrian government forces’ will prevent the country from reintegrating into peace efforts.
by Moscow and Ankara in Sep- bombardment on the town of Khan Sheikhun in the southern countryside of the militant-held the international community, in comments after a
tember, has caused mass dis- Idlib province. closed-door meeting of the UN Security Council.
placement and heightened fears But he said he believed he was “very close” to fi- nomic and diplomatic steps” as long as the assault
of the worst humanitarian ca- dren were killed in the village being targeted by more air raids. Idlib, according to comments nalising a committee to draft a new constitution for on Idlib continues, but added that Russia had as-
tastrophe in Syria’s eight-year of Bara and four other civilians Despite the surge in attacks carried by SANA. Syria. sured the US it was not ready to support a full-scale
conflict. died in strikes in the towns of the government has not an- UN deputy aid chief Ursula His predecessor struggled to gain agreement offensive there.
The United States and the Hbeit and Areen, said Observa- nounced an all-out offensive Mueller, however, told the Se- from the government and opposition on who would On Tuesday, Assistant Secretary General for Hu-
United Nations demanded an tory chief Rami Abdel Rahman. to retake the entire militant en- curity Council that a further be on the committee. manitarian Affairs Ursula Mueller said the fight-
end to the bombardment on “The bombardment by the clave, a large area which is home escalation would threaten hu- The US top envoy to Syria, James Jeffrey, echoed ing in Idlib has resulted in the confirmed deaths of
Tuesday, as strikes by Damas- regime and Russia continues to almost 3mn people. manitarian assistance for the the call for a ceasefire and said Washington will more than 160 civilians and the displacement of
cus killed 27 people — the sin- to be intense on several areas. Analysts predict that Presi- region’s residents. keep heightening pressure on Syria through “eco- some 270,000 people.
gle highest civilian death toll in The Russian strikes are focused dent Bashar al-Assad and his She said some 270,000
the region since the regime in- on Khan Sheikhun but have not allies will continue to chip away people had been displaced by
creased its attacks in late April. caused any casualties for now,” at the area but not unleash a the fighting in Idlib since late
But the aerial bombardment he said. major assault that would create April. Aid agencies have been
yesterday did not relent against
Idlib province, most of which is
controlled by Hayat Tahrir al-
Syrian state news agency
SANA reported one woman was
killed by jihadist shelling on
chaos on Turkey’s doorstep.
The regime is likely to con-
tinue applying sustained mili-
forced to suspend their work
in some areas, she said.
At least 23 medical facilities
124 migrants rescued from drowning
Sham, a group dominated by northern Hama. tary pressure whilst attempt- have been hit since April 28,
former members of Al Qaeda’s The civilian death toll has ing to preserve the fragile truce including two medical facili- DPA said yesterday. The rescue op- long-time dictator Muammar
Syria affiliate. mounted in and around Idlib in agreement reached in Russia ties that have been attacked Tripoli erations took place off Libya’s Gaddafi.
According to the Britain- recent days, reaching more than last year to spare the region a twice, said David Swanson, western town of Zuwara on The North African country
based Syrian Observatory for 270 over the past month, ac- large-scale humanitarian dis- a spokesman for the UN hu- Tuesday after the two boats’ has since become a major tran-

Human Rights monitoring or- cording to the Observatory. aster. manitarian office. ibya’s coastguard rescued engines stalled, the navy said. sit route for migrants trying to
ganisation, seven of yesterday’s In villages struck by regime On Tuesday, Syria’s UN Five health workers have a total of 124 migrants The rescued migrants in- reach Europe by sea.
victims were killed in an air raid raids, excavators have dug new envoy Bashar Jaafari said Da- died and seven others were in- after their boats broke cluded 20 children. Libya de- Thousands of migrants have
on the village of Sarja. graves and civilians buried the mascus “will spare no effort” jured as a result, he said down during Europe-bound scended into chaos following been rescued or have died in
A father and his three chil- dead stealthily at dusk to avoid to end the militant control of yesterday. journeys, the country’s navy the 2011 revolt that toppled perilous journeys to Europe.

Court condemns seventh Frenchman to death for IS membership

AFP ros) a month. Sakkam, who or Syria must face trial locally, Karim carried out a suicide at- 30 days to appeal. The remain- the government in Paris to “do group, a capital offence in Iraq,
Baghdad was dressed in a yellow prison while reiterating its opposition tack at the Iraqi-Jordanian bor- ing five French suspects face everything possible to stop this the judiciary said. The move
uniform and sported a closely to capital punishment. der in 2015, according to the trial in the coming days. fatal chain of death sentences” follows the repatriation to
cropped goatee, said he regretted Iraqi law provides for the French Center for the Analysis of Iraqi courts have dealt with a and to try them “on our soil”. Tajikistan late last month of 84

Baghdad court sentenced his decision to join IS, and asked death penalty for anyone joining Terrorism. steady flow of militants — with On Tuesday, Foreign Minister children of nationals convicted
a Frenchman to death to be pardoned. a “terrorist group” — even those Also yesterday, an Iraqi court 500 foreign men and women Jean-Yves Le Drian said France by Iraqi courts of membership
yesterday for joining the Iraq has taken custody of who did not take up arms. sentenced 24-year-old Tuni- already found guilty of having was stepping up efforts to stop of IS or other militant groups.
Islamic State group, bringing to thousands of militants in recent Sakkam, now aged 29, left sian Mohamed Berriri to death joined IS. Iraq executing those convicted. That came after dozens of
seven the number of French mil- months after they were captured France in late 2014 to fight for IS, for joining IS, after a hearing None of those sentenced to France’s rights ombuds- children were flown to Rus-
itants on death row in Iraq. by the US-backed Syrian Demo- posting pictures online of him- lasting less than an hour. death have so far been execut- man yesterday said the coun- sia and after France and Ger-
Yassin Sakkam was among 12 cratic Forces during the battle to self carrying arms and speaking Berriri, also dressed in a yel- ed. try must stop the “inhumane many repatriated the children
French citizens transferred to destroy the IS “caliphate”. They to multiple media outlets about low prison uniform, admitted The trials have been criti- treatment” of children of mili- of women nationals detained in
Iraqi authorities in January by include hundreds of foreigners the group. to joining IS, saying he thought cised by human rights groups, tants stranded in Syria who are Iraq. Baghdad declared victory
a US-backed force fighting the suspected of IS membership, He became one of the most it was “defending the weak”, which say they often rely on not being allowed to come to over IS in 2017 but the group’s
militant group in neighbouring raising the question of whether notorious militants from France, but said he now regretted do- evidence obtained through tor- the country. cross-border “caliphate” was
Syria. suspected IS militants should be which has been seeking his ar- ing so. ture. Meanwhile, Iraq repatri- only eliminated when US-
“I admit to having sworn al- tried in the region or repatriated. rest since 2016. Sakkam and the six other In a statement sent to AFP, ated to Turkey yesterday 188 backed fighters conquered its
legiance” to IS, he told the court, France has long insisted its Kurdish authorities detained French citizens handed death a group representing the fami- children of Turks accused of last scrap of territory in Syria
saying he was paid $70 (62 eu- adult citizens captured in Iraq him in Syria in 2017. His brother sentences in recent days have lies of French militants asked belonging to the Islamic State in March.
Gulf Times
14 Thursday, May 30, 2019

Death toll in DR Congo Comoros president Madagascar leader Angola former rebel chief Poppy, last of Gorillas in the
boat disaster rises to 47 pardons 17 opponents eyes parliament win to be buried on Saturday Mist, dies in Rwanda
The death toll from a weekend boat disaster in Comoros President Azali Assoumani has Madagascar President Andry Rajoelina said Angola’s main opposition party, the former rebel The last of the Gorillas in the Mist made famous by US
the Democratic Republic of Congo has risen to pardoned 17 jailed opposition figures in a yesterday that he believed his party and allies movement UNITA, said yesterday it planned to primatologist Dian Fossey is believed to have died in
at least 47 people, with dozens more possibly decree issued yesterday, days after taking office were on course for a majority in the country’s go ahead with a public funeral this weekend Rwanda, her organisation says. “The Dian Fossey
missing, local authorities said yesterday. The following an election critics say was rigged to new parliament, but the opposition alleged that for its ex-leader Jonas Savimbi after a dispute Gorilla Fund is sad to announce that Poppy, the last
boat capsized in rough waters on Lake Mai- consolidate his grip on power. Among those freed “anomalies” had been detected in the vote. The with the government over the handling of his living gorilla featured by famed primatologist Dian
Ndombe on Saturday, the latest in a string in the presidential decree was Hassane Ahmed election commission is counting votes from remains. Savimbi, a charismatic, controversial Fossey in Gorillas in the Mist, is believed dead,” the
of deadly accidents in Congolese waters. On el-Barwane, secretary general of the main Juwa the election, which took place on Monday, with warlord who fought Angola’s socialist group said late on Tuesday. Poppy — who Fossey
Monday, authorities reported 32 people had opposition party, who was sentenced to seven years provisional results expected on June 15. “Today, government in a 27-year civil war, was killed in remarked in her journals was a “little darling...
died in the accident on a boat that was unfit in prison for assaulting a soldier. All those pardoned according to the trends at the independent a battle against the People’s Movement for the winsome and appealing” — would have been about
for transport. Its owner has been arrested. The were jailed for up to 20 years on charges linked to election commission, our group of parties are Liberation of Angola (MPLA) government forces 43. She is survived by five offspring. Her sister Maggie
death toll has risen to 47, Simon Mbo Wemba, unrest that followed a controversial constitutional ahead and on track for a majority, even if it isn’t in February 2002. His death paved the way for was actress Sigourney Weaver’s favourite gorilla
mayor of the lakeside town of Inongo, said. referendum last year. Four others sentenced to life official,” Rajoelina told reporters to Paris. “We will a peace deal bringing an end to one of Africa’s while filming Gorillas in the Mist — a movie about
He said around 400 people could have been on charges of attempting a coup and threatening wait for the final results of course,” he added after longest and bloodiest conflicts, which erupted Fossey’s work adapted from her book of the same
onboard the vessel. state security had their terms reduced to 20 years. talks with French President Emmanuel Macron. after independence from Portugal in 1975. name. Fossey was murdered in Rwanda in 1985.

retains Mboweni
and Gordhan in
slimmer cabinet

outh Africa’s President Cyril Ramaphosa
yesterday retained Tito Mboweni as finance
minister in a new, leaner cabinet, following
on from a pre-election pledge to reform and revive
an ailing economy and attract foreign investors.
Ramaphosa, who was sworn in as South Africa’s
president on Saturday for his first full five-year
term, trimmed the cabinet from 36 ministers to 28.
That will serve as an early barometer of his abil-
ity to push through change more efficiently, hav-
ing struggled to implement tough reforms since he
succeeded scandal-plagued Jacob Zuma last year.
The leaner cabinet was meant to reduce govern-
ment spending, Ramaphosa said.
“All South Africans are acutely aware of the great
economic difficulties our country has been experi-
encing and the constraints this has placed on public
finances,” he said in a televised national address.
“It is therefore imperative that in all areas and
spheres of government, we place priority on revi-
talising our economy while exercising the greatest
care in the use of public funds.”
Ramaphosa’s ruling African National Congress
(ANC) saw its majority cut in national elections two
weeks ago.
His long to-do list includes generating jobs, act-
ing against entrenched corruption in and outside
Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari being sworn-in yesterday during his inauguration ceremony in Abuja. the ANC, resolving policy uncertainty in the min-
ing sector and speeding up reforms of power utility
Eskom and other state-owned entities.
Markets are likely to welcome the reappointment

Low-key inauguration
of Mboweni, a former central bank governor who is
well respected by investors.
He was first appointed to the position in October
and has spoken out about trimming government
spending and selling some state companies that are
acting as a drain on public finances.
Investors will also scrutinise Ramaphosa’s deci-

for Buhari’s second term

sion to retain David Mabuza as deputy president.
Last week, Mabuza had requested a delay in his
swearing-in to parliament to clear his name before
an ANC integrity commission, following allega-
tions of impropriety during his decade-long pre-
miership of the mineral-rich eastern Mpumalanga
province. He has denied all wrongdoing.
Reuters sence abroad for medical treatment. fortunes over the next four years. ment to a better Nigeria,” he said in Nigeria’s economy grew by 1.93% Mabuza was finally sworn in on Tuesday after he
Abuja But he won a clear endorsement Nearly a quarter of the workforce a tweet. last year, its fastest pace since the was cleared by the ANC of bringing the party into
in February’s election with 56% of is unemployed and most of its 190mn Buhari refused to disclose de- recession. disrepute, weakening the rand.
the vote. people live on less than $2 a day. tails of an ailment that caused him Growth of 2.1% is forecast by the The currency extended its losses yesterday, in

igerian President Muham- Standing beside his wife, he took “Our expectation is that Mr Pres- to seek treatment in Britain for five International Monetary Fund (IMF) part reflecting worries that Mabuza could taint
madu Buhari was yesterday the presidential oath at an open-air ident will now focus more on the months in 2017. for this year, though that would be Ramaphosa’s reform agenda.
sworn-in for a second term ceremony in the capital Abuja that issue of security, employment and Critics said that meant he was among the slowest rates in Africa. Ramaphosa kept on Pravin Gordhan as public
at a low-key inauguration ceremony the government had previously said agriculture because these are the largely absent at a time when Af- Tackling insecurity across much enterprises minister. The ministry oversees state-
in which he surprised many by not would be low-key to cut costs. core areas,” said Basil Ejidike, who rica’s biggest economy was reeling of the country is already a priority. owned companies including Eskom.
delivering a speech. It was mostly attended by officials chairs the APC in southern Anam- from the recession it sank in to in The military is fighting Boko Har- The management of Eskom’s restructuring is
The 76-year-old former military linked to the government, military bra state. 2016 — its first in 25 years — after am militants and an offshoot linked to key to reviving the economy after power cuts in the
leader faces a long list of challeng- or ruling All Progressives Congress Some social media users were prices of its main export oil fell. Islamic State in the northeast, while past year undermined broader efforts to kick-start
es, including combating a sluggish (APC) party. critical of the absence of a speech. His supporters said he ran an ef- contending with communal violence growth.
economy, high unemployment and Foreign dignitaries will be invited Software developer Tosin Olug- fective administration and delegat- over grazing land in central states. The president also appointed Gwedwe Mantashe
a decade-old insurgency. to celebrations on June 12, a national benga called it was a “missed op- ed to his deputy when overseas. A separate surge of bandit attacks as mining and energy minister after combining the
His four-year first term, in which holiday, commemorating the 1999 portunity”. Buhari now has a second chance and other violence in the northwest two ministries. Mantashe had previously headed
he rarely gave public addresses, was return to civilian rule. “It is an opportunity for the pres- to turn campaign promises into pol- has forced 20,000 to flee to neigh- the mining ministry.
overshadowed by speculation about Buhari will need to create jobs if ident to speak to Nigerians and give icies aimed at stimulating economic bouring Niger since April, the UN Naledi Pandor, previously higher education min-
his health and marked by a long ab- he is to turn around the country’s further assurance of his commit- growth. refugee agency said on Tuesday. ister, was appointed as foreign affairs minister.

Ghana jabs back against malaria’s devastation

By Stacey Knott, AFP from the deadly mosquito-born The vaccine is an additional country,” said Justice Arthur, the
Cape Coast, Ghana disease and babies were Gha- tool in the fight against malaria, doctor running the Cape Coast
na’s first vaccine recipients last but does not represent a magic clinic.
month in the southern town of bullet. If the campaign is widened

bigal Aguanyi, a trader Cape Coast, 150km west of the It was found to prevent ap- out, it will be a good starting
and mother in the West capital, Accra. proximately four out of 10 ma- point for child immunisation and
African nation of Ghana, Blessing will have three fur- laria cases, according to the a means for medics to help pre-
knows first-hand how dangerous ther doses up to the age of two WHO, which supports Ghana’s vent the infection of parents too,
malaria can be — her two-year- under the programme, which will health ministry in rolling out the the doctor said.
old niece nearly died from it. enable health officials to evaluate vaccine. Sabina Atta also brought her
So when she heard that a new the vaccine’s effectiveness. Traditional preventive meas- six-month-old daughter Susan-
vaccine was being rolled out Aguanyi said that she would ures remain crucial, such as na for vaccination.
against the disease, that across urge other parents to bring their sleeping under treated bed nets, “If we prevent it from the start,
the world kills a child every two children for the free jab. spraying rooms with insecticide it will help,” she said.
minutes, she was one of the first “Because of money con- and eliminating pools of stag- Malaria killed 435,000 people
to sign up her baby daughter. straints, some wait till their nant water beloved by mosqui- worldwide in 2017, according to
The World Health Organiza- child’s situation is critical,” toes for breeding. the WHO.
tion (WHO) says 219mn people Aguanyi said. “When they bring For the medics who see daily “Malaria is one of the oldest
were infected with malaria in them to the hospital, the child the impact of malaria on chil- documented, most devastat-
2017, more than 90% of cases oc- will be very weak, or even die.” dren, the vaccine is a big step ing maladies in our history,” said
curred in Africa. Known by its lab initials RTS,S, forward. Owen Kaluwa, Ghana’s WHO
In Ghana alone, there were 5.5mn the vaccine is the result of more Ellen Apraku, a nurse, ex- chief.
confirmed cases of malaria last than three decades of develop- plained to waiting parents when “We, in Africa, bear the brunt
year, and many more suspected. ment and almost $1bn in invest- to come back for the remaining of its toll.”
Six-month-old Blessing, ment. injections. Malaria is spread to people
Aguanyi’s daughter, has received It has been developed by Brit- She and her medical colleagues by mosquitoes, which transfer
the first injection, like 360,000 ish pharmaceutical giant Glaxo- voiced hopes that the vaccine the parasite while sucking blood
other under two-years-old in SmithKline in partnership with could one day replicate the suc- from humans.
Ghana, Malawi and Kenya, the the PATH Malaria Vaccine Ini- cess of the polio vaccine. “The disease saps our produc-
three countries taking part in the tiative and financed by the Gavi “I hope this will help us to tivity and prosperity,” Kaluwa
landmark vaccine campaign. public-private global health be able to eliminate malaria, so said. “It keeps our people in pov-
Children are especially at risk partnership. Ghana can be a malaria-free erty.” A baby receives vaccine by a nurse at the maternity ward of the Ewin Polyclinic in Cape Coast, Ghana.
Gulf Times
Thursday, May 30, 2019 15

US Park Service officials Activist faces jail for Victim’s father testifies in Trump to decide next year Firm at centre of Canada
die in Yukon plane crash harbouring migrants Oklahoma opioid trial on START extension scandal heads to trial
Two top safety officials for the US National Park An Arizona activist charged with harbouring two The father of a university football player who died US President Donald Trump will not decide until A judge ruled yesterday there was sufficient
Service in Alaska were killed in a Memorial Day undocumented migrants yesterday faced trial of a drug overdose yesterday provided emotional next year whether he will extend a nuclear treaty evidence in a corruption case to try SNC-Lavalin,
crash of a single-engine airplane in Canada’s Yukon in a case likely to set a precedent over what aid testimony about the personal cost of the nationwide with Russia, a White House aide said yesterday in the Canadian engineering giant at the centre of
territory, officials said on Tuesday. Jeff Babcock, US citizens can give to illegal border crossers. opioid epidemic during the second day of trial Washington. Extending the ‘New START’ treaty is a political scandal that has rocked Prime Justin
head of aviation safety for the Park Service in US Border Patrol agents arrested Scott Warren in a lawsuit by the state of Oklahoma accusing under discussion within the administration “and Trudeau’s government. The company spent
Alaska, and Eric Benson, the agency’s Alaska safety in a January 2018 raid near Ajo, Arizona after drugmaker Johnson & Johnson of fuelling the crisis. a decision the president will make next year,” months openly lobbying the federal government
officer, died when their Cessna 170B crashed they found two migrants hiding in the shower Craig Box testified that he never suspected his son Tim Morrison, a director at the National Security for an out-of-court settlement of fraud and
shortly after takeoff from Whitehorse, the Yukon of a ramshackle building used by humanitarian Austin was abusing prescription painkillers until Council, said at an arms control forum hosted bribery charges linked to its dealings in Libya.
capital and largest city in the western Canadian groups. The 36-year old faces two felony counts after he was discovered unconscious at a friend’s by the Hudson Institute. Trump has criticised But allegations that Trudeau’s aides brought
territory, officials said. The crash occurred at about of harbouring the undocumented migrants and house in 2011. Holding back tears, Box said he only the treaty, which sets limits on the number of improper pressure on his attorney general to
5.30pm on Monday and the victims were identified one felony count of conspiracy to transport the learned after the death of the 22-year-old University nuclear weapons Russia and the United States settle the case spilled out in an angry public split
on Tuesday by Heather Jones, chief coroner for two men. The university geography instructor of Oklahoma linebacker that his son had once been can have. But supporters of the accord say it that tarnished the prime minister’s golden boy
the Yukon government. The two men were on a could face up to 20 years in prison if convicted prescribed opioids and must have turned to the is important because it created a monitoring image. The specifics of the ruling are under a
personal trip and not on Park Service business. of all charges. streets to get more. regime to verify compliance. publication ban.

Judge to hear
Charging Trump was not war crimes
case against
an option, says Mueller
San Diego

he judge in the court-martial of a Navy SEAL

pecial Counsel Robert Mueller platoon leader accused of war crimes in Iraq
said yesterday his investiga- is expected to hear arguments today on de-
tion into Russia’s interference fence motions to dismiss the charges or otherwise
in the 2016 election was never going remove the lead prosecutor and the judge himself
to end with criminal charges against from the case.
President Donald Trump and indi- The hearing comes 12 days before Special Op-
cated it was up to Congress to de- erations Chief Edward Gallagher is set to go on trial
cide if impeachment proceedings charged with killing a helpless, wounded Islamic
are justified. State fighter in his custody and of shooting two un-
In his first public comments since armed civilians, a schoolgirl and an elderly man.
starting the investigation in May The case, being conducted at US Naval Base San
2017, Mueller said Justice Depart- Diego, has attracted the attention of President
ment policy prevented him from Donald Trump.
bringing charges against a sitting Pre-trial proceedings for the past month have
president, telling reporters it was focused on accusations by Gallagher’s attorneys
“not an option we would consider.” that prosecutors and their investigators illegally
But he also said his two-year in- snooped on the defence and reporters covering the
vestigation did not clear Trump of case to try and pinpoint leaks of sealed information.
improper behaviour and pointed out Gallagher, 39, a decorated career combat veteran,
there were other ways to hold presi- has pleaded not guilty to all charges, including pre-
dents accountable. meditated murder, two counts of attempted murder
“The Constitution requires a and obstructing justice.
process other than the criminal He asserts that he is wrongly accused and that
justice system to formally accuse a fellow SEAL team members testifying against him,
sitting President of wrongdoing,” several under grants of immunity, are disgruntled
Mueller said as he announced his subordinates who fabricated allegations to force
resignation from the Justice De- him from command.
partment. His defence team has argued that the case should
Democrats in Congress are de- be dismissed altogether on grounds of alleged mis-
bating whether to try to move ahead conduct by the Navy prosecutor, agents of the Na-
with impeachment, an effort that val Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) and the
is almost certain to fall short in the presiding judge.
Republican-controlled Senate. The defence specifically has accused Navy law-
The White House and several yers of conducting illegal surveillance of defence
top Republicans said it was time to attorneys and news media by way of electronic
move on to other matters, while sev- tracking software secretly embedded in emails sent
eral Democratic presidential candi- to the defence.
dates called for impeachment. In court, prosecutors have said the e-mail “au-
“What Robert Mueller basically diting tools” they used were designed merely to
did was return an impeachment re- detect the flow of emails without revealing their
ferral,” Senator Kamala Harris said content.
on Twitter. The judge, Navy Captain Aaron Rugh, has said he
“Given that Special Counsel Mu- did not ask for or order any such surveillance, but
eller was unable to pursue criminal the defence contends he was apparently aware of it,
charges against the President, it falls calling into question his impartiality.
to Congress to respond to the crimes, Barring an outright dismissal, which is seen as
lies and other wrongdoing of Presi- unlikely, the defence is asking that the lead pros-
dent Trump — and we will do so,” ecutor, Commander Christopher Czaplak, be dis-
said Jerrold Nadler, the Democratic Special Counsel Robert Mueller makes a statement about the Russia investigation at the Justice Department in Washington, DC. qualified from the case.
chairman of the House of Represent- He also has entered a motion seeking recusal of
atives Judiciary Committee. president clearly did not commit a 2001 to 2013, said he would not elab- “It is time to move on from the violations, and his former personal the judge.
A redacted version of Mueller’s crime, we would have said so,” Mu- orate beyond what was contained in investigation and start focusing on lawyer, Michael Cohen, who re- If those motions are denied, and the case other-
report was published in April, con- eller said. his 448-page report, signalling to real solutions for the American peo- cently began a three-year sentence wise remains on track, jury selection is set to start
cluding that Russia repeatedly in- “We did not, however, make a de- Democrats that he was unlikely to ple,” he said. for campaign-finance violations on June 10. The trial originally had been due to start
terfered in the 2016 election and termination as to whether the presi- provide them more ammunition for Only one Republican so far, Rep- and lying to Congress. last week but was postponed over the misconduct
that Trump’s election campaign had dent did commit a crime.” impeachment if he were to testify on resentative Justin Amash, has said Since the report’s release, Demo- allegations.
multiple contacts with Russian offi- Trump, who has repeatedly de- Capitol Hill. Trump has committed impeachable cratic lawmakers have tried without Trump weighed in on the case publicly in March,
cials, but did not establish a crimi- nounced Mueller’s investigation as “Beyond what I’ve said here today offences. success to get the unredacted report when he ordered Gallagher moved to less restrictive
nal conspiracy with Moscow to win a “witch hunt” and “hoax” meant to and what is contained in our written “The ball is in our court, Con- and underlying evidence. pre-trial confinement “in honour of his past service
the White House. hobble his presidency, said the mat- work, I do not believe it is appropri- gress,” he said on Twitter. Barr now is leading a review of the to our country.”
Mueller’s report also declined ter was settled. ate for me to speak further,” he said. Mueller’s investigation ensnared origins of the Russia investigation in Last Friday, Trump said he was considering par-
to make a judgment on whether “Nothing changes from the Mu- He did not take questions after dozens of people, including several what is the third known inquiry into dons for two or three American servicemen charged
Trump obstructed justice, although eller Report,” he said on Twitter. making his statement. top Trump advisers and a series of the FBI’s handling of the matter. with war crimes, but might wait until they stood
the report outlined 10 instances in “There was insufficient evidence The House Judiciary Commit- Russian nationals and companies. Trump harbours suspicions that trial before deciding.
which Trump tried to impede the and therefore, in our Country, a per- tee’s top Republican, Representa- Among them are his former cam- the Democratic administration of Trump did not name the cases in question.
investigation, including seeking to son is innocent. The case is closed! tive Doug Collins, said relitigating paign chairman, Paul Manafort, President Barack Obama started the But the case of Gallagher, whose defence team
have Mueller fired. Thank you.” Mueller’s findings would only divide who is serving 7-1/2 years in prison investigation in 2016 to undermine includes a Trump personal lawyer, Marc Mukasey,
“If we had confidence that the Mueller, who headed the FBI from the country. for financial crimes and lobbying his presidency. is believed to be among those under review.

Oklahoma braces for ‘worst-case scenario’ as floodwaters rise

Reuters “The rain has been coming some 10,000 people, was work- flooding and storms in Oklaho-
Atlanta fast and furiously and it all has to ing as designed and being pa- ma, according to the state’s De-
drain through the rivers,” Patrick trolled around the clock by the partment of Health.
Burke, a meteorologist at the Oklahoma National Guard. The US Army Corps of Engi-

esidents of Oklahoma and NWS Weather Prediction Center, Staff at the Harvest Church neers has raised the release of
Arkansas near the swollen said in an interview yesterday. West Tulsa, which sits behind a water from the Keystone Dam, in
Arkansas River yesterday More heavy downpours were levee a few blocks from the Ar- northeastern Oklahoma on the
prepared for flooding, moving forecast through yesterday night kansas River, moved furniture Arkansas and Cimarron rivers
valuables to higher floors of their over much of the two states, with and sound and office equip- about 55km from Tulsa, into the
homes as Tulsa’s mayor urged between 2.5cm to 7.6cm expect- ment from the basement to the river system to 275,000 cubic feet
thousands to be ready to flee in ed, he said. church’s second floor and relo- per second to stop the dam from
the event of a “worst-case sce- By early June, rivers are ex- cated staff out of the neighbour- overflowing.
nario.” pected to crest to the highest lev- hood. A plague of extreme weather
More than a week of violent els on record all the way down to “For levees that are 70 years has upended life in the region,
weather, including downpours Little Rock, Arkansas, Burke said. old, they’re holding well but with more than 300 tornadoes
and deadly tornadoes, has dev- In Tulsa, Oklahoma’s second they’re not designed to hold the touching down in the Midwest in
astated the central United States, largest city, Mayor GT Bynum pressure this long, which is what the last two weeks.
bringing record-breaking floods warned that the city’s 70-year- the fear is at this point,” Chuck Several tornadoes touched
in parts of the two states, turn- old levees were being tested “in Barrineau, the church’s lead pas- down on Tuesday evening in
ing highways into lakes and sub- a way that they have never been tor, told Reuters. Kansas, damaging homes, up-
merging all but the roofs of some before.” He said a colleague was spend- rooting trees and ripping down
homes. “Please prepare for the worst- ing yesterday gathering clean- power lines, according to the
More rain is forecast, and the case scenario that we’ve had in ing supplies and canned goods NWS.
flooding is expected to spread, the history of the city,” he said to distribute to neighbours as Tornadoes also pulverised
according to the National late on Tuesday. needed. buildings in western Ohio, killing
Weather Service (NWS) and local So far, he added, the 32km At least six people have died one person, and injuring scores A TV news crew broadcasts from a destroyed neighbourhood in north Dayton where a powerful tornado
officials. levee system, which protects as a result of the latest round of of others. touched down on Tuesday morning in Dayton, Ohio.
Gulf Times
16 Thursday, May 30, 2019

Spy chief: Lanka
Thai opposition says ‘not too failed to arrest
late’ as pro-army talks falter Easter bomber
pressed new reservations and
Negotiations are going on two
Pheu Thai’s secretary-general
Phumtham Wechayachai.
No one party won a majority
But in order to govern, a ma-
jority in the House of Represent-
atives would be necessary.
has not yet agreed to his party’s
unspecified conditions.
“What we proposed has not
despite warning
months after the election, held in the House of Representatives Palang Pracharat would need been answered,” Varawut said,

hailand’s main opposition nearly five years after the then- in the election, but Palang Pra- to ally with almost all the non- adding, “If we are unable to join AFP co-ordinating various state
Pheu Thai party yester- army chief Prayut Chan-o-cha charat has an advantage under aligned parties to get the 251 the Palang Pracharat coalition Colombo spy operations, said Sri Lan-
day urged other parties seized power from a Pheu Thai junta-written electoral rules seats it needs in the lower house. then we are ready to perform our ka’s main police intelligence
that contested a March election government in 2014, the second that require the 250-seat up- The Democrats - bitter op- legislative duty in parliament.” unit, the State Intelligence

to reject a coalition offer by a military coup in a decade. per house Senate, appointed by ponents of Pheu Thai in the past Palang Pracharat’s leader Ut- ri Lankan authori- Service (SIS), had not taken
pro-army party seeking to keep Pheu Thai, which leads the the junta, to vote along with the - have said that amending the tama Savanayana told report- ties failed to arrest seriously the warnings of an
the ruling junta chief as prime seven-party Democratic Front 500-seat lower house for prime post-coup constitution would ers yesterday that his party was the extremist who led impending assault.
minister. alliance that has accused the minister. be a condition for joining any willing to wait for agreement. the Easter Sunday attacks Ten days prior to the at-
The appeal came as pro- junta of manipulating the elec- That effectively gives Palang Palang Pracharat government, “We are confident that we can that killed 258 people de- tacks, Sri Lanka’s police chief
junta Palang Pracharat’s bid to tion, seized on the two par- Pracharat a 250-seat advan- Democrat spokesman Rames still form a government but at spite mounting evidence Pujith Jayasundara had issued
cement a coalition government ties’ reluctance and urged unity tage in the race to the 376 votes Rattanachaweng said late on this time we are talking about against him, the country’s a warning that Hashim’s Na-
faltered when at least two of against military dominance of - a majority of members of both Tuesday. policies with other political par- top intelligence official said tional Thowheeth Jama’ath
its presumed allies - the pro- government. houses of parliament - it needs And Chart Thai Pattana ties as well as how to best use our yesterday. (NTJ) could target churches
establishment Democrat Party “It is not too late for any par- for its bid to ensure Prayuth member Varawut Silpa-archa personnel. At the end I believe a Sisira Mendis told a parlia- and other places.
and Chart Thai Pattana - ex- ty to change their mind,” said stays on as prime minister. also said that Palang Pracharat deal can be reached.” mentary probe into security But this was not followed
lapses leading to the April 21 up and no security plan was
suicide bombings that the at- put in place as a result of fur-
tacks led by Zahran Hashim ther intelligence received from
Hasina visits Japan could have been avoided if he neighbouring India which had

4 poachers had been detained.

“He was reported for hate
speech. He had come to the
attention of the authori-
ties before the attacks,” said
questioned a jihadist in their
custody, according to official
The government has admit-
ted failure to prevent the at-

shot dead in Mendis, who is the chief of

National Intelligence.
“Police could have at least
detained him for questioning
when there were these reports
tacks that also killed 45 foreign
nationals and wounded nearly
500 people in the worst act of
violence in Sri Lanka since its
civil war ended.

Bangladesh against him.”

Official sources said Hash-
im came to the attention of
the authorities following a
violent clash with a moder-
President Maithripala
Sirisena subsequently sus-
pended Jayasundara and dis-
missed his top defence official.
Sri Lanka is under a state

gunfight ate Muslim group in his vil-

lage in eastern Sri Lanka two
years ago. However he was
not arrested.
The national parliament
of emergency since the at-
tacks, but Sirisena announced
on Monday that he will allow
the tough laws to lapse within
a month because the secu-
AFP which is a Unesco world her- yesterday began investigat- rity situation was “99 percent
Dhaka itage site, is swarming with ing the circumstances that back to normal”.
people accused of murders allowed a known Islamist The mainly Buddhist nation
and abductions as well as group to stage the audacious of 21mn people was about to

our people accused of poaching. attack targeting three Chris- mark a decade since ending a
poaching threatened At least 120 people have Bangladesh’s Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, left, shakes hands with Japan’s Prime Minister tian churches and three luxury 37-year-long Tamil separatist
Bengal tigers were shot been killed in clashes with the Shinzo Abe at the start of their meeting at Abe’s official residence in Tokyo yesterday. hotels. war when the Islamic extrem-
dead by Bangladesh po- RAB since 2004, while anoth- Mendis, who is tasked with ists struck.
lice yesterday during a gun- er 400 have been arrested on
fight in a mangrove forest, the rivers and canals that cross
officials said. the mangrove.
Rapid Action Battalion Some 200 surrendered
(RAB) police challenged armed
men on a boat in the Sun-
darbans, the world’s largest
their weapons to police in
exchange for cash, legal aid
and mobile phones. That
Nepal hikes social security spending in budget Myanmar
mangrove forest, spokesman
Mizanur Rahman said.
The poachers opened fire
led Prime Minister Sheikh
Hasina to last year declare
the campaign against the
bank governor, announced
about 1.3mn people above 70
years of age will now get about
and make them deliver effective
public service,” he said.
The leader of the opposition
Khatiwada announced a 50%
increase in the controversial
“constituency development”
sparking the battle, Rahman outlaws as a success. $30 a month in benefits - a 50% Nepali Congress party, Sher fund, which is meant to be
monk faces
said. Four bodies, guns and Last week, authorities said epal’s finance minister yes- increase in a popular scheme Bahadur Deuba, criticised the spent by members of parlia-
ammunition were found on the tiger population in the terday hiked social security introduced 25 years ago. budget, telling reporters the ment on development activi-
the boat.
The four were identified as
members of a gang accused of
Sundarbans, which also in-
cludes parts of India, has
grown for the first time in two
payments and civil servant
salaries as he presented the annual
budget for the Himalayan repub-
Widows, the disabled and or-
phans will have their monthly
allowances doubled to $20, a
government would struggle to
implement the increases.
Khatiwada said about two-
ties in their areas. Critics say
the funds could be used for
political gains.
poaching in one of the largest decades. lic’s ruling communists. step that will benefit another thirds of the total budget out- Khatiwada made no major
habitats for endangered Ben- A tiger census released The Nepal Communist Party 900,000 people, he said. lay of $13.71bn would be raised tax changes but said agricul- Reuters
gal tigers and Irrawaddy dol- by the forestry department was elected to power with a re- Khatiwada said civil serv- from revenue collection and ture- and export-oriented local Yangon
phins, local RAB official Tajul showed the number of the big sounding majority in 2017 but ants, teachers, army and police foreign grants. The rest will industries would get incentives.
Islam said. cats on the Bangladeshi side of Prime Minister K P Sharma Oli, a personnel will have their basic be met from internal as well No details were given of that.

“These gangs have become the border to have increased to moderate, has been criticised for salaries increased by 18-20%. as external borrowings from The budget set aside money court in Myanmar has is-
a major threat to wildlife con- 114 from 106 four years ago. not fulfilling election promises to The changes begin on July 17, multilateral agencies. for railway connectivity with sued an arrest warrant
servation,” in the mangroves, Numbers had fallen from raise social security allowances. the start of the next fiscal year. Nepal has no commercial neighbours China and India. for a nationalist Buddhist
Islam said. 440 in 2004 to 106 tigers in a Finance Minister Yuba Raj “The salary hike will raise borrowings from international Work on this will begin in two monk, Wirathu, on a charge of
The Sundarbans, much of 2015 census. Khatiwada, a former central the morale of the civil servants agencies, officials say. years, Khatiwada said. sedition, police said yesterday.
Wirathu is known for his rhet-
oric against minorities, particu-
larly the Rohingya community,
Tenzing-Hillary Everest Marathon
Cambodia union
but he has also been critical of
the civilian government of Aung
San Suu Kyi and supportive of
Myanmar’s powerful military.

leaders convicted
Police spokesman Myo Thu
Soe said the arrest warrant had
been issued on Tuesday by the
western district court in Myan-

of leading anti-govt
mar’s main city, Yangon.
He did not give a reason for the
At recent rallies, Wirathu has

protest acquitted
accused the government of cor-
ruption and criticised it for try-
ing to change the constitution
in a way that would reduce the
power of the military.
Reuters cluding speeding up or drop- “This sedition accusation is
Phnom Penh ping any pending court cases bullying him,” Thu Saitta, an ally
against them, following moves of Wirathu, said.
by the European Union to end “We won’t say what we will do

Cambodian court has the EBA. if he is arrested, but it is certain
acquitted six promi- Cambodia’s Appeal Court that we won’t be calm.”
nent union leaders who on Tuesday acquitted the six Wirathu is the most promi-
had been convicted of insti- union leaders, all of whom had nent of the nationalist monks to
gating violent anti-govern- been given suspend jail terms gain growing political weight in
ment protests, amid threats of between eight months and Myanmar since a transition from
from the European Union to four and a half years for lead- military rule began in 2011.
suspend the Southeast Asian ing anti-government pro- The police spokesman said
country’s duty-free trading tests in 2013 and 2014, Touch the warrant had not yet been
access. Tharith, a spokesman for the received by police in the central
Runners participate in the world’s highest marathon - Tenzing-Hillary Everest Marathon - in the foothills of Mount Everest in the Solukhumbu The European Union began Appeal Court, said yesterday. city of Mandalay, where Wirathu
district of Nepal yesterday. More than 224, including 160 foreigners from 30 countries and local runners, took part in the world’s highest a formal procedure last year to Tharith did not give a reason. is based.
marathon to mark the anniversary of the first summit of the peak by Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary on May 29, 1953. strip Cambodia of its “Every- During one protest in 2014, Wirathu was banned by Myan-
thing but Arms (EBA)” initia- military police opened fire on mar’s highest religious authority
tive, following a July general stone-throwing textile work- from preaching for one year un-
election that returned Prime ers who were demanding til early last year because of hate
Minister Hun Sen to power af- higher wages. A human rights speech.
ter 33 years in office and gave group said at least four people He has often targeted Rohingya

Vietnam police bust $170mn gambling ring his party all parliamentary
“This (the acquittal) is
were killed and more than 20
Thon attributed the release
Muslims, more than 700,000 of
whom fled an army crackdown
in Rakhine State in 2017 that UN
strange and rare in Cambodia,” to EU pressure on Hun Sen’s investigators said was carried out
DPA state media reported yesterday. Authorities estimated that Quang Truong, 30, remains at said Ath Thon, the president government. with “genocidal intent”.
Hanoi Police made the arrests on nearly 4trn Vietnamese dong large. of the Coalition of Cambodian “Under pressure from the The law under which Wirathu
Tuesday in Thanh Hoa City, ($170mn) worth of transac- Gambling is only legal for Apparel Workers’ Democratic European Union, the govern- faces possible arrest prohibits
where the suspects allegedly ran tions went through the opera- Vietnamese citizens at a single Union, one of the six leaders ment has solved some cases,” bringing “hatred or contempt”

uthorities in north-central a website allowing players to bet tion, Thanh Hoa police said in a casino on Phu Quoc Island off found not guilty. said Thon. or exciting disaffection towards
Vietnam arrested nine on online games using virtual statement posted on its website the southern coast. Hun Sen last year ordered “But in public, they say the government. It carries a
people for alleged involve- cash purchased from the ring, the late Tuesday. Online betting remains authorities to ease pressure they don’t follow anyone’s prison sentence of up to three
ment in a $170mn gambling ring, Vnexpress news site reported. The alleged ring leader, Tran banned. on labour union leaders, in- demands”. years.
Gulf Times
Thursday, May 30, 2019 17


Papua New Guinea PM resigns, throwing gas deal into doubt

AFP tion as Prime Minister of the in- US-China rivalry. The govern- money would not go to ordinary capacity. “We have always been elite. “O’Neill’s departure has the analyst Readul Islam. “That’s
Port Moresby dependent state of Papua New ment’s purchase last year of 40 Papua New Guineans, local firms known for the wrong reasons,” potential for a wholesale shift in happening regardless of the situ-
Guinea, effective immediately” Maseratis to ferry foreign dig- or the regions. A similar deal in O’Neill said. A parliamentary the policy direction taken by PNG’s ation with the PNG prime min-
read the letter that was obtained nitaries around Port Moresby’s the last decade has failed to bring vote on a new prime minister is government,” said Jonathan Ritchie ister,” said Islam, warning that

apua New Guinea’s embat- by AFP. few fully paved roads during an wealth to a country where only expected to take place as soon as of Melbourne’s Deakin University. any delay to the project could be
tled prime minister stepped O’Neill said he had decided APEC summit became emblem- 13% of citizens have regular ac- today morning. “But the suspicion of at least some damaging. Papua New Guinea “is
down yesterday, capping a to step down “in the interests atic of his tenure. But the break- cess to electricity. O’Neill had The fractured opposition had informed Papua New Guinean ob- in competition with other LNG-
months-long political crisis and of ongoing political stability in ing point appeared to have been a earlier promised to resign, but rallied around National Alliance servers is that it will result only in producing countries and projects
calling a multi-billion-dollar our country” citing the need for recent $13bn deal with Total and subsequently took court action in Party leader Patrick Pruaitch as the rearranging of the deck chairs,” in trying to capture a possible un-
French and US-backed gas deal “economic confidence and social ExxonMobil to extract, pipe and a bid to cling to power, prompting their alternative prime minister. he wrote ahead of O’Neill’s depar- dersupply of LNG developing in
into question. unity.” ship liquefied natural gas (LNG) physical confrontations in parlia- But it remains to be seen if that ture. the mid-2020s,” he told AFP.
Facing a string of cabinet res- For eight years O’Neill had led overseas. ment. deal will hold, with opposition Whoever takes power is likely “I think all the project partici-
ignations and a vote of no con- the rugged and ethnically diverse The deal angered powerful But yesterday O’Neill finally leaders set to meet later today to to look again at how benefits are pants are aware that this is a race
fidence he looked sure to lose, nation, which is home to over regional and tribal leaders, who resigned. In a valedictory speech, try and reach consensus. distributed from an LNG project and the ones that can deliver the
veteran leader Peter O’Neill told 800 languages. But he had been suggested they were not getting a he touted his achievements in of- Experts said O’Neill’s departure that would almost double Papua project quicker and lowest cost
parliament he had handed his let- heavily criticised for endemic fair share. Finance minister James fice, including hosting the 2018 could see an end to big-ticket in- New Guinea’s gas exports. “The will benefit and delay will add to
ter of resignation to the country’s corruption and chronic underde- Marape – from the Hela province APEC summit, a vast under- frastructure projects that many be- sticking point has been the ben- the cost and decrease the com-
governor general. velopment, in a country that has in the highlands – was the first taking for a developing country lieve have benefited only Port Mo- efit-sharing agreement with local petitiveness of the PNG LNG ex-
“I hereby tender my resigna- increasingly become a venue for to resign in protest, saying the with limited central government resby and the country’s connected landowners,” said Rystad Energy ports.”

Japanese police
search home of
stabbing attacker girl Hanako Kuribayashi and a concerns about Iwasaki. They the attack, Japan’s government
Tokyo 39-year-old parent identified as told local officials that he had not said it would review measures to
government official Satoshi Oya- held a job for a long time and had ensure the safety of children trav-
ma, a Myanmar specialist. “hikikomori tendencies,” using a elling to and from school.

apanese police yesterday Seventeen more people, mainly term in Japanese for people who Japan has one of the lowest
searched the home of the man young children, were injured, ac- shut themselves off from the out- rates of violent crime in the de-
behind a stabbing rampage in cording to authorities. Iwasaki side world, often for years. veloped world, and it is common
the town of Kawasaki a day earlier crept up silently behind pupils of But his relatives subsequently for even young children to take People pay their respects next to flower tributes at the crime scene where a man stabbed 19 people, including
that killed two people, including a the Caritas school as they waited told the city to hold off contact- public transport alone to and from children, in Kawasaki, yesterday.
child. for a bus and began slashing ran- ing Iwasaki, officials said. Neigh- school. “The whole government
The 51-year-old attacker, iden- domly at them with knives held in bours said they had little interac- will work in unison to ensure the
tified by police as Ryuichi Iwasaki, both hands before fatally stabbing tion with the middle-aged man. children’s safety,” government Father held in Japan for using stun gun to discipline children
died after stabbing himself after himself in the neck. A female neighbour told Kyodo spokesman Yoshihide Suga told
the rampage, and his motives for Local media, citing police news agency that Iwasaki had said reporters after a ministerial meet- A Japanese man was arrested visible injuries on the girls, the children by their parents, paving
the horrifying assault remain un- sources, said yesterday that the good morning to her 40 minutes ing on the issue. yesterday for using a stun gun police official said. A series of the way for passage of a revised
clear. Yesterday police searched attack took less than 20 seconds before carrying out the attack, The attack shocked Japan, to discipline his three children, high-profile child abuse cases in law during the current session.
his home, not far from the scene to unfold and that two additional an interaction she described as where violent crime is vanishingly police said, the latest in a series recent years has shaken Japan, More than 50 countries —
of the morning attack, seizing un- knives were discovered inside the unusual. The news agency said rare, in part because of strict reg- of child-abuse cases that have including the death last year of mostly in Europe — have laws
specified material, public broad- attacker’s backpack, which he had Iwasaki was believed to have ulations on gun ownership. Yes- prompted legislators to seek a a five-year-old girl, Yua Funato, prohibiting corporal punishment
caster NHK reported. left at a nearby convenience store. gone to local schools as a child, terday morning, people were still ban on corporal punishment. whose father beat and starved of children in the home, which
Local media said Iwasaki was Limited details emerged late but there was no confirmation. arriving at the scene of the attack The 45-year-old man in the her in the name of discipline. some researchers say is an inef-
living with relatives in their 80s, yesterday about the attacker, al- A man who identified himself as to lay flowers and other tributes southern city of Kitakyushu told Prime Minister Shinzo Abe fective form of discipline.
but gave no further details. His though his motive remained un- having taught Iwasaki in junior to those killed. Mourners in Japan police he used a stun gun on his said at the time her death was Japan would be the third coun-
occupation was unknown. Police clear. NHK, citing local officials, high school — when the suspect sometimes bring drinks or food two daughters, aged 17 and 13, “soul-crushing” and he promised try in Asia to institute such a
had no comment on the investi- said the suspect had been living was around 14 — told NHK he was that the deceased enjoyed to their and 11-year-old son “when they steps to prevent more deaths. ban after Mongolia in 2016 and
gation and declined to offer any with his uncle and aunt and that “not the kind of child who stands gravesites, and bottles of soda and didn’t follow the rules”, a police Legislators in the powerful lower Nepal two years later. The child
further details about the attacker. they and other relatives had con- out”. “He and his friends would juice could be seen at the scene of official told Reuters. house of parliament on Tuesday abuse case is the latest incident
The rampage in the town south of sulted with Kawasaki city offi- shove each other playfully, but he the attack. The boy suffered a minor burn unanimously approved a plan involving children that has
Tokyo on Tuesday morning killed cials 14 times between November didn’t attack anyone violently,” The school will be closed for on his arm and there were no to ban corporal punishment of shocked Japan.
two people — 11-year-old school- 2017 and January 2019 over their the teacher said. In the wake of the rest of the week.

Ardern mural in Melbourne

NZ Treasury website Australia
attacked 2,000 times pilots hit
ing investigated by police. The
opposition National Party on
by lasers
Tuesday revealed what it said
were details from the budget, in South
ew Zealand’s Treasury using them to attack the plan
chief said yesterday
that the Treasury web-
site was attacked 2,000 times
and deriding it as “all spin
and no substance” — a move
National Party leader Simon
China Sea
in two days by hackers seeking Bridges furiously defended
access to budget details, a day yesterday. AFP
after the country’s opposi- “You read my lips: The Na- Sydney
tion party leaked details of the tional Party has acted entirely
economic plan. “We identified appropriately,” Bridges told

multiple and persistent at- reporters in Wellington. “We ustralia’s military has
tempts to gain unauthorised have done nothing illegal. confirmed that Navy
access to our systems, and There has been no hacking to pilots were targeted
specifically budget related in- obtain the information we’ve with lasers during flights in
formation,” Treasury Secretary obtained.” the hotly contested South
Gabriel Makhlouf told Radio Bridges had said on Tuesday China Sea, with informal
New Zealand. that the budget would see rises Chinese militia vessels be-
He did not say where those in defence, forestry and inter- lieved to be behind the at-
attacks came from, but said national aid spending, which tacks.
they were deliberate and oc- he said fell outside the “well- Beijing has become more
curred “not once, not twice but being” initiatives Ardern had assertive in the area, stoking
in fact over 2000 times.” indicated she would focus on in tensions with rival claimants
The leak of the budget in- the plan. A mural of New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern is seen on a silo in the suburb of Brunswick in Melbourne, Australia. in Southeast Asia as well as
formation has sparked a furore Finance Minister Grant Canberra and Washington —
around the much-anticipated Robertson has said some of traditionally the dominant
budget — due today — that Bridges’ details were incorrect, naval and air power in the
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern without specifying which ones, Asia-Pacific region.
has promised would overhaul and that he had asked the Na- The Australian Defence

Aussie teen who ‘egged’ senator

the approach to the nation’s tional Party to stop releasing Force said “assets operating
accounts. The attacks are be- details ahead of time. across the region have ob-
served an increase in the use
of hand-held lasers by some
New Zealand teachers go on
donates to Christchurch victims
vessels”. In this specific in-
cident, helicopter pilots fly-
‘mega strike’ for more pay ing from the HMAS Canberra
were marked with lasers as
Close to 50,000 New Zealand primary, intermediate and secondary they took part in the months-
school teachers went on a day-long “mega strike” yesterday, in the AFP William Connolly, nicknamed Two GoFundMe pages set up to has today been transferred to long Indo-Pacific Endeavour
country’s largest-ever industrial action. More than half of the county’s Sydney “Eggboy”, made international raise money to cover Connol- the Christchurch Foundation 2019 exercise.
schools were closed as teachers demanded higher pay and better headlines when he cracked an egg ly’s legal fees and to “buy more and Victims Support,” he said, “With regards to the in-
work conditions. “Chronic underfunding of education over the last over controversial then-senator eggs” quickly attracted thou- adding that he didn’t need the cident mentioned ... the

decade has left teachers underpaid and overworked, which means n Australian teen who Fraser Anning’s head at a press sands of dollars in donations. money as a law firm acted pro Royal Australian Navy pi-
more teachers than ever are leaving the profession,” strike organisers egged a far-right sena- conference after the massacre of Connolly wrote on Instagram bono for him. lots involved were examined
said. Members of the two teachers unions, the Educational Institute tor over his offensive 51 Muslim worshippers. late Tuesday that he had “decid- “To the victims of the Trag- as a precautionary measure
and the Post Primary Teachers Association, held more than 50 rallies comments about the Christch- Anning, who has since lost his ed to donate all monies to help edy, I whole heartedly hope that and cleared of any injury by
and marches throughout New Zealand, including a march on Parlia- urch mosque attacks says he seat in Australia’s parliament, provide some relief to the vic- this can bring some relief to you. medical staff.” La Trobe Asia
ment in Wellington. Talks with the government have stalled since has donated almost A$100,000 triggered outrage by claiming tims of the massacre... it wasn’t Keep spreading the love.” director Euan Graham was
starting over a year ago. It is the third time primary school teachers (US$69,000) raised for his le- the attack in neighbouring New mine to keep”. Connolly in April was let off an academics invited on the
have gone on strike since the Labour government came to power in gal defence to the victims of the Zealand was the result of Mus- “Finally!!! After a huge with a police caution for the in- HMAS Canberra as it moved
2017 and the first time secondary teachers have joined them. shootings. lim immigration to the country. amount of red tape, $99,922.36 cident. from Vietnam to Singapore.
Gulf Times
18 Thursday, May 30, 2019


Campbell’s expulsion is spiteful, stresses Watson

Guardian News and Media after polls had closed that he had also voted LibDem and said it was ing the NEC a message that our cision. He said he would appeal Alastair had voted Liberal Dem- ‘supporting another political
London voted Liberal Democrat. “time for us all to declare: ‘I am position lacked clarity, and they against the expulsion and warned ocrat in the European election party’?” he told BBC Radio 4’s
The expulsion of Campbell led Spartacus.’” were right. Labour faced electoral oblivion until I heard him say so on tel- Today programme.
to a torrent of admissions from Watson said members who had “It is spiteful to resort to ex- unless it clarified its position. evision on Sunday evening. His “If it was an offence under

abour’s deputy leader, senior Labour figures that they voted elsewhere to send a mes- pulsions when the NEC should He tweeted: “Among many, expulsion from Labour party the rules, then I suspect thou-
Tom Watson, has said the had also voted for other parties sage to Labour had been right be listening to members. The many messages of support have membership is a disgrace and sands, maybe tens of thousands,
decision to expel Alastair in protest at the party’s position about the party’s lack of clarity politics of intolerance holds no been some from Corbyn’s of- only compounds Labour’s cur- of members of the Labour party
Campbell for voting LibDem was on Brexit and the hashtag .Expel- on the issue of a second refer- future for the Labour party. A fice, shadow cabinet, MPs, rent political difficulties.” at the European elections broke
spiteful and members who voted MeToo was briefly trending on endum, compared with parties broad church party requires plu- union leaders and party staff The former lord chancellor the rules and that’s not a tenable
for other parties in the European Twitter. such as the Greens, LibDems and ralism and tolerance to survive. including one telling me there and Labour peer Lord Falconer position.”
elections should be given an am- The former Labour home the SNP. There should be an amnesty for is a mountain of e-mails from said it remained unclear whether Falconer, who said he had
nesty. secretary and party chairman “It is very clear that many members who voted a different members who responded to the rules had been followed cor- voted Labour and did not back a
In a rebuke to Labour’s HQ, Charles Clarke said he had also thousands of Labour party mem- way last week. We should be lis- mobilisation e-mail by saying rectly. second referendum, said the de-
Watson said members who voted voted Liberal Democrat in the bers voted for other parties last tening to members rather than no to campaigning and not vot- “I don’t think they have. The cision to swiftly expel Campbell
for other parties should be lis- election, while the ex-defence week,” he said. “They were dis- punishing them.” ing Labour.” In a statement of rules say you’re not allowed to was “bound to have been taken
tened to rather than punished. secretary Bob Ainsworth said he appointed with the position on On Tuesday night Campbell support for Campbell, Clarke support another political party; high up the chain” and said it
Campbell, Tony Blair’s former voted Green. Brexit that a small number of said members of Jeremy Corbyn’s said he had been a member does voting for another politi- would send a message about
spin doctor and a leading advo- Fiona Mactaggart, a former people on the NEC inserted into staff were among those who sent for 47 years but had also voted cal party and only saying you’ve what the disciplinary process
cate for a people’s vote, admitted Labour minister, admitted she our manifesto. They were send- messages of support for his de- LibDem. “I was not aware that done it after the event involve would prioritise.

sets out
rules on
Johnson to
face court
over alleged

cotland’s pro-independ-
ence government has set
out new rules on refer-
endums in the hope of holding

Brexit lies
another secession vote in the
second half of 2020 if Britain’s
parliament gives the go-ahead.
A bill presented to the de-
volved Scottish parliament yes-
terday aims to give clear ground
rules that are legally watertight
for any referendum vote. Guardian News and Media issue the summons as requested he said. “The application rep-
In 2014, Scots rejected leaving London for the three offences as drafted. resents an attempt, for the first
their 300-year-old union with The charges are indictable only. time in English legal history,
England and Wales by 55% to “This means the proposed de- to employ the criminal law to

45%. Polls say support for inde- oris Johnson has been fendant will be required to attend regulate the content and quality
pendence has grown since, but summoned to court to face this court for a preliminary hear- of political debate. That is self-
a majority still back the current accusations of misconduct ing, and the case will then be sent evidently not the function of the
UK political structure. in public office over comments to the crown court for trial. The criminal law.”
Results from last week’s Eu- made in the run-up to the EU charges can only be dealt with in However, in her ruling yes-
ropean election, in which Nicola referendum. the crown court.” terday, the judge said she was
Sturgeon’s pro-EU Scottish Na- The ruling follows a crowd- The next hearing at Westmin- satisfied there was a prima facie
tional Party (SNP) increased its funded move to launch a private ster magistrates court is expected case for the allegation that there
share of the vote to take three of prosecution of the MP, who is the to take place in three or four weeks had been an abuse of the public’s
six EU parliament seats assigned frontrunner in the Tory leader- and will be purely administrative, trust in a holder of office.
to Scotland, appear to have ship contest. but Johnson will have to attend. She referred to statements pro-
strengthened Sturgeon’s hand Johnson lied and engaged in He and his legal team will be asked vided by Ball’s team from mem-
and show the antipathy to Brexit criminal conduct when he repeat- if he intends to contest the case. bers of the public that addressed
north of the English border. edly claimed during the 2016 EU It would then be sent to a the impact that “the apparent
Sturgeon’s government wants referendum campaign that the crown court, probably South- lie” had had on them. She also
to give visibility and purpose to the UK sent £350mn a week to Brus- wark, where it would be listed cited the contention by Power that
discontent in Scotland over Brit- sels, lawyers for a 29-year-old for a preliminary hearing. At this “there will seldom be a more seri-
ain’s exit from the European Union. campaigner, who launched the point, Johnson’s team would be ous misconduct allegation against
That puts extra pressure on a UK prosecution bid, told Westminster expected to seek to have the case a member of parliament or mayor
government and parliament riven magistrates court last week.| dismissed. than to lie repeatedly to the voting
by political acrimony and unable to A legal team assembled by A full trial, which would take public on a national and interna-
decide the shape of Brexit. Marcus Ball, who has accused place in front of a jury, would not tional platform, in order to win
“Just published a bill to set the the former foreign secretary of be expected to take place for an- your desired outcome”.
rules for an independence refer- misconduct in public office and other six months, by which time A central plank of the case put
endum — to allow the Scottish raised more than £200,000 to Johnson could be prime minister. forward by Ball’s team was that
people to choose our own future finance the prosecution, laid out The offence of misconduct in Johnson, as an MP and previ-
rather than having a Brexit future their case in front of the district public office carries a maximum ous mayor of London, “lied and
imposed on us,” Sturgeon tweeted. judge, Margot Coleman. sentence of life imprisonment, misled” the public about the cost
The bill prepares for a seces- The case concerned the “now according to the Crown Prosecu- of EU membership and used the
sion vote which the UK govern- infamous claim” by Johnson tion Service website. “platforms and opportunities
ment says it will not allow. about the £350mn, according to Acting for Johnson, Adrian offered to him by virtue of his
That position is untenable, Lewis Power QC, who said the Darbishire QC, told the court public office”.
Sturgeon argues. case was not about preventing or last week that the application by Coleman’s ruling noted that, as
“It is essential the UK govern- delaying Brexit. Ball had been brought for politi- mayor, Johnson signed off several
ment recognises that it would be Coleman ruled yesterday: cal purposes and was a “political letters in that capacity when ex-
a democratic outrage if it seeks “The allegations which have stunt”. pressing his views on Brexit. His
to block such a referendum — in- been made are unproven accusa- “Its true purpose is not that then chief of staff, Edward Lister,
deed, any such stance would, in tions and I do not make any find- it should succeed, but that it was also said to have informed the
my view, prove to be utterly un- First Minister of Scotland and Scottish National Party (SNP) leader, Nicola Sturgeon, meets members of the ings of fact. Having considered should be made at all. And made mayor’s staff that it was “official
sustainable,” she said in a state- 6VT Edinburgh City Youth Cafe in Edinburgh yesterday, as she promotes the Referendums (Scotland) Bill and all the relevant factors I am sat- with as much public fanfare as mayoral policy” to support the
ment. young voter engagement. isfied that this is a proper case to the prosecution can engender,” case for leaving the EU.

Bercow should not remain John Cleese’s London

tweet sparks anger
as speaker, demands Miller Guardian News and Media “I find it hypocritical that
London someone who is actually liv-
Guardian News and Media “The Cox report specifically on that matter … I would do so to ing abroad feels the need to
London includes the Speaker in that rec- parliament first.” make a point like this,” she

ommendation, the most senior Bercow also told Conserva- he Fawlty Towers ac- said. “Why do some British
person in the House of Com- tive leadership candidates that tor John Cleese has been people not see themselves as

ohn Bercow should not be mons. No MP should stand by they would not be able to push criticised for repeating his immigrants if they’ve moved
allowed to stay on longer as and allow the Speaker to contin- through a no-deal Brexit without 2011 claim that London was no elsewhere?
speaker in light of last year’s ue in his post.” MPs’ approval. The idea parlia- longer an English city. “We see cases of British people
damning report about sexist bul- Cox’s inquiry suggested that ment could be sidelined was “for Cleese, 79, tweeted his friends referring to themselves as expats,
lying in parliament, Maria Mill- senior house staff, including Ber- the birds”, he said. abroad agreed with his observa- detaching themselves from the
er, the chair of the women and cow, would not command the He insisted that he maintained tion, adding: “So there must be term immigrant.”
equalities committee, has said. confidence to pursue necessary strict impartiality and simply some truth in it.” Kuba Jabłonowski, a social
Miller said MPs should take a changes to the system for dealing stood up for MPs’ rights, but his The comedian described Lon- science researcher based in
stand against Bercow, after he in- with harassment and bullying. statement infuriated Brexit sup- don, where 59.9% voted in favour Bristol, said he was shocked
dicated he wanted to stay in the Bercow told friends and other porters who view him as biased of remaining in the EU, as “the when he saw the tweet. “He
chair until Brexit was resolved, MPs he was planning to depart in against the UK’s departure from UK city that voted most strongly claims to care deeply about
contrary to previous expectations summer 2019, but gave no public the EU. to remain in the EU”. Britain and its cities, but seems
that he would leave the post soon. confirmation and then changed James Duddridge, a Conserva- Last year, the Monty Python to know very little about them,”
Bercow faced calls to step his mind after the UK failed to tive MP who previously tried to comic announced he was moving he said.
down after last October’s re- leave the EU in March. raise support for a no-confidence to the Caribbean because he was Jabłonowski added there
port by Dame Laura Cox, but He told the Guardian: “I’ve motion in the Speaker, said: disappointed with Britain. were other UK cities, includ-
the pressure ebbed away after never said anything about going “Bercow does not want to resolve Tanja Bueltmann, a professor of ing Edinburgh, Bristol, Man-
friends privately suggested he in July of this year. Secondly, I do Brexit. He wants to block it. He history at Northumbria Univer- chester and Glasgow, that
was planning to step aside in July. feel that now is a time in which wants to veto the referendum sity and an EU rights campaigner, voted to remain in even bigger
“The Cox report was clear that momentous events are taking result and will abuse the role of said Cleese’s comments were de- numbers. “If he doesn’t know
the House of Commons needs a place and there are great issues Speaker to advance his cause. He signed to stir up emotions around that, then why is he com-
wholesale change in leadership to be resolved and, in those cir- is even trying to comment on the the current debate on Brexit, but menting on it? When I say
to address an unacceptable cul- cumstances, it doesn’t seem to leadership campaign. Pompous, argued it pointed to a much larger things on Twitter, 700 people
ture of bullying and harassment,” me sensible to vacate the chair. If egocentric, undemocratic and issue of how British people talked read it, but when he does, mil-
Miller said. I had any intention to announce dishonourable.” John Cleese: criticised about immigration. lions read it.”
Gulf Times
Thursday, May 30, 2019 19


Labelling of child asylum seekers as adults ‘leading to abuse’

Guardian News and Media as adults, puts further pressure on dren wrongly assessed as adults works with this group of chil- in by adults. I was forced to sleep ing and doctors’ appointments Child asylum seekers receive
London the Home Office after a court of through the courts many times. dren. Between July and Sep- on the floor in the same room as by themselves more support than adults and
appeal ruling last week found the She said that of 67 people the tember last year they dealt with the adult. I was under constant  They sometimes cried cannot be forcibly removed from
department’s assessment policy unit had worked with since July 92 new cases of young people threat from this adult. He would themselves to sleep the UK until they have turned

hild asylum seekers are to determine the age of young asy- 2017 more than half – 36 – had assessed as adults. Of these, 41 grab me by the neck and push me Unaccompanied child asy- 18. However, there are cost im-
suffering abuse due to the lum seekers was unlawful. been age disputed. Of these cas- have been found to be children around all the time.” lum seekers often arrive in the UK plications for local authorities
Home Office and local au- The Home Office has been or- es, 93% have been successfully with 45 cases still ongoing. Other children reported: without identification documents. and both the Home Office and
thorities wrongly classifying them dered to scrap the policy and de- challenged, the majority using Gibbons warned: “This is  Being particularly scared at There is no foolproof scientific test some local authorities have been
as adults, the Guardian has learnt. vise a new one. legal action. Research by the unit a safeguarding disaster in the night when forced to sleep alone to determine the age of a child or accused of “exporting’” these
Evidence of children being Laura Gibbons, a solicitor at found that one 14-year-old child making.” One child who was ac-  Being denied education young person. Best practice is for children to the north of England
physically attacked, neglected or Greater Manchester Immigration was wrongly assessed as 22. commodated with adults said: “I  They were unable to manage professionals to carry out an age having assessed them as adults
abandoned when wrongly treated Aid Unit, has challenged chil- The Refugee Council also was bullied and my bed was slept things such as shopping, cook- assessment over a period of time. simply by looking at them.

Queen’s medal for poet laureate

Police cuts could
see increase in
miscarriages of
justice: expert
Guardian News and Media was employed by the Home Of-
London fice, she said. “How proud we
were to be in the Home Office and
not employed by the police – but

usterity cuts in the police that is not the case any longer.”
force could lead to an in- She said another “direct result
crease in miscarriages of of austerity” was that testing has
justice, a leading forensic scien- become “commoditised”, mean-
tist has warned, as constraints ing police asked scientists to per-
on funding lead to in-house fo- form fewer and more particular
rensic teams performing more tests. “The narrower your focus
selective tests. in forensic science, the more likely
Speaking at the Hay festival, you are to introduce a self-fulfill-
Angela Gallop, who worked on ing prophecy. If you only test for
cases including Stephen Law- certain things, you will only find
rence, the Cardiff Three, the certain things. The dangers are
Yorkshire Ripper and James absolutely there, however good
Bulger, said she feared there you are. It is a serious concern.”
could be a rise due to cognitive On the cases she felt she could
bias in the police force, as they have contributed to, Gallop said Queen Elizabeth presents Simon Armitage with The Queen’s Gold Medal for Poetry upon his appointment as poet laureate during an audience at Buckingham
were both investigating crimi- she felt the parents of Madeleine Palace in London yesterday.
nals and performing forensic McCann had been “badly served
tests themselves, instead of em- by forensic science, partly be-
ploying third parties. cause some of it was done in a
“I have got huge admiration for country that has got a little less
the police. Obviously there are structure than we have. But a
some not so good officers among little was done in this country,
them but, by and large, I think
they do a difficult job really well.
Quite a lot of my career has been
supporting the police,” she said.
“But they have been under the
cosh with cuts and austerity, be-
a very sensitive DNA technique
was used, and I think it was
over-interpreted. And I think
that added to the problems.”
She also said she was “not at all
happy” about the conviction of
More skilled workers from
cause forensic science is a very
small part of their budget but a
very large part of their external
spend … it sticks out like a sore
thumb. So when they’re think-
ing about cutting things, an easy
Brian Parsons, a Devon man who
was found guilty of murdering
Ivy Batten, 84, in 1987 after fibres
from a hammer and gloves used
in the crime were found in his
car and coat. Parsons’ attempted
abroad needed, govt told
thing to cut is their forensic sci- to appeal his conviction several Guardian News and Media terday, the committee said its system. Together these factors jority of requests from employ- and exemption from the resident
ence budget. To try and make up times but it was upheld in 1999. London recommendations would mean lead to a high level of employer ers relating to artists were with- labour market test (RLMT).
for that, they’ve brought more of He served 15 years of a life sen- putting about 2.5mn workers, concern.” in animation, visual effects, The cap on skilled worker
the work in-house.” tence and was released in 2003. or 9% of the total workforce, The review said Brexit uncer- sound effects and the computer numbers operates on an annual

Gallop estimated that 80% of “Interestingly enough, one of he list of occupations on the list, whereas the cur- tainty and the resulting reduc- gaming industry. quota of 20,700, with a fixed
forensic science has now been the lawyers involved, who later eligible for the UK’s rent figure was fewer than 1%. It tion in EU migration was one Jane Gratton, the head of number of spaces available each
taken in-house. became a judge, has said in re- non-European skilled said the expansion would come of the two main factors cited people policy at the British month. The MAC review was
“I worry about cognitive bias,” cent times that the one case he work visas should be expanded mainly from the inclusion of by employers, the other being Chambers of Commerce, said: commissioned by the Home
she said, citing research by Lon- worries about is the Parsons “as soon as possible”, with the more health and IT jobs. growing demand. “Expanding the shortage occu- Secretary, Sajid Javid, in April
don University that found foren- case. And the police force who uncertainty caused by Brexit a Prof Alan Manning, the chair It recommended lifting re- pation list will help businesses last year after the cap was hit.
sic scientists were more likely to did an investigation of the origi- major consideration, govern- of the committee, said: “The strictions, such as those relat- access the skills they need when Being employed in a profes-
find the results they were looking nal police investigation, I know ment advisers have said. labour market is very differ- ing to seniority or speciality, they can’t recruit locally. But sion on the SOL also grants
for if they went in expecting it. “I the chap who lead that, and he The migration advisory com- ent now from the last SOL re- from a number of occupations the ending of free movement exemption from the £35,000
can’t imagine an organisation of says he’s very worried about it mittee (MAC) said psycholo- view in 2013. Unemployment is on the list, including medical will present significant costs minimum income threshold
people, however good they are, because they could never pin it gists, occupational therapists, lower, vacancies higher and free practitioners, social workers, and challenges for employers.” and incurs lower visa fees.
can at the same time hunt down down. vets, archaeologists and web movement no longer providing artists and a number of differ- There are currently 34 occu- The MAC said the govern-
criminals and also produce im- “So if you get a judge and a po- designers were among the pro- the ready supply of workers it ent categories of engineering, pations with 143 job titles on the ment had accepted its recom-
partial independent scientific lice officer and a forensic scien- fessions that should be added to once did for some employers. In “as there is sufficient and over- list. The main benefits it confers mendations to abolish the cap
evidence. I worry about that.” tist saying we think something the official shortage occupation addition, there is considerable whelming evidence of a UK- are priority in the event of the cap on tier-two visas and the RLMT
When she started working in is wrong with a case, then that is list (SOL). uncertainty surrounding Brexit wide shortage”. being reached for tier-two work but that this was unlikely to
forensic science in the 70s, she very worrying.” In a review published yes- and the future immigration The committee said the ma- visas issued by the Home Office happen until 2021 at the earliest.

Gearing up
Artist avoids jail term British expat’s death
not homicide: police
for stalking model Guardian News and Media
A Royal Bahamas police
force spokeswoman told the
BBC a postmortem examina-
Daily Mail ist, became famous in the 1970s shaw spotted Mitchell close to tion had been completed but

London for his large public murals. He a park, walked over to her and he investigation into the results have yet to be made
appeared in numerous inter- said: “I adore you.” the death of a British public.
views on BBC TV and radio, and Three days later he cornered expatriate whose body Lea, who has an 11-year-old

renowned artist who counted Bob Monkhouse and her mother Marjorie, 74, while was found in the Bahamas son, is thought to have moved
stalked a model for 12 George Best among his fans. she was shopping. Mitchell told with serious head injuries is to the Bahamas to try turn his
years after painting her Kershaw first met Mitchell the court: “The incident at the “not being treated as a homi- life around.
has been banned from going near in 2006 when she asked him to park left me very concerned for cide”, according to Caribbean Friends and family paid trib-
her ever again. paint her. They went on to have a mine and my mother’s safety. police. ute to Lea, who had reportedly
Walter Kershaw, 78, and Cath- relationship despite the 30-year I don’t know what he might do The body of Dannie Lea, 29, been working as a personal
erine Mitchell, 48, were in a rela- age gap, and he painted three or what he is capable of. He has a personal trainer from Stoke- trainer and an oil engineer on
tionship for a year after she posed portraits of her. But when she no regard for the conditions of on-Trent who had served a the Caribbean island.
for him in 2006 – but when she broke up with him a year later, his restraining order and I just prison term in the UK for deal- Lea’s ex-partner, who
broke it off he became obsessed Kershaw began following her want him to leave me alone.” Her ing cocaine, was found on a wished to remain anonymous,
and refused to accept it was over. around her local supermarket, mother added: “I was shocked. lawn in Eastern New Provi- told MailOnline: “Dannie was
He embarked on a “preda- driving past her home and turn- It’s predatory behaviour.” dence, Nassau, on May 19. a kind and gentle-natured man
tory” stalking campaign and was ing up at her mother’s house. He In previous police interviews Police have not confirmed with a young son and large fam-
eventually jailed two years ago also put an oil portrait of Mitch- Kershaw said he was “smitten” the cause of death but local ily.” A Foreign and Common-
after breaching a restraining order ell in the window of his art gal- with Mitchell and described her media reported that he had wealth Office spokeswoman
multiple times. However, the pen- lery in Littleborough, near Ro- as a “very beautiful woman”. suffered serious head injuries. said: “Our staff are supporting
sioner has now been hauled back chdale, where they both live. Richard Birtwhistle, defend- He was barefoot and dressed the family of a British man fol-
to Manchester Magistrates’ Court Police first ordered Kershaw to ing, claimed he had bumped into only in his underwear when he lowing his death in the Baha-
after he began hounding the mod- keep away from Mitchell in 2009, Mitchell by ‘chance’. was found by a security guard mas, and are in contact with
el again on Christmas Eve, telling and a restraining order was made But sentencing Kershaw to in the yard of a home in a gated the Bahamian authorities. Our
her he still “adored” her. in 2013. He was also banned from 20 weeks in jail, suspended for community, according to local thoughts are with them at this
He narrowly escaped jail after displaying any image of Mitchell. a year, district judge Alexandra newspapers. difficult time.” Staffordshire
admitting breaching the order But he repeatedly continued to Simmonds told him: “This isn’t Danny Buckley places a US flag on an electricity pole to Caribbean police said they Police said: “This incident is
again but was banned from con- harass her and in 2017, after he the first time you have breached festoon the streets of Doonbeg village ahead of a visit were investigating the circum- being dealt with by the Foreign
tacting Mitchell for life. approached her in a supermarket, the order – it is the fourth, fifth by US President Donald Trump to his golf course in the stances surrounding his death and Commonwealth Office and
Kershaw, who has been was jailed for 26 weeks. and sixth time you have breached County Clare village of Doonbeg, Ireland. but that it was “not being no referrals have been made to
dubbed Britain’s first street art- Then, on Christmas Eve, Ker- the order.” treated as a homicide”. Staffordshire police.”
Gulf Times
20 Thursday, May 30, 2019

Rights body slams
Merkel government France’s treatment
of militants’ children

vows climate action


rance must stop the
“inhumane treatment”
of children of religious
But France is reluctant to
bring back foreign fighters or
their families after suffering
a wave of deadly religious ex-
tremist attacks that have killed
more than 250 people since
Berlin extremists stranded in Syria It has said it would consider
who are not being allowed to requests for their return, but
come to the country, its rights only on a case-by-case basis.

hancellor Angela Merkel’s ombudsman said yesterday, Since March it has repatri-
government has pledged warning that Paris was flout- ated five orphans and a three-
a new climate strategy ing its UN obligations. year-old girl whose mother
by September as it scrambles to The statement by France’s was sentenced to life in prison
tackle what has become Germa- Human Rights Defender in Iraq.
ny’s hottest political issue. Jacques Toubon came as con- In April, France’s State
Merkel’s coalition took heavy troversy intensifies over the Council, which rules on the
losses in Sunday’s European Par- reluctance of French authori- constitutionality of policies
liament elections at the hands of ties to take in the children of and laws, rejected several re-
the ascendant Greens in what is French citizens affiliated with quests to intervene, saying it
seen as an indictment of Berlin’s Islamic State (IS) extremists in was a French diplomatic mat-
plodding progress on tackling Syria and Iraq. ter outside the council’s juris-
global warming. “The French state needs to diction.
Young voters in particular – adopt effective measures al- “Finally, a national author-
energised by the “Fridays for lowing the halt to the inhu- ity has condemned France and
Future” school strikes, anti-coal mane and degrading treatment urged it to respect its inter-
protests and a passionate cam- of children and their mothers national and European obli-
paign from leading YouTube and put an end to the viola- gations,” said lawyer Marie
stars – abandoned the main- tions of the rights of the child,” Dose, who represents several
stream Christian Democratic Toubon said. of the affected families, after
Union (CDU)/Christian Social He alleged violations of the Toubon’s statement.
Union (CSU) and Social Demo- UN Convention on the Rights Lawyers William Bour-
crats (SPD) in droves. of the Child, to which France is don and Vincent Brengarth,
Environmental groups de- a signatory. who represented families who
mand that Germany fast-for- The human rights defender sought the opinion, welcomed
ward its phasing out of dirty coal, leads an independent state the recognition “of the ex-
currently targeted for 2038, and institution set up in 2011 and treme seriousness of the viola-
better promote zero-emission enshrined in the constitution tion of fundamental rights”.
cars that remain a rare sight on to defend people whose rights “We expect that the French
German roads. have been violated. authorities will organise the
Merkel, who acknowledged on Toubon had been asked to repatriation (of the children) as
CNN that “we have to give better give an opinion on the issue by soon as possible,” they said in a
answers” to the planetary chal- the lawyers of several families statement.
lenge, met ministers of her “cli- Environmental activists from ‘Campact’ take part in a protest in support of German climate targets and with French citizens held in The grandparents of two
mate cabinet” yesterday to dis- against the climate policy of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party, with an activist dressed as CDU Syria and Iraq. children stranded with their
cuss how Germany should meet chairwoman Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, at the Chancellery in Berlin. According to the French for- French extremist mother at a
its carbon reduction targets. eign ministry, some 450 French camp in Kurdish-held Syria
Afterwards, Merkel’s office bles while committing to phase nies with the highest electricity The pressure group also be- citizens linked to IS are either filed a lawsuit with the Euro-
reaffirmed Germany’s intention out nuclear power by 2022 and prices in Europe and at the same lieves Germany must shutter detained by Kurdish forces in pean Court of Human Rights
“to meet the 2030 climate targets now coal by 2038. time losing strategic and cultural seven coal plants by 2022 and northern Syria or being held in earlier this month over France’s
to which it has committed itself However, green activists now control over the issue”. completely phase out the pollut- refugee camps. refusal to allow them home.
internationally” – a 55% cut in feel that progress has stalled and The poor poll result has also ing energy source by 2030.
emissions from 1990 levels. demand a far earlier end to coal heightened tensions between the And Kaiser demanded a shift
“This means significant addi- and the combustion engine, as two uneasy coalition allies. away from “industrial agricul- Violent muggers caught in Venice
tional CO2 reductions year after well as dramatic shifts in trans- A day after the ballot box ture” and toward organic farm-
year,” said her spokesman Steffen port, agriculture and other fields. drubbing, the SPD Environment ing. Italian police apprehended seven people yesterday, claiming
Seibert, stressing that Merkel’s Germany is now set to miss its Minister Svenja Schulze voiced Germany’s new climate law victory in a months-long quest to catch gangs of teenage muggers
government “sees this as a key 2020 target of cutting CO2 emis- her frustration about the CDU’s will look at the energy sector, who have terrorised Venice in recent months.
focus of its work”. sions by 40% from 1990 levels. foot-dragging on her climate bill, housing, transport, industry, Those detained included four minors, a police statement said.
“The government will in Sep- Merkel: her coalition took heavy It is currently on course for saying that she could not “take agriculture and forestry, and Three were placed in jail, one was placed under house arrest, and
tember make the fundamental losses in Sunday’s European only a 32% reduction. responsibility for further delays”. waste management, government three were sent to a community centre for youth criminals.
decisions on the laws and meas- Parliament elections in what was Since the European election, The Greens’ politician Cem spokesman Seibert said. In one particularly brutal incident, two of the suspects, aged 16
ures and the cabinet will adopt seen as an indictment of Berlin’s criticism has been raining down Ozdemir held out special criti- It will also address “CO2 pric- and 19, are believed to have robbed a man in January in the centre
them by the end of the year,” he plodding progress on tackling from all sides, not just environ- cism for Transport Minister An- ing” to factor in the economic of Venice using a brass knuckle, leaving him with multiple face
added. global warming. mental groups. dreas Scheuer of Bavaria’s con- cost of emissions, which can take injuries.
The far-right AfD (Alternative Friedrich Merz, a conserva- servative CSU party, saying that the form of a carbon tax or trad- Other crimes, including burglaries in public sector offices and a
for Germany) party has also come climate” and that asserting oth- tive former investment fund boss so far he had “sabotaged any se- ing of emissions certificates. high school, took place in Mestre, the mainland suburb separated
under fire from its youth wing erwise was “difficult to under- with designs on Merkel’s job, rious climate policy”. In one fresh proposal, Housing from Venice’s historic lagoon districts.
for its scepticism about climate stand.” charged that “the CDU must ask Scheuer said in a statement Minister Horst Seehofer suggest- Those apprehended yesterday acted with others whom police are
change. Germany long earned plaudits itself why, after 14 years of hav- that his philosophical approach ed tax deductions yesterday for still investigating.
In an open letter, the youth as a clean energy pioneer, and ing a ‘climate chancellor’, we are was to “allow, facilitate and en- green building renovations, such Officers raided the homes of a dozen other teenage suspects,
wing urged party leaders to ad- Merkel was dubbed the “climate missing our climate targets, bur- able – not to prohibit, demonise as insulating walls and roofs and and one was arrested after being found in possession of 200g of
mit that “man influences the chancellor”, for pushing renewa- dening households and compa- and raise costs”. replacing old heating systems. marijuana.

No one hurt after

Most Germans find Merkel heir They came, they saw, they conquered guard fires gun on
Czech PM’s plane
is not yet fit to replace her: poll A bodyguard accidentally fired
his gun aboard a government
plane carrying billionaire Czech
Reuters Forsa showed 70% of Germans renbauer faced criticism from Prime Minister Andrej Babis
Berlin believed Kramp-Karrenbauer across Germany’s political from an EU dinner but no one
was not yet suited to taking over spectrum after she called for was hurt, police and media said
as chancellor. rules about expressing online yesterday.

ngela Merkel’s heir They wanted Merkel to stay opinions before elections in re- “We can confirm an accidental
apparent, Annegret on instead until 2021, when the sponse to a YouTube video that shot during a gun check aboard
Kramp-Karrenbauer, legislative term is due to end. criticised her party. a government plane” late on
is not ready to succeed her as Even 52% of CDU support- Kramp-Karrenbauer denied Tuesday, Czech national police
chancellor, a poll showed yes- ers believed that Kramp-Kar- promoting censorship. spokeswoman Lenka Sikorova
terday, in a setback to their renbauer, widely known by her Her other gaffes have includ- told AFP. “The incident occurred
party’s plans for a smooth lead- initials AKK and sometimes ed poking fun at trans-gender in a detached area. No one else
ership transition. dubbed “mini-Merkel”, was not people in a carnival speech, and was in danger.”
Merkel, Europe’s longest- up to being chancellor, accord- addressing attendees at high- Babis’s spokeswoman Jana
serving leader, began a stage- ing to the poll for broadcaster profile CDU meeting as Social Adamcova told AFP that
managed gradual exit from RTL, for which Forsa surveyed Democrats. “something like that happened”
politics in October last year, 1,501 people on Monday and Merkel this month reaffirmed but declined to elaborate.
when she said her fourth term Tuesday. that she would leave politics al- Czech media said the bodyguard
as chancellor would be her last. The poll followed a batch together after her fourth term, was trying to unload his gun
In December, the leadership of ill-judged comments from dismissing speculation that she shortly after Babis had boarded
of her conservative Christian Kramp-Karrenbauer, 56, and could take a big EU job. in Brussels and the plane was
Democrats (CDU) passed to speculation that Merkel – dis- Kramp-Karrenbauer said preparing for take-off.
Kramp-Karrenbauer in what missed by the chancellor – in comments published this Carrying a total of 22 people, the
was widely seen as the begin- could quit early for a big Euro- month that she had no ambition Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan speaks during a gathering in Istanbul to mark the 566th flight left about an hour later, said
ning of a handover of power. pean Union job in Brussels. to succeed Merkel as chancellor anniversary of the conquest of the city by Ottoman Turks. the news site, adding
But the survey by pollster On Tuesday, Kramp-Kar- until 2021. that the bullet hit a meal cart.

Detention of Catalan separatists ‘arbitrary’: UN report

AFP release of the trio and compensa- ers also in jail awaiting trial in But Irene Lozano, who heads vice-president, was detained in lence during the secession bid. Spain’s judiciary denies this,
Madrid tion. the Supreme Court in Madrid, new public diplomacy agency November. The working group pointed to however.
“The deprivation of liberty of because the trio’s British lawyer Global Spain, told AFP that the The three men are being tried the “non-existence of elements Referendums may be allowed
Jordi Cuixart, Jordi Sanchez and Ben Emmerson took their cases UN-mandated experts were for their role in the organisation of violence and the absence of under the Spanish constitution,

he detention of three sep- Oriol Junqueras is arbitrary,” the to the UN. “victims of a disinformation of a secession referendum on Oc- convincing information on facts but this also pledges the “un-
aratists facing trial for a panel wrote in the Spanish ver- He predicted the prosecutions campaign” by the Catalan inde- tober 1, 2017 despite a court ban, attributable” to the trio. breakable unity” of Spain.
failed bid to prise Catalo- sion of the report. put Spain “on a collision course pendence movement, which had and a subsequent short-lived That “generated conviction As such, the constitution
nia from Spain in 2017 is “arbi- It argues that the detention of with the UN”, calling the analy- “skewed facts”. declaration of independence. among the working group that would need to be reformed before
trary”, experts mandated by the the three men, which has last- sis a “warning shot” from the UN Sanchez and Cuixart, respec- Like the other six who are in the criminal accusations against any independence referendum is
United Nations have concluded ed over a year and a half, goes which Madrid should ignore “at tively ex-president and current jail, they are accused of rebellion, them aim to constrain them due allowed.
in a report released yesterday. against the Universal Declaration its peril”. leader of the Catalan separatist a controversial offence defined as to their political opinions”. The Spanish ambassador to
The assessment by independ- of Human Rights and the UN’s “If Spain cannot show it can be civic groups ANC and Omnium “rising up in a violent and public The experts also said that Britain Carlos Bastarreche has
ent experts, commissioned by International Covenant on Civil able to behave like a democracy, it Cultural, were jailed in October manner”. holding a referendum “is al- branded the report “clear inter-
the UN Human Rights Council and Political Rights. has no place at the heart of mod- 2017 as the secession effort was That charge is rejected by their lowed in Spain for a large range ference” designed to attack the
but not speaking in the name of The report focused only on ern Europe,” Emmerson told re- underway. supporters and some legal ex- of themes, including the present image of the judicial system in
the United Nations, called for the the three men, and not six oth- porters in London. Junqueras, Catalonia’s former perts who say there was no vio- case”. Spain.
Gulf Times
Thursday, May 30, 2019 21


17th Lok Sabha will miss prominent faces, strong voices

IANS Yadav, former prime minister H If Advani had contested, he jor political force in the country. which alone won 303 seats in the known for oratory skills in the Congress party in the 16th Lok
New Delhi D Deve Gowda, former Congress could have become the oldest MP Besides Advani, party veterans just-concluded elections. lower house. Yadav, a social- Sabha, had served as a minis-
leader in the Lok Sabha Mallikar- ever to fight the Lok Sabha elec- Joshi, Mahajan, Shanta Kumar, Mahajan was elected the ist leader who served as head of ter - Labour and Employment,
jun Kharge and his deputy Jyoti- tions after Ram Sunder Das of Kalraj Mishra and Bhagat Singh speaker in the 16th Lok Sabha but panchayat, was elected as MLA Railways and Social Justice and

n last three decades of In- raditya Scindia. the Janata Dal-United, who won Koshyari also didn’t contest Lok she did not contest the general and entered the Lok Sabha in Empowerment in the Manmohan
dia’s electoral history they The BJP veterans didn’t con- from Hajipur in 2009 at age 88 Sabha polls. elections this time. 1977. Singh-led government.
were the strong voices of test the 2019 Lok Sabha polls as and ended his stint at 93. Joshi, who won in 2014 from In 2014, she got elected to the Since then, he has represented He lost from Gulbarga parlia-
their party, states and respective they were denied tickets on age Advani, remembered mostly Kanpur, was the BJP president lower house for the eighth time. Madhubani parliamentary con- mentary constituency in Karna-
constituencies in Lok Sabha but ground while Gowda, Kharge and for the ‘rath yatra’ he undertook between 1991 and 1993 and has She is currently the longest- stituency but chose not to con- taka by a margin of 95,452 votes
their voices will not be heard in Scindia, who were bitter critics in 1990 to press for the demo- also represented Allahabad and serving woman member and has test this time. against BJP’s Umesh G Jadhav.
the 17th Lok Sabha, which gave a of Modi, tasted defeats in their lition of the Babri mosque and Varanasi in parliament. In 2014, represented the Indore constitu- Gowda, the former prime min- Scindia, the young face of
decisive mandate to the Narendra respective constituencies. building a temple in its place in he was shifted to Kanpur after the ency of Madhya Pradesh since ister and a strong voice from Kar- Congress in the outgoing Lok
Modi government. Advani, who was the old- Ayodhya, has served as deputy party decided to field Modi from 1989. nataka for the past three decades, Sabha, also tasted defeat for the
Prominent among them, who est member in the outgoing Lok prime minister and home min- Varanasi. He also held several As a minister she held the couldn’t enter parliament for the first time in his electoral career.
influenced the national politics Sabha at 91 years, has represent- ister. posts in the federal government. portfolios for Human Resource first time. A close associate of Congress
for decades, are Bharatiya Janata ed the Gandhinagar constituency His yatra, however, created the Advani and Joshi are consid- Development, Communications He was expecting a sixth win president Rahul Gandhi, Scindia
Party (BJP) veterans L K Advani, in Gujarat since 1991 and has momentum that led to the dem- ered three top leaders of the BJP and Petroleum. in a row from Tumkur but was was defeated by BJP’s Krishna Pal
Murli Manohar Joshi, Sumitra been winning the last five general olition and large-scale riots but after late prime minister Atal Bi- Hukumdev Narayan Yadav, defeated by BJP’s G S Basavaraju. Yadav from Guna parliamentary
Mahajan, Hukumdev Narayan elections by big margins. also established the BJP as a ma- hari Vajpayee who shaped the BJP a five-time Lok Sabha MP, was Kharge, who was leader of the constituency of Madhya Pradesh.

Jaitley opts
out of new
govt due
to ill health
Agencies A diabetic, Jaitley’s health is-
New Delhi sues became worse after he had a
kidney transplant in May last year.
He skipped presenting an in-

inance Minister Arun Jait- terim budget in February as he
ley has asked Prime Min- was in hospital in the United
ister Narendra Modi not to States receiving cancer treat-
give him a ministerial position in ment.
the new government due to on- Finance ministry officials said
going health problems. Jaitley had been largely work-
Jaitley’s absence will leave ing from home for the past three
Modi without one of his most weeks while undergoing treat-
important lieutenants as he be- ment.
gins his second five-year term Senior government officials
in power following the Bharatiya said replacing Jaitley would be
Janata Party’s landslide election difficult, as few BJP leaders pos-
victory earlier this month. sessed appropriate experience Family members of BJP workers who were allegedly killed in political violence in West Bengal are seen at the Howrah station yesterday. The BJP has specially invited them to his swearing-
Jaitley said in a letter to Modi, for the finance portfolio. in ceremony today.
issued to the media yesterday, With India’s economy slowing
that he had faced serious health and unable to create enough jobs
challenges in the last 18 months for the millions of youth entering

8,000 guests to attend

and needed to recuperate. the labour market every year, any
“I should be allowed a rea- new finance minister faces the
sonable time for myself, my task of finding funds for an addi-
treatment and my health, and, tional stimulus without blowing
therefore not be a part of any out the budget deficit.
responsibility, for the present, Modi, who will take the oath of
in the new government,” Jaitley prime minister today for his sec-
said in the letter.
A spokesman of prime minis-
ter’s office declined to comment
on Jaitley’s letter to Modi.
Aside from holding one of the
most important positions in gov-
ernment, Jaitley, a 66-year-old
ond term, could assign Railways
and Coal Minister Piyush Goyal
or bring in someone from outside
the party to fill the post.
Goyal, 54, presented the inter-
im budget for Jaitley in February
and has filled in for him before.
Modi’s swearing-in event also expected to be present. be treated to “Dal Raisina” – a dent Rahul Gandhi and United the ceremony as “special guests”.
lawyer-turned politician, was The new government is ex- New Delhi “It will be the biggest-ever special delicacy of the Rashtra- Progressive Alliance chairperson This is being seen as a message
also the cabinet’s main commu- pected to present a full budget event at the Rashtrapati Bha- pati Bhavan that takes 48 hours and senior Congress leader So- to Banerjee ahead of assembly
nicator with the media, one of once it takes office. van. At least 8,000 people are to cook - among other delicacies. nia Gandhi will attend the event, elections in 2021.

the ruling party’s most articulate Modi, 68, has invited the heads t least 8,000 guests will coming,” Ashok Malik, press The prime minister will also party leaders said. The chief minister took ex-
voices in parliament, and was a of countries who are in the Bay attend the swearing-in of secretary to the president, told attend the dinner, along with However, West Bengal Chief ception to the BJP’s claim that
strong campaigner in the recent of Bengal Initiative for Maritime Prime Minister Narendra IANS. some officials. Minister Mamata Banerjee will 54 people had been “murdered
election despite his poor health. and Economic Co-operation Modi at the Rashtrapati Bhavan The size of the gathering is With the swearing-in sched- not attend, alleging the BJP was in political violence” in her
(BIMSTEC) to the swearing-in. today, making it the biggest-ever seen as a reflection of the mas- uled for 7pm, the dinner will be using the ceremony “to score po- state.
However, Pakistan is not a event held in the historic premis- sive mandate received by Modi light as it will be served a little litical points”. Congratulating Modi for tak-
part of the alliance and so Modi es. in the Lok Sabha elections. Both late in the evening. The BJP hit back, saying she ing over as the prime minister
avoided inviting Pakistan Prime While the guests attending his Bharatiya Janata Party and The BIMSTEC leaders attend- was looking for “excuses” to again, Banerjee said she had
Minister Imran Khan. the event will be treated to high National Democratic Alliance it ing the event include Bangla- avoid attending the event. planned “to accept the constitu-
The BJP swept 303 of the 542 tea, President Ram Nath Kovind leads have improved their tally deshi President Abdul Hamid, “The oath-taking ceremony is tional invitation” and attend the
contested parliamentary seats to will host a private dinner for the compared to 2014. Sri Lankan President Maithripala an august occasion to celebrate oath-taking ceremony.
win a second five-year term. leaders from BIMSTEC (Bay of The swearing-in will be held Sirisena, Myanmarese Presi- democracy, not one that should “However, in the past one
Meanwhile, Modi yesterday Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sec- in the forecourt of the Rashtra- dent U Win Myint, Nepali Prime be devalued by any political party hour, I am seeing media reports
met Jaitley at his residence. toral Technical and Economic pati Bhavan, the same venue as Minister K P Sharma Oli and which uses it as an opportunity with the BJP claiming that 54
Modi arrived at Jaitley’s home Cooperation) countries as well in 2014. The event then was at- Bhutanese Prime Minister Lotay to score political points,” Baner- people have been murdered in
at 8.55pm. as Kyrgyz President Sooronbay tended by about 5,000 guests. Tshering. jee said. political violence in Bengal,” she
The meeting lasted about 25 Jeenbekov and Mauritian Prime The high tea will have snacks, Thailand will be represented The Trinamool Congress said.
minutes. It is learnt that Modi Minister Pravind Kumar Jug- including samosas, and paneer by its Special Enovy Grisada chief’s remark came after media Calling the claim “completely
urged him to reconsider his deci- nauth – who have all confirmed items apart from sweets, while Boonrach. reports said at least 70 family untrue”, she said: “There have
sion not to be part of the the new their presence. at the president’s dinner, the Former prime minister Man- members of slain BJP activists in been no political murders in Ben-
Jaitley: opts out cabinet. Steel magnate L N Mittal is visiting foreign dignitaries will mohan Singh, Congress presi- West Bengal had been invited to gal.”

Decision on Congress chief Nadda may succeed

to be taken at CPP meeting Shah as BJP president
IANS low profile but is also parliamentary
IANS 44, has gone up to 52. Sonia Gan- but only 52 of them got elected New Delhi board secretary of the BJP. Nadda
New Delhi dhi will remain UPA chief and marking the second dismal per- is known as a master strategist in
the family/dynasty will distance formance by the party in the his party. The party had given him

itself from day-to-day affairs of second successive general elec- he Bharatiya Janata Party’s charge of Uttar Pradesh in the re-

meeting of the Congress the party. tions. organisational architect cent elections. The BJP bagged 62
Parliamentary Party An interim working president The Congress won the maxi- Amit Shah is set to join the out of 80 Lok Sabha seats. Apna Dal
(CPP) will be held on June with two or more working vice mum number of 15 seats in Ker- new cabinet, and the decks are bagged two against a caste calculus
1 and a decision on the new lead- presidents in a loosely-formed ala, followed by eight each in being cleared for the baton to be driven combine of BSP and SP.
er of the party in the Lok Sabha is presidium will run the party op- Punjab and Tamil Nadu. In many handed over to Health Minister J Educated at St Xaviers School
likely to be taken then. erations and plan for elections states and Union Territories, P Nadda as the new president. in Patna, Nadda did his B A from
The meeting will be presided and campaigns. it could not even open its ac- Nadda is expected to work Patna College, Patna University
over by United Progressive Alli- K C Venugopal may emerge count. Among the party leaders closely with Shah even after he and LL B from Himachal Pradesh
ance Chairperson Sonia Gandhi. as the interim president while who lost were four members of demits office. University, Shimla. He is a three-
Party president Rahul Gandhi, Prithviraj Chauhan could be one the CWC, the highest decision- Maharashtra, Jharkhand and time MLA in the Himachal assem-
whose offer to resign has been of the vice presidents. making body of the party. Haryana will hold assembly elec- bly. He came to the upper house
rejected by the Congress Work- Given that the Congress has 23 But the Young Turks are deter- tions in September. from Himachal Pradesh and was
ing Committee, may also address MPs from the south, it appears mined to dislodge the old guard. Nadda will then oversee the elec- appointed a minister in 2014.
the meeting, sources said. that a south Indian will helm Sachin Pilot and Scindia are in tion campaign strategy. Thereafter He now has to meet the exacting
The meeting will be attended the party for the time being. Or the forefront to back Rahul Gan- there is a possibility of polls in Jam- standards set by Shah. With the
by newly-elected MPs of the par- alternatively, appoint Jyotiradi- dhi in his “clean-up” attempt. mu and Kashmir and even in Kar- BJP securing a fresh beach head
ty in the Lok Sabha and the party tya Scindia as the working presi- Sources said that in his outburst nataka where the coalition appears in the south in Telengana where it
MPs in Rajya Sabha. dent and have the youth brigade at the CWC meeting after the Lok to be skating on thin ice. Early next has won four seats along with 23
Meanwhile, sources said Rahul around him to turn the party’s Sabha defeat, Gandhi had selec- year, the battle for Delhi will gain in Karnataka, Nadda is expected
Gandhi has accepted that he will fortunes around. tively targeted the old guard. The Congress workers assemble outside party president Rahul Gandhi’s precedence over everything else. to focus on operation south to ex-
lead the party in the Lok Sabha The Congress had fielded 421 Young Turks, all of whom had residence to appeal him to withdraw his offer to step down from the Fifty nine-year-old Nadda is a pand the BJP’s footprint and be-
where its strength, from a paltry candidates across the country tasted defeat, were spared. party’s top post, in New Delhi yesterday. Rajya Sabha member who keeps a come truly pan-Indian.
Gulf Times
22 Thursday, May 30, 2019

Mother changes name of ESIC scam in maternity Major fire hits girls’ Delhi Secretariat may Korean cultural show to
son named after Modi leave benefits unearthed hostel, 5 hospitalised have a crèche soon conclude in Delhi tomorrow
A Muslim woman who had named her new born son A scam is unravelling at the Employees State Five inmates of a girls’ hostel were hospitalised The Delhi government is planning to set up a Calligraphy, ancient pottery, ink paintings and
after Prime Minister Narendra Damodardas Modi Insurance Corporation (ESIC) regional office in after being rescued from a major fire that crèche at the Delhi Secretariat to help working landscape photographs from the culturally-
has now changed the baby’s name to Mohamed Faridabad in Haryana over maternity leave. An engulfed the building in Janakpuri area of New parents. In a letter, Delhi Deputy Chief Minister rich South Korea are part of an exhibition
Altaf Alam Modi. Mehnaaz Begum said there was ongoing investigation reveals that scores, not Delhi yesterday, officials said. More than 50 Manish Sisodia directed the Secretary, Women that will conclude in New Delhi tomorrow.
considerable pressure on her from society and dozens, of women employees of private sector other inmates were evacuated safely. “The fire and Child Development, to explore the possibility Titled “Impressions: A Journey Backwards”,
community which made her change the name. companies took insurance and other maternity was reported at 3.05am. Over 50 girls have been and feasibility of a crèche after it was brought to the muti-dimensional exhibition takes visitors
“Some family members had even refused to Leave benefits four or more times a year by evacuated and five others have been admitted his notice that such a facility was needed for the through a journey in time, starting from
participate in the ceremonies that take place after declaring fake deliveries. This was done by to hospital,” said Atul Garg, director of Delhi children of parents working at the Secretariat. ancient Korea’s Goryeo dynasty rule to the
child birth and so I decided not to encourage any submitting forged medical reports in connivance Fire Service. According to officials, the fire was He said that all employers must help employees modern-day photographs of its four distinct
more controversies and change his name. He still with contractors and departmental officers at sparked by a short circuit in the basement of the to balance their professional and personal life. seasons. Encapsulating the Korean spirit, the
has Modi in his name,” she said. Meanwhile, a fresh the ESIC. Maternity Leave is a paid holiday of building and soon spread to the ground and first “It is a matter of great pride that a large number exhibition’s 31 artworks are from the reserved
controversy is brewing over the date of birth of the 26 weeks. The preliminary probe was launched floors. The incident came days after 23 teenage of workforce in the Delhi government consists art collection of the Korean Cultural Centre
child. Begum had earlier claimed that her son was after an internal audit of the ESIC revealed a students, including 16 girls, were killed in a blaze of women. However, work-life balance for (KCC). Beginning with a video on calligraphy
born on May 23, the day the Lok Sabha election dozen such cases in a year. Top sources in the at a coaching centre in Sarthana area of Surat in working women, especially working mothers, is techniques around the world, the exhibit
results were announced. However, the local hospital federal Ministry of Labour and Employment said Gujarat. On Monday, the Delhi government wrote not easy and it is the responsibility of employer showcases big and small calligraphed panels.
has said the child was born on May 12 and the the benefits could have been exploited in other to the Fire Service asking it to inspect every organisations to improve working conditions of It even allows visitors to try their hand at the
mother changed the date to get popularity. regions of the country as well. coaching centre in the city. women,” Sisodia said in the letter. craft.

Retired soldier
declared illegal
immigrant in
Assam, detained
Reuters “I am an Indian, very much an
Guwahati Indian and will forever remain an
Ullah was born in July 30,

olice detained a retired 1967 to Mohamed Ali, a resident
soldier and serving police of Kalahiklash village in As-
officer yesterday after a sam’s Kamrup district. As per
court declared him a foreigner, the records he joined the army
in one of the most controver- in 1987 and worked in different
sial outcomes of the country’s capacities.
effort to clamp down on illegal “He also received a Presi- A banner for Ayushman Bharat, commonly known as the “Modicare” healthcare scheme, is pictured at a gate at a hospital in Gurgaon in Haryana.
immigration from neighbouring dent’s Certificate in 2014 for his
Bangladesh. promotion to the rank of Junior
Millions of people in the Commissioned Officer (JCO) in

Modi healthcare plan

northeastern state of Assam are 2012,” said Wadud.
scrambling to prove their citi- “Post retirement, he joined
zenship after the government, the Assam police. However,
led by Prime Minister Narendra there was a Foreigners Tribunal
Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party, case against him suspecting his
mandated residents of the state citizenship credentials,” he said.
to produce documents proving Earlier in 2017, the Foreign-

won hearts, and votes

that they or their families lived ers’ Tribunal had served a notice
in the country before March 24, against retired Junior Commis-
1971. sioned Officer Azmal Haque, a
Police said they sent Mo- resident of Chaygaon area in
hamed Sana Ullah, 52, to a de- Kamrup district. The opposi-
tention centre in Assam based tion Congress yesterday urged
on the order of a Foreigners’ Chief Minister Sarbanaanda
Tribunal. Sonowal to take note of reports AFP would have benefited most. Sabir Ali, an impoverished played a larger role (in the elec- more staff and implement more
“He served the Indian army of harassment of genuine Indian Sitapur “It has certainly been wel- weaver who got a Modicare card tion outcome) than anyone had reforms in what remains a dys-
for 30 years but was declared as citizens. comed as a welfare measure by for himself and his family to use anticipated,” said political ana- functional healthcare system,
a foreigner and as per prescribed “A total of 44 people have so the poor and probably contrib- at any of the 15,000-odd par- lyst Parsa Venkateshwar Rao. experts say.

norms we have sent him to the far committed suicide in Assam hile Prime Minister uted to (Modi’s) electoral victo- ticipating hospitals, had a cyst “The overall message that has The newly re-elected prime
detention camp,” Mousumi Ka- after not finding their names in Narendra Modi’s na- ry,” said K Srinath Reddy, presi- removed from his forehead. gone out is that Modi is willing minister has promised to hike
lita, a senior police official in As- the draft NRC (National Regis- tionalist tub-thump- dent of the non-profit Public “It was unbelievable to hold to help the poor.” health spending to 2.5% of GDP
sam, told journalists. ter of Citizens) published by the ing has been widely credited Health Foundation of India. the card in my hands,” Ali told In his second term, however, by 2025, from 1.15% now - one
“We only abide by the tribu- Assam government last year,” with his recent election win, The flagship programme, AFP, his head bandaged at the Modi will have to iron out some of the lowest in the world - but
nal’s order and are not aware on Congress leader Apurba Kumar another factor was one he kept dubbed Modicare, covers hos- Sitapur district hospital. of the scheme’s teething prob- it is unclear if this will suffice.
what grounds or why he was de- Bhattacharyya said. relatively quiet about: Modi- pital costs up to Rs50,000 “I used the card and I didn’t lems, with some hospitals com- Critics also say that Modi-
clared a foreigner.” Much of the over 4,000km care. ($7,200) for the poorest 40% of have to spend a single rupee on plaining they cannot recoup care helps unscrupulous private
Ullah’s lawyer said it was a border between India and Bang- Despite some teething prob- Indians, or some 500mn peo- my treatment.” what they spend. providers - already accused of
case of mistaken identity as the ladesh is porous. Hundreds of lems and a dire need for further ple, in a country where the av- Until recently only a quarter “We can’t cope with (receiv- over-diagnosing and carrying
order cited his client as a labour- thousands of people have moved reforms and more spending, erage annual income is about of India’s population had any ing) Rs9,000 for a caesarean out unnecessary surgeries -
er who came to India after 1971 to India from Bangladesh since this huge initiative launched Rs100,000. health insurance, forcing hun- section which would include boost profits.
without legal documents. its New Delhi-backed war of last year – one of the world’s Even before Modicare, or dreds of millions to pay out of stay of the patient, fees of the Ali too has his complaints.
Ullah’s family said they had independence from Pakistan in largest publicly funded health- the National Health Protection their own pockets, go to quack anaesthetist, paediatrician, “I live nearby the hospital so
Assam land records going back 1971. care programmes – has made a Scheme (NHPS), was intro- doctors or just skip treatment. medicines and so on,” said Dr V I can come, but if someone lives
to 1935. Lawyer Aman Wadud, The BJP, which increased its difference. duced in September, treatment An estimated 60mn Indians K Monga from the Indian Medi- outside the city, they will strug-
who has handled dozens of cases parliamentary majority this “This scheme has infused a was largely free at government are pushed below the poverty cal Association. gle with the number of times
of illegal immigration in Assam, month after a general election, sense of belief in the poor that hospitals. threshold every year paying “But corrective steps are be- they are expected to visit the
said he would challenge the or- has promised to identify all mi- if they fall sick they will get But patients still had to shell for medical care, while a report ing taken. The health sector is hospital,” he said.
der in a higher court today. grants living in the country ille- treatment without spending a out for diagnostics and medi- last year by The Lancet medi- overall satisfied now with the “They make us run around a
Speaking to reporters as he gally, give citizenship to all non- rupee,” said Anil Agarwal, chief cines, which make up a big chunk cal journal found substandard scheme,” he told AFP. lot.”
was shoved inside a police ve- Muslims from neighbouring medical superintendent at a of the costs of hospital care, as healthcare was responsible for Reddy of the Public Health But the family of Vindeshwari
hicle on the way to the deten- Muslim majority countries such hospital in Sitapur, a city in Ut- well as for implants like stents. some 1.6mn deaths a year. Foundation of India also said Devi, who has had her uterus
tion centre in the border town as Bangladesh and Pakistan, and tar Pradesh with some of India’s Private clinics were out of Almost 2mn people have ben- the scheme needed more finan- removed at the same Sitapur
of Goalpara, Ullah said he was expel the rest. worst health indicators. reach for many, with a consulta- efited from the scheme so far, cial resources. hospital, is satisfied.
heartbroken. The BJP made electoral gains Indeed, voting data from the tion alone costing some Rs1,000 with the government allocating “If the state governments too “I think this scheme is good
“This is the reward I got after in Assam and neighbouring West mammoth election that ended – a large amount for millions liv- some $1.2bn since the launch. can be stimulated to increase and it will only get better,” said
serving for 30 years in the In- Bengal state by pledging to act last week with a landslide for ing on less than Rs130 a day. The costs are shared between their health budgets, the scheme Sunil Kumar, a daily-wage la-
dian army,” said Ullah, currently against immigrants, accused by Modi showed particularly strong But now poorer people can federal and state governments will become sustainable.” bourer and Devi’s son-in-law.
a deputy inspector in the border some locals of taking jobs and support for his right-wing party visit these clinics, providing 60:40. More broadly, Modi needs “For those who have nothing,
wing of the Assam police. resources. in poorer areas where people they sign up to the scheme. “Schemes such as Modicare to build more facilities, train it means a lot.”

Water crisis grips Chennai

Trouble brews in Mani’s party SC dismisses Karti’s plea for
as leaders fight over chief’s post return of Rs10 crore deposit
IANS Chief Justice Ranjan Gogoi told
IANS has violated the party’s discipline. As soon as the supporters of New Delhi Karti.
Thiruvananthapuram “As per the by-laws of the Jose K Mani came to know that Karti’s lawyer approached
party, a chairman is elected by Abraham has submitted a letter the bench saying since he is

the state committee of the party to the CEO, they expressed their he Supreme Court back in India, the money de-

rouble has broken out in but no such meeting has taken anger by burning Abraham’s ef- yesterday dismissed posited with the court should
Kerala Congress (Mani), place, hence such a letter makes figy in Kottayam’s Pala, which is a plea by Congress be refunded.
the third biggest ally of no sense,” said Augustine. also the hometown of Mani. leader P Chidambaram’s The court asked, “Why are
the Congress-led United Demo- Earlier, Mani was the undis- “Recently a faction of the son Karti for the immediate you after Rs10 crore deposited
cratic Front. puted leader of the Kerala Con- Communist Marxist Party refund of his deposit of Rs in the court?”
Veteran politician and Kerala gress (Mani) since its formation. merged with that of the CPM,” 10crore, and told the newly- Karti Chidambaram claimed
Congress-Mani chairman K M Mani held the dual posts of a legislator close to Jose K Mani elected Lok Sabha member he raised loans to deposit Rs10
Mani dies last month and since chairman of the party and par- told IANS requesting anonymity. to “pay attention” to his crore and was paying interest
then the party leadership has liamentary party leader in the “But no one asked that faction constituency. on it. But the court refused to
been divided with a section state assembly. to replace their present secre- Karti Chidambaram is facing grant him any relief.
aligned with working chairman The Kerala assembly ses- tary Kodiyeri Balakrishnan,” said proceedings in cases linked to Earlier, the court allowed
P J Joseph and the other led by sion opened on Monday. As per the legislator. In 2010, Joseph Aircel-Maxis and money laun- Karti to travel to the UK, the
Mani’s son Jose K Mani, a Rajya the norms, if the parliamentary merged his party with Mani. Of dering. One of the cases in- US, France, Germany and
Sabha member. leader of the party remains ab- the five legislators in the party cludes the Foreign Investment Spain in May and June this year
Yesterday, the organisational sent due to any reason then the today, three owe their allegiance Promotion Board (FIPB) clear- on condition that he deposit
secretary of the party, Joy Ab- deputy leader of the assembly to Jose. Apart from Joseph, ance to INX Media for Rs305 Rs10 crore with the court. The
raham, wrote to Chief Election takes over the responsibilities. the other legislator is Mons K crore of foreign funds, when court had said it would be re-
Officer Teeka Ram Meena stat- Hence, in the absence of Mani, Joseph, who has all along been his father was the finance min- turned to him upon his return.
ing that Joseph has been elected Joseph took his seat in the front the closest aide of Joseph. ister. A similar order was passed
the party chief. But some party row of the opposition benches. To counter Abraham’s letter to Residents fetch drinking water from a well on the outskirts of “Every time you go abroad by the court in January regard-
members have expressed dissent Now, the leaders close to Jose the CEO, the Mani faction has now Chennai yesterday. Water levels in the four main reservoirs you deposit Rs10crore. Ok. We ing Karti’s overseas travel. The
on the decision. K Mani are not in a mood to al- written to the Election Commis- in Chennai have fallen to one of its lowest levels in 70 years, will refund Rs10 crore but next court had said it would “come
Party legislator Roshy Augus- low Joseph to take over the post sion stating that their new party according to media reports. time you go we will say deposit down heavily”, if he does not
tine told reporters that Abraham of party chairman. chairman is yet to be decided. Rs20 crore,” a bench headed by co-operate.
Gulf Times
Thursday, May 30, 2019 23


‘Black Widow’ gangs warned after forced marriage case ruling

Thomson Reuters Foundation “This is a clear message to the convicted of forced marriage and volved three young women who ing for several years.. and in ad- ows” group first came to light in “We’re carrying out the neces-
Bogota traffickers. It shows we have spe- given prison sentences of 15 to 30 were forced to marry, and whose dition to killing men, they also early 2017 when a victim escaped sary proceedings to be able to es-
cial legislation that severely pun- years, Olivares said. husbands were killed by gang killed the women so that there and reported the crime. tablish that other women victims
ishes the crime of human traf- Known as a fearless lawyer members after a month or so of were no witnesses to say they More victims are likely to who are alive can be located.”

angs in El Salvador who ficking and that we will continue who has secured more than 30 marriage, Olivares said. were forced into marriage.” come to light in the coming Lawyers who gave advice to
force women to wed only to investigate and combat this convictions against human traf- The widows were made to col- To force the women into mar- months, said Olivares, putting gangs about how to apply for and
to kill their husbands type of scourge,” Olivares said. fickers, Olivares began targeting lect the life insurance — from riage, victims were beaten by the gang on notice of new cases. collect life insurance are also be-
for the life insurance are on no- Fit for a movie script, the scam the brutal ‘Black Widow’ gang $30,000 to $60,000 — which was gang members and told their Prosecutors are investigating ing investigated, she said.
tice after a top prosecutor won involved luring country girls to after a captive bride managed handed over to gang members. families would be hurt if they forced marriage involving up to Gang members preyed on
a landmark conviction of seven the city, then making them weep to escape, and said she now had “It was a mode of operation refused. The violence was re- six more possible victims and young, poor women aged 18 to
gangsters and said more cases graveside after their forced mar- more gangsters in her sights. that hadn’t been identified be- corded on video. dead husbands, and a prelimi- 23 living in rural areas, who were
were to come. riages ended in murder, as gang The conviction exposes the fore in El Salvador,” she told the “Video evidence was obtained nary hearing could start early lured by false promises of jobs as
State prosecutor Violeta Oli- masters looked on. role of El Salvador’s powerful Thomson Reuters Foundation. showing how the women were next year, she said. domestic workers in the capital
vares, head of El Salvador’s anti- Earlier this month, seven gang street gangs in forced marriage, There is no estimate of the beaten in such an inhumane way “It’s not being ruled out that San Salvador, Olivares said.
human trafficking unit, said the members, including four women which is a form of human traf- tally of victims — neither the that it almost looked liked they there could be other women vic- “For the victims it seemed like
forced marriage conviction was and three men from El Salva- ficking, and the extreme vio- number of women forced to wed had been left for dead,” Olivares tims who could be alive, and also an opportunity to get work to be
the first of its kind in the country dor’s largest gang — the Mara lence their victims suffered. nor of their murdered husbands. said. those who may have been killed,” able to support their families,”
and in central America. Salvatrucha (MS-13) — were The unprecedented case in- “The group has been operat- The so-called “Black Wid- Olivares said. Olivares said.

Mexico issues
arrest warrant
against former
Pemex chief
Reuters The investigation of Lozoya,
Mexico City who ran Pena Nieto’s 2012 elec-
tion campaign, is the first high-
profile corruption investigation

exico issued an arrest launched by the government of
warrant for a former President Andres Manuel Lopez
chief of Mexican oil Obrador against the government
company Pemex, government- he replaced on December 1.
owned media said, in the first Lopez Obrador won election
blow against ex-president En- by a landslide promising to root
rique Pena Nieto’s inner circle out public sector corruption.
since a new government took of- On Monday, the finance min-
fice promising to clean up politics. istry said it had blocked ac-
Citing sources at the attorney counts belonging to Lozoya and Members of the Argentine Naval Prefecture stand guard as activists of leftist parties and social organisations block the Pueyrredon bridge in Buenos Aires yesterday during a
general’s office, Mexico news to AHMSA for allegedly carrying 24-hour general strike called by workers’ unions to demand the government of Argentine President Mauricio Macri to take measures against inflation and keep the campaign
agency Notimex said a judge had out illegal operations. promises.
ordered the arrest of Emilio Lo- The ministry’s money-laun-
zoya, who headed Pemex from dering czar Santiago Nieto said
2012 to 2016. the case also had links to Brazil-
A Mexican security source ian builder Odebrecht, whose

Anti-austerity strike
said the reports were accurate. executives have testified about
The attorney general’s office bribes to politicians across Latin
did not respond to requests for America.
comment. Lozoya’s lawyer Javier “Operations with possibly il-
Coello said he had not received licit resources linked to acts of
any official notification of an ar- corruption were detected, par-
rest warrant. ticularly transfers of financial
Coello said that after seeing resources deposited by Altos

cripples Argentina
various media reports on the Hornos de Mexico in an Odebre-
subject he filed an injunction cht phantom shell company, and
on behalf of Lozoya to get to the part of the money reached Lo-
bottom of the matter, and re- zoya’s accounts,” Nieto said on
quested to be officially notified Mexican radio.
of whether the warrant exists. Coello previously told Reuters
“Once the defence verifies if that his client did not receive
there is actually an arrest war- bribes from AHMSA or Odebre- Reuters ber, his popularity with voters duce the tax burden borne by The economic crisis has hurt The “Recopa” final, a South
rant, and it knows the contents cht and that none of Lozoya’s Buenos Aires hurt by high inflation, job losses workers. Macri’s re-election chances American cup-winners game
of the warrant, it will be able to work at Pemex has been proven and a weak peso. In a video posted online, the badly, with the recently an- due to be played between Ar-
take a legal position to execute an to have involved corruption. With transport links down union said it had gone on strike nounced Peronist pairing of gentina’s River Plate and Brazil-

adequate defence,” Coello said in Last year, investigative news nationwide strike in and many schools, offices and to force change in government Alberto Fernandez and ex- ian team Atlético Paranaense,
a statement. site Quinto Elemento Lab re- Argentina protesting banks closed, streets in central policy as “the economic and so- President Cristina Fernandez de was postponed until today be-
Coello said in a radio interview ported AHMSA paid $3.7mn to austerity measures un- Buenos Aires were eerily quiet cial situation was getting worse Kirchner ahead of the president cause of the protest.
that Lozoya was in Mexico, de- a shell company allegedly set up der President Mauricio Macri in the morning ahead of ex- day by day and inflation was de- in polls. CGT chief Rodolfo Daer told
nying some reports that he had by Odebrecht to pay bribes. brought the country’s airports pected demonstrations sparked stroying the purchasing power Yesterday, flights from Ar- local radio station Radio Mitre
left the country. Citing documents from Bra- to a standstill and halted work by the powerful CGT umbrella of people’s wages.” gentina’s airports were shut that the financial crisis would
In a move related to the case, zil’s Supreme Court, Quinto El- at key grains ports yesterday, union. The protests will also target down as a result of the strike, only get worse if the president
Spanish police detained steel emento reported that AHMSA the latest sign of tension in the Closely tied to the Peronist rising service fees, the result of while grain exports stopped at failed to immediately reverse
magnate Alonso Ancira on Tues- made three wire transfers to recession-hit nation. political opposition, the CGT government efforts to cut the the ports in Rosario, one of the some of his policies.
day, his company Altos Hornos Grangemouth Trading Co’s ac- The strike, called by the is demanding the government deficit under a financing deal most important agro-industrial Macri hopes that low infla-
de Mexico (AHMSA) said in a count weeks after the steel com- country’s main unions, comes back salary increases that with the International Mon- regions in the world. tion and a good soy harvest
statement. The company sold a pany announced the controver- as centre-right leader Macri match high inflation — prices etary Fund. The effects of the stoppage will alleviate the country’s
fertiliser plant to Pemex while sial sale of the fertiliser plant to tumbles in the polls ahead of are up more than 50% over High fees have exacerbated will also be felt in the soccer economic woes in the coming
Lozoya was at the helm. Pemex. presidential elections in Octo- the last year — and that re- poverty levels. world. months.

Honduras unrest
Opposition deputy charged Brazilian pop singer
killed in plane crash
over Venezuela revolt Guardian News and Media Diniz’s father asserted that
Brasilia Diniz had booked and paid for
AFP zled out, although it did spark Washington has insisted that the flight, and had not caught a
Caracas two days of deadly clashes be- the only item for discussion in free ride as some of his friends

tween protesters and the secu- the Norway talks should be Pres- abriel Diniz, one of had claimed. Brazil’s National
rity forces. ident Maduro’s removal. Brazil’s most successful Civil Aviation Authority (ANAC)

enezuela’s Supreme Maduro’s government re- Meanwhile, Maduro, while current pop stars, has is reported to be investigating
Court yesterday charged sponded by cracking down on describing the opposition as been killed in a plane crash, the crash, and has suspended
a 15th opposition law- opposition deputies, with the “extremist” and working on be- aged 28. the Aeroclube de Alagoas which
maker with involvement in last regime-dominated Constituent half of the US, promised to make His plane took off from the operated the aircraft.
month’s failed uprising against Assembly stripping a dozen law- an effort to resolve the crisis. city of Salvador in Bahia state Diniz, who grew up in Joao
President Nicolas Maduro. makers of their parliamentary “We are going to be showing our on May 27, bound for Maceio Pessoa in the north-east of
The country’s top court, immunity. very best good faith... further up the east coast, but Brazil, and built up his mu-
made up of regime loyalists, ac- Of those charged with in- to be able to find, based on the it crashed in bad weather in sic career while also working
cused deputy Rafael Guzman of volvement in the uprising, platform the parties agreed on, Porto do Mato. Diniz was killed as an electrical engineer. He
“the flagrant commission of the Guaido’s deputy Edgar Zam- peaceful, democratic solutions along with two pilots, Linaldo grew a huge following in Bra-
crimes of betraying the home- brano has been arrested while to help overcome Venezuela’s Xavier and Abraao Farias. The zil, particularly in the wake of
land, conspiracy, instigating re- others have either fled the coun- conflict,” Maduro said in a tel- star had reportedly been trav- his 2018 hit Jenifer – an up-
volt (and) civil rebellion.” try, sought refuge in diplomatic evised address on Monday. elling to his girlfriend to cel- beat pop track about a casual
The charges relate to an up- missions or gone into hiding. The US has refused to speak to ebrate her birthday. relationship on the dating app
rising led by opposition leader Guaido has accused the gov- Maduro on anything but logisti- His management confirmed Tinder; it has 237mn streams
and National Assembly speaker ernment of trying to dismantle cal matters, calling his leader- his death, “with great pain”, to on YouTube, and 4.7mn people
Juan Guaido — who has not been the opposition controlled Na- ship illegitimate. Us magazine. follow the singer on Instagram.
charged by the Supreme Court tional Assembly. While not rejecting the talks The reason for the crash is Other hits include Acabou
— on April 30 in a bid to ramp up The Assembly however has in Oslo, the US stood firm in not yet clear, but witnesses Acabou with the singer Wes-
the pressure on Maduro to step been powerless since the Su- its stance. “We note the talks reported hearing the plane’s ley Safadao, who tweeted: “I
down and allow for new presi- preme Court stripped it of its in Norway. As we have repeat- engine failing. Brazilian media will carry your smile and your
dential elections. powers in 2017. edly stated, the US believes the reported that the Piper PA-28 friendship with me forever.”
But Guaido — who is recog- The court’s latest decision only thing to negotiate with Protesters block a road during a teachers and medical Cherokee was deemed airwor- The Liverpool and Brazil
nised by more than 50 coun- comes as government and op- Nicolas Maduro is the condi- doctors protest near the presidential palace in Tegicigalpa. thy, but was not licensed for air footballer Robert Firmino has
tries as Venezuela’s interim position delegations hold peace tions of his departure,” state The teachers’ and medical doctors’ unions protested against taxi trips such as the one Diniz also paid tribute, saying: “The
president — was joined by only talks in Norway in a bid to al- department spokeswoman the privatisation of education and health and demanded the was apparently making. It was message of love and joy that
around 30 armed forces mem- leviate Venezuela’s political and Morgan Ortagus told reporters resignation of Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez. instead only meant to be used you left here on Earth was in-
bers and the revolt quickly fiz- economic crises. in Washington. for flight training. credible.”
Gulf Times
24 Thursday, May 30, 2019

Bilawal appears before graft
Demand highest watchdog, father skips out

in Islamabad for

olice and Pakistan Peo-
ples Party (PPP) work-
ers clashed yesterday as
party chairman Bilawal Bhutto
Zardari appeared before the

low-cost homes
National Accountability Bureau
(NAB) in Islamabad in relation
to the fake accounts case.
Former president Asif Ali
Zardari and his son Bilawal were
to appear separately before the
NAB yesterday, but only the lat- Zardari (right) and his son Bilawal are under investigation in
Internews all others in terms of demand is Pakistan Muslim League – Na- was a joint project between the ter turned up. relation to the fake accounts case.
Islamabad the federal capital, from where waz (PML-N) Senator Chaud- provincial government and the A joint NAB interrogation
they had received requests to hary Tanvir Khan said that the federal ministry, then that would team questioned Bhutto Zardari The city administration is- The graft watchdog had sum-
build some 230,000 houses. government should ensure that it mean there is a quota for federal for 30 minutes, after which he sued orders that PPP workers moned them to record their

round half of the demand The committee asked for com- gains something from the project employees in it. left the NAB headquarters. from other cities be prevented statements in the fake accounts
for the 500,000 low-cost plete information regarding the and that it is not a complete Zaib said that 2,200 units will Sources informed that Bhutto from entering the federal capi- case.
houses proposed by Prime project, to be presented after Eid waste. be built in the colony over 90 Zardari was handed a question- tal, explaining that the pres- The accountability bureau
Minister Imran Khan have come al-Fitr at a single-agenda meet- Zaib stated that there are a acres of land. naire by the NAB team. ence of party workers can lead summoned the former presi-
from the federal capital Islama- ing. number of foreign investors who He added they will also start a In the questionnaire, he was to chaos. dent for a second time for ques-
bad, a city which has seen its The committee was then in- had expressed their interest in project for officers in Basic Pay asked 32 questions, which he The administration sealed tioning in the investigation
population double from 800,000 formed that a nationwide sur- investing billions of dollars in Scale (BPS) grade 17 to 22. has to respond to by June 12. the entry routes to Islamabad in of corruption cases involving
to more than 2mn over the past vey at the Union Council (UC) this project. The housing secretary further Sources said that Bhutto order to stop PPP workers from power projects and awarding of
two decades. level will start after the Eid with He added the investors are also said that the provincial govern- Zardari was questioned re- arriving. illegal contracts.
This was disclosed during a the help of the National Data- ready to provide housing loan ment is overseeing the Gwadar garding the accounts of Zardari PPP leaders and workers were The Federal Investigation
meeting of the Senate Stand- base and Regulatory Authority for up to 25 years under this pro- housing project, in which some Group of companies. also stopped from reaching Agency (FIA) is investigating
ing Committee on Housing and (NADRA). gramme. 4,000 apartments will be con- Earlier upon Bhutto Zardari’s Zardari House. 32 people in relation to money
Works, which met at the Parlia- The committee also discussed During the meeting, Zaib was structed after the land is ac- arrival at the NAB headquar- Bhutto Zardari, before leav- laundering from fictitious ac-
ment House. the Federal Government Em- asked whether the government quired. ters, PPP workers chanted slo- ing, expressed gratitude to his counts, including Zardari and
During the meeting, the Na- ployees Housing Authority Bill is evicting residents of the 670 He said that registration for gans in his favour. supporters for the messages his son.
tional Party senator from Balu- 2019. houses of the Wehdad Colony of the project are open and that Police used water cannon to of support, tweeting: “Despite Zardari’s close aide Hussain
chistan complained that the Zaib said that he will be the ex- Quetta. they have thus far received some stop them from moving for- (former) CJ (Chief Justice of Lawai was arrested in July last
government has not given the officio chairman of the proposed The housing secretary replied 7,000 applications. ward. Pakistan Saqib) Nisar announc- year in connection with the
committee sufficient informa- authority under the bill. that the colony was a provincial The winners will be selected At D-chowk, PPP work- ing that I am innocent, the probe.
tion regarding the prime min- At this Pakistan Peoples Party project and does not fall under through a lucky draw. ers and police clashed: officers government has no tolerance The former president’s close
ister’s Naya Pakistan Housing (PPP) Senator Khanzada Khan the ambit of the ministry. Further, Zaib revealed that baton-charged party workers for constructive criticism and aide and Omni Group chairman
Scheme. suggested that an elected pub- However, he explained that the 1,000 will be built in a housing at several places, and also made opposition voices, continue to Anwar Majeed and his son, Ab-
Housing Secretary Imran Zaib lic representative should be the provincial government had asked project in Kuchlak but the project arrests later on. persecute political opponents. dul Ghani, were arrested by the
explained that all such schemes head of this authority. the ministry for a joint venture size has been doubled to 2,200 on Earlier, former president Luckily I’ve had a lot of prac- FIA in August 2018.
in the past had failed because the The bureaucrats from the on the colony. the directions of the prime min- Zardari excused himself from tice.” Over 20 benami accounts
project was not prepared as per housing foundation, though, ar- The committee chairman not- ister. appearing before the NAB in re- In another tweet, the PPP at some private banks were
the public demand. gued that a public representative ed that a 100-member delega- He added that they have re- lation to the fake accounts case, leader refuted calls for a protest: opened in 2013, 2014 and 2015,
He added that thus far, they cannot become the head of the tion of residents from the colony ceived some 7,500 applications sources informed. “Despite no official call to pro- from where transactions worth
received a demand for building authority as per directions issued were perturbed while the com- for this project, and that apart- This will be the second time test, party workers have begun billions of rupees were made,
some 500,000 houses from seven by the Prime Minister’s Office. mittee was completely unaware ments will be awarded following that the PPP leader had excused to reach Islamabad. In violation according to sources.
different districts of the country. Thereafter, the committee of their problems. a similar procedure to the one for himself from being present be- of every Pakistanis democratic The amount, according
However, the district leading unanimously passed the bill. He added that if the colony the Gwadar scheme. fore the NAB. rights of freedom of assembly, to FIA sources, is said to be
The NAB is due to decide (the) panicked government re- “black” money gathered from
about the former president’s leased a midnight notification various kickbacks, commis-
Doctor arrested in absence, sources said. to harass opponents in Khyber sions and bribes.
Earlier, in preparation for the Pakhtunkhwa (KP), Punjab and A benami is a transaction that
blasphemy case likely arrival of the PPP lead- Islamabad. Dartay hain Tab- is considered a form of money
after riots in Sindh ers in the capital, the Islama- delee walay.” laundering: a transaction in
bad administration banned the The NAB had summoned which property is transferred
The authorities have arrested entry of jiyalas in the federal Zardari and his son separately to one person for consideration
a veterinary doctor over capital. in the fake accounts case. paid by another.
allegations of blasphemy in a
case that has sparked protests
and rioting in the southern
province of Sindh.
Police in Mirpur Khas district
arrested the vet after receiving
a complaint that he was selling
MP accuses officials of lying
medicine wrapped in paper
featuring Islamic religious text.
The vet said it happened by
mistake, according to police.
about deadly weekend clash
“We have arrested the Hindu
veterinary doctor over AFP force against us, and I will raise rity forces against ethnic Pash-
allegations of blasphemy but Peshawar my voice against these excesses tuns.
he denies the charges,” Javed from whatever forum possible.” Darwar’s claims also come
Ahmad Baloch, senior police He went on to claim that at as the Committee to Protect

officer from the district, told DPA parliamentarian and civil least 13 people were killed by Journalists called for the re-
yesterday. rights leader has accused the firing, dismissing earlier re- lease of Pakistani journalist
The news sparked riots in the authorities of lying ports from the military that just Gohar Wazir, who was arrested
Phuladiyon, a small town in This file picture shows an aerial view of the airplane hub at Karachi airport. The Civil Aviation about a violent clash between three activists were killed dur- in nearby Bannu this week after
Mirpur Khas district with a Hindu Authority has extended the airspace closure on its eastern border with India to June 14. Pashtun activists and security ing the melee. interviewing the PTM leader.
majority, where an angry crowd forces over the weekend as ten- Amnesty International called “Gohar Wazir should not
set fire to the vet’s clinic and sions soar between the military for an independent investiga- have to face arrest merely for
looted shops owned by the Hindu and rights group. tion into the incident earlier this doing the job of reporting the
Baloch said that a timely
response by the police helped
Airspace closure extended Moshin Dawar – an MP and
leading member of the Pashtun
Protection Movement (PTM)
week, saying that “if the reports
are correct that the army killed
protesters by unlawfully using
news, even reporting on con-
troversial events such as pro-
tests by the Pashtun Tahafuz
maintain law and order. – disputed claims by the mili- live ammunition, this would be Movement,” said Steven Butler,
At least seven people linked to Reuters February following a suicide at- tions in southeast Asian. tary that activists assaulted the a very serious violation of inter- the CPJ Asia programme co-
the riots and vandalism have Islamabad tack by a Pakistan-based mili- “The closure will continue military during a protest near national law”. ordinator.
been arrested, he added. tant group in Indian-controlled until June 14,” a spokesperson a checkpoint along the Afghan The incident follows months A local official confirmed the
The police officer said that a case Kashmir, which led to aerial for Pakistan’s Civil Aviation border on Sunday, saying that of rising tensions between arrest of the journalist along

of defiling the Qur’an has been akistan’s airspace on its bombing missions on each oth- Authority told Reuters, without security forces fired into the the two sides, with the mili- with 22 others, saying that
registered against the vet. eastern border with India er’s soil and a fighter dogfight giving further details. unarmed crowd. tary publicly and repeatedly Wazir had violated a public or-
If proven guilty, the accused will remain closed until over Kashmir. Pakistan lies in the middle of “We did not attack any army warning PTM leaders to end der ordinance for taking part in
could face life imprisonment. June 14, a civil aviation official Foreign carriers using In- a vital aviation corridor. checkpoint rather, we were at- their criticism of the country’s PTM protests.
said. dian airspace have been forced The airspace restrictions im- tacked,” Dawar told AFP by armed forces. Pashtuns account for 15% of
This is the latest extension to take costly detours because pact hundreds of commercial phone from an undisclosed Since bursting onto the scene Pakistan’s population, with a
Pakistan, UK to months after a stand-off be- they cannot fly over Pakistan. and cargo flights each day, add- location where he is believed last year, the PTM has rattled majority based in the northwest
tween the two nations. The closure mainly affects ing flight time for passengers to be hiding. “The state and Pakistan’s military with its calls and a significant presence in the
share financial Pakistan closed its airspace in flights from Europe to destina- and fuel costs for airlines. the state institutions are using to end alleged abuses by secu- southern port city of Karachi.
Pakistan and the UK are all
set to sign Memorandum
of Understanding (MoU) for
exchange of financial intelligence
between the two countries
Govt files references Man kills HIV positive wife in Sindh
in order to combat money
laundering and terror financing
through mutual co-operation.
against judges over AFP
“This morning the husband
strangled (the victim) with a
HIV and other diseases has kept
the large swathes of the popula-
Pakistan is establishing
international co-operation to properties abroad rope and then hung her from a
tree outside his home,” Roshan
tion in the dark about how the
virus is transmitted.

comply with the conditions man killed his HIV posi- Ali – a police officer in Shikar- Health officials say that near-
placed by the Financial Action tive wife yesterday in pur – told AFP, adding that the ly 700 people, many of them
Task Force (FATF). Internews ies into allegations of incapac- southern Pakistan, suspect is now in custody. children, have tested positive in
Islamabad is currently making Islamabad ity or misconduct against a where hundreds of people have Shikarpur district police recent weeks as experts warn of
moves to come out from the judge of the Supreme Court or tested positive for the virus in chief Sajid Sadozai confirmed a surge in infection rates across
FATF’s “grey list”, and such of a high court. recent weeks, stirring panic and the incident, saying that an in- Pakistan due to the use of un-

international agreements will he federal government Two judges in Pakistan’s casting a light on the country’s vestigation into the killing is sanitary equipment and ram-
help show that Pakistan is has filed references with history have been removed dismal public health standards. ongoing and that the suspect pant malpractice – often at the
seriously pursuing its actions the Supreme Judicial from their post. Police said the murder took had been booked on murder hands of quack doctors.
against proscribed outfits Council (SJC) against two high Last year, Shaukat Aziz Sid- place in a village near the epi- charges. Pakistan was long considered
involved in any crime proceeds. court judges and one Supreme diqui was removed from the centre of the outbreak on the Anger and fear continue to a low prevalence country for
“A Pakistani delegation is in Court judge for owning prop- post of Islamabad High Court outskirts of Larkana city in swell in the desperately-poor HIV, but the disease is expand-
the UK to sign the MOU with erties abroad. judge in the light of a recom- Sindh province, where thou- villages and suburbs near Lar- ing at an alarming rate – partic-
UK’s Financial Intelligence Unit, According to reports, the mendation by the SJC over his sands have been screened in the kana affected by the epidemic, ularly among intravenous drug
that will facilitate exchange of three judges did not mention controversial speech before last month. which authorities say could be users and sex workers.
financial intelligence between their properties abroad in their the District Bar Association, The victim – a 32-year-old linked to either gross negligence With about 20,000 new HIV This picture released by the
the two countries, help enhance wealth statements. Rawalpindi on July 21, 2018. mother of four – tested posi- or malicious intent by a local infections reported in 2017 Sindh police department shows
international co-operation, The SJC is the only constitu- In 1973, Lahore high court tive in recent days, according doctor using tainted syringes. alone, Pakistan currently has the man who killed his HIV
and support law enforcement tional authority mandated by judge Justice Shaukat Ali was to a local police officer, with her In rural Sindh – long bridled the second fastest growing HIV positive wife, looking out from a
agencies in investigations,” top Article 209 of the Constitution removed on the charges of mis- husband accusing her of having by harsh poverty and illiteracy rates across Asia, according to police lockup in Sindh’s
official sources confirmed. of Pakistan to conduct inquir- conduct. an extramarital affair. – access to information about the UN. Shikarpur district.
Gulf Times
Thursday, May 30, 2019 25


Philippines, Japan sign

deals worth billions
By Ralph Villanueva among others. These markets
Manila Times have preferential tariff arrange-
Delfin Lorenzana ments with the Philippines,” he

usiness deals worth nearly “Beyond manufacturing,
P300bn were signed yes- the Philippines is also an ideal

Fishing must terday as President Rod-

rigo Duterte marked the start of
a three-day visit to Japan.
base for high-value Knowledge
Process Outsourcing ventures
to support the global operations

continue in The 26 agreements, worth

a total of P288.8bn and ex-
pected to result in the crea-
of Japanese companies,” Du-
terte continued.
He assured Japanese inves-

disputed tion of 82,737 jobs, include a

memorandum of co-operation
on investment promotion ac-
tors of a competitive and cor-
ruption-free business environ-
ment, and highlighted a recent

waters: tivities between the Depart-

ment of Trade and Industry
and the Japan External Trade
Standard & Poor’s ratings up-
“At any hour of the day or

Lorenzana Organisation; a memorandum

of understanding (MoU) be-
tween the EMS Group, Tescom
night, you can contact any of
the Cabinet members or your
Filipino lawyers or Filipino
Denki Co Ltd and Outsourcing workers, and you can ask an au-
By Dempsey Reyes Inc for skills training and hu- dience with me in 24 hours and
Manila Times man resource development and I will talk to you, and just let me
deployment; an MoU between know what your problem is and
Advanced World Systems Inc we will kill that problem,” he

ilipino fishermen should Alsons/AWS Information Sys- declared.
continue fishing in con- tems Inc and Ubicom Holdings “Well, sort of. But as I am
tested waters despite a ban Inc on the outsourcing of soft- committed to do this, I place
announced by China, Defence ware development, testing and honour and my persona that
Secretary Delfin Lorenzana said. maintenance projects; a joint what I guarantee here must be
The summer fishing ban, venture agreement between the followed,” Duterte added.
which started on May 1, covers Bases Conversion and Develop- The president underscored
the Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea, East ment Authority and the Meralco the importance of Japan to the
China Sea and the South China Marubeni Consortium for the Philippines, as it is a major
Sea (West Philippine Sea), where financing, design, engineering, source of foreign direct invest-
Beijing has territorial disputes construction, development, President Rodrigo Duterte is seen on his arrival at the Imperial Hotel where he attended a business forum yesterday. With him is his ments and a key trading partner.
with the Philippines and other and operation and maintenance partner Cielito Avancena and Trade Secretary Ramon Lopez. The 2006 Japan-Philippines
countries. of New Clark City’s electric Economic Partnership Agree-
“I don’t think the ban cov- power distribution system; an Gas, creating for an inter-island including but not limited to related products, and manufac- “The Philippines is a natural ment is currently being re-
ers us because we also claim the MoU between Asia Defence and liquefied natural gas distribu- the design and construction of turing, among others. choice for Japanese companies viewed for possible upgrades
area…,” Lorenzana said on Tues- Armament Corp, Kenko Tokina tion network and another LoI ships. Duterte, who is in Japan for looking for the manufactur- that would benefit both coun-
day. Co Ltd and Diversified Ecozone from Japan Marine United Corp Japan also provided 17 LoIs Friday’s 25th Nikkei Confer- ing base in Asean (Association tries, he noted.
“We have no ban on our fish- Corp for a facility that will sup- and Marubeni Corp for the de- to the Department of Trade ence on the Future of Asia, said of Southeast Asian Nations), Duterte also made a pitch for
ermen going there; maybe for ply customised equipment for velopment of the Philippines’ and Industry, covering multiple the business deals were “a vote and aiming to serve the export the Japanese participation in his
(China) they are banning their the Philippine military; a let- maritime safety capability by fields such as motoring, infra- of economic confidence in the markets of Asean, EU (Euro- government’s Build Build Build
fishermen,” he added. ter of intent (LoI) from Tokyo providing maritime expertise, structure, wiring harnesses and Philippines’ bright prospects.” pean Union) and the Americas, infrastructure programme.
The prohibition, Lorenzana
said, might have been ordered
by Beijing to allow fish stocks
and other maritime resources to
recover “because they have been
fishing heavily in those areas.”
Amid China’s continued
build-up of its presence in dis-
puted waters, Lorenzana also
Battle for Senate posts looms ahead
stressed that there was an agree- By Bernadette E Tamayo in Gordon’s committee. Poe quipped ists that won and most of them have other incumbents are Franklin Drilon, Senate posts. Cayetano and Gatchalian
ment not to occupy more areas Manila Times that because she was an independent, their own committees already when Sherwin Gatchalian, Ana Theresia are both eyeing the Education com-
in the South China Sea, particu- it would be best if she got the Blue Rib- they were there as incumbents from the Hontiveros, Panfilo Lacson, Leila de mittee chairmanship, Go is interested
larly in the Spratlys, where nine bon panel. 17th Congress.” Lima, Emmanuel Pacquiao, Francis in leading the Health panel, while Lac-

islands, shoals and reefs are oc- scramble for prime legislative Senate President Vicente Sotto 3rd, “Now, we must practice what we Pangilinan, Ralph Recto, Emmanuel son has already said he would be giving
cupied by the Philippines. posts is shaping up in the Sen- who is expected to also face a challenge call a consensus-building or the art of Joel Villanueva and Juan Miguel Zubiri. the Public Order and Dangerous Drugs
China in recent years has ate, with incumbents looking to from legislators backed by the gov- compromise because the newcomers Joining Poe among those re-elected, Committee to dela Rosa.
taken over Subi (Zamora) Reef, hold off challenges from first-timers, ernment during the recent elections, would want some major committees meanwhile, are Juan Edgardo Angara, Poe, who is willing to give up the
Mischief (Panganiban) Reef and re-electionists and comebackers. yesterday acknowledged the problem and most of these major committees Maria Lourdes Nancy Binay, Aquilino Public Services Committee if offered
Fiery Cross (Kagitingan) Reef, Committees likely to be the focus of of apportioning committee chairman- are being handled by incumbent sena- Pimentel 3rd and Cynthia Villar. the Blue Ribbon panel, said she would
which were formerly held by the leadership battles once the 18th Con- ships. Noting that the incumbents tors. That is where the problem lies,” Making their Senate comebacks are “not insist… out of respect to Sen.Gor-
Philippines. gress opens on July 22 include the Blue — those elected to six-year terms in Sotto added. Pilar Juliana Cayetano, Manuel Lapid don.”
President Rodrigo Duterte, Ribbon, Justice, Education, Health and 2016 — “had a chance to be elected to “We have to talk to those who would and Ramon Revilla Jr, while the first- She also acknowledged the possibil-
who has made an effort to woo Public Services panels. the different committees that they cur- be willing to forego their committees timers are Tolentino, Christopher ity of Sotto’s ouster, raising the pros-
Beijing, has said he could do “Well, they should try and get it if rently handle,” Sotto said, “there is a and offer another committee. That’s Lawrence Go, Maria Imelda Josefa pect of both of them joining the minor-
nothing against the incursions. they can get it,” incumbent Blue Ribbon tradition in the Senate that we call the how it works. It’s not an easy job and it Marcos and Ronald dela Rosa. ity bloc.
He recently threatened “suicide Chairman Sen. Richard Gordon said. equity of the incumbent in choosing is not left to the discretion of the Senate With the exception of Poe, Binay “I think that if Sen. Sotto is replaced,
attacks,” however, following re- Sen. Mary Grace Poe, who won a the committee chairmanships.” president, contrary to what others have and Lapid, all incoming senators were there is a real threat that some of us will
ports of an increased Chinese fresh six-year mandate in the May 13 On the other hand, he added, “There said. It is always the members of the backed by the administration-linked not join the majority. If Sotto moves to
presence near Philippine-held elections, and freshman Sen. Francis are new senators and some comeback majority that vote for the chairman.” Hugpong ng Pagbabago party, which is the minority, I will join him there,” Poe
Pagasa (Thitu) Island. Tolentino were reportedly interested senators… there were five re-election- Aside from Gordon and Sotto, the expected to lead a challenge for the top said.

House leaders criticise Severe malnutrition is

allegations on vote-buying
By Glee Jale
Manila Times
‘biggest threat to economy’
By William Depasupil out of three or more Filipinos
Manila Times may have stunted brain devel-

ouse of Representatives opment.
leaders yesterday denied “We need to do something for

claims that votes were he single biggest threat to our children. Make food afford-
being bought in the race to be- business in the country is able, feed the youngest of our
come the next speaker, declaring the severe malnutrition children, not just school-age
that congressmen were “not for afflicting one third of children children.School feeding is not
sale.” five years old and below, that good enough because it’s too
Legislators are not “cheap in a results in stunted growth and late; we have to start from the
sense that they have an integrity brain development, a leading mother’s womb when the chil-
to maintain,” Majority Leader economist said. dren are still being conceived
Fredenil Castro said in a televi- Cielito Habito, former Na- Cielito Habito: blaming high food costs and then when they become
sion interview. House Minority tional Economic and Develop- infants. That is where we have
Leader Danilo Suarez, mean- Majority Leader Fredenil Castro. ment Authority (NEDA) di- of the daily budget of the poor- of Southeast Asian Nations to really attack the problem,”
while, said, “There’s no payout rector general, attributed the est Filipinos. Expensive rice (Asean), wherein the Philip- Habito said.
of P500,000 to P1mn. That’s not that he was the one offering “It depends on who gets the problem to the country’s flawed leaves so little money for the pines ended up at the bottom of He noted that Peru solved the
true” in rejecting claims by Dav- P1mn for the speakership, saying president’s favour. I don’t con- age-old rice policy that, he protein the children need for the list. same problem in eight years,
ao del Norte Rep. Pantaleon Al- he doubted that a congressman sider it vote-buying because pointed out, has made rice so proper nourishment of their “Did you know that the Philip- saying it was able to cut stunted
varez that two aspirants were of- would resort to “wheeling and there is no guarantee on the floor expensive for the average Fili- brain and body,” he said. pines, among the 10 Asean coun- growth from 28% to 14%. Hab-
fering huge sums to secure votes. dealing.” that they will vote for you,” he pino family. Stunted growth, Habito tries, is assessed to have the low- ito said the biggest advantage of
Alvarez, who was ousted last Romualdez has yet to com- said in a radio interview. “It is why I personally wel- pointed out, leads to low intel- est average IQ? We are the most the Philippines over its neigh-
year as House speaker and wants ment on the matter. He has re- Alvarez is hoping to reconcile come the rice tariffication poli- ligence quotient (IQ) because dumb among Asean citizens, and bouring countries is its human
to regain the post when the 18th portedly secured the support of with Duterte-Carpio, who called cy to the extent that it will make young children will never reach I would link this to the stunting resources, where the “millen-
Congress opens in July, made the over 150 congressmen, and, ac- him “very dangerous and Mach- rice cheaper in the Philippines,” their full brain and physical de- problem, which has been with us nials” and the “generation Z” or
allegation on Monday, but did cording to Suarez, could likely iavellian” last week, acknowl- Habito said in a speech during velopment potential. for a long time,” he said. those born during the Internet
not identify the alleged vote- be endorsed by outgoing House edging her role as kingmaker, the 40th National Conference He explained that 90% of The Asean groups the Phil- age are already dominating the
buyers. Speaker Gloria Macapagal Ar- given speculation that she could of Employers held at the Mar- human brain development hap- ippines, Brunei Darussalam, labour force.
Marinduque Rep. Lord Allan royo. run for the presidency in 2022. riot Hotel in Pasay City. pened before age five, and only Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, “Those from the generation Z
Velasco — said to be Davao City Alvarez, who has lost the Other candidates for speaker- The traditional restriction about 10% happened after that Malaysia, Myanmar, Singa- are likely to change jobs as many
Mayor Sara Duterte-Carpio’s favour of Duterte-Carpio de- ship include Pampanga Rep. Au- on rice trading, according to age. pore, Thailand and Vietnam as 10 times between 18 and 34
personal choice — and minor- spite being an ally of her father, relio Gonzales Jr and former For- the former NEDA chief, has Habito cited a study made Habito said the stunting prob- years of age,” he said, adding
ity-backed Leyte Rep. Martin President Rodrigo Duterte, said eign Affairs secretary Alan Peter made rice in the Philippines two by Finnish and English schol- lem has always been at 30 to that members of this generation
Romualdez are reportedly the the speakership race would ulti- Cayetano. times more expensive than that ars who made a comparison of 40% since the 1980s, and that are seeking more purpose and
current frontrunners. mately be won by whoever wins The House will elect its new in neighbouring countries. average IQs among member the same is true with the gen- meaning in their existence and
Velasco has denied allegations the chief executive’s backing. speaker on July 22. “Our staple takes 20 to 25% countries of the Association eration at present wherein one prefer flexible work.
Gulf Times
26 Thursday, May 30, 2019

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K T Chacko

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EU elections exposed
the erosion of Europe’s
political middle
The results of the just concluded European Union
parliamentary elections weren’t as bad as supporters of the
postwar order of liberal democracies had feared they would be.
But they weren’t good, either. The nationalist right improved
its position slightly, and the Greens and other left-leaning
parties did better than anticipated. But the real news – and the
real concern – is the continuing erosion of the political middle,
and the strong showing by nationalists in Italy and France. The
takeaway? Support for European solidarity, and even the very

US trade war targets...

notion of a European Union, continues to fragment.
The pressures are considerable. Immigration, in Europe as in
America, has galvanised nationalists to continue their troubling
repudiations of diversity and tolerance. And there are no easy
solutions to the flow of hundreds of thousands of migrants from
Middle East and North African war zones, and from political

Japan then, China now

and economic instability – some of it climate-driven – in sub-
Saharan Africa. That influx has exposed European fractures
and played a significant role in persuading German Chancellor
Angela Merkel, whose Christian Democratic Union party was
trounced in regional elections last fall, to not seek re-election.
It fuelled Brexit, the British vote to leave the European Union –
a process that has foundered so badly that now Prime Minister stage for battles, 30 years apart, with result, the net domestic saving rate clueless about the macro argument
By Stephen S Roach
Theresa May is resigning and the Tories are fighting for the soul New Haven Asia’s two economic giants. actually edged down to 2.8% of national today as he was back then.
of the Conservative Party. It has helped propel nationalists to When Reagan took office in January income by late 2018, keeping America’s In both episodes, the US was in denial,
powerful positions in Italy, Hungary and Austria. 1981, the net domestic saving rate stood at international balances deep in the red bordering on delusion. Basking in the

Of course, this When governments permit 7.8% of national income, and the current – with the current-account deficit at warm glow of untested supply-side
counterfeiting or copying of account was basically balanced. Within 2.6% of GDP and the merchandise trade economics – especially the theory that
European voters struggle between
American products, it is stealing two and a half years, courtesy of Reagan’s gap at 4.5% in late 2018.
And that’s where China assumes the
tax cuts would be self-financing – the
Reagan administration failed to appreciate
our future, and it is no longer wildly popular tax cuts, the domestic
have delivered yet nationalism and
free trade.” So said US president Ronald saving rate had plunged to 3.7%, and the role that Japan played in the 1980s. On
the surface, the threat seems more dire.
the links between mounting budget
and trade deficits. Today, the seductive
Reagan, commenting on Japan after current account and the merchandise
another liberalism isn’t just a the Plaza Accord was concluded in trade balances swung into perpetual After all, China accounted for 48% of
the US merchandise trade deficit in
power of low interest rates, coupled with
the latest strain of voodoo economics –
European phenomenon, September 1985. Today resembles, in deficit. In this important respect,
wake-up call to the and the battle is being many respects, a remake of this 1980s America’s so-called trade problem was 2018, compared to Japan’s 42% share
in the first half of the 1980s. But the
Modern Monetary Theory – is equally
alluring for the Trump administration and
movie, but with a reality-television star very much of its own making.
governing classes fought on many fronts
at the same time. In
replacing a Hollywood film star in the Yet the Reagan administration comparison is distorted by global supply
chains, which basically didn’t exist in
a bipartisan consensus of China bashers
in the US Congress.
presidential leading role – and with a was in denial. There was little or no
of the EU nations the US Donald Trump
exploited that rift
new villain in place of Japan. appreciation of the link between saving the 1980s. Data from the OECD and
the World Trade Organisation suggest
The tough macroeconomic
constraints facing a saving-short US
Back in the 1980s, Japan was and trade imbalances. Instead, the
to win the White House. Scandal-weary Brazil elected far- portrayed as America’s greatest blame was pinned on Japan, which that about 35-40% of the bilateral economy are ignored for good reason:
right populist Jair Bolsonaro in October. Philippine President economic threat – not only because accounted for 42% of US goods trade US-China trade deficit reflects inputs there is no US political constituency
Rodrigo Duterte solidified power in legislative elections earlier of allegations of intellectual property deficits in the first half of the 1980s. made outside of China but assembled for reducing trade deficits by cutting
theft, but also because of concerns Japan bashing then took on a life of its and shipped to the US from China. That budget deficits and thereby boosting
this month despite – or perhaps because of – extrajudicial own with a wide range of grievances means the made-in-China portion domestic saving. America wants to have
about currency manipulation, state-
killings of suspected drug dealers and addicts that have drawn sponsored industrial policy, a hollowing over unfair and illegal trade practices. of today’s US trade deficit is actually its cake and eat it, with a health-care
international condemnations. Prime Minister Narendra Modi out of US manufacturing, and an outsize Leading the charge back then was a smaller than Japan’s share of the 1980s. system that swallows 18% of its GDP,
and his Hindu nationalists were just overwhelmingly re-elected bilateral trade deficit. In its standoff young Deputy US Trade Representative Like the Japan bashing of the 1980s, defence spending that exceeds the
in India. with the US, Japan ultimately blinked, named Robert Lighthizer. today’s outbreak of China bashing combined sum of the world’s next seven
Unfortunately, this broad disillusionment with an but it paid a steep price for doing so – Fast-forward some 30 years and the has been conveniently excised from largest military budgets, and tax cuts
interconnected world comes against the backdrop of a rising nearly three “lost” decades of economic similarities are painfully evident. Unlike America’s broader macroeconomic that have reduced federal government
stagnation and deflation. Today, the Reagan, President Donald Trump did context. That is a serious mistake. revenue to 16.5% of GDP, well below the
China, which promotes a self-serving vision of globalism, Without raising national saving – 17.4% average of the past 50 years.
same plot features China. not inherit a US economy with an ample
and an aggressively meddlesome Russia, which is determined Notwithstanding both countries’ reservoir of saving. When Trump took highly unlikely under the current US This remake of an old movie is
to reassert itself as a power. Trump’s withdrawal of the US objectionable mercantilism, Japan and office in January 2017, the net domestic budget trajectory – trade will simply be disconcerting, to say the least. Once
as a leader on the international stage has left a vacuum and China had something else in common: saving rate was just 3%, well below half the shifted away from China to America’s again, the US has found it far easier to
uncertainty about the future of international engagement. They became victims of America’s rate at the onset of the Reagan era. But, like other trading partners. With this trade bash others – Japan then, China now –
Nationalism helped propel Europe into two devastating unfortunate habit of making others his predecessor, who waxed eloquently diversion likely to migrate to higher- than to live within its means. This time,
wars in the 20th century, and while the current situation does the scapegoat for its own economic of a new “morning in America,” Trump cost platforms around the world, however, the movie might have a very
problems. Like Japan bashing in the also opted for large tax cuts – this time to American consumers will be hit with different ending. - Project Syndicate
not indicate that the world is heading down that road again,
1980s, China bashing today is an “make America great again.” the functional equivalent of a tax hike.
it will face better prospects for peace, mutual prosperity and outgrowth of America’s increasingly The result was a predictable widening Ironically, Trump has summoned  Stephen S Roach, a faculty member
respect for fundamental human rights through co-operation insidious macroeconomic imbalances. of the federal budget deficit, which more the same Robert Lighthizer, veteran of at Yale University and former Chairman
and interconnections. As countries focus more on what they In both cases, a dramatic shortfall in US than offset the cyclical surge in private the Japan trade battles of the 1980s, of Morgan Stanley Asia, is the author
believe makes their populations unique, they risk obscuring the domestic saving spawned large current- saving that normally accompanies a to lead the charge against China. of Unbalanced: The Codependency of
commonalities of humankind that the people must rely on to account and trade deficits, setting the maturing economic expansion. As a Unfortunately, Lighthizer seems as America and China.
confront an ever-changing world – and one that is careening
toward existential crisis from global warming, a shared problem
that will require a shared solution.
The EU election results also show us what happens when
leaders of government fail to lead. France’s Yellow Vests
movement is born of similar conditions to the United States’
tea party movement: a sense that national leaders and
dominant multinational corporations have failed to recognise
globalisation’s impacts on small towns and rural areas suffering
moribund local economies and stubborn unemployment,
and the stress that places on local cultures and standards of
living. Growing income inequality reinforces the notion that
governments place the interests of wealth over all others.
European voters have delivered yet another wake-up call to the
governing classes of the EU nations. — Tribune News Service

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Semi-trucks drive past shipping containers in the APM shipping terminal at the Port of Los Angeles in Los Angeles, California, US, in this May 7, 2019 file photo. China bash-
© 2019 Gulf Times. All rights reserved ing today is an outgrowth of America’s increasingly insidious macroeconomic imbalances.
Gulf Times
Thursday, May 30, 2019 27


Modern monetary inevitabilities

By Robert Dugger exhausted strategies such as tax “excessive” if it cannot be repaid
Alexandria, Virginia cuts for the rich, at the expense of because its proceeds were spent in
investment in education and other ways that did not increase national
sources of long-term growth. These wealth enough to do so. Debt resulting

n a recent Project Syndicate conditions cry out for significant from tax cuts that are spent on mega-
commentary, James K Galbraith of changes in US government spending yachts would almost certainly be
the University of Texas at Austin and tax policies. excessive; debt incurred to improve
defends Modern Monetary Theory MMT is seen as a way to accomplish educational outcomes, maintain
and corrects some misunderstandings the needed changes. It holds that a essential infrastructure, or address
about the relationships among MMT, government can spend as much as it climate change would probably not be.
federal deficits, and central-bank wants if it borrows in its own currency Accordingly, it will be easier to achieve
independence. But Galbraith does and its central bank can buy as much political unity if MP3 proceeds are
not explore what is perhaps the most of the government’s debt as necessary spent on priorities such as education,
important issue of all: the political – as long as doing so doesn’t generate infrastructure, or climate.
conditions needed to implement MMT unacceptably high inflation. Both tax- The political test for justifying
effectively. cut advocates and supporters of public MP3-financed government spending,
MMT owes its newfound relevance investment find little not to like. is clear: Will future generations
to the fact that deflation, rather than MMT has been roundly criticised judge that the borrowing was not
inflation, is becoming central banks’ by economists across the political “excessive”? Most Americans born
main concern. For a high-debt, high- spectrum, from Kenneth Rogoff and well after WWII would say that the
deficit economy like the United States, Lawrence H Summers of Harvard debt incurred to win that war was
deflation is an especially serious University to Paul Krugman of the justified, as was the debt that financed
threat, because it delays consumption City University of New York. All the construction of the Interstate
and increases debtor anxiety. contend that it is a political argument Highway System, which literally paved
Consumers forego major purchases on masquerading as economic theory. But the way for stronger growth.
the assumption that future prices will Galbraith and Ray Dalio of Bridgewater As the 1930s and 1940s show, MP3
be lower. Homeowners with mortgages Associates see MMT differently. Dalio is a natural component of government
cut back their spending when they see argues that MMT is real and, more to responses to major debt downturns
home prices falling and the equity in the point, it is an inevitable policy step and the political crises they trigger.
their homes declining. These cutbacks in historically recurring debt-cycle We know much more about what
worry the Federal Reserve, because downturns. contributes to economic growth and
they add to deflationary pressures In his book Principles for Navigating sustainability than we did in the first
and could trigger deeper spending Big Debt Crises, Dalio documents The Fed’s inability so far to reach its 2% target for annual inflation suggests that it lacks the means to overcome persistent half of the twentieth century. To speed
cuts, stock-market declines, and the steps that central banks have disinflationary forces in the economy. recovery from the next downturn,
widespread deleveraging. historically taken when faced with we need to identify now the types of
The Fed’s inability so far to reach its a booming economy that suddenly to “helicopter money” transfers mode. It not only set short- and long- doesn’t even account for the hidden spending that will contribute most
2% target for annual inflation suggests crumples under the weight of debt. directly to consumers. term rates for Treasury bonds, but also debts associated with infrastructure to sustainable recovery and that in
that it lacks the means to overcome The first step (Monetary Policy 1, or Achieving political agreement on bought as much government debt as maintenance, rising sea levels, and hindsight will be viewed as most
persistent disinflationary forces in MP1) is to cut overnight official rates what to finance and how is essential necessary to finance the war effort. unfunded pensions. For the reasons justified by future Americans. We need
the economy. These forces include to stimulate credit and investment for implementing MP3 effectively. In a MP3 was possible because the war Dalio lays out, a US debt crisis also to design the institutions that
increased US market concentration, expansion. The second (MP2) is to buy financial meltdown or other national united the country politically and gave requiring some form of MP3 is all but will direct the spending. These are
which diminishes aggregate demand by government debt (quantitative easing) emergency, political unity and prompt the Roosevelt administration near- inevitable. the keys to building the political unity
weakening employee bargaining power to support asset prices and prevent action are essential. Unity requires a authoritarian rule over the economy. The crucial question that any that MMT requires. To know what to
and increasing income inequality; uncontrollable waves of deleveraging. strong consensus on what should be The core weakness of MP3/ effort to achieve political unity must finance and how, future Americans
population ageing; inadequate If MP1 and MP2 are insufficient to halt financed. Speed requires the existence MMT advocacy is the absence of answer is what constitutes justifiable can show us the way; we need only
investment in infrastructure a downturn, central banks take step of a trusted institution to direct the an explanation of how to achieve spending. Alexander Hamilton, put ourselves in their shoes. – Project
and climate-change abatement; three (MMT, which Dalio calls MP3) spending. political unity on what to finance and America’s first Secretary of the Syndicate
and technology-driven labour and proceed to finance the spending In the early 1940s, when the US how. This absence is inexcusable. Treasury, offered an answer in 1781:
displacement. Making matters worse, priorities that political leaders deem entered World War II and winning Total US debt (as a share of GDP) is “A national debt,” he wrote, “if it is  Robert H Dugger is Managing
US political gridlock assures continued most essential. The priorities can range the war became the government’s approaching levels associated with not excessive will be to us a national Partner at Hanover Provident Capital,
commitment to economically from financing major national projects top priority, the Fed entered full MP3 past financial meltdowns, and that blessing.” A government’s debt is LLC.

Why the EU election was a win for Macron Three-day forecast

Maximum Temperature : 420c
By Zaki Laidi owing to efforts by Prime Minister of various policy proposals, given that populist supporters, Macron will claim
Minimum Temperature : 320c
Paris Édouard Philippe (formerly of the there is so much common ground it as a success.
Republicans). between La Republique en Marche !, Finally, the election provides a FRIDAY
Moreover, most of those who the S&D, and the Greens. And, as an check on German hegemony within Maximum Temperature : 410c

hough the final vote tally switched to La Republique en Marche added bonus, the end of the EPP/S&D the EU more broadly. Germany’s Minimum Temperature : 300c
might seem to suggest ! are pensioners who did so despite duopoly also marks the end of German Christian Democratic Union (CDU) SATURDAY
otherwise, the European being hit hard by Macron’s tax hegemony in the Parliament. has been weakened, and the country’s Maximum Temperature : 420c
Parliament elections were a reforms (some of which have been Third, the Spitzenkandidaten Greens have grown stronger. For his Minimum Temperature : 310c
strategic success for French President reversed). This suggests that Macron’s process – whereby the largest party part, Macron will find the Greens Fisherman's forecast
Emmanuel Macron. There are four progressive-versus-populist narrative grouping selects the president of the much easier to work with on eurozone
reasons why this is so. helped to re-mobilize France’s – and European Commission – is likely to reform, especially if they end up
collapse, and this may also work to joining a new German coalition WARNING
First, Macron succeeded in framing perhaps Europe’s – pro-European Inshore : Nil
the election as a contest between electorate. While the National Rally Macron’s advantage. The system is government.
progressives and populists. Though performed well and Italy’s right- a first-past-the-post mechanism in Taken together, these post-election Offshore : Nil
he has been assailed at home in recent wing League party made gains, they a proportionally elected Parliament, considerations paint a rather positive
Inshore : Hot daytime with slight
months – including by some on his failed to trigger the EU-wide political and has more to do with partisanship picture for Macron. The question dust at some places
own “side” – it is worth remembering earthquake that many had come to than with democracy, because it gives now is whether he can use his and some clouds
that this message did not emerge out expect. automatic power to the largest group. strength at the EU level to shore up
Offshore : Fine to some clouds
of thin air. Rather, it harks back to The second reason the election But while the EPP won the his domestic position. This will not at times
Macron’s 2017 presidential campaign, represents a victory for Macron is that most parliamentary seats, its happen automatically. With the fall
which itself tapped into a broader his party will now be able to claim Spitzenkandidat, Manfred Weber, of the French right, there may be a WIND
Inshore : Northwesterly- North-
political sea change taking place across leadership over a pivotal centrist is very controversial. Just before the temptation to position La Republique easterly-05-15 KT
Europe. In that election, he overcame parliamentary group of 110 members. election, he was weakened by the en Marche ! as a new home for right-
the traditional right-left divide. Two The relative losses suffered by the political demise of Austrian Chancellor wing French voters. But while this Offshrore : Southwesterly-North-
westerly 03-13/18 KT
years later, this was replicated in the European People’s Party (EPP) and Sebastian Kurz, whose government was might capture Paris’s bourgeois 16th
European Parliament elections. the Progressive Alliance of Socialists brought down by the release of a video arrondissement, doing so would be a Visibility : 4-8 KM
Historically, the Republicans on and Democrats (S&D), combined with in which his vice chancellor, Heinz- mistake. Instead, Macron should focus
on securing more of the atomised left, Offshore : 1-3/5 FT
the right and the Socialists on the the surge in support for the Greens, Christian Strache of the Freedom Party,
left have dominated French politics. means that the European Parliament appears to offer a quid pro quo for particularly those who have moved to Around the region
Yet these parties’ combined share is entering a period of quadripartite electoral help from Russia. the National Rally.
Weather Weather
of the popular vote was under 15%, governance. Provided these groups But Merkel still defends Weber, and, As matters stand, La Republique
today Max/min tomorrow Max/min
whereas Macron’s La Republique en are able to compromise, the new apart from Macron and Dutch Prime en Marche !’s base remains limited
Baghdad Sunny 43/24 Sunny 43/26
Marche ! won 22.4%, and the far-right arrangement will probably be an Minister Mark Rutte, most EU leaders to the “winners” of globalisation.
Kuwait City Sunny 44/30 M Sunny 44/29
National Rally (formerly the National improvement on the old one, wherein are reluctant to confront the European Rural, alienated, and economically
Manama Sunny 41/32 Sunny 40/31
Front) picked up 23.3%. Behind these the EPP and S&D divvied up all of the Parliament on the Spitzenkandidaten vulnerable voters remain in the
Muscat Sunny 38/32 Sunny 38/32
figures is an unprecedented collapse jobs. For the first time in the European issue. That may shorten the odds National Rally’s camp. To win them
Tehran P Cloudy 29/17 P Cloudy 26/17
of the mainstream French right, Parliament’s history, the number of for Margrethe Vestager – who is not over, Macron must reduce the
which has failed to reconcile identity MEPs affiliated with the two main from the EPP, but who is, in a sense, polarisation between the two parties.
politics with traditional liberalism. parties represents only 44% of the a liberal Spitzenkandidat – while – Project Syndicate
Though some French conservatives total. while lengthening them for Michel
have migrated to the National Rally, A more fluid parliamentary Barnier, who is from the EPP but is Zaki Laidi is Professor of
much of the centre-right electorate composition will allow for more ad not a Spitzenkandidat. If the Council International Relations and European
has gravitated toward Macron’s party, hoc majorities to emerge in support succeeds in ruling out Weber and his Affairs at Sciences Po.

Live issues
Women in cardiac arrest less likely than men to get help from bystanders Around the world
Weather Weather
By Saumya Joseph compared to about 73% of men. provide CPR and notify emergency People may not realise that women today Max/min tomorrow Max/min
Reuters Health “This points to some commonality services of the event. can suffer cardiac arrests just like men, Athens Sunny 31/18 M Sunny 30/17
here that is happening in multiple In the new study, however, even when Tan told Reuters Health by phone. Beirut Sunny 31/25 P Cloudy 29/23
countries. It would be very interesting emergency care was provided promptly, “For a lot of us, cardiac arrest mostly Bangkok S T Storms 33/27 Cloudy 34/27

omen who suffer cardiac to see if that’s the same worldwide,” women were only about half as likely occurs, not in hospital, but in public Berlin M Cloudy 23/14 M Cloudy 24/14
arrest outside of a hospital Dr Lorrel Brown Toft of the University as men to have a “shockable rhythm,” spaces. The bystander needs to know Cairo M Sunny 41/22 P Cloudy 40/22
are less likely to receive of Louisville School of Medicine in which is a heart rhythm that can that women can suffer cardiac arrests Cape Town Cloudy 18/12 M Sunny 18/12
help from bystanders and Kentucky, who was not involved in the potentially be reset with a defibrillator, just as much as men can,” said Tan. Colombo S T Storms 30/26 S T Storms 30/26
have less chance of survival than men, a study, told Reuters Heath by phone. to restart the heart, the researchers There are many reasons why women Dhaka S T Storms 34/27 S T Storms 34/26
recent Dutch study showed. Tan’s team found that despite EMS wrote in the European Heart Journal. may receive less bystander support than Hong Kong S Showers 25/23 T Storm 27/24
The results align with what a separate attempts at resuscitation, only 12.5% of This difference, the authors say, may men. Women tend to outlive men and Istanbul Sunny 27/18 Sunny 28/18
study found in the United States last women survived and were discharged point to underlying biologic factors that are more likely to be widowed or live Jakarta S T Storms 33/25 M Cloudy 33/26
year: men had an increased likelihood of from the hospital, compared to about cause the shockable rhythm to dissipate alone, raising their chances of having Karachi Sunny 35/28 Sunny 36/28
receiving bystander support and greater 20% of men. into a flat line more quickly in women cardiac events when no one is around. London Cloudy 23/13 Cloudy 23/12
chances of survival than women. Cardiac arrest involves the abrupt than in men. Bystanders may also have inhibitions Manila S T Storms 35/27 S T Storms 35/27
For the new study, conducted in a loss of heart function, breathing and They found, for example, that women about performing chest compressions Moscow S Showers 27/16 Showers 24/13
province in The Netherlands, Dr Hanno consciousness. Chest compressions or with cardiac arrest were more likely to on a woman. New Delhi Sunny 44/29 M Sunny 45/30
Tan at the University of Amsterdam and CPR administered by bystanders cannot be suffering from conditions associated Toft notes that even during simulated New York S T Storms 23/18 Sunny 26/17
colleagues looked at data on more than restore a normal heart rhythm, but it can with a lower shockable rhythm, such as CPR training sessions, female victims Paris Cloudy 21/13 M Cloudy 25/14
5,700 people who had cardiac arrests in buy time until emergency responders stroke or type 2 diabetes. are less likely to receive help than men. Sao Paulo M Cloudy 28/21 Cloudy 28/18
the community. All were treated by the arrive, by maintaining blood flow to vital On the other hand, the differences “We need to realise that there are some Seoul Cloudy 26/13 P Cloudy 24/13
local emergency medical services (EMS) organs. observed in the study could also be barriers specific to women and if we can Singapore T Storm 31/26 T Storm 31/27
– but before EMS arrived on the scene, Bystanders play a crucial role, as the due to a longer delay before bystanders overcome those barriers and improve our Sydney Sunny 16/08 M Sunny 19/11
only about 68% of women had received survival of a person in cardiac arrest recognise that a woman is in cardiac training, we might help women more by Tokyo Clear 27/17 Clear 26/20
resuscitation attempts by bystanders, depends on how quickly witnesses arrest. standard CPR,” she added.
28 Gulf Times
Thursday, May 30, 2019

Amir holds talks with Iraqi PM

His Highness the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani and Prime Minister of Iraq Adil Abdul Mahdi held an official talks session at the Amiri Diwan yesterday. The talks reviewed bilateral relations and the means to enhance them, particularly
in economy, commerce, energy, culture, education, and scientific research. The two sides also discussed the latest regional and international developments. The Iraqi PM and his accompanying delegation were seen off upon departure at Hamad
International Airport by HE the Prime Minister and Interior Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Nasser bin Khalifa al-Thani, ambassador of Qatar to Iraq Khalid bin Hamad al-Sulaiti and ambassador of Iraq to Qatar Omar Ahmed al-Barazanchi.

Qatar, Iraq sign pacts

From Page 1

They also witnessed the signing of the third executive

programme for a memorandum of understanding
for cultural and scientific co-operation between the
two governments in education for academic years
2019/2020, 2020/2021 and 2021/2022.
The talks and the signing ceremony were attended by
HE the Prime Minister and Minister of Interior Sheikh
Abdullah bin Nasser bin Khalifa al-Thani, in addition to a
number of ministers.
On the Iraqi side, the talks were attended by members of
the official delegation accompanying the prime minister.
His Highness the Amir hosted an Iftar banquet in honour
of the Iraqi prime minister and the accompanying
delegation. The banquet was attended by HE Sheikh
Abdullah bin Nasser bin Khalifa al-Thani and a number
of ministers. Earlier upon his arrival at the Amiri Diwan,
Mahdi was accorded an official reception.
The Iraqi prime minister left Doha yesterday evening,
after his official visit to Qatar. He was seen off at Hamad
International Airport by HE the Prime Minister and Interior
Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Nasser bin Khalifa al-Thani,
Qatar’s ambassador to Iraq Khalid bin Hamad al-Sulaiti and
Iraqi ambassador to Qatar Omar Ahmed al-Barazanchi.

Al Meera opens ‘MAAR’ stores at

Msheireb, DECC metro stations
Commuters can get
ready-to-eat food and
drinks with ease

By Joey Aguilar
Staff Reporter

l Meera Consumer Goods
Company (QSC) opened
its ‘MAAR’ convenient
stores at Doha Metro Red Line
South’s Msheireb and Doha Ex-
hibition and Convention Centre
(DECC) stations yesterday.
A sub-brand of Al Meera,
‘MAAR’ which literally translates
‘to the act of passing by’, forms
part of the company’s ambitious
expansion strategy aimed at pro-
viding exceptional services to
consumers, particularly metro Senior Al Meera and Qatar Rail officials touring the ‘MAAR’ store at Msheireb metro station.
passengers, in Qatar. Senior Al Meera and Qatar Rail officials led the opening of ‘MAAR’ store at the Msheireb metro station
“The opening of our conven- yesterday. PICTURES: Jayan Orma learnt that the company plans public a “new level of conven- partnership,” said Qatar Rail’s
ient stores at DECC and Msheir- to open around 10 to 15 ‘MAAR’ ience for on-the-go shopping.” strategies and business develop-
eb stations marks an important uty CEO Salah al-Hammadi said nering with Qatar Rail allows us from doughnuts, croissants, bis- stores at metro stations: six at “We are pleased to see Al Meera ment chief Ajlan Eid al-Enazi.
milestone towards strengthening in a press statement. to reach a new shopper segment cuits, sandwiches, coffee, tea and the Red Line, four at the Green opening its mini market at the Echoing al-Hammadi’s state-
partnership between Al Meera “As the demand for conven- through our neighbouring con- other drinks to a variety of ready- Line; and about four or five at the metro stations as it is significant ment, he stressed that ‘MAAR’
and Qatar Rail. ient retail experiences increases, venience store concept and bring to-eat snacks, as well as mobile Gold Line. step in the integration of Qatar will help daily commuters to
‘MAAR’ aims to bring metro and the number of residents and our unique offering and great phone accessories, among others According to Al Meera, Rail’s services. We look forward meet not just their daily needs,
commuters the ease and conven- communities in Qatar continues moments to an even wider cus- – at ‘MAAR’ stores as they head ‘MAAR’ stores will offer a diverse to continuing the enhancement but their hourly needs too. Met-
ience of quick purchases to save to grow, we always look for new tomer base.” to various locations. Commuters range of high-quality products of the travel experience of pub- ro users can stop by for a quick
them time and meet their needs, ways to adapt our offering,” he Metro passengers can easily can also buy Doha Metro travel and essential goods at competi- lic transport users across our snack, emergency goods and
while on the go,” Al Meera’s dep- added. “In line with this, part- buy food and non-food items – cards at Al Meera branches. It is tive prices, giving the commuting network through this pioneering much more, on the go”.

Iftar boxes distributed to 3,000 HIA staffers

o mark the holy month president Human Resources, Murat Nursel, said: “We want ganisation Skytrax. It was also
of Ramadan, Qatar Air- Nabila Fakhri, said: “The spirit to recognise the contribution of named ‘Best Business Class Seat’,
ways and Qatar Aviation of Ramadan encourages giving to all our staff, with special recog- ‘Best Airline in the Middle East’,
Services (QAS) distributed Iftar others, and these Iftar boxes will nition of those who work out- and ‘World’s Best First Class
boxes to approximately 3,000 help our employees who are still doors during this holy month. Airline Lounge’.
employees working airside and working during the Iftar hour All employees were invited to Qatar Airways currently op-
landside at Hamad International to break their fast and sustain receive the Iftar boxes and spend erates a modern fleet of more
Airport (HIA) on May 22, in an themselves until they are able to time with our senior manage- than 250 aircraft via its hub, HIA
effort to support and recognise have Iftar with their families and ment, as a demonstration of to more than 160 destinations
them during the fasting period. friends. thanks for the important work worldwide.
Qatar Aviation Services sen- Acknowledging that their that they do.” The airline will add a number
ior vice president, Mehmet Mu- work is hugely appreciated is an A multiple-award-winning of new destinations to its exten-
rat Nursel, and his management important part of our celebra- airline, Qatar Airways was sive route network in 2019, in-
team were present onsite to help tion of this holy month, and we named ‘World’s Best Business cluding Rabat, Morocco; Malta;
distribute the meals and spend are delighted to be able to dis- Class’ by the 2018 World Airline Davao, Philippines; Lisbon, Por-
time with staff members. tribute these meals to our hard- Awards, managed by interna- tugal; Mogadishu, Somalia and
Qatar Airways senior vice working team members.” tional air transport rating or- Langkawi, Malaysia. Iftar boxes being distributed by Qatar Airways and Qatar Aviation Services.

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