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Rubab Sheikh

Professor Granillo

English 103

May 17, 2019

Twelve Years A Slave


"Those who deny freedom to others, deserve it not for themselves, (Abraham Lincoln). The

cost of slavery is high and it is better to die than to face slavery. It has been experienced in past

times and is still experienced today. The curses of slavery not only destroy a certain group or

individual but it leaves a dark mark to society. Steve McQueen in his movie "Twelve Years a

Slave" depicts the real-life story of an African American named Solomon Northup who was

kidnapped and was sold to slavery. Though white supremacist might get offended by the movie,

McQueen felt the need to showcase the audience the ferocious incident which took place in 1853.

Through the use of the critical race lens concept of the institutionalized racism and Marxist lens of

classism, McQueen grabs the audience emotionally and delivers the story of an innocent Solomon



The film "Twelve Years a Slave" is directed by Steve McQueen. It was released in October

2013. McQueen's film is an Oscar-winning 2013 film as it portrays the hardships of African

Americans in past times. Solomon Northup. is the main character around which the whole story
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rotates. Northup was a common African American who lived in New York with his wife and two

children. He was known for playing the violin. One fine day, two white men came to him and

offered him employment as a musician in Washington D.C. Northup could hardly make his ends

meet, so he decided to go to D.C for his children's better future. Leaving his wife and children

behind, Northup went off with two men. These two men deceived and kidnapped Northup. This is

the point where the wretched tale of slavery started.

Analysis- Critical Theory Lens

The film "Twelve Years a Slave" unfolds the brutal reality white supremacy and black

slavery with the help of the critical race theory lens of institutionalized racism. "Institutionalized

racism refers to the incorporation of racist policies and practices in the institutions by which a

society operates," (Tyson 346). The harsh incident of 1853 gives a notion to the viewers that racism

and slavery are still a necessary evil of society. They need to be ended at any cost as it destroys

the individual mentally, physically, and emotionally. The movie portrays that when the two white

men kidnapped Northup, they shipped him to slavery in New Orleans. Upon his arrival, Northup

perceived that the area was filled with a lot of other captives. Unfortunately, all the captives were

African Americans who were treated by whites worse than an animal is treated. Northup was in

the slavery of the whites for 12 unlucky years along with the other captives. This part of the movie

gives its viewers a sense of racism and that the concept of slavery is confined to the people of color

and African Americans. The white men continue to treat the black slaves hardheartedly which

could be seen throughout the movie as an example of institutionalized racism.

The analysis-Marxist lens of classism

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Racism, slavery, and classism all go hand in hand. Racism gives rise to slavery and slavery

gives rise to classism. "Classism relies on the acceptance that our value as a human being is directly

correlated to the social class in which we were born," (Tyson). Steve McQueen's movie "Twelve

Years a Slave" shows that only people with color are oppressed, treated unequally, and experienced

slavery and humiliation. Northup was lashed by white men as many times as he said: "I'm a free

man". The distinction marks the people with color as a lower class which could be treated in any

way by the whites. The movie shows that white is superior to the blacks and blacks are forced to

do every tedious task for whites. One scene from the movie shows that African Americans are

treated by whites in such a manner that blacks are declared untouchable. The blacks are humiliated

of their trivial jobs in the movie while whites remain in the power and oppress African Americans.

The movie shows an example of classism where blacks are treated mercilessly and are considered

as an unimportant part of the society. This belief gives rise to white supremacy and the oppression

of the blacks in the movie. The white supremacy declares black as a minor class of society that is

good for slavery.


Steve McQueen's movie "Twelve Years a Slave" is an eye-opener for the white supremacist

as well as the oppressed blacks or African Americans. It gives a notion to the viewers that though

the times of slavery for people of color have passed, there are still undiscussed incidents in a

society which are disturbing blacks emotionally. The movie is important as it shows the cost of

slavery. White feels their dominance through oppressing blacks but it is thrashing for blacks.

People of color have succeeded in every field today but they still face microaggression or

sometimes racism which needs to stop.

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