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Include Graphics Charts on Forms 6i

updated Nov 6, 2007 9:07 pm | 8,287 views

Contents   [Hide TOC]
 1 Introduction
 2 Steps
 2.1 Build a Oracle Graphics application
 2.2 Build a Oracle Forms and include the Graphics
 2.3 Run the forms
 3 Conclusion

How to use Oracle Graphics to build a chart and put it on Forms6i

Build a Oracle Graphics application
 Open Oracle Graphics Builder (GOBLD60.EXE), connect with a database
user(like scott/tiger), then create a new "display"(CTRL+N)
 Double click on "Queries" to build your query like this:
select b.dname, count(*) from emp a, dept b where a.sal>=:pr_sal and
a.deptno=b.deptno group by b.dname

In this example, this query show how people works on each depts, and filter only
people where have sal ">=" a especified parameter value;

 Create Parameter with name "PR_SAL" and set this type to "NUMBER";
 On "Layout Editor" Window, drag and drop a chart item, and choose the query0
to link with this object. Next, choose the type of your chart(pie, bars, etc..) and give a
Name and Title for this chart;
 Save(like sal.ogd) and compile this Graphics.
Build a Oracle Forms and include the Graphics
 Open Oracle Forms builder, connect with a database user(like scott/tiger), then
create a new "Forms"(CTRL+N)
 Atach on this forms the librarie OG.PLL (see Object Navigator node "Atached
 Create a new data block (no base table) and build a text_item field (to user
enter a parameter value to pass to Graphics as PR_SAL), alter the datatype to number;
 On Canvas, drag and drop a chart item object, and choose "Build a new chart
 Double click on chart item and change the property "Filename" to the name of
Oracle Graphics saved on step 1 (like sal.ogd);
 Build a "push button" on canvas to refress the graphics with actual parameter o
new parameter, on "push button" change the property Label to "Refresh", and create a
trigger "when-button-pressed" with this code:
declare pl_id ParamList; pl_name VARCHAR2(10) := 'tempdata'; BEGIN pl_id :=
Get_Parameter_List(pl_name); IF not Id_Null(pl_id) THEN
destroy_parameter_list(pl_id); end if; pl_id := Create_Parameter_List(pl_name); /*Now
add a parameter to pass to graphics*/
Add_Parameter(pl_id,'PR_SAL',TEXT_PARAMETER,to_char(:block1.pr_sal)); /*if need
more parameters, use more Add_parameter to list*/ /*now, call the graphics sal.ogd file
to show on especified chart_area and with a parameter list*/'sal.ogd','block1.chart_area1',FALSE,TRUE,pl_id);
OG.close('sal.ogd','block1.chart_area1'); END;
Run the forms

Run the forms, enter a value on parameter SAL and push the button, the graphics
show the values! Change de parameter SAL and clic on button, the Graphics will be
refresh with new values!!!


This is a very sample operation.

Now, you can build new graphics with more parameters, you can build a graphics with
one or more charts items!

You can build a graphics with on chart, and when the user click on a "bar" you call
another chart with anothers values (See Drill Down and Drill up).

Default: none

Valid Values: any directory on any drive



This parameter specifies the search path for files used in a Graphics runtime application.
These include display files (.ogr), images, external queries, and other objects that the
application attempts to load from a file at runtime. For example, if you import the image file
scooter.tif, Graphics Builder searches in the directories specified by GRAPHICS60_PATH to find
that file.

GRAPHICS60_PATH can specify multiple directories. Use a backslash (\) to separate directories
in a path, and a semicolon (;) to separate complete paths.

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