Computer Education in Schools Plays Important Role in Students Career Development. It

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Computer education in schools plays important role in students career development. It

has become common that teachers have started thinking of combining this technology
with the classroom teaching. There are many endless possibilities including podcasts,
web quests, blogs and many as your technology at your fingertips. Technology has
reached its fine way into the classrooms of the students in schools after taken struggle
in all sorts from projectors till televisions to reach the computer labs and to student’s
laptops and desktops Thus computers have become part and part of life of students in
school as that of pencils and paper.

Education parallel has benefited with the computers from the inclusion of such
technology making it easier for school students to improve while helping teachers to
improve the way of teaching to the students. For Eg Students learn to use word
processors for work and can able to learn grammatical skills and spellings automatically
when they enter them wrongly.

Students can save their notes, look up for notes through websites or through mails
rather than carrying and lugging with heavy textbooks all through the day with them on
their back.

Statistics says that students who use computers have shown very good improvement in
terms of education and attendance in schools when compared to that of students who
do not use computers in their classrooms.

These computers help the students to gain more attention on their work at home after
their school hours, involving with other students for collaborative projects on their own
without troubling their parents. Even parents find easier to make students sit in front to
make them learn things much faster without the need of sending them again with loads
of books to the tuitions.

Teaching students about computers and their usage helps them to quality themselves in
possible career developmental options and sending them to classes based on computer
education makes them more specific for even improved computer based jobs.

As children grow up in an increasingly technologically and scientifically advanced world,

they need to be scientifically literate to succeed. Ideally, teaching the scientific method to
students is teaching them how to think, learn, solve problems and make informed decisions.
These skills are integral to every aspect of a student’s education and life, from school to
Governmental guidelines and tests often focus on middle and high school-level STEM
(science, technology, engineering and math) education. Yet, many educators believe
science education should begin much earlier. Not only does science education teach young
learners problem-solving skills that will help them throughout their schooling, it also
engages them in science from the start.

Kids usually form a basic opinion about the sciences shortly after beginning school. If this is
a negative opinion, it can be hard to engage those students in science as they grow older.
Engaging young students with exciting material and experiences motivates them to learn
and pursue the sciences throughout school.

Science education is one of the most important subjects in school due to its relevance to
students’ lives and the universally applicable problem-solving and critical thinking skills it
uses and develops. These are lifelong skills that allow students to generate ideas, weigh
decisions intelligently and even understand the evidence behind public policy-making.
Teaching technological literacy, critical thinking and problem-solving through science
education gives students the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in school and

Sufficient data exists to overwhelmingly support the belief that study and participation in the fine arts
is a key component in improving learning throughout all academic areas. Evidence of its
effectiveness in reducing student dropout, raising student attendance, developing better team
players, fostering a love for learning, improving greater student dignity, enhancing student creativity,
and producing a more prepared citizen for the workplace for tomorrow can be found documented in
studies held in many varied settings, from school campuses, to corporate America.
Evidence from brain research is only one of many reasons education and engagement in fine arts is
beneficial to the educational process. The arts develop neural systems that produce a broad
spectrum of benefits ranging from fine motor skills to creativity and improved emotional balance.
One must realize that these systems often take months and even years to fine-tune. In a study
conducted by Judith Burton, Columbia University, research evidenced that subjects such as
mathematics, science, and language require complex cognitive and creative capacities “typical of
arts learning” (Burton, Horowitz, & Abeles, 1999). “The arts enhance the process of learning. The
systems they nourish, which include our integrated sensory, attentional, cognitive, emotional, and
motor capacities, are, in fact, the driving forces behind all other learning” (Jensen, 2001).

The fine arts also provide learners with non-academic benefits such as promoting self-esteem,
motivation, aesthetic awareness, cultural exposure, creativity, improved emotional expression, as
well as social harmony and appreciation of diversity. These are the very fibers of the fabric known as
our American culture. hey engage many areas of the brain and also have far-reaching effects on the
learner’s mind (Jensen, 2001). The arts promote the understanding and sharing of culture. They
promote social skills that enhance the awareness and respect of others. The fine arts enhance
perceptual and cognitive skills. he primary sources of content information are no longer teacher
lectures or textbooks. Learning is not limited to what you know, but is dependent upon how to find
information and how to use that information quickly, creatively, and cooperatively. “We are in the
twilight of a society based on data. As information and intelligence become the domain of
computers, society will place a new value on the one human ability that can’t be automated: emotion
(Jensen, 1999, p. 84).” Today’s students are inundated with data but are starving for meaningful
As the saying in English goes, “All work and no Play makes Jack a Dull boy”. It has
been forgotten that academic learning and sports education complement each other.
They resemble the two sides of the same coin. If sports education is carried out
accompanied with the academic curriculum, the overall personality of the student is
increased to quite an extent. The qualities of the leadership, sharing, team spirit and
tolerance are learnt from sports.
Sports education not only teaches the students to maintain the physical stamina, but
also the habit of obedience, discipline, the determination to win, willpower, etc. The
power of reasoning, mental development, vocational specialisation comes from the
academic education of the students. Therefore, sports education along with the
academics result in the all-round development of the students.

Now-a-days the system of education makes the students stress more on their mental
development and completely rejects the physical activities. The overall outcome of this
is that the developing groups of graduates and professionals have weak bodies and
poor physique. The curriculum should include sports, games and physical health
education for the all-round development of the students.

Sports education should be introduced in schools and colleges with complete sincerity.
It also justifies the statement, “a sound mind resides only in a sound body”. A healthy
and strong body is not possible without sports and physical activities.

A good sportsman always learns to obey the rules of the games and the comments of
their superiors. It also teaches them leadership qualities, maintaining teamwork and
displaying team spirit. Sports education trains the students to face defeat with a smile
and maintain the humility even in victory. It is the healthiest means of refreshments and
recreation.Any person good in one walk of life automatically gains confidence in others.
So if one is good at sports, it follows that their confidence will spill over to academics as
well. With confidence on their side, they are motivated to give their best.

Sports releases feel-good endorphin which elevates the mood. A good mood is
conducive to performing well in other fields because there is peace of mind that allows
greater concentration. Sports acts as a great outlet for frustrations of any kind. Sports
education thus should be taken up on the war footing at schools, colleges and
educational institutions for the all-round development of the person which will help them
immensely in their lives ahead.

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