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Precis No. 1605

Management Department


Reference : MES Regulations, paras 721 to 739

MES Standing Orders by E-in-C paras 154 to 162
1. E and M section of MES forms an integral part of MES organisation. It is charged with the task
of providing electricity and water supply, refrigeration and air conditioning, operation and
maintenance of water borne sewage disposal plant, use and operation of vehicles and mobile
plants, fire alarm and fighting systems and other sundry services of E/M nature.
2. This precis deals with the detailed responsibilities of E/M section and its sphere of activities in
relation to other section of MES.
3. E/M Section is responsible for the following:-
(a) Planning, provision if necessary, erection, operation and maintenance of installations for
the supply of electric energy and water.
(b) Planning, installation, operation and maintenance of equipments for heating, ventilation,
refrigeration and air conditioning.
(c) Erection and maintenance of electrically operated cooking ranges and geyser and
disinfectors alongwith their steam boilers.
(d) Use, operation and maintenance of Class B vehicles and mobile plants.
(e) Erection of POL installations.
(f) Accounting and maintenance of special T & P.
(g) Planning, installation, operation and maintenance of lifts in hospitals and multistoreyed
(h) Erection and maintenance of HOT and EOT cranes in factories.
(i) Installation and operation if necessary, of compressed air plant and gas plant at factories.
(j) Planning, installation and maintenance of internal electrical wiring and fittings in the
(k) Periodical inspection and testing of electrical installations, under Rule 46 of IE Rules
(l) To liaise with local departments/local bodies in connection with water/electric supply
(m) To procure and maintain the stock of spare parts for installations for two years normal
(i) Detailed responsibilities regarding operation and repairs to refrigerating
equipment are given in Appendix ‘A’ and for vehicles and mobile plant are given in
Appendix ‘B’ to this precis.
(ii) Provision of electricity of any voltage, frequency or type viz AC/DC by
GENERATION conversion and so on to suit the user’s needs is authorised vide E-in-C’s
No 27439/E4 dated 02 Dec 67.

4. E/M section is also responsible for the following in respect of the task entrusted to B/R section:-
(a) Original Works
Intimating B/R section regarding positions of civil works such as channels and ducts for
electric, water supply or air conditioning installation or any other openings required for
accommodating machinery and equipment in walls, floors or roofs.
(b) Repairs
Removal of electric wiring, water pipes and other allied equipment from the buildings
when so required for carrying out B/R repairs, renewals or alterations, and refitting of the
5. Responsibilities of B/R section vis-à-vis task entrusted to E/M section are as under:-
(a) Electric Installations
B/R Section is responsible for:-
(i) Construction and repairs of power house, sub station and other auxiliary
(ii) Casting of foundations of machines and equipments.
(iii) Providing channels and ducts for underground cables with suitable covers, if
(iv) Providing openings for exhaust fans.
(v) Any other civil works for the installation.
(b) Water Supply Installations
B/R Section is responsible for:-
(i) Construction and repairs of wells, jack wells, dams, aqueducts, pumping stations
and other buildings, masonry work for filtration and purification arrangements,
storage and service reservoirs.
(ii) Casting of foundations for machinery and equipment.
(iii) Supply and fixing of wash hand basins, sinks, flush tanks inclusive of drainage
(iv) Casting or supplying and placing in position the water storage tanks on the top of
the buildings.
(v) Internal plumbing for water supply including plumbing of geysers (Auth : E-in-
C’s No 81410/E 24 dated 23 Oct 68).
(vi) Installation of geyser is E/M responsibility.
(c) Air Conditioning Installations
B/R section is responsible for:-
(i) Providing openings for ducts.
(ii) Casting of foundations for machines and equipments.
(iii) Use of insulating materials in new construction and provision of insulations in the
(iv) Any other civil works.
6. As the tasks of E/M and B/R are inter twined, effective co-ordination between E/M and B/R on
one hand, and E-4 section with various office section on the other, is an essential requisite for
efficient functioning.
7. Subject on which E-4 section at any formation should liaise with other sections are as under:-

(a) E-1
All matters pertaining to posting and transfer of E/M personnel.
(b) E-2
(i) E/M portion of any project, major or minor work.
(ii) Administrative approval and technical sanctions for works.
(iii) Technical matters regarding fixing of hire charges for refrigerators and fans.
(c) E-3
Procurement and provision of stores, tools and plants.
(d) E-5
Financial Commitments.
(e) E-6
(i) Maintenance and preparation of E/M drawings, electrical and water supply
distribution plans.
(ii) E/M planning.
(f) E-8
(i) All matters pertaining to the E/M portion of the tenders and contract documents.
(ii) Preparation of schedule of quantities and prices.
(iii) E/M technicalities of arbitration

Classification: External and Internal

8. The electrical and water supply installations are divided into ‘External and Internal’ portions.
This has been necessitated for the purpose of cost accounting.
External Portions
9. (a) Electric supply consisting of the power house and sub station
with all the machines, overhead and/or underground distribution lines/cables, house
service connection upto and including kilowatt Hour meters.
(b) Water supply consisting of the source, pumping station with all
the machines, treatment plant, rising mains, reservoirs, distribution mains, house service
connections upto and inclusive of water meters.
Internal Portions
10. (a) Internal electrical installation consists of all electrical fittings,
wiring, distribution board etc beyond kilowatt Hour meters.
(b) Water supply internal installation consist of all the water tubes, pipe fittings beyond the
house water meter.
(c) Electrical cooking ranges, geysers and other electrical apparatus supplied by MES are
considered as internal fittings.
(d) Refrigerators are considered as internal fittings.
10. Internal services form part of the building and are borne on RMBs, and external services are
borne on Plant Record Book (IAFW-2208). Funds for repairs are obtained under different
heads. Expenditure incurred on maintenance of internal services is NOT reflected in working
out the All India cost of water and electrical units.

Appendix ‘A’
(Precis No. 1605)
para 3 (m)


Ser Equipment Responsibilities

No Installation Operation 1st Ech 2nd Ech 3rd Ech 4th Ech
repairs repairs repairs repairs

1 Refrigerators Engrs User Engrs Engrs Engrs Engrs

authorised issue

2 Refrigerators, Engrs User Engrs Engrs Engrs Engrs

hiring pool issue

3 Cold Stores, 50 Engrs Engrs Engrs Engrs Engrs Engrs

tons and under

4 Cold Stores, over Engrs Engrs Engrs Engrs Engrs Engrs

50 tons

5 Air Conditioners, Engrs Engrs Engrs Engrs Engrs Engrs

over 5 tons

6 Air Conditioners, Engrs User Engrs Engrs Engrs Engrs

Window Type

7 Package Type Air Engrs Engrs Engrs Engrs Engrs Engrs


Authority: AHQ, E-in-C’s Branch letter No 31434/E3 A dated 2 Jul 1963.


Appendix ‘B’
(Precis No. 1605)

para 3 (m)


Ser Equipment Responsibilities

No Source of Operation 1st Ech 2nd Ech 3rd Ech 4th Ech
Supply repairs repairs repairs repairs

1 MT (B Vehicles) Ord MES MES MES MES MES

2 MT Plant Engrs Users MES MES MES MES

(MES, Tps
(Spl T & P)

3 Construction Plant Engrs Users MES MES MES MES

(MES, Tps

4 Static Plants Ord/ Users MES MES MES MES

(Under T & P) Engrs

Precis No. 1606

Management Department


1. Certain establishment is posted to MES formation to discharge the task allotted to E/M Section.
2. This precis deals with E/M establishment at various MES formations and their duties.
3. The Director of Utilities is the head of E/M Section. His office is at Army HQ, E-in-C’s Branch.
He is assisted by SO 1-E4A, SO1- E4B and SO1- E2PH. Under each SO1 there are SO2s and
SO 3s. One Senior Electrical Inspector of the rank of SE and a graduate in Electrical
Engineering for the Defence Installations is also posted at this HQ.
4. The staff officers E/M at the Command HQ (Chief Engineer’s Office) are SO1, SO2s and SO3s.,
Electrical Inspector and AEIs.
5. An IEM is posted to Zonal Chief Engineer.
6. At CWE’s office (Area/Sub area/District) a DCWE E/M or ACWE E/M holds the charge of E-4
7. GE E/M Division is formed for projects, depending on the nature and load of E/M work. GE
E/M may also be formed for timber factory, E/M installations and workshops.
8. AGE E/M is the technical officer to GE for all the E/M matters. He is also in charge of the
E&M sub division.
9. JE (E/M) and Clerk(s), assist the staff office and AGE E/M at the various offices.
10. A sample establishment chart for an E and M sub division is given in Appendix ‘A’ to this
precis. The number of individuals depends on the nature of work load, size of installations and
the scope of maintenance.
10. The E/M Staff Officers in various offices, assist and act on behalf of the head of their office as
ordered. (MES Regs, para 90).
11. The broad distribution of responsibilities between E-4 and E-2 (PH) at E-in-C’s will be as
(a) E-4 will be responsible for the efficiency of electrical and mechanical plants or machines
in the installations and will deal with all references relating to their working.
(b) E-2 (PH) will be responsible for the planning and design of water supply and sewerage
installations and to ensure their operational efficiency when in use.
(AHQ, E-in-C’s Branch No 29500/27/E2 A dt 14 Jul 64).
12. Details of duties performed by E-4 and E-2 (PH) Sections at E-in-C’s office are given in
Appendix ‘B’ to this precis.
13. IEM carries out periodical inspection of all the stations which are under his particular formation.
These inspections are so arranged that every installation is tested in all the details at least once a
year by the IEM. The duties of this officer are to ensure that the plant is kept in good order, the
regulation tests for boilers, machinery, air bottles, cranes are carried out, proper records are
maintained up-to-date, and the staff is competent to ensure the efficiency of the installation. He
also carries out such executive duties in connection with the preparation of estimates or the
actual work of installation of new machinery, as may be given to him.
(MES Regs, Para 95)
14. The Electrical Inspector will ordinarily carry out the following types of inspection:-
(a) inspection of new electrical installation, addition and alterations to the existing electrical
installations normally before such installations are commissioned.

(b) Inspection of electrical installations where considered necessary by AHQ, E-in-C’s

(c) Investigation of accidents in electrical installations particularly where loss of property,
injury to or death of persons may be involved. (AHQ, E-in-C’s Branch No 36323/E4
dated 03 Oct 61).
(d) Periodical inspection and testing of electrical installations under Rule 46 of the Indian
Electricity Rules, 1956.
(AHQ, DGW No 36323/E4 dated 19 May/5 Jun 52)
15. Annual inspection, testing and repair of internal electrification should be done by a team. The
team is to be formed from the existing establishment for every group of buildings with capital
cost of Rs. 60 lakhs.
(E-in-C No 81410/E2-A dt 23 Oct 68).
16. E and M and Public Health matters are dealt with by E-4 and E-2 (PH) Sections at E-in-C’s
office. At the CsWE and GE’s offices all the E/M matters are dealt with by E-4 Section, but the
works pertaining to water borne sewage disposal (except plant and machinery which are E/M
matters) are to be dealt with by E-2 and B/R. Duties of the E-4 Section comprise of dealing with
E/M projects and new commitments, correspondence on electrical and water supply agreements,
monthly and annual returns, operations routines of mobile plants and vehicles, and operation and
maintenance routine of all MES installations.
(E-in-C, Standing Orders, para 56 and 98).
Types of Establishment
17. There are three types of establishment - permanent, temporary and casual. Those employed in
the last category are solely for the particular installation or job and their pay is charged to the
maintenance of that installation or the job concerned.
(MES Regs, para 116)
18. A meter reader is normally on the establishment of the electrical and/or water supply
installations, but works with the Barrack Services. He notes the recorded consumption on the
meter reader’s book, makes entries in the consumer’s ledger and prepares bills and return of
recoveries to effect payment. See precis 1631/32.
(MES Regs paras 466 to 470, 743 to 476).
19. Various tradesmen, as authorised, are employed in the E/M section. Appendix ‘C’ to E-in-C’s
Standing Orders and Section IV to SAO No 15/S/60 may be referred to, for guidance.
20. The category of personnel are divided into industrial and non industrial classifications. The
former are artisans who are skilled in some trade(s) and the latter category is for unskilled labour
like messengers, chowkidars etc. Mazdoor or Mate is unskilled or semi skilled industrial
personnel, who acts in the capacity of a helper to the tradesmen with whom he works. After
certain amount of training he can be entrusted to attend to works of minor nature, independently.
Trade Tests
21. Departmental trade tests are to be carried out before promoting any industrial personnel to a next
higher post, as per existing rules and instructions.
Key Personnel
22. Required %age of supervisory, skilled and other industrial personnel attached to E/M installations
are considered as key personnel. They should be readily available at the time of shift work and
emergency. 100% accommodation for key personnel are authorised vide para B of scales of
Accommodation (War 1944 (reprinted 1963) page 5).

Appendix ‘A’
(Precis No 1606)


JE E/M Electrician HS-1 JE


Driver Engine Electrician Electrician Mechanic Electrician Mechanic HS-1 Mechanic Hs 1

Refrger Mech
Static Attendant HS. 1 Vehicle
Lift Mech

Armature Engine fitter Cable Engine fitters Motor Pump MT

Winder Jointers Engine Drivers
Attendant Lift Operators

Instrument Mates Mates Fireman Pipes fitters

Repairer Blacksmith Valve man
Hammermen mates


Mazdoords Mazdoors Mazdoors Mazdoords Mazdoors


Chowkidars Note: Metre reader is non industrial personnel of E/M Establishment, but works under Barrack Services

Appendix ‘B’
(Para 12)
Electric Supply
1. (a) Technical Scrutiny of estimates received from Commands through E2 Works
(b) Technical scrutiny and progressing of purely E/M projects from Commands.
(c) Clearing of all estimates with DFA (W) for E/M Works whether received direct from
Commands or through E2 Works Sections.
(d) Preparation of estimates and planning of projects when specially required by E-in-
(e) Attending siting boards when required.
(f) Contacting DGS&D and CLO to expedite delivery of stores.
(g) Scrutiny of tenders received by DGS&D for stores indented by Chief Engineers, when
referred to us by DGS&D or when the Chief Engineers require early deliveries.
(h) To arrange for clearance from Ministry of Commerce and Industries from indigenous
angle for procurement of equipment to be imported when such equipment is to be
installed on supply and fix basis.
(i) Rendering technical advice to E2 Works and other sections in E-in-C’s Branch and
Service HQ when required to do so,
(j) Preparation of E/M equipment when required to do so by E3/EG.
(k) Periodical revision of Estimating Data.
(l) Preparation of lists for advance provisioning of E/M stores and progressing the cases
for sanction with Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Finance (Defence).
(m) Revision of scales for E/M services & progressing the cases for sanction with
Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Finance (Defence).
(n) Attending to all matters pertaining to electrification policy and answering queries
from Chief Engineers.
(o) Preparation of lists for ETSR stores.
(p) Collection and collation of data and information for the attending conference and
seminars on E/M matters.
(q) Preparation of forecast requirements of electric power for emergency works and all
correspondence thereon with Central Electricity Board. Central Water and Power
Commission. Ministry of Defence, State Electricity Boards and Chief Engineers.
(r) Design of lightening conductors.
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning.
2. (a) Scrutinising and progressing projects for air conditioning, refrigerators, cold stores,
water coolers, heating installations, compressed air supplies and gas supplies.
(b) Preparation of estimates and planning of air conditioning installations where specially
required by E-in-C/DGW.
(c) Attending siting/technical boards when required.
(d) Progressing cases of foreign exchange required for air conditioning and heating

(e) Advising on matters pertaining to refrigeration and air conditioning to various

sections of the Dte General of Works.
(f) Technical scrutiny or demands for refrigeration equipment received from Commands.
(g) Issue/revision of technical papers on refrigeration and air conditioning equipment.
(h) Scales of refrigerators, air conditioners, cold stores and water coolers.
(i) Correspondence and policy with regard to repairs and maintenance of refrigeration
(j) Preparation of lists for ETSR stores.
(k) Collection and Collation of data and information for attending conferences and
seminars on E/M matters.
(a) To assist in progressing of estimates for Government sanction.
(b) Planning and preparation of estimates.
(c) Attending siting boards for the provision of bulk fuel installations.
(d) Preparation and progressing of cases for foreign exchange required for POL
(e) Advising on matters pertaining to bulk fuel installations to various sections of the Dte
General of Works.
(f) Preparation of lists of special items of non indegenous origin and those in short supply
for advance provisioning and to assist the users in progressing such cases.
(g) Correspondence and policy with regard to repair and maintenance of POL
(h) Issue/revision of technical papers on bulk fuel installation.
(i) Preparation of lists for ESTR stores in collaboration with users.
4. (a) Forming Scales of ‘B’ vehicles for the MES.
(b) Provisioning of ‘B’ vehicles to make up deficiencies and for replacement of vehicles
declared BER.
(c) Correspondence and policy with regard to the repair and maintenance of ‘B’ vehicles.
(d) Preparation of Annual Budgets and changes in grants for ‘B’ vehicles.
5. (a) Scales of special T & P for the MES required for maintenance and project works.
(b) Provisioning of T & P to make up deficiencies and for replacement of BER machines.
(c) Correspondence and policy with regard to the repair and maintenance of T & P.
(d) Preparation of annual budgets and changes in grants for T & P.

6. (a) Cases pertaining to losses.
(b) Electric and water supply agreements.
(a) All E/M matters pertaining to the policy enunciated by storage and transport explosive
(b) Issue/Revision of Paper ‘Regulations for lighting, heating and power supply in
buildings containing explosives and policy pertaining to lightening protection to
building containing explosives’.

(c) Advising on amendments and reprinting of technical forms.

(d) Correspondence – jerrican factory.
(e) Coal – correspondence and policy matters.
(f) Correspondence with regard to Annual Comparative Statements of Electricity and
Water installations.
(g) Review and formulation of All Indian Electricity and Water recovery rates.
(h) Rendering technical advice on questions of recovery rates for electricity and water
supply to paying consumers.
Duties Performed by E2 (PH) Section
1. Technical scrutiny of estimates and schemes received from CEs through E2 Works Section as
(a) Water supply schemes involving development of source.
(b) Sewage schemes involving complete treatment and disposal.
2. Preparation of estimates and planning of water supply and sanitation projects selected by E-
in-C /DGW for planning at this HQ.
3. Rendering technical advice to Directors in E-in-C’s Branch and CE’s Commands/Zones.
4. Periodical revision of estimating data.
5. Periodical inspection of water supply and sewage installations.
6. All matters relating to scales and policy on water supply and sanitation.
7. Preparation of specifications for water supply and sewage plant when required.
8. Correspondence regarding complaints, inspection tour notes, relating to water supply and
9. Water supply and sewerage agreements.
10. Advice on amendments and reprinting of technical forms for water supply and sewerage.
11. Correspondence on Annual Comparative Statement and All India water rates.
12. All matters relating to industrial wastes.

Precis No. 1607

Management Department
(MES Regs 721 to 739)
1. E/M Installations may be classified as under:-
(a) Electrical including Bulk supply, HT/LT distributed supply, own Generation.
(b) Water supply including own pumping, bulk supply and distributed supply.
(c) Refrigeration, Cold store and Ice plant.
(d) Air conditioning central, packaged and window type.
(e) Sewage treatment plant.
(f) BPI (if maintained by MES).
(g) Gas Plant.
(h) Factories and workshops.
(i) Boilers.
All installations must be fully cost accounted.
2. Expenditure to cover interest, depreciation and maintenance charges, on Military standby
generating set/pumping set, which are specifically sanctioned against security/war measure to
ensure continuity of supply and for efficient working of Hospitals, Workshops and Signal
installations, is not be included in the working cost of an installation. A lump sum amount
fixed by E-in-C’s office to cover the above expenditure is to be credited to the capital
charges of the installation. This is to avoid debiting non productive expenditure (which will
inflate the working cost) in the accounts of cost accounted installations.
(MES Regs para 746 and E-in-C’s No 38524/E4 dt 27 May 68).
G of I Acts
3. All the MES installations must comply with the provisions of the following Acts, which are
(a) Indian Electricity Act and Rules thereunder.
(b) Indian Electricity (Supply) Act.
(c) Indian Labour Laws (See Precis No 1514).
(d) Indian Boiler Act.
(e) Workmen’s Compensation Act.
(f) Petroleum Act.
(g) Indian Factories Act.
(MES, SO by E-in-C para 340 to 346).
Sanction before Installation/Plant is put into use.
4. When an installation or any plant is initially put into operation, prior sanction of the Chief
Engineer should be obtained in the case of main generating or pumping sets. For other plants
CWE may issue the sanction. Before such sanction is issued, the IEM takes a satisfactory
acceptance test.
(MES, SO by E-in-C para 355)
5. In the case of HT and EHT electrical installations, Assistant Electrical Inspector of the Zone,
should be approached for inspecting and according approval to energise the same after he
obtains concurrance of Senior Electrical Inspector at E-in-C’s office.

(AHQ, E-in-C’s No 36323/E4 dated 03 Oct 61)

Spare Parts
6. All the MES installations must be in possession of spare parts of all the machines for 2 years
normal working. The authorised spare parts list is approved by CWE. Any deficiency should
be received systematically every month and provisioning action taken expeditiously.
7. The scale of maintaining other spares is as under:-
(a) Meters (Electric & Water) - 3% each size of the house service in use
plus 1 of each size of main meter.
(b) Ceiling fans and regulators- 3% of each type installed.
(c) Table fans - 5% of each type in use.
(d) Electric bulbs - 100% of each size in use.
(e) Misc. Machinery - For 1 year normal working.
(MES, SO by E-in-C, Para 362 and 607)
8. All the buildings and their compounds, except those used as residential quarters of the key
personnel should be secured against trespass by unauthorised persons. A notice to indicate
‘NO ADMISSION EXCEPT ON DUTY’ should be displayed in English, Hindi and the local
languages prominently.
(Para 363 Standing Orders by E-in-C).
9. To reduce the risk of fire, smoking should not be permitted in MES installations. Smoking
should also be prohibited in and near MT yard, petrol/oil dump, garages etc. ‘No Smoking’
signs in English, Hindi and local languages should be displayed at appropriate places.
10. The normal fire precautions and the protection measures against fire hazards with fire
fighting equipment should be adhered to. It must be ensured by periodical fire drills that the
installation staff is well versed with the local fire orders.
(MES SO by E-in-C para 358).
11. Some lights, other than electric, must be kept burning throughout the night in all the MES
owned power houses. Alternatively, battery powered standby lighting sets may be
(MES SO by E-in-C para 358).
Protective Clothing for Persons against Accidents.
12. All persons whose duties necessitate their working in close proximity to moving machines or
in other places where the wearing of loose clothing is dangerous, will be supplied with two
pairs of shorts per man as decided by CWE. Also a 5% reserve will be kept at all
installations. The shirts, if worn must be tucked inside the shorts. If a turban is worn, no
loose ends should be left hanging.
(MES, SO by E-in-C, para 341).
Safety Precautions
13. Safety precautions enumerated to protect the persons working on LT, HT and EHT lines must
be rigidly observed.
(MES, SO by E-in-C, para 351 to 356).
14. All the bare overhead electric conductor must be at a minimum height as prescribed under the
IE Rules and provided with suitable cradle guard and double insulator arrangements at road,

rail and telephone/telegraph crossings. It should have at least 6ft lateral clearance from any
building or structure. (MES, SO by E-in-C, para 350).
15. All the electrical apparatus must be efficiently earthed as provided in the Indian Electricity
Rules. The practice of connecting an earth to a water main, in which the water supply is
interrupted, is not recommended. (MES SO by E-in-C para 357 and SSR 1962, Sec XX, Sub
Sec 1). The Earthing installation must be thoroughly inspected at least once a month and
tested once a quarter.

16. Guard rails, XPM partition or some sort of obstacle should be provided near moving parts of
machines, belt and chain drives.

17. Where dangerous liquids, refrigerants and gases are stored and handled, all concerned should
be well versed with the handing procedure. Such installations should be in possession of
respirators at the minimum scale of two per room where chemical are being stored and /or
handled. The respirators must be efficiently maintained, periodically tested and kept in a
place which is readily accessible.
(MES SO by E-in-C, para 348)
18. First Aid box must be available at hand in every installation. It should be equipped under the
advice and assistance of the local medical authorities.
(MES SO by E-in-C, para 349)
Posters, Charts, Etc.
19. It is essential that all the installations should prominently display the following posters, where
(a) Care and working of MES Plant and Machinery (IAFW-1791).
(b) Care and working of MES Boilers (IAFW-1797).
(c) A copy of Installation Standing Orders issued by CWE as per MES SO by E-in-C,
para 360 and 361. The Standing Orders shall lay down in detail the duties and
responsibilities of concerned staff for each individual installation separately.
(d) Fire Orders giving the precautions detailed in MES SO by, E-in-C’s para 358. The
Fire Orders shall clearly designate the constituents of different fire fighting parties
and their specific duties.
(e) Routine maintenance chart (MES SO by E-in-C, para 370 may be taken as guide).
This shall clearly lay down the nature of maintenance after the lapse of a period in
hours, as also the tradesman responsible for the maintenance in each case. A chart
showing the no of hours or run of each plant will be maintained for the purpose.
(f) A board indicating hours of work for shift and maintenance duties, with names of
persons on the current duty.
(g) Treatment in case of electric shock posters in Hindi, English and local languages
obtainable from the Electrical Inspector of the local State Government.
(h) Maker’s instructions on operation and maintenance of individual machines. If not
available, the AGE E/M should develop one for the particular plant.
(j) The authorised spare parts list as approved by CWE under MES SO by E-in-C, para
362. This list shall clearly show quantity authorised, quantity held, deficiency, action

taken and latest position regarding provisioning in respect of each make and type of
plant, including Pumps, Generators, Switch gear and so on.
(k) A graph showing the daily consumption of electric energy and water.
(MES, SO by E-in-C, para 364).
Documents and Records
20. All the installations should maintain the under mentioned documents and records, as
applicable in the office of the installation superintendent E & M:-
(a) Machinery history sheet, (IAFW-2207) in original.
(b) Plant record book, (IAFW-2208).
(c) Plant running record book (Special).
(d) Fan and meter register (IAFW-2181).
(e) Inventory of electric fittings and fixtures (IAFW-2186),
(f) Electric bulb account, (IAFW-1773).
(g) Electric wiring test sheet, (IAFW-1794).
(h) Test of lighting conductors, (IAFW-2215).
(i) Log sheets as applicable.
(j) Record of earth tests.
21. AEE (E&M) and AE E/M incharge of the sub division will maintain in his office the records
as noted below, where applicable:-
(a) A copy of the machinery history sheet of all the machines in his sub division.
(b) M & O estimate of the installations.
(c) Monthly returns of the installations.
(d) Annual returns of the installations.
(e) Installation standing orders.
(f) Fire orders for installation.
(g) Authorised spare parts list with complete details.
(h) IEM inspection reports for T & P and MT.
22. A check list for Installation & Maintenance of transformers is given at Appendix ‘A’. ‘DO’s
& Dont’s as indicated should be followed in letter & spirit.

Appendix ‘A’
1. Ensure that transformer is installed at a place which is well ventilated so that heat generated
is dissipated easily. Use exhaust fan if considered necessary.
2. Check insulation resistance of the transformer between phases and earth and also between
3. Check the transformer oil level in the conservator. This should be checked before switching
on and later every month.
4. Dielectric strength of the transformer oil should be checked before commissioning and
subsequently annually. The transformer oil should be filtered/heated in case the dielectric strength of
the oil is below 30 KV.
5. Ensure that transformer metallic body and cable glands are connected to earth with two
independent earth connections.
6. Ensure that neutral of the transformer on LT side is connected to two independent earth
7. Check the chemical in the breather and ensure that it is in good condition to absorb moisture.
1. Check that the off load tap changer is locked properly after setting.
9. Ensure that a suitable switch/circuit breaker/link fuse is installed on HT side and also
similarly on the LT side which can be switched off on full load.
10. Ensure that manufacturers test certificate/sheet and oil test certificate are obtained from the
11. Records shall be kept of each transformer giving details of all inspections and tests made and
of unusual occurance.
1. Do not energise transformer without checking its oil dielectric strength and insulation
resistance before commissioning and after overhauling.
2. Do not change the off load tap changer setting without switching off the transformer.
3. Do not connect the transformer neutral to the transformer body.
4. Do not overload the transformer.
5. Do not place lifting jacks under valves or cooling tubes during installation.
6. Do not connect transformers in parallel unless they have identical phase displacement,
voltage ratio and percentage impedence.
7. Do not commission a new transformer without prior inspection/clearance by Senior Electrical
Inspector (of E-in-C’s Branch)/Electrical Inspector of Command, Assistant Electrical
Inspector (of your Zone).

Precis No. 1608

Management Department


1. All mobile plants, including portable machines, road rollers, road making machinery, earth
moving plant machinery and associated equipment; trailers; mechanical transport (MT) on land and
water, small tools; E/M wiring spares such as motors, table and ceiling fans; meters and pocket
watches for use on the installation; etc, are termed as Tools and Plant (T & P).
(MES Regs para 168)
2. Tools and Plant are classified as MES Special T&P, Divisional T&P and Installation T&P.
(MES Regs, para 600 and MES SO by E-in-C para 319)
3. There are two types of T&P – non-expendable and expendable. Small tools and
miscellaneous articles, which diminish in size and shape during their use to such as extent that the
residue left cannot be effectively used, are classified as expendable T&P. The rest are known as
non-expendable T&P.
Numerical Accounting
4. Non expendable T&P is accounted for in the stock ledger/tool and plant register (IAFW-
2279). A distribution ledger (IAFW-1814) shows articles held on charge.
(MES Regs, paras 601 and 602).
5. Temporary issue of small articles are made on hand receipts, and these will not be shown on
the ledgers.
(MES Regs, para 603)
6. Expendable T&P is accounted numerically in the Register IAFW-2279 and charged off by
expense voucher finally to the work or maintenance head concerned.
(MES Regs, para 170-175)
7. Annual T&P Return (IAFW-2193) is compiled from the register of articles on charge (IAFW-
2279) and submitted by GE to CWE. CWE prepares the Schedule of Demands under sub head E
from the annual return along with a similar one for his own office.
(MES Regs, para 604 and AHQ, E-in-C’s Branch No 62024/E5 dt 8/22 Apr 68).
Stock Taking
8. The annual, quarterly (or monthly) check should be carried out as per current instructions in
(MES Regs para 655).
Issue of Loan
9. T&P may be issued on the payment of hire charges to a contractor or other Govt departments
in accordance with the policy decided by the higher formation.
(MES Regs para 176, Table ‘H’ & 669)
Mobile Plant
10. All transportable or portable plants on wheel are termed as mobile plants. Such plants are
carried from place to place according to their requirements and utility value.

Allotment of Numbers
11. Every mobile plant must have an E/M No. It is allotted by the Chief Engineer on the
machine record card (IAFW-2341).
12. The relevant E/M No should be painted in a prominent place on the plant. In the case of
those plant in which tar or bitumen is made use of or the painted No is likely to be obliterated a
number plate should be manufactured on which the number will stand out boldly over the surface.
13. Every mobile plant must have a log book in which details of the technical data, transfers,
repairs, inspections, operating staff, issue of stores, work done, etc, should be entered. For
road roller , log book (IAFW-2179) should be issued. For all other plants, Mechanical Plants
log book (IAFW-2340) or Log book for engineer plant (IAB-9) should be used. The machine
record card (IAFW-2341) should be prepared locally, and kept with the plant.

Scale and Location of Special T&P

14. Special T&P are authorised upto a financial ceiling limit of 8% of the total
capital/maintenance work load, vide G of I, M of D letter No 46960/E4/687/S/SO1 D(W-1) dated 16
Nov 66. Items of plant authorised by this letter are given in Appendices ‘A’ and ‘B’ to this precis.
15. No scales were laid down by the Govt. for holding the above items at CE, CWE or GE level.
Based on the recommendations of a Study Team on the requirements of Special T&P will be held at
three levels:-
(a) GE (Maintenance Division)
T&P required for a purely maintenance division.
(b) CE (Command)
A pool to cater for various projects which are being executed in the Command.
(c) DGW
A pool to supplement Command pool and for special projects.
16. The recommended authorisation per GE(Maint), per CE Command and DGW pool given in
Annexure I to AHQ, E-in-C letter No 46960/E4 dated 15 Jun 79 is reproduced as Appendix ‘C’ to
this precis.
17. Special T&P authorised in DGW’s pool are located as the following places:-
(a) ESD, Dehu Road,
(b) ESD, Kankinara
(c) Engr Park, Ambala, Cantonment.
18. The plant in DGW’s pool will be distinctly marked with letters “DGW’s Pool” for easy
(AHQ, E-in-C’s Branch No 46960/E4 dated 15/21 Apr 75).
19. The special T&P on charge of CE Command can be obtained by CWE and those on charge of
GE (Maint) can be shifted by CWE, within his district, as required. Items on charge of DGW Pool
may be demanded by CE on DGW.
Schedule of Demands
20. Instructions for the preparation of schedule of demands and the connected forms E, E-1, E-II
and E-III are given in AHQ, QMG letter No 62024/E5 dated 8/22 Apr 68. The instructions are :-

(a) Demand in respect of New Supplies : Tools and plant, will be given as a lump sum. A
schedule will, however, be attached giving particular of each item costing more than
Rs. 3,000/- which is included in the lump sum demand.
(b) Repairs and Renewals to Existing Normal : Tools and plant are to be limited to the
following percentage of their capital value:-
Repairs Renewals Total
% % %
(i) Scientific & Drawing instruments 2 3 5
(ii) Hand and Machine Tools and 10 10 20
miscellaneous articles, and E/M
(iii) Camp equipment, furniture and 5 1.5 6.5
equipment for Inspection Bungalows
and Offices
(iv) Refrigerator and Air Conditioners 8 2 10
issued on hire
(v) Refrigerators and Air Conditioners 5 - 5
held in reserve
(c) Charges on account of inspection, recovery and repairs carried out by MES
Workshops to the plant (Special T & P) and vehicles of MES formations and units
will be worked out on the basis of ‘Lorry Units” indicated for each plant
One Lorry Unit is
(i) cost of labour - Rs. 940.00 per annum
(ii) Cost of spare - Rs. 3520.00 per annum
Spares include cost of engine and expendable stores but not the following:-
(a) Tyres and tubes.
(b) Batteries.
(c) Tarpaulins.
(d) Seats and seat cover
(E-in-C’s letter No 41510/A/T&P govt of India, M of D No 38674/EME Ops &
E4(M) of 11 Dec 80 8/69205/D(OI) dated 16 Jul 80).
Spare Parts
21. Responsibility for bulk procurement of spare parts for mobile plants rest with ESD(M),
22. Depreciation on plant and machinery will be calculated as per rates fixed from time to time.
Hire Charges
23. Hire charges will be calculated as per rules existing in force.
(E-in-C No 41510/A/T&P/E4(M) of 11 Dec 80)
24. Method of raising and adjustment of debit for hire charges on the issue of T&P from E-in-C’s
stock for MES Projects/Maintenance services:-
(a) The cost of POL and wages of operators will be credited to the projects/maintenance
services concerned or to the head of account to which these have been originally

(b) The element of interest, depreciation, percentage on running expenses and cost for
repairs and maintenance will be credited to Major Head LXII, Minor Head VII, Sub
Head ‘D’ Detailed Head 1/580/30
(AHQ, E-in-C’s Branch No 42726/E3A/2 dated 25/27 Aug 66)

Appendix ‘A’
Precis 1608
Para 14
Ser No Description of Item Equivalent Lorry Unit
1. Road Roller, 8/10 tons power driven 4
2. Crawler Tractor size I/II with AD and PCU 4
3. Grader Motor, 12 feet MB 4.5
4. Compressor Air trailer mounted, 210 CFM 1.25
5. Heater Bitumen, 250/300 gallons 0.5
6. Mixer Concrete, 14/10 cft 1.25
7. Generating Set, AC 400/230 Volts, 3 Phase of sizes
8. Roller Vibrating, 3 ton 2.25
9. Bitumen Paver and Finisher 0.25
10. Mobile Aggregate Drying and Mixing Plant, Hot Mix Plant 2.25
11. Concrete Weight batching with accessories 1.75
12. Concrete Spreader aver and Finisher 3/4
13. Dewatering Plant 3/4
14. Vibrators Screed type
15. Vibrators Needle 0.625
16. Core Cutting Machine 0.2
17. Mechanical Grass cutting Machine with tractor 0.25
18. Mechanical Tampers
19. Sewage pump, non clogging type with accessories
20. Pneumatic wheeled Crane, 10 tonnes capacity
21. 0.5 Tonne Hand Roller
(Auth: Govt of India, Min of De46960/E4/2552/D) Works-II)
of 24 May 79 and E-in-C M 15 Jun 79)

Appendix : ‘B’ (Para 14)


S. No. Nomenclature of the Plant Existing authorisation as per Army HQ letter Proposed authorisation
No. 46960/E4 dt 15/21 Apr 75
(a) (b) (c) (d)
1 Bitumen Paver & Finisher 7 in DGW Pool 1 per Command
2 Compressor 210cfm Trailer mounted 1 per CE Zone + As per auth for RAS 1 per CE Zone + As per auth for RAS
3 Gen Set 230/400V AC 3 phase of varying sizes 1 for 3 GEs & 3 each for Depots 1 per CWE
4 Hot Mix Plant 10 in DGW Pool 1 per Command
5 Mixer Concrete 14/10 Cft Nil 1 per CE of 10/7 Cft capacity
6 Pneumatic wheeled Crane 10 Ton 1 per each Depot 2 per Command

7 Road Roller 8/10 Ton (i) 1 each for GE Basic, GE (P) & AGE (I) As per existing auth + as per auth for
(ii) 2 per CE Zone & auth for RAS RAS
8 Sewage Pump Non Clogging type with Accessories Varying for different CE Zones 1 for CWE
9 Tractor Crawler Size I/II with AD & PCU 1 for 10 GEs + auth for RAS 2 per CE Command+ as per auth for RAS
10 Motor Grader 12’ MB 1 for 10 GEs RAS 1 per CE Command
11 Mechanical Tampers Auth for RAS only As per auth for RAS only
12 Heater Bitumen 250/300 glns Auth for RAS only As per auth for RAS only
13 Roller Hand 1/2 Ton Auth for RAS only As per auth for RAS only
14 Mechanical Grass Cutting Machine with Tractor Auth for maintenance of certain airfields only As per auth for maintenance of airfield
Appendix ‘A’ to Army No. E-in-C’s Branch letter no 36086/Spl T&P/ ESP4(M) dt 29 Jul 85

Precis No. 1609

Management Department

1. Certain types of government vehicles are authorised for use in the MES. Their
holding by the various organisation under the control of E-in-C are shown in Annexure A
to G of I, M of D No 83211/E4/5732/D Works II of 17 Oct 78 Corrigendum No
83211/E4/6092 Works II of 13 Dec 79.
2. CEs/CWE/GEs are responsible for the efficient control and use of Military
Transport (MT) held on their charge and the formations directly under them. They may,
however, detail an officers or superintendent Gde I, preferably E/M to be designated as
Military Transport Officer (MTO) to exercise the control and proper use of their vehicles.
Personnel carrying vehicles
3. Vehicles like car, station wagon, jeep, truck 1 ton light diesel vehicle and motor
cycles are personnel carrying vehicles.
Load carrying vehicles
4. Vehicles like lorry 3 ton, 5 ton, tippers and trailors are load carrying vehicles.
These are used for collection and movements of stores (other than those issued to a
contractor), POL, machinery and other materials,
Special purpose vehicles.
5. Vehicles like tractor 20 tons with trailors, lorry 3 ton, 6 x 4 crane turn table and
crane mobile etc., are used for special purpose in accordance with their utility (Columns
11,13 and 14 in Appendix ‘A’).
Use of MES Vehicles
6. The vehicles should be utilised only for official duties and work in conformity with
the specified use.
7. The use of vehicles between places connected by rail and for officers on temporary
duty at out stations is governed by the provisions in Mechanical Vehicles Regulations for
the Army (Revised edition 1965), and AIs issued from time to time.
8. The use of MES vehicles between residence and the place of duty is not normally
authorized, in special cases, sanctions are given in Army Order from time to time.
9. Vehicles may be provided to an officer proceeding on temporary duty for the
journey between the residence and the railway station or the airport at permanent duty
station and the temporary duty station as per AI 130 of 1960. In such cases, the officer
concerned will not draw milage allowance for the journey in question.
10. The MES vehicles may be hired out for amenity and other purposes to bonafide
officers provided the official duties do not suffer.
11. All the drivers are under the administrative control and discipline of the MTO.
Civilian drivers are authorised for all MES vehicles.

Driving Licence
12. All civilian drivers are required to pass Trade Test as per instructions issued from
time to time. They should be in possession of a current Civil Driving Licence in addition
to the Military Motor Vehicle Driver’s Licence. (IAFZ-2036).

Duty Orders
13. Driver’s car diaries on the revised form IAFZ-2209 as per AI 167/70 are to be filled
both for PC and LC vehicles. These are to be filled and signed by the person so authorised
before commencement of the journey.
14. Whenever any vehicle proceeds on duty, the following documents must be in
possession of the driver:-
(a) Car Diary (IAFZ-2209).
(b) Accident report regarding MT Vehicles (IAFZ-2195-A,B&C outer and
(c) Licence.
Daily Task
15. Before a vehicle is put on road, the routine check up of water, lubricant etc., should
be carried out in addition the schedule task of the day, as laid down in “Daily Parade”
should be completed by the driver, and checked by JE E/M-in-charge.

Maintenance Day (MD)

16. Every vehicle must be allotted a day for the weekly maintenance. It should be a day
other than Sunday. MD should be painted on the windscreen.
17. On the maintenance day, the vehicle must NOT be detailed for any duty. Under
very exceptional cases, if the vehicle is put on duty, it will be only done after the weekly
maintenance has been completed. In such circumstances an endorsement should be given
on the car diary to certify that the weekly maintenance has been carried out on the vehicle,
and signed by the MTO.

Part X Order Vehicle Movement Statistics Return (IAFZ-2284)

18. Monthly vehicle casualty return, (Refer para 35 of Precis No 1611.

Part XII Order Tyre, Engine, Battery and Track casualty Return (IAFZ-3025)
19. As soon as tyre or an engine or a battery is replaced, the unit should issue the Part
XII Order within 42 hours of the change to all the formations concerned. The maker’s No
and any other identification mark for the component replacing and replaced should clearly
be indicated in this return.
20. Milage restrictions have been made as per G of I, M of D No
97929/GS/NE/14/3878-C/D(GS)-IV dated 20/12/69.
Due to deficiencies in vehicles strength and restricted availability of new vehicles,
further restrictions in milage authorised has been issued by AHQ GS Branch vide their No
97335/GS/WE-13/14/15 dated 21/5/71.
Sanction upto 50% extra can be given by CE Command. For further sanction E-in-
C is to be approached.

Check of Petrol Consumption.

21. Economy in the use of POL should be properly watched. Sudden increase in the
petrol consumption indicated by decrease in KPL should be investigated to ascertain the
cause. The vehicle should be sent to MES workshops for repairs if found defective.
Speed of Vehicles
22. Vehicles will normally be driven at the economic speed, subject to the local military
and traffic police regulations. Speed limits are laid down in Army Order 287/66.
Check by Military Police
23. All the MES transport are subject to check and discipline by the Military Police.
Mechanical Vehicle Regulations for the Army
24. The orders contained in the MVR (India), for the Army regarding up keep and
maintenance of vehicles, stores and accounting procedure, will be adhered to, subject to the
relevant AOs and AIs issued from time to time.
Provisioning, Maintenance and Repairs
25. Provisioning, issue and replacement of BLR vehicles and spares of standard pattern
will be made by ORDNANCE, at par with the rest of the Army. Class V and Class VI
vehicles will be disposed of through auction with the approval of DGS&D.
(AHQ, GS Branch No 49150/VI/SD dt 16 Jun 66)
26. Up keep and routine maintenance of vehicles is MES responsibility. The
maintenance will involve cleaning, inspection, lubrication and minor adjustments that can
be done by drivers with hand tools at the disposal.
27. Repairs to all MES vehicles is the responsibility of MES.
(Auth: E-in-C No 41510/A/E4 of 2 Jun 73)
28. The repair charges per lorry unit [Refer Appendix 'B']
29. Retreading of tyres, if considered necessary, after these are declared BLR
by a board of officers will be done by MES under their own arrangements.
30. Hiring of vehicles from civil sources by Administrative authorities like Sub Area
SOC/SOC-in-C under routine circumstances permitted as per AI 138/59 with excessed
powers as per G of I, M of D No S 2161/PC-2/ST-2/a/ST-2/1233/S-(AS) dt 10.6.65.
Policy of Disposal of MES Vehicles
31. Instructions are issued by E-in-C from time to time regarding the disposal of Class
VI/UNSV/BER vehicles and vehicle coming under “coast out” programme.
Class VI and UNSV vehicles are disposed off through auction, with the approval of
MES Vehicles Discarded under “Cast Out” policy on completing milage/vintage
will not be disposed off till the vehicles are in running condition. Special permission has
been given to MES organisation to use the Discarded vehicles till these are in running
Use of Govt. Transport between Places connected by Rail
32. Sanction for road move is to be obtained from competent authorities as per AI
256/55 as amended from time to time.
Mechanical Transport: Maintenance of Records
33. Revised procedure for accounting of POL and maintenance of vehicle records are
contained in AI 167/70.

34. The following forms will be maintained by all units/formations on the peace system
of accounting and will be subject to audit.
(a) Vehicle Register (IAFZ-2186)
All units holding mechanically propelled vehicles on charge will enter them
on IAFZ-2186, showing details of receipts and authority for all allotment of
vehicles. A separate page should be used for each make and type of vehicle
on charge and the number and date of vouchers on which the vehicles were
taken on charge/struck off charge should be clearly entered.

(b) Car Diary (IAFZ-2209) )(Revised)

Car diaries are required to be maintained in the case of all types of vehicles
viz Jeeps, staff cars, Station Wagons, load carrying vehicles and motor
cycles. These are very important auditable documents and must be properly
completed and maintained. Separate car diary will be used for each quarter.
On issue of a fresh car diary on the first day of the quarter the old one will
be withdrawn and kept in the office for audit purposes . Following points
will be kept in view while completing the car diary:-
(i) Specific nature of duty is shown under column 2. All journeys
against which nature of duty performed is not clearly specified, will
be treated as ‘non duty journey’ and charges recovered from the
officers using Government transport for the kilometers run at normal
(ii) Column 7 of the car diary should be completed and signed by the
officer using the vehicle before the commencement of the journey.
(iii) Kilometers reading and POL drawn should be recorded in the
relevant columns.
(iv) All the pages of the car diary have been numbered to prevent rise of
additional unauthorised journeys, being recorded. The pages left
blank at the end of each quarter should be cancelled under the
signature of a gazetted officer to avoid their misuse.
(v) Authority for use of load carrying vehicles is Receipt Vr/Issue
voucher numbers etc,. will be entered in the “Remarks” column. At
the end of the quarter a certificate of the GE or his representative
will be endorsed on the car diary to the effect that moves entered
therein have been authorised by him as per authority quoted against
such moves.
(vi) Motor spirit in tank will be checked on the last day of the month by
filling the tank to the maximum capacity and result recorded in the
car diary in red ink..
(vii) Journey performed on amenity (Payment or free) and other payment
duties will also be recorded in the car diary in red ink. TR No giving
disposal of the money will be given in the "Remarks” column.

(viii) Car diary will be allowed to be retained by the drivers for the period
of daily duties only and will be deposited in MT office everyday
unless otherwise required for duties of longer duration.
(ix) All running in connection with maintenance, testing, repairs and
static running either by the unit or Zonal Workshop will be recorded
as workshop road test and static running under column 2 of the car
diary POL consumed on static running will be excluded while
working out KPL achieved.
(c) Milage Card – IAFZ-2212(Revised)
Daily running record of vehicle is maintained in this card. This card is
printed on both sides and record for six months can be maintained on one
side. Thus complete record of one year for one vehicle can be kept on one
card. The various columns to be completed are self explanatory. Milage
card will be filled daily for vehicles in the station and on return from duty
for vehicles on out station duty. MT Gasoline/Diesel in tank of every MT
vehicle will however, be checked accurately on the last day of the month by
filling the tank to maximum capacity. Particular attention should be paid to
the following points:-
(i) All columns in the milage card should be completed.
(ii) Issues of MT Gasoline/diesel to vehicle shown in milage card, POL/
Retail issue (IAFZ-2206), car diary and POL ledger should agree.
(iii) The milage card will be shown to the GE or the officer nominated by
him every month and signed by him.
(d) Vehicle Log Book – IAFZ-2191 (Revised)
Vehicle log book will be maintained for each individual vehicle. It contains
the following details:-
(i) Particulars of vehicle.
(ii) Particulars of inter unit transfers.
(iii) Repairs and changes of major/minor assemblies.
(iv) Yearly kilometer record (on monthly basis).
(v) Dates of changes of classifications.
(vi) KPL for vehicle as per IEM tests.
(vii) Particulars of change of tyres and tubes.
(e) Ledger Stocks and Supplies – (IAFZ-2109).
The record of POL received from supply/POL depot and the issues of POL
to Vehicles/Equipments is maintained in this ledger. A physical stock
taking of ground balances will be carried out on 1 st of each month and result
recorded in red ink on relevant pages by the GE or any other gazetted officer
authorised by him.
(f) POL Indent Form – IAFZ-2206 Part I (Revised)
MES organisations will submit their weekly demand for POL to dependent
supply/POL depot on IAFZ-2206 Part I (Revised) in quintuplicate. This
demand will be submitted weekly at least seven days in advance of the
drawing day.

(g) POL Retail Issue Voucher – IAFZ-2206 Part II (Revised)

This form is used for issue of POL to individual vehicles, issues to vehicles
over a period of one week will be recorded in this form and stock balance
adjusted in the POL store ledger, once a week. However, on the last day of
the month issues on this form will be closed and total issues charged off the
POL ledger.
(h) Vehicle Amenity Register
When a vehicle is detailed for Amenity duty, its record is maintained in
Vehicle Amenity Register. Following information is recorded in this
(a) Date of the duty,
(b) BA No, Make and type of vehicle
(c) Name of officer using the transport
(d) Duration of duty
(e) Place (From- To)
(f) Authority for move
(g) Total KM run
(h) Rate per KM
(i) Total amount
(j) TR No & Date
(k) Signature of MTO
(i) Transport Indent and Order Form – IAFZ-2150.
This form is used for demanding service vehicles on hire.

Appendix ‘A’
Precis 1604
Ser No

Formation Car 4 Car 5 Trailie Ligh Lorry Lorry Lorry Mot Tractor Tri 20 Crane Lorry Lorry Fork Remarks
seater Cwt r 10 diesel 3 Ton 3 Ton 3 ton or 20 Ton Ton Mobili 5 Ton with lift (Refer Annx
4x2 4x4 CWT veh 4x2 Tippin water Cycl tpt tpt sed 6 4x4 telesc truck Att ‘B’
GS 2 truck GS g 4x2 e ton crane -ope explaination
wheele 4x2 turon ladde of sufixes
d table r
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
1 Chief Engineer 2(a) 1(b) 1(c) 3(d) 2(e) 5(c) 3(c) 4(d) 2(e) 2(c) 2(c) - (c) -
2 Commander 2(z) 1 - - - - 1(c) 1 - - - - - -
Wks Engrs
3 Garrison Engr 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - Reqt of Veh
4 AEE AE i/c sub - - - 1(y) - - - - - - - - - - for 221 Aes
Div & BSO i/c Sub Divs will
sub Div
be at inc
5 Commandant/ - - - 2(x) - - - - - - - - - -
maint cel
6 E/M Sub Div - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - Present balance
7 B/R Sub Div - - - - 1(j) - - 1(k) - - - - - - reqt will be
8 B/S Sub Div - - - - 1 - - 1(k) - - - - - - spread over the
9 Engr Park 1(a) - 4(w) 1(r) 1(f) - - 1(v) - - - - - -
next three to four
10 Engr Sub Park 1 - - 1(f) 1(f) - - 1(b) - - 1(g) 1(h) - 1(u)
11 DGW 3 - - - 20(p) 123(p) - - - - - - - -
Govt of India Min of Defence Letter No. 83211/38/BSS(H)/109s/D(Works-II) dt 17-05-1986


1. So far as personnel carrying veh already held at the disposal of E-in-C’s are concerned, any type veh may be used as substitute , against
authorised type of veh until the veh actually held are wasted out.
2. The Chief Engineers have the discretion to alter local holding of MT in their command provided total authorisation for the whole
Command is not exceeded.
3. In the absence of Grades to whom the veh are authorised/ the next lower grade may use “Veh”.
4. Truck 1 ton 4x2 GS/light Diesel veh or other veh (jeep/station wagons) held in lieu can be authorised to supdt Gde I i/s sub divns in
addition with the veh already authorised to the divisions. It may be used both as PC & IC veh.
5. Scooters will be held in lieu of motor cycles in Cantt area where roads are good till they are wasted out.
6. The motor cycles or veh authorised in lieu of motor cycles in hill station can be used by JEs for bondefide duties.
7. The motor cycles or veh authorised to sub divs and Engrs pks can be used by JEs for bonafide official duties.
8. 4x4 drive veh will be held in lie of 4x2 drive veh where veh of 4x4 drive are supplied by the ord in respective of Col No 6,7,8,9 above.
9. Truck 1 Ton for presently held by MES in lieu of light diesel veh to make good the difference, holding will be made up with light diesel
veh only.
10. Lorry 3 ton 1 x 2 GS mounted with HDPE water tank 3000 ltrs capacity should be used in lieu of lorry 3 ton water 4x2 (Col-9) when the
same is not available for issue in the army stocks.
Appendix ‘B’
(Precis No 1609)
Para 28


Ser No Type of Vehicle Equivalent Lorry Units

1. Car 3 Seater, 4 x 2 1
2. Station Wagon Car LU 1
3. Car 5 cwt 4 x 4 Jeep GS 1.5
4. Trailer 10 cwt 2 wheeled GS 0.25
5. Truck 15 cwt/1 ton 4 x 2 GS 1
6. Truck 15 cwt 4 x 4 1.5
7. Lorry 3 Ton 4 x 2 GS 1
8. Lorry 3 Ton 4 x 4 GS 1.5
9. Lorry 3 Ton 4 x 2 tipping 1
10. Lorry 3 Ton 4 x 2 Water 2250 lit 1
11. Tractor 6 x 4 medium 2
12. Trailor 20 Ton 1
13. Crane mobile, 6 ton 2.5
14. Crane 3 Ton, lorry mounted 2
15. Motor Cycle, Solo 0.25
16. Fire Trailor Pump 1

1. No funds will be demanded for a vehicle from the date it is downgraded to Class V and below or
2. Any other items not covered by Sl Nos 1 to 16 may be added in Col 2 as additional items

Auth: AHQ No 62024/E5 dated 8/22 Apr 68.


Precis No 1610
Management Department

(Reference : MES Regulation, paras 795 to 805 and Appendix ‘P’)

Type of Workshops
1. There are two types of Workshops as given below:-
(a) Installation Workshop
Such workshop is utilised for executing work of minor nature for the installation(s) or sub
division. Limited holding of machines and tools will make it possible to execute works of
petty nature to maintain the efficiency.
(b) MES Workshop
This type of workshop is elaborately equipped to carry out work on production basis. It can
undertake big jobs, in accordance with its facilities, from MES formations, other
Government departments or private persons.
2. Installation workshop is directly under the control of the officer ie of the sub division. He will
normally have a JE E and M who will be in charge of running it.
3. An MES workshop will be in charge of an E and M officer under CWE. He is referred to as
Workshop Officer.
(RMES 798)
4. The cost of running a sub divisional workshop is divided in proportion to the work executed for the
benefit of installation concerned.
5. The cost for an installation workshop is borne by its maintenance grant.
6. The MES workshop will be cost accounted. Monthly workshop return
(IAFW-2234) will be submitted to cover capital charges, direct charges and overhead charges.
Order for Work
7. All work on the workshop is first estimated and calculated in details on IAFW-2227, and then
prepared as a work order on IAFW-2228. Once the work order is accepted by the demander, it is
entered in IAFW-2229 with a number. An expenditure sheet is then prepared on IAFW-2230, and
the work is taken in hand. On completion of work the adjustment of the amount is carried out on
the expense voucher IAFW-2253.
8. In case of private work, the same procedure applies except that the recovery of the amount is treated
as in case of a deposit work.
9. In the case of urgent work, the Workshop Officer can put the work in hand on receipt of an
authority from the demanding officer upto a definite amount.

Operating Account
10. The operating account will be maintained as under:-
(a) Daily Sheets
(i) Daily Labour Sheet - IAFW-2236
(ii) Daily Material Sheet - IAFW-2235
(iii) Daily Miscellaneous Charges Sheet - IAFW-2313
(b) Expenditure sheet - IAFW-2230
(c) Workshop Account - IAFW-2223
(d) Material Account on
(i) Material Register - IAFW-2225

(ii) Baby Indent - IAFW-2305

Annual Workshop Return
11. This is not a cost accounting document but only a technical document meant to give an annual
overall picture of the working. The cost accounting of the workshops is done monthly on IAFW-
(Para 25, Appx ‘P’ to MES Regs)
Timber Factory
12. Timber factory is a fully cost accounted installation producing furniture and some finished products
of wood. The working of a timber factory is more or less similar to the working of workshops.

Precis No 1611
Management School
1. This precis deals with typical records, and return which are in vouge in the E and M Section. The
details in the various types of Indian Army Forms are explained with their utility value. The
specific use can be traced from the other E and M procedure Precis, where applicable.
2. For the purpose of the precis, the forms have been grouped to indicate where these are being used.
The reference to MES SO by E-in-C is also given to help in tracing their specific use.
3. The Indian Army Forms which are used for different MES installations are given in Appendix ‘A’.
Machinery History Sheet
4. This form is used to give a complete history of every static machine. It contains the technical
details, initial cost, purchase date, authority of purchase, the place where the machine is installed
and or transferred to, and the acceptance test. On the form a general history is written including the
condition of arrival at the station any renewals, repairs, major overhauls, serious breakdown and any
characteristics peculiar to the machine.
5. There are eight types of machinery history sheets excluding ‘index’ form, for different types of
machines. The typical technical data for each type is shown on the relevant history sheet.
6. The different types of machines are indicated by a prefix letter on the MES No which is allotted to
each machine. These are as under:-
Prefix letter Types of machine
A - Steam Engine
B - Internal combustion engine
C - Crane, crab, winch, travellor or lift.
F - Pump or Compressor.
R - Lathe, screw cutting, drilling, planing, slotting, boring,
shaping, metal sawing, gulleting, punching, shearing, milling, screwing, band
sawing or morticing machine, tool grinder, universal cutter grinder, planner,
log and deal frame, circular and pendulum saw benches, general joiner or
variety wood worker.
L - Miscellaneous machines.
S - Steam boiler
T - Electric motor or generator.
7. The respective MES No is entered in the appropriate space provided on the right hand top corner of
the Machinery History Sheet. SM No allotted to the set of the machine is also noted thereon.
Plant/Installation Running Record
8. It is a record of hour wise running of each plant giving output, POL/Energy consumption, periodical
examinations, consumption tests and other tests, any repairs, replacement of minor or major spares,
and results of inspection by IEM/ VDRA. Form can be conveniently adopted for the purpose.
9. Separate forms are used for IC engines or separate pages will be kept for individual sets. All the
entries made therein are signed by JE E/M-in-charge. The records are inspected by AEE or AE
E/M at least once a week and initialed. These are also shown to an inspecting officer, if required.
Log Sheet
10. All MES owned installations maintain an appropriate log sheet. One log sheet is used per day, and
all the applicable entries completed. Since the information noted in a log sheet will form the basis
to gauge the efficiency of the installation, the necessity of accurate and full information should be
stressed on all concerned.
11. For small installations, where an hourly record is not warranted, an improvised log should be
maintained for M&O estimate.
12. Maintenance and operation estimate is prepared locally to show the recurring charges anticipated in
the ensuing financial year. It is based on the working costs of the current financial year. The return
is submitted to GE or CWE well in advance, for it to be technically checked, approved and included
in the consolidated schedule of demands as per MES Regulations. Appendix ‘B’ Form C based on
the approval, the installation is allotted the necessary funds for the coming financial year.

Expenditure cannot be incurred for on installations before M/O Estimates are sanctioned for the
installation by the competent technical authority.
Annual Return Installations
13. The annual return is prepared for ALL the MES installations. It is a consolidation of the monthly
returns plus detailed information of capital account, connected load (electric) or consumption
(electric and water) and the staff employed. Working cost and all-in-cost calculations, schedule of
products supplied and costing sheet are also included in it. The working cost shown in the return is
certified by the UA.
14. The annual return of cost accounting, E/M and water supply installations is to be completed by 1 st
Nov at E-in-C’s Office.
15. It reflects the true state of affairs to maintain the efficiency of each MES installation. It also forms
the basis to eventually calculate the All India Cost. Hence an accurate compilation is imperative in
preparing the return.
Plant Record Book
16. Plant Record Book IAFW-2208 will be maintained for each installation. The value shown therein
represents the capital cost of the various items of the installation. The interest at 6% (vide MES
Regs para 745) and the depreciation at the rate of the percentage laid down in the MES Standing
Orders by E-In-C para 420 (given in precis No 1613) are calculated on capital cost, and compiled in
the ‘Summary’ portion of the book for each financial year.
17. Ready calculated depreciated value of any plant or portion of the installation can be obtained from
the book.
18. This book is subject to audit.

Inventory of Electric Fittings and Fixtures

19. This form is utilised to record the internal wiring details of every electric fitting and fixture installed
in every room of every defence building. It should be compiled as soon as the initial installation is
completed with a free hand sketch of the building.
20. Every time the internal electric installation is handed and taken over, the signature of both the
parties should be appended in the appropriate place provided at the foot of each page.
Fan and Meter Register
21. All the electric fans ceiling and table, and all the meters- electric and water, must be entered in this
book. The details of manufacturer’s name, identification No and other details should be entered in
the appropriate columns.
22. All the fans and meters should be serially numbered locally in Col I, and the number painted on the
23. Cols 15 and 16 or 17 in the register should be completed up-to-date as per fly leaf instructions, to
indicate the latest location of each fan or meter.

Periodical Inspection Reports of Electrical Installations under Rule 46 of IE Rules, 1956.

24. The reports on periodical inspection and testing have to be maintained in prescribed form for High
Medium and Low voltage installation separately.
25. High and Extra High Voltage installation has to be inspected once a year.
Medium voltage installation has to be inspected once in 3 years.
Low voltage installation has to be inspected once in 5 years.
(AHQ No 36323/E4 dated 18 may/5 Jun 1962).
Tools and Plant
26. The forms required to maintain T and P records are shown in Appendix ‘B’.

Engineer Plant Routine Order (EPRO)

27. Whenever there is a transfer of any mobile plant from one sub division to another, the EPRO should
be issued to all concerned within 24 hours. It should be published by the unit issuing the plant as
well as the one receiving it, so that all the information which maintain the records of the plant, will
be in the picture.

Road Roller Log Book


28. All the information in respect of the E/M No. technical details, tools and spare parts held, inspection
repairs, staff, stores used, and work done, is recorded in this book. Entries should also be made in
respect to the No and date of the certificate of fitness issued (and renewed) by the Boiler Inspector
in Appendix ‘D’ of the log book in red ink in case of Steam Road Rollers. This entry must clearly
indicate the latest date upto which it is certified.
29. The instruction for the care of the different types of road roller given in Appendix ‘B’ and ‘BB’ of the
log book should be conscientiously followed.
30. E/M No and any State registration No allotted to the road roller should be prominently printed on
the book.
Mechanical Plant Log Book
Log Book for Engineer Plant and its Supplement No .1.
31. The above log book should be used for mobile plants other than road rollers. The latter is stocked
by ESD (Machinery) Kankinara.
32. All the relevant details including the E/M No should be recorded in the book.
Machine Record Card
33. The machine record card must be complete, and kept posted in all respects to record the history of
the mobile plant.
34. The relevant forms required are given in Appendix ‘C’. Procedure for maintenance of records (MT) is
given separately in Precis No 1609.
35. MVCR. Monthly Vehicle Casualty Return.
NOTE: All units will submit their return, showing position as on last day of each month to Army
statistical organisation through their Formation/HQ.
36. Part XII Order. Tyre, Engine, Battery and Truck Casualty Return.
37. These orders should be issued to all the units and formations where records of the vehicles are
maintained within 24 hours of the casualty. All the particulars, as required by the columns on the
forms, must be completed.
38. The forms required for an MES Workshop are given in Appendix ‘D’. the specific use of these forms
is explained in MES Regs Appendix ‘A’.
Periodicity of Repots and Returns
39. A revised list of periodical reports and returns, to be submitted to DGW, E-in-C’s Branch,
indicating their periodicity is issued under AHQ, E-in-C’s Branch No 63233/E2-A dated 31 Oct/8
Nov 67. This supersedes all previous instructions as far as the type and periodicity of reports and
returns are concerned. The details will continue as per existing orders. Periodical reports and
returns not mentioned in that list will not be submitted to E-in-C’s office.

Appendix ‘A’

Precis No (1611)

(Para 3)


Ser Nomenclature IA Form No Reference to
Regs E-in-C Para
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

1. Machinery history sheet – Schedule of W-2207

machinery (index)
2. Machinery history sheet- Steam engine W-2207A
3. Machinery history sheet- Internal W-2207B
combustion engine
4. Machinery history sheet- Cranes, hoists, etc W-2207C
5. Machinery history sheet- Pump or Compressor W-2207F
6. Machinery history sheet- Machine tools W-2207K
7. Machinery history sheet- Miscellaneous W-2207L 410
8. Machinery history sheet- Steam Boiler W-2207S
9. Machinery history sheet- Electric motor W-2207T
or generator
10. Index Card W-2341
11. Machine record card W-2346
12. Plant running record, internal combustion W-2275
13. Installation running record Special
14. Care and working of MES plant and machinery W-1791 422
15. Care and working of military boilers W-1797
16. Log Sheet- Oil engine driven AC installation W-2172 366
17. Log Sheet- Power station, steam prime mover W-2173
DC 3 wire system
18. Log Sheet- DC3 wire oil engined station W-2174
19. Log Sheet- Small power station W-2175 423
20. Log Sheet- Rotary plant sub station W-2176
21. Log Sheet Pumping Station W-2177
22. M and O estimate, electrical installation W-1788 165(ix)
23. M and O estimate water supply installation W-1806 157(ix)
24. Schedule of coal and coke (or oil) requirement W-2196 522
25. Monthly return of electrical installation W-2301 430, 431
26. Monthly return of water supply installation W-2302 430, 431
27. Annual return of electrical installation W-1785
28. Annual return of water supply installation W-1803 432, 433

Ser Nomenclature IA Form No Reference to

No MES Regs MES SO by
Para E-in-C Para
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

29. Plant record Book W-2208 419

30. Standard test sheet (Steam) W-1812
31. Standard test sheet (oil and electric) W-1812A 375, 394
32. Inventory of electric fittings and fixtures W-2186
33. Fan and meter register W-2181 363, 412
34. Fan repair card W-2213
35. Meter test book (electric and water) W-2188 302,404
36. Electric wiring test sheet (loose sheet book) W-1794
37. Electric wiring test sheet (loose sheet) W-1794A 401
38. Record of tests of lighting conducts W-2215 426
39. Electric bulb account W-1773 611
40. Refrigeration inspection report (EME) E-22
41. Inspection report for electric installation

Appendix ‘B’
Precis No (1611)
Para 29

Ser Nomenclature IA Form Reference to

Regs E-in-C Para
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

1. Stock/furniture/tools and plant register W-2279 170, 601

2. Division/station tools and plant distribution W-1814 601
ledger (outer sheet)
3. Division/station tools and plant distribution
(inner sheet) W-1814A
4. Annual tools and plant return W-2193 604
5. Engineer plant routine order W-2339
6. Road roller log book W-2179 424, 424
7. Mechanical plant log book W-2340
8. Log book for engineer plant and its B-9 425
supplement No 1 (stock by ESD (machinery),
9. Index Card W-2346
10. Machine record card W-2341
11. Estimates for new supplies/renewals of W-2222
furniture/tools and plant
12. Demand for spare parts for machinery W-2332
13. ESD (machinery) Kankinara – Spares W-2334
issue voucher

Appendix ‘C’
(Precis No 1611)
Para 34

Ser Nomenclature IA Form No Reference to

No MES Regs MES SO by
Para E-in-C Para
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

1. Unit vehicle register Z-2186

2. Vehicle log book Z-2197 (Revised)
3. POL Indent form Z-2206 Part I (Revised)
4. Military motor vehicle, driver’s licence Z-2306
5. POL retail issue voucher Z-2206 Part II (Revised)
6. Driver’s car diary Z-2209 (Revised)
7. Mileage Card IAFZ-2213 (Revised)
8. Accident report regarding MT vehicles Z-195A(B & C Outer & Inner)
9. Vehicle inspection chart Z-2188
10. MT technical inspection report (EME)E-03
11. Monthly vehicle casualty return
12. Part XII order. Tyre, engine, battery and Z-3025
track casualty return
13. Vehicle return Z-3020
(P sheet and continuation sheet)

Appendix ‘D’
(Precis No 1611)
(Para 54)
Ser Nomenclature IA Form No Reference to
Regs E-in-C Para
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

1. Daily labour sheet W-2236

2. Daily material sheet ` W-2235
3. Daily miscellaneous charges sheet W-2313
4. Work Order W-2228
5. Register of work order W-2239
6. Estimate of work (workshop) W-2227 801 & Appx ‘P’
7. Material register W-2225
8. Expenditure sheet for work order W-2230
9. Workshop account W-2223
10. Register of articles on charge W-2379
11. Monthly workshop return W-2234

Precis No 1612
Management Department


1. This precis deals with a summary of the budget side in the E & M section. Details of the procedure
connected with the budget should be read in conjunction with those given in Precis No. 1561.

Major Heads
2. The expenditure for the three services of the Defence Forces is divided into the following Major
(a) For works commenced prior to 1 Apr 48
(i) Army inclusive of Factories and Farms - 2076 Defence Services
(ii) Navy - 2077 Defence Services
(iii) Air Force - 2078 Defence Services
(b) For works commenced wef 01 apr 48
All Services above Rs. 1 lakh - 4076 Capital Outlay
on Defence Service.
Classification and Code Numbers
3. The various classification and Code Nos typical to E & M side of the MES, are shown as:-
(a) Annexure A - Major Head 2076 Defence Services - Army
(b) Annexure B - Major Head 2077 Defence Services - Navy
(c) Annexure C - Major Head 2078 Defence Services - Air Force.

Financing Of Installations

Internal Installations
4. The internal installations of water supply and electric supply are financed under the sub head for the
maintenance of buildings. A separate allotment is provided for the maintenance of internal wiring,
fittings etc and internal ware pipes and fittings in that of the building under sub head B of major
head 2076 and sub head F. Minor Head (e) of Major Heads 2077 and 2078.

External Installation
5. The external water supply and electrical installations are financed under Sub Head C of Major head
2076 and Sub Head F, Minor Head (e) of Major Heads 2077 and 2078.

Tools and Plant

6. Tools and plant are financed under Sub Head E, Minor Head (495) of Major head 2076 for various
purposes under the appropriate detailed head.

E and M Renewals

7. An E & M renewal consists of the replacement of a complete installation, or the whole of a definite
portion of an installation or of a complete unit forming part of an installation. The following can be
treated as E & M renewals:-
(a) Extensive reconstruction of a supply system.
(b) Increased capacity of plant or accommodation for the installation.
(c) Substitution of a superior for an inferior class or grade of work.
(d) Replacement and supply of major spare parts.
In the case of 9d) above CWE will decide whether the replacement is to be classed as renewal or
(MES Regs Para 57 and 758)
8. All E & M renewals which cost less than Rs. 50,000/- will be financed from Sub head C of Major
head 269 (and Sub Head F. Minor head 9c) of Major head 270 and 271). An allotment of funds for
the purpose implies administrative approval. A scheme which involves installation of plant and
machinery is submitted to the higher Engineer Authority for prior technical scrutiny. The technical
sanction is accorded for the work as per delegatory powers, vide Precis No 1588, Appendix ‘B’.
(MES Regs para 759)

Special Repairs and Renewals

9. E&M renewals which would cost more than Rs. 50,000/- are treated as special repairs and renewals
and financed under Sub Head C, Minor Head (f) of Major Head 769 and Sub Head F. Minor Head
(e), Detailed Head 4 of Major Head 270 and Sub Head F. Minor Head (e), Detailed Head 5 of
Major Head 271.
Cost Accounting
10. All the alterations to the capital cost are entered in the Plant Record Book (IAFW-2203).
(MES Regs para 759)
11. The procedure for the inclusion of the completion cost of E&M renewals and special repairs and
renewals, financed from the Sub Head other than that for maintenance and operation installations, is
outlined in para 13 to 16 hereafter.
Replacement of Plant shown as a separate item in the Plant Record Book (IAFW-2208).
12. It should be treated as a new plant, and the gross expenditure thereon is entered with the original
capital value. The interest and depreciation are calculated on the original capital cost, even if the
plant has been received at the installation at a depreciated value. The up-to-date depreciated cost is
calculated in the usual manner, viz the depreciated value less the depreciation of the year on the
capital cost.
13. The residual (depreciated) value of the plant replaced (if so effected) less its sales proceeds, is also
included in the costing sheet for the year or spread over a suitable number if years to be determined
by the CE as depreciation only.
Replace of a Portion of a Plant, Distribution System, etc.
14. When the portion of a plant or distribution mains is not shown as a separate (or new) item in the
Plant Record Book (IAFW-2208), only that portion of the expenditure which represents a genuine
increase in the capital value, is added against the item.
15. The balance of expenditure less the sale proceeds is dealt with as outlined in para 13 above.
(MES Regs para 761)
Cost of Spare Parts and Reserve POL
16. The cost of all the external installation spares and reserve of POL (if effected during the year) is
financed under the Sub Head for ‘maintenance and operation of installations’. AT the end of each
financial year the value of spares and POL is assessed. This value should be debited to the coming
year Sub Head for ‘maintenance and operation of installations’ and given a credit under the same
Sub Head in the current year.
Maintenance, Repairs and Renewals.
17. Procedure for maintenance, repairs and renewals of Refrigerators, Air Conditioners and Sewage
Disposal Installation is as under:-
The installations comprising of refrigerators and airconditioners may be divided into four categories
(a) Those provided against sanctioned works, maintained and operated by MES.
(b) Those provided against sanctioned works and maintained by the MES but operated by the
(c) Those issued on hire.
(d) Those in reserve.
18. (a) The category at para 7) above will be treated as an installation. Maintenance
and operation estimates will be prepared as for other installations. These estimates may be
prepared on Form IAFZ-1788 till an amended form is made available. The maintenance and
operation charges will be debited to Main Head 7 – Expenditure on works (other than
Capital Projects) Maintenance etc. Sub Head C. Maintenance and operation of installations
(c) Refrigeration and Air conditioning.
(b) The category at para 17(b) will be treated as internal fittings. The cost of such plant will be
included in the cost of the internal electrical installation in the RPMB. Maintenance and
operation charges will be debited to Main Head 7 – Expenditure on works (other than
Capital Projects) Maintenance etc. Sub Head B (a). Buildings. Schedule of demands will be
prepared on maintenance, repair and renewal at 12% (10 for maintenance and 2 for
renewal). Footnote on Form B of Appendix ‘B’ page 191. Regulations for the MES is
being amended accordingly.

(c) For machines issued on hire, maintenance and repair charges will be debited to Main head 7.
Expenditure on works (other than Capital Projects), maintenance etc. Sub head E, Tools and
Plant and Machinery (a) T & P 3, Repairs and Renewals of T & P, and Schedule of
Demands prepared for maintenance and repair only at 10% of the capital value of the plant
held in reserve.
19. Sewage disposal installations will be treated as E & M installations, Maintenance and operation
estimates will be prepared as for E & M installation. These estimates may be prepared on Form
IAFW-1806 till amended form is made available. The maintenance and operation charges will be
debited to Main head 7 Expenditure on works (other than Capital Projects), Maintenance etc, Sub
head C Maintenance and operation of Installations (e) Miscellaneous.
(Authority: AHQ E-in-C’s Branch DHQ PO New Delhi No 46620/E4 dt 22 Aug 1958).

Appendix ‘A’
(Precis No 1612)
Para 3A
Main Head 7 Expenditure on Works (other than Capital Projects) and Maintenance
Sub Head A – Works
(1) This will include expenditure on construction, maintenance etc of buildings and other
revenue expenditure of the Army by the MES, other than these relating to Ordinance
Factories, R & D organisation, Military Farms and Inspection Organisation for which
separate minor head have been provided.
(2) The cost of new Major works undertaken on or after 1.4.48 will be booked to the Major head
Minor Heads
(a) Major Works
(i) Not forming capital assets - 451/01
(ii) Other revenue works - 451/02
(b) Minor works - 452/00
(c) Losses - 454/00
Sub Head B – Maintenance – Buildings, communication etc.
Minor Heads
(a) Permanent buildings - 460/01
(b) Temporary buildings - 460/02
(c) Hired/Leased/Requisitioned buildings. - 460/03
Sub Head C- Maintenance and Operation of Installations
Minor Works
(a) Water Supply
(i) Expenditure - 474/01
(ii) Deduct – Recoveries - 474/02
(b) Electricity
(i) Expenditure - 475/01
(ii) Deduct –Recoveries - 475/02
NOTE: The recoveries under Minor Heads (a) (ii) and (b) (ii) are only those effected from
other departments of the Central Government.
Other recoveries viz from individuals, local bodies etc will be treated as revenue.
(c) Refrigeration and Air Conditioning - 479/00
(d) Special repairs and renewals: 1 MES Installation - 480/01
2. ASC Bulk Petroleum – 480/02
(e) Miscellaneous, Minor Head E
(i) Expenditure on running and maintenance of disinfectors
(ii) Expenditure on boilers, standby sets, telephone bills debatable to installations
(iii) Expenditure on battery charging etc.

Sub Head E. Tools, Plants and Machinery

Minor Heads (495)
(a) Tools and Plants (495)
(i) New supplies other than vehicles - 495/01
(ii) New supplies vehicles - 495/02
(iii) Repairs and renewals (Tools and Plant) - 495/03
(iv) Repairs to vehicles - 495/04
(v) Payments to other departments - 495/05
(vi) Deduct credit from other departments - 495/06
(b) Procurement of equipment and stores, and payment - 497/00
Of labour charges for research and experimental
Works in SEMT Wing, CME.

Appendix ‘B’
(Precis No 1612)
Para 3 (b)


Sub Head F- Cost of works (other than Capital Projects) and Maintenance

Minor Heads 6 – Works

The cost of new Major Works undertaken on or after 1.4.48 will be debited to Major Head 469,
Sub/Major Head D.
(a) Major Works
(i) Not forming capital assets - 651/01
(ii) Forming capital assets but not chargeable - 651/02
to capital account
(b) Minor Works - 652/00
(c) Losses - 654/00
(d) Maintenance – Buildings, Communication Etc -
(i) Permanent building - 655/01
(ii) Temporary building - 655/02
(iii) Hired/Leased/Requisitioned building - 655/03
(iv) Road -655/04
(v) Furniture - 655/05
(vi) Special repairs - 655/06
(vii) Miscellaneous - 655/07
(e) Maintenance and Operation of Installations
(i) Water Supply
(aa) Expenditure - 658/01
(ab) Deduct – Recoveries - 658/02

(ii) Electricity
(aa) Expenditure - 658/03
(ab) Deduct – Recoveries - 658/04
(f) Refrigeration and Air Conditioning - 658/05
(g) Special repairs and renewals - 658/06
(h) Miscellaneous - 658/07

Appendix ‘C’
(Precis No 1612)
Para 3 (c )
Sub Head F – Cost of works (other than capital projects) and maintenance

Minor Head 6 – Works

The cost of new Major works undertaken on or after 1.4.48 will be debited to Major Head 69 Sub Major
Head C.
(a) Major Works
(i) Not forming capital assets - 756/01
(ii) Other revenue works - 756/02
(b) Minor Works - 757/00
(c) Losses - 759/00
(d) Maintenance – Building Communication, Furniture Etc.
(i) Permanent buildings - 760/01
(ii) Temporary hutted - 760/02
(iii) Hired/Leased/Requisitioned buildings - 760/03
(iv) Air field, Runways, taxi tracks, Hard standing apron etc - 760/04
(v) Road - 760/05
(vi) Furniture - 760/06
(vii) Special repairs - 760/07
(viii) Miscellaneous - 760/30
(e) Maintenance and Operation of Installations
(i) Water Supply
(aa) Expenditure - 761/01
(ab) Deduct – Recoveries of water supply from other - 761/02
department of Central Government
(ii) Electricity
(aa) Expenditure - 761/03
(ab) Deduct – Recoveries of supply of electricity from - 761/04
other department of Central Government
(f) Refrigeration and air Conditioning - 761/06
(g) Special repairs and Renewals - 761/07
(h) Miscellaneous - 761/08

Precis No 1613
Management Department


1. This precis contains subjects of general interest and policy matters not covered in other E/M
Procedure precis.

Hours of Supply of Electricity and Water

2. Normally electricity and Water should be supplied for 24 hours a day. However, where it becomes
necessary to restrict the hours of supply due to uneconomical running or local conditions,
limitations can be imposed.
3. All cases for the hours of supply of electric energy or water will be decided by OC station after
consulting the GE, and notified in Station Orders.
(MES Regs, Paras 780 to 782)
Prevention of Waste
4. OC Station should be informed by GE, when unreasonable over consumption or wastage of
electrical energy and water occurs or is noticed. For entitled consumers, a reasonable assessment of
the consumption of electric energy and water is worked out for every type of quarter or group of
quarter, by a Board of Officers convened under the orders of Sub Area/Station HQ.
(MES Regs Para 787 to 788)
Wireless Aerials
5. Before wireless aerial (external or internal) is erected by an occupant of military building, prior
concurrence of GE is normally required. Before the final approval is given , AEE E/M will ensure
(a) The wireless aerial or any structure connected therewith does not cross bare electric line.
(b) The wireless aerial is provided with an effective lightning arrester.
(c) The installation of the wireless set will not interfere with the internal electrical installation.
(MES Regs, Para 791)
Wireless Masts and Obstruction (warning) Lights
6. (a) Latticed type wireless masts for Army, Navy and Air force establishment.
Responsibility for erection, provision of warning lights, periodical inspection and
maintenance is that of MES.
(b) Tubular types
User’s responsibility for erection, inspection and maintenance of the mast.
MES responsibility is for masonary work, provision of lights and its maintenance.
(AHQ DEW No 66111/E4 dated 09 Aug 62).

Use of Multi sockets of 5 Amps & 15 Amps

7. In all future works, multisockets will be provided instead of single outlet of either 5 amps or 15
(Auth : E-in-C’s Branch No 27439/XII/E4(E) dt 19 Apr 85)
Planning Works – Electric supply
8. (a) Use Diversing factor for all accommodation except married accommodation for
officers, where it should be taken as 0.8 to 0.9
(b) Transfer Capacity- Take 10% more than the load requirement of the area.
(c) Voltage drop – Size of conductors in LT distribution should be so decided that voltage drop
is within 4%

Socket outlet in Car Garages

9. 1 No 5 amps socket outlet will be provided in car garrages of Officers, in all future construction.
(E-in-C’s Branch No 27597/IX/E4VI dt 22 Feb 85)

Estimating Data for Electrical Works

10. Revised as laid down by E-in-C’s Branch letter No 46697/ED/E4(c) dt 03 Mar 84 should be

Common TV Antenna
11. Provisions of common Antenna in multistoreyed buildings and empty conduits for that are
authorised now.
(E-in-C’s Branch No 86365/Design 2 dt 09 Feb 87)

Concealed conduits for Telephones


12. These can now be provided in all officers married accommodation

(E-in-C’s Branch No 27489/XII/15-A/E4 VI dt 14 jan 86)

Use of Aluminium Conductor for both U/G & OH Lines

13. In future, AC conductors will be used as copper has become very expensive.
(E-in-C’s Branch No 27439/ E4 dt 11 jul67)

Concealed conduits in Offrs Married Accomodation

14. In future,concealed conduits are to be provided in all officers quarters.
(E-in-C’s Branch No 27439/XII/E4(C) dt 22 Nov 84)

Provision of 5 Amps & 15 Amps sockets – Married Accommodation

15. In future, these sockets will be located 1.2M above FFL. This is due to safety considerations.
(E-in-C’s Branch No 27597/IX/E4/VI dt 30 Sep 85)
16. Following TI’s issued by E-in-C’s branch should be strictly followed:-
(a) Street Lights – Design & Economies - TI No 8 of 1983.
(b) Selection of Light fitting for different accn - TI 3 of 1986
(c) transformer failur & remedies - TI No 2 of 1986.
(d) MCB’s requirements & characteristics - TI No 1 of 1986.
(e) Main of Diesel Generating Set - TI No 4 of 1984.
(f) Laying & Jointing of cables - TI No 2 of 1984.

Electrical Installation at Private Expense in Military Buildings

17. Internal electric installation in military buildings is permissible at private expense, upto the
authorised scale laid down in Barrack synopsis (India). In all such cases, the occupant should agree
in writing that on completion of the work, the wiring and fitting will be part of the existing internal
installation, and will become the Government property, subject to condition laid down in IAFW-
18. All such work should comply with the standard practice and the statutory laws in vogue.
19. MES can undertake to execute the job on behalf of the occupant as a deposit/contribution work.
(MES Regs, para 772)

Extention of Mains and Service Connections to non Military Buildings

Electrical Installations
20. Where an extension of mains is necessary, to serve two or more consumers, the work can be carried
out at the Government expense provided the funds are immediately available. Otherwise, the cost
should be borne by the consumers (or owner) in the proportion decided by the GOC. In the later
case, they are not entitled for any refund of expenditure if the funds become subsequently available.
21. The electrical service connection is provided at the Government expense for not more than 100 feet
provided it is not on private property. The cost of the installation of the service connection including
the house service meter is borne by the occupant (or owner). Application for such connection
should be submitted by the owner or tenent with the owner’s approval.
22. Works performed by the MES for the occupant (or owner) as mentioned in para 20 and 21 above,
are exempt from the department charges.
23. Irrespective of who bears the cost of the extension of mains and service connection, these become
property of, and are maintained by MES.

Water Supply Installation

24. The procedure for the external mains is identical to that explained in para 20 above.
25. Cost of service connection including that of water meter and the connection fee is paid by the
consumer (or owner).
26. The eventual ownership of such external mains and service connection, and the maintenance will be
identical to that given in para 23 above.

Supply of Electrical Energy for Use by Contractors

27. Supply will be made under the following conditions:-
(a) Charges will be at the existing rates for light and power.
(b) That there shall be no guarantee for continuity of supply and no compensation for break
(AHQ, DGW No 33416/23/E8 dated 27 Sep 62)
NOTE: Similar conditions are applicable for supply of water for use by contractors.

All India Recovery Rate

28. The recovery of the cost of electric energy, where metered, is divided into four classes as under:-

(a) Class A
IIIumination, Ventilation, and small domestic and other electrical devices.
(b) Class B
Unrestricted power
(c) Class C
Restricted power
(d) Class D
Street lighting
(MES Regs Appx ‘O’ Para 12)
29. The recovery of the cost of water consumed is as per the recorded consumption shown in the water
(MES Regs Appx ‘O’ para)
30. The recorded meter consumption of the electric energy and water is recovered at the All India
recovery rates fixed by the Government, and reviewed periodically. It is arrived at by consolidating
the totals of the cost accounting returns of all the installations in India on ‘no profit, no loss’ basis.
(MES Regs Para 747 to 751)
31. Recovery of electric charges from service officers for electricity consumed for refrigerators, in
residence of officers where no power circuit is available is governed by AI 117/48. Further
interpretations are given in AHQ, QMG No A/Q2469/Q3 (B) dated 10 May 61. Before using the
lighting circuit for refrigerators, officers should obtain a certificate from MES that the existing
circuit can withstand the additional load.
Services Charges
32. The charges for services rendered by MES are as under:-
(a) (i) Testing meter (to be refunded if the MES meter proves to be incorrect by
more than 3%)- Rs. 5/-
(ii) Inspection and test of consumer’s internal installation- Rs 10/-
(iii) Replacement of MES service fuses – Rs. 1/-
(iv) Replacement of consumer’s fuses (upto 2 cut outs: for each additional cut out 25
paise extra) - Rs. 1/-
(v) Reconnection after disconnection for non payment of bills or infringement of rules –
Rs. 10/-
(vi) Reconnection after disconnection owing to vacation of building or premises – Rs. 2/-
(vii) Changing position of meter board (excluding any alterations necessary to the wiring)
Rs. 5/-
(viii) Other work as fixed by the GE (dependent on the extent and type of the work).
Charging Batteries
(ix) Car battery – Rs 3/-
(x) Wireless battery – Rs. 2/-
Hire of fans
(xi) Ceiling fan per calendar month - Rs. 11.60
(xii) Table fan per calendar month - Rs. 8.30
(xiii) Pedestal fan - Rs 11.20
Note 1.Hire from 1st to 14th will be at the full rate.
2.Hire from 15th to the end of the month will be at half rate.

Loss of fans issued on hire

(xiv) Officers should pay the replacement cost of the fan lost, irrespective of the
circumstances of the loss. The provisions of the Rule 73 of FRI, Part 1 do NOT
apply in these cases.
(AHQ E-in-C’s No 80690/E2A dt 22 Feb 63)
(b) Water Supply
(i) Installation of and repairs to internal supply – Cost plus departmental charges.
(ii) Connection fee – Cost plus departmental charges.
(iii) Testing meter (to be refunded if the MES meter proves to be incorrect beyond 5
percent) – Rs. 5/-
(iv) Reconnection after disconnection or turning off for the infringement of rules – Rs
(v) Reconnection after disconnection owing to vacation of building, premises or land –
Rs. 2/-
(MES Regs Appx ‘O’ Annexure ‘A’)
33. No hire charges are levied for the electric or water meters issued to consumers, where the cost has
been recovered along with the cost of service connections.

Temporary Electric and Water Connection


34. Station Commanders are authorised to sanction temporary electric and water supply connections in
special cases, viz, or religious, social and medical grounds for a period not exceeding 15 days.
35. Meter and connections will be installed by MES at the expense of the applicant and meter rent will
be made at the rate of 50 paise per day. Connection fee Rs. 3/- will be recovered for every
connections; charges for electric/water consumption will be calculated at all India rates or all in cost
rate whichever is higher.
(Min of Def letter No 87313/C13W (Policy)3019-ASO-II/D Works dt 15 Oct 57).

36. Provision of individual meters, water and electric to Government owned buildings is to be made in
accordance with AHQ No 72131/Q3W(Policy) dt 24 Feb 58 and even No dated 06 May 70.
(E-in-C Technical Instruction 1 of 70)
Location and Security of Meters, Meters-Boxes
37. Water meters should be installed within the premises (in a recess in the wall or some other suitable
place) of consumers who should be made responsible for the security of the same. Approved design
of water meter boxes are given in figures 1 and 5 to IS 2103/1962.
(E-in-C’s No 84110/Spec/WS3/E2 PHE dt 28 Mar 66).
Call Bells
38. Provision of call bell at the entrance of married officers quarters of Captains and above and
equivalent ranks in other services is authorised. This provision is applicable to the existing quarters
also, on a phased programme.
(Authority: G of I, M of D No A/03530/Q3W (Policy)/301/S/SO-II/D (Works) dt 10 Jul 67).
Electric Bulbs
39. MES issue good bulbs in replacement for the unserviceable ones, before effecting the exchange, it
must be ascertained that the incoming as well as the outgoing bulbs bear the requisite marking as
provided for under MES SO by E-in-C para 605.
(MES SO by E-in-C, para 606)
40. (a) The transaction of the exchange are noted in the Electric Bulb Account Book (IAFW-1773),
and acknowledged by the consumer in the column provided for the purpose.
(b) The user should submit a requisition for exchange of fused bulbs.

Free Issue for Hired Bungalows

41. Free supply of electric bulbs in hired residential accommodation, occupied by JCOs, NCOs, ORs,
and equivalent ranks in other services is permitted, Issue and exchange are governed by paras 607
and 612 of MES standing orders.
(G of I, MOD No 585/19/Q3W(Policy)590/SO-III/D(W-1) dt 06 Apr 67).

Treatment of Water
42. MES carries out sedimentation, filtration, chloration and chloramination.
43. The dosage of the reagents is notified by the Medical Authorities after testing the water. A
periodical test is conducted by the Medical Authorities to ensure that the water is potable. They
also advise any changes in dosage from time to time.
44. In cases, however, where the water is to be specially chlorinated in small service tanks, the Medical
Authorities are entirely responsible for providing the reagents, and purify the water. MES may
detail appropriate staff to assist in such circumstances.
(MES Regs, para 733)
Provisions of filters for water treatment
45. In future, in all permanent water supply sources, only slow sand filters will be used.
(E-in-C Branch No 84924/Policy/Wks V-3 dt 10 Sep 86)

Installation & Maint of Geysers

46. In future, instructions contained in TI-4 (Provision of Geysers in MES Accn) will be strictly
(E-in-C’s Branch No 84406/WG-18/E4(V-3) dt 25 Mar 87)

Sewage Disposal by farming

47. In future, Instructions contained in the policy/letter of E-in-C’s Branch No 83519/Policy/Sem/Wks
V-e dt 15 Dec 86, are to be followed.

Operation & Maint of waste stablization pads

48. Instructions contained in TI-2 of 1983 should be followed.

Planning & Scrutiny of E/M Schemes

49. Scrutiny of all E/M schemes should be done as per E-in-C’s Branch No 84226/WS-3/E-4(PH) dt 24
Sep 81.

Location of Water Sources

50. Advice for location of water sources (particularly, ground water sources) will be sought from the
Ground Water Division of Geological Survey of India).
(AHQ E-in-C’s No 5802/25/E4 dt 15 Oct 54)
Rates of Depreciation
51. For the purpose of cost accounting and calculations of the depreciated value in the plant Record
Book (IAFW-2208), the rates of depreciation are as under:-
Item Depreciation per annum on the
Capital cost
(a) Land Nil
(b) Building of all types
Brick, concrete or masonry channels
Brick concrete or masonry wells
Brick, concrete or masonry jack wells
Brick, concrete or masonry settling tanks 1%
Brick concrete or masonry filters
Brick, concrete or masonry reservoirs
And tanks
(c) Foundation At the rate of plant
Stagings supported structure

(d) Aerial (overhead) line

Brick chimneys 2%
Asbestos, Concrete and earthware pipes
(e) Steel, iron and brass pipes and fittings
Mechanical filters
Water softening plants 2.5%
Steel tanks and reservoirs
(f) Air receivers of all kinds
Boilers and stokers
Fuel and ash plants
Prime movers upto 500 rpm (see ‘h’ below)
Cranes lifts and hoists
Condensers, pumps and compressors 5%
Electric motors, generators, converting
and transforming plant and switch gears
Insulated cable and internal wiring
Tube wells and installed plants
Ventilation apparatus (if fixed)
(g) All the portable plants of the categories given 6%
in (f) above Machine tools
(h) Instruments of all kinds
Road making plants Small tools 10%
Water treatment plants other than shown in (e) above
Prime movers over 500 rpm (high speed)
(j) Refrigeration plant
(j) Mechanical equipment 14%

Table- M RMES
(MES SO by E-in-C para 420)

52. When a plant or any part of it is brought into use during any period of a financial year, the
depreciation when calculated will be proportional to the period of the year actually in use.
53. When a plant is kept in use for more than its predicted life, the depreciation charges will not be
raised off as depreciation.
(MES, Regs Para 745)
Rates of Interest
54. Interest at 6% per annum will be charged on the capital cost in Plant Record Book (IAFW-2208).
(MES, Regs, para 745)

55. When a plant or any part of it is brought into use during any period of a financial year, the interest
when calculated should be proportional to the period of the year actually in use.

Military Standby Plants

56. When any plant is expressly maintained to increase capacity for the internal security or war needs,
the E-in-C will fix a lump sum to cover interest, depreciation and maintenance charges on such a
plant. This lump sum will be taken as a credit in the cost accounting of the installation to the annual
return. (see Precis No 1607).
(MES Regs, para 746 and E-in-C’s No 38524/E4 dt 27 May 68).

Standby Power Supply for Essential Services

57. The responsibilities for provision etc or standby power supply are:-
(a) Generally provision/establishment/installation/supply/responsibility of Engineers (MES) for
essential services.
(b) Standby Power Supply in Static Signal Units
(i) Provision and maintenance by Engineers.
(ii) Operation and daily maintenance by Engineers, for over 10 KVA Generating sets.
(iii) Operation and maintenance (excluding repairs) for sets of 10 KVA and below, by the
(c) Field Signal Units
Responsibility of Signals
(Auth: G of I, MOD No 42231/E4/945-S/D (Works-II) dt 23 Aug 63 and AO 77 of 1963)

Classification of Machinery, Tools and Plants

(Auth: Army HQ E-in-C’s No 4003/74(Policy) No 35375/E4 22/26 Apr 1974)
58. General MES T & P is divided into two main categories:-
(a) Prime mover driven plant:-
(i) Diesel engine driven
(ii) Petrol engine driven.
(b) Towed Plant

59. Every time an equipment is classified, the classification together with the signature, rank and
appointment of inspecting officer will be entered in equipment’s log book.
60. Prime Mover Driven Plant Classification. The prime mover driven plants will be classified as
(a) Class I and II. That equipment which for active service can be made so by repairs and
which has not exceeded, the following hours running since new or since base overhaul:-
Engine Class I Class II
Diesel engine driven plant 1000 2000
Petrol engine driven plant 800 1600
(b) Class III. That equipment which is fit or can be made so by repairs but exceed the running
hours laid down in Class –II.
(c) Class IV, Equipment awaiting field repairs and placed off road will be classified as Class IV.
The equipment after repair will be upgraded to their previous classification Class I II or III.
(d) Class V equipment requiring base repairs.
(e) Class VI/UNSV. Equipment which in the opinion of inspecting officer requires extensive
repairs due to their wear, deterioration, accident/damage will be considered as beyond
economical repairs and classified as Class VI/UNSV.

61. Towed Plant Classification

Towed plant will be classified as under:-
(a) S - Serviceable
(b) UR - Requires unit repairs
(c) R1 - Required light repairs
(d) R2 - Required field repairs
(e) R4 - Requires base repairs
(f) UNSV - Beyond economical repair.

62. Inspection
(a) Initial (Receipt/Issue/Transfer inspection of Class I and IV Capt/AEE/AE i/c of E/M
(b) Quarterly inspection - DCWE or ACWE E/M of area.
(c) Annual Inspection - IEM from Zonal CE’s

(d) Down grading of T & P to Class V observed during quarterly inspection will be confirmed
by IEM.

63. A Board of Officers of Maj/EE and IEM and Capt/AEE is ordered by CE/CWE to examine and
declare equipment beyond economical repair and recommend for classification VI.
Board can recommend it Class VI if one or more of the following are fulfilled:-
(a) There is no possibility of obtaining spares from normal source of supply or indigenous
manufactures within 12 months.
(b) Cost of repairs exceeds 50% of the capital value of equipment.
(c) Useful remaining life after repair is not commensurate with cost of repairs.
However, equipment which are considered as Class VI/UNSV during the process of base overhaul,
having been opened up and found to be in a state which is considered BER will not be subjected to
requirement as per para above.
Recommendation of the board will be concurred by CE after which disposal action can be

Authorised E/M Scales

64. Authorised scales for E&M services are given in compendium of scales of Accommodation 1968,
pages 135 to 169 (Chapter 13). This book includes the following E&M scales:-
(a) Electric lighting (including fluorescent lighting and external lighting).
(b) Ventilation
(c) Power circuits and power points.
(d) Electric Radiators
(e) Electric Bells
(f) Electrification of buildings built to W & H Mainistry scales.
(g) Lifts
(h) Water supply.
(i) Hot water supply
(j) Cold stores and Refrigerators
(k) Air conditioning for normal works
(l) Electric water coolers
(m) Standby generating sets.
(n) Ice plants.
(o) Lighting protection
(p) Cathodic protection
(Auth: M O D No 34165/Q3W(Policy)/1119/SO II/D(W-I) of 03 Jul 73 and E-in-C No
47378/E2(Plg) of 06 Mar 79).

Scales not included in compendium or authorised later

Electricity of any voltage etc.
65. Electricity of any voltage, frequency or type viz AC/DC by Generation, Conversion and so on to
suit the users needs should be made by MES in the normal manner.
(Auth: E-in-C No 27439/E4 dated 02 Dec 67).

Provision of Voltage Stabilizers

66. In all future projects, voltage stabilizers may be provided, if necessary, after taking into
consideration the following:-
a. Proper design of new feeders and/or improvements to the existing feeders with a view to restrict
the voltage drop within permissible limits.
b. Liaison with the outside supply authority to ensure that the termination voltage at the MES take
over point complies with the Indian Electricity Rules.
c. Transformers should be provided with adequate tap changing arrangements.

67. In the case of projects already sanctioned and under execution, voltage stabilizers may be provided
chargeable to the contingencies of the project, if provision for these is desirable and does not exist
in the sanction, taking into account all the factors mentioned in para 61 above.
68. In existing installations, where voltage variations are beyond permissible limits and all remedial
measures as outlined in para 61 above have proved ineffective works demands may be initiated for
the provision of voltage stabilizers.
(Auth: E-in-C No 27439/E5 dt 23/26 Mar 68)

Provision of exhaust fans in cook houses and kitchens of officers Mess

69. Provision of exhaust fans in cook houses of NCOs and ORs of the Army and their equivalent ranks
in the other two services is authorised.
(Auth: G of I, MOD No A/97439/Q3W(Policy)/2088/SO-III(W-I) dt 06 Nov 67 and E-in-C No
27439/E4 of 13 Jul 70).

Air conditioning :

70. Normally operation block for air conditioning consists of major and minor OT, scrub room , pre –
operation room, anesthetic room, duty rooms.
( E-in-C’s Br letter No. 37964/e4 dt 02 Sep 1964)
71. Climatological data for some cantonments is given in letters – E-in-C’s br letter No 80971/e4 dt 16 Mar
63 and 37965/e4 dt 19 Jun 64 , 10 Jul 64 , 14Dec 65.
72. Thermometers in air conditioned rooms would be handed over to users and its upkeep will be done by
MES and AC plants operated by MES.
(E-in-C’s Br letter No. 62342/E4 dt 03 Jan 61.)
73. Air conditioning equipments would be fully serviced and repaired in winter as per recommendation of
Board of Officers.
(E-in-C’s Br letter No49014/E4 dt 07 Jun 69.)

Air Conditioning ATC Cabin

74. In future central Air conditioning should be provided in place of window type Air conditioning.
(Auth AHQ/37512/84/W(P&C) dt 27 Mar 81)

Air Conditioning – Industrial Plant – Factory Works

75. Air conditioning for Ordnance Factories as and when specifically requested by DGOF Calcutta,
should be undertaken by MES.
(Auth: E-in-C No 95284/E4 (M) dt 30 Aug 83)

Air Conditioning of Explosive Area

76. For this follow STEC pamphlet No 8 issued by Directorate of Explosives.
(Auth: E-in-C’s No 95284/E4 dt 26 Oct 68)

Air Conditioning – PABXs Technical Data

77. Air conditioning of Private Automatic Branch Exchanges (PABXs) is authorised and given in the
compendium. Standardised technical data that should be adhered is given in Appendix ‘A’ to this
(Auth: Signals directorate No: 86480/AHQ/Sigs7(a) dt 06 Oct 83)

Provision of Desert Coolers to Offices

78. Actual No of coolers to be provided in a station will be 50% of the total strength of the entitled
strength of majors and equivalent of Navy & Air Force.
(Auth: E-in-C No 95284/E4(M) dt 26 Mar 85).

Air Conditioning in Military Hospitals

79. (a) Maximum Nos of beds to be Air conditioned will be as follows:-
Max No of Beds
Gp ‘A’ (Very Hot Gp ‘B’ (Hot & Humid)
& Humid)
Less than 50 beds NR NR
50-149 beds 4% 2%
150-299 beds 6% 4%
300 beds and above 8% 6%

(b) Fans will be provided in Air conditioning rooms at half the normal scales;
(Auth: G of I, MOD No 92199/Q3W(Policy)/1103/SO-III/D(W-I) dt 12 May 84)

80. Following TI’s should be followed for Air conditioning:-

(a) Maint & repair of Air Conditioning installations - TI 6 of 1983.
(b) Packaged type air conditioners - TI 3 of 1984.
(c) Room air conditioners - TI 1 of 1984
(d) Filtration’s – Characteristics of various - TI 3 of 1983

types of filters, their usage etc.

Street Lights on Military Roads in Cantonment Area

81. (a) Provisions of street lights on military roads in Cantonment area is the
responsibility of MES, whereas on roads which are accessible to general public, it is the
responsibility of the Cantonment Board.
(c) Fluorescent/mercury vapour lights are authorised for street lights. (Follow TI No 8 of 1983)
(Auth: E-in-C No 80762/E4 dated 11 Jul 64 and 80762/E4 of 11 Dec 70).
82. Refer to E-in-C Technical Instruction 1 of 1969 and M4 of 1972.

Utility Type Fittings

83. In the provision of electrical fitting in married officers quarters, the term ‘fancy fittings’ should be
changed to “utility type fittings”.
(Auth: E-in-C No 41130/E4 dt 29 Jul 68).
Water Coolers
84. Authorisation is given in the scales of accn-1983. Provision scales, types and maintenance
responsibility are given in AHQ, QMG No A/39822/Q3 Works (Policy) dated 16 Oct 67.
85. Water coolers purchased by hospitals and other formations prior to the issue of G of I, M of D letter
No A/39822/Q3W(Policy)/426 dated 28 Mar 1966 can be transferred to local MES formations for
purposes of maintenance. The capital cost of the water coolers will be indicated in the transfer
(Auth: G of I, M of D No A/39822/Q3W(Policy)/463 dt 04 Feb 67).
86. Water cooers to patients should be provided as per 2.5 litres per patient. The requirements of wards
within 100 m distance will be grouped together.
(E-in-C’s Br letter No. 95284/E4 dt 26/29 Mar 71.)
87. Maintenance percentage of coolers is 8% for maintenance and repairs and 1% for renewals.
(E-in-C’s Br letter No. 85284/E4 dt 17 Mar 69.)
88. Capacity of refrigerator in MES Inspection Bungalows will be as under –
IB type A – 786 ltrs , IB type B & C – 175 ltrs.
(E-in-C’s Br letter No. 27742/R/E2A 16 Apr 71.)
Repairs, Renewal, Maintenance of Cooking Equipment
89. MES is responsible for the maintenance, repairs and renewals of electrical cooking equipment,
auxiliaries and time keeping equipment at National Defence Academy, Khadakwasla.
(AHQ, E-in-C No 86877/E4 dated 17 Jun 67).
90. Oil fired incinerators are now authorized in MH as per scales laid down .
(Auth: G of I, M of D No 68452/Q3(Policy-1)/794/D(Wks-1) da 01 Jul 1999)

Discard of Old Generating Sets

91. Static plants can be declared BER and disposed of on the basis of non availability of spares for over
a year and repair cost likely to exceed 50% of capital cost.
(E-in-C No 31413/E3A dt 10 Oct 50)
92. All serviceable and used DC equipment can be disposed off.
(E-in-C No 51087/TEAM-I/E3(Dis) dt 29 Feb 68)
93. Apart from the generating sets falling under the conditions in para 57, a discard policy on imported
generating sets having no spares bacing or spares backing or spares not procurable indigeneously ex
trade, is being formulated.
(E-in-C No 51087/E3(Dis) dt 14 Oct 68)
Security Deposits
94. An electric supply license if permitted by his conditions of supply framed under Section 21(2) of
the Indian Electricity Act, 1910, is entitled to request his consumers to deposit securities against
payment of energy bills. The basis governing the quantum of such security is also provided in the
conditions of supply. These provisions apply to all consumers including the Central or State
Government establishments.
95. Security deposit for supply of energy, by State Electricity Boards, Electric Supply
companies/undertakings, is to be made in the form of Government Securities hypothecated to the
(AHQ, E-in-C No 86450/E4 dt 23 Feb 68).

Excess Payment on Peak Demands

96. The actual demand in a station may be much less than the anticipated maximum demand (e.g. 100
KVA against 500 KVA) on which the supply was agreed upon by an outside agency. However, in
accordance with the tariff for supply of electricity, the supply company may bill the MES at 75-
100% of the anticipated maximum demand. This involves extra expenditure and is subjected to
audit objections. Peak load requirements should be a realistic figure and should not be far in excess
of actual requirement.
(AHQ, E-in-C No 29066/68/E4 dt 23 Dec 67).

Submission of Project Estimates

97. Points to be borne in mind while submitting, project estimates, of E/M services, issued under E-in-C
No 27439/E4 dt 28 Aug 68, are given in Appendix ‘B’ to this precis.
98. Lump sum amount of 3% of the building cost (Md Accn) is to be included in estimates, for service
connections of:-
(a) Electric Supply - Nearest pole to meter
(b) Water supply - Branch distribution pipe to
house water meter.
(c) Sewage - Branch sewer to the first man
hole in the compound.
(d) Approach road/paths leading to building/garages.
(e) Fencing in the case of officers quarters only.
NOTE: These will not be separately shown or included in the external services
(E-in-C No 86502/11/E2 Army CC dt 30 Mar 67)

Maintenance Services in the MES

99. It has been decided to set up “Enquiry Office/ Complaint Cell” in all maintenance divisions in the
MES. This office will be responsible to:-
(a) Receive and record demands for maintenance services in a register.
(b) Organise urgent services where necessary.
(c) Give such information as is normally required by residents of MES accommodation in the
100. The enquiry office will hold stock of bulbs and fused bulbs for domestic accommodation. They will
be exchanged at this office on clean exchange basis. Enquiry office to be put up under arrangement
of B&R.
(Auth: E-in-C No 952299/E2A dt 19 Oct 68 and 81413/E2A dt 23 Oct 68)

IS Standards and Codes of Practices.

101 E-in-C has directed that provisions of relevant IS (Indian standard) and codes of practices shall be
followed in MES works.

Safety Practices
102. Recommendations for safety regulation are contained in the safety mannual published by CW &
PCM of Irrigation and Power Govt of India.

Lightening Protection
103. Recommendation for field storage of Ammunition and Explosives.
(AHQ letter No 11363/OS-6d dt 19 Apr 65)

Electrification of Buildings containing Explosives

104. See E-in-C’s Technical paper No 15 (Revised 1968).

Bulk Petroleum Installations

105. Refer to E-in-C’s Pamphlet No 14 (Revised 1961)

Tubular Fluorescent Fittings

106. Guide for selection is indicated in E-in-C Technical Instruction 1 of 67. ‘Utility Fittings in
Domestic Buildings’.
107. Types of fixtures and fittings of lights have been laid down in E-in-C Technical Instruction 1 of
108. The position and locations of light points and control switches are given in Appx ‘B’ of No 23 of

Street Lighting
109. Provision of fluorescent lamps /MV lamps and the principles of design are given in E-in-C
Technical Instructions 17 of 69.

Scrutiny of AEs at E-in-C’s Branch (Electrification & Lightening Protection)

110. A check list of items for scruting of AEs to E-in-C’s Branch pertaining to Electrification &
Lightening Protection are given at Appx ‘B’. Care should be taken by lower formations to ensure
that all these points are complied with before sending the AE’s to E-in-C’s Branch.
(E-in-C’s Branch No 27439/III/E4 dt 05 Apr 84).

Appendix ‘A’
Precis No 1613

1. (a) Summer - 22.2 Degrees C. to 26.7 Degrees C.
(b) Winter - 17.2 Degrees C. to 22.8 Degrees C.

2. Humidity - 45-60%

Number of Air Changes

3. 1.5 air changes per hour or 20 cu.ft. per minute per person, whichever is more.

Dust Filteration
4. 90% effective dust filteration for dust particles of size above 0.001 microns.
(AHQ No 86480/Sigs 7a dt 06 Oct 83)

Air Velocity at a Height of 5 ft from the Floor

5. 30-50 feet per minute
It is preferable that air velocity does not exceed 100 ft/minute.

6. Equipment Load
(a) 100 lines - 0.30 KW
(b) 200 lines - 0.50 KW
(c) 300 lines - 0.75 KW
(d) 400 lines - 0.90 KW
(e) 500 lines - 1.10 KW
(f) 600 lines - 1.25 KW

7. (a) 100 to 200 lines - One person
(b) 300 to 600 lines - Two persons.

Number of Hours of Working

8. Continuous operation (24 hours)

Heating During Winter Months

9. Whereas it is desirable to keep the temperature during winter months within the limits given in
paragraph 2(b) above lower temperatures are acceptable and no heating arrangement is to be
provided. At places where heating is considered necessary special sanction from Government will
be obtained for provisioning of the same.

Floor Area for the Switch Room

10. (a) Upto 200 lines - 250-300 Sq.ft.
(b) 300-400 lines - 350-400 Sq ft.
(c) 300-600 lines - 600 Sq. ft
However, in the initial planning of a PABX installation, additional area for foreseeable expansion
should be catered for.
(Auth: AHQ GS Branch No 64941/A/Sigs 7(a) dt 10 Jun 68)

11. EME: Light and Field Repair Workshop

Fuel injection equipment room and recuperater room in these workshops are authorised for Air
(Auth: M of D No A/42029/Q3W(Policy)6569/D(O-II) dt 29 Jul 64)

12. Offices.
(i) Air conditioning is authorised in offices of officers of the rank of Maj Gen and above.
(Auth: M of D No 98342/Q3W(Policy)27/50111/D(W-1) of 09 Feb 61)
(ii) Air Conditioner window type 1.5 tons capacity is authorised for offices of civilian officer of
the rank Director Gde I in Def R & D.
(Auth: M of D No. Adm/RD-28-0102/10118/D(R&D) of 27 Nov 77)

(iii) Desert Coolers. Desert Cooler are authorised in summer season in station indicated in Govt
letter for officers of Lt Col and above and upto Brig and civilian drawing Rs. 1600.00 per month
and above. Also authorised to Majors & equivalent of AirForce and Navy, one cooler between two
(Auth: E-in-C No 95284/E4 dt 26 Mar 85)
13. Lightning protection to signal / telecommunication installations is authorized but it is
responsibility of users.
(Auth: E-in-C No 36323/Policy/E4 dt 03 Sep 87)
14. Maximum demand indicator and Power factor meter should be installed at a takeover points and
capacitor banks if required , should also be provided.
15. UPS and SPS systems should be provided as per E-in-C’s Br letter No. 2/88/E4 dt 16 May 88.
16. Exhaust fans / Exhaust duct should be provided and ground level on bulk petroleum installations.
Centrifugal pumps have gravity suction.

Appendix ‘B’ to
Precis No 1613
(para – 89,102)

1. Whether Board Proceedings attached? Separate Statement of case justifying departures from
norms, special requirements and non adherance to BP should be clearly brought out.
2. Whether the provisions made in the AE are in accordance with recommendations given in the Board
3. Whether any Land acquisition is involved?
4. Whether statement of requirement of power giving breakdown details is attached? All individual
loads i.e. other than those covered under Scales of Accommodation along with the diversity factor,
distribution factor, any special feature of load affecting the maximum demand etc. to be indicated.
5. Whether the source(s) of electric supply is indicated?
6. (a) Whether the electricity is available from the existing sources?
(b) If no, whether a proposal to meet the requirement is given?
7. Whether detailed estimate from State Electricity Board or relevant authority, in case supply is to be
taken from outside source, is attached?
8. In case of crossing of Railway line, whether permission from Railway authorities along with their
estimate is attached?
9. Does an overall plan for the station exist? If so, whether the proposed electrical scheme fits in the
over all plan?
10. Whether layout plan showing existing and proposed installations with take over points in different
colours indicating sizes of UG cables/ OH lines and capacities of transformers is attached?
11. Whether schematic diagram showing existing and proposed equipment in different colours is
12. Whether a sketch showing equipment to be installed in the sub station to justify its plinth area is
attached? Whether movement area, storages, etc, have been taken care of in determining the size of
sub station?
13. Whether the voltage drop calculations and data used for working correct sizes of cable and overhead
lines is attached?
14. Whether schedule of service connections and house service meters is attached?
15. Whether essential loads are identified and suitable diversity factors used when standby generating
set is to be provided, are attached?
16. Whether critical loads viz lifts, Air conditioning plants, cranes, and pumps for water supply and
sewage disposal have been considered while working out essential loads?
17. Whether separate circuits/wiring is catered for essential loads?
18. Whether provisions are in conformity with Scales?
19. Whether provisions are in conformity with IE Rules?
20. Whether details of Users special requirements are given, in case the provision is not as per
authorised scales?
21. Whether detailed justification for voltage stabilizers, if provided, for services other than signal loads
is attached.
22. Whether details of existing and proposed key personnel quarters justifying their provision is
23. Whether schedule of existing and proposed internal wiring along with sketches of the buildings
showing internal electrification where the cost is not included in the PA rates of building, is
attached? (In case of Internal power wiring and Add/Alt work)?
24. Whether detailed justification for underground cables, if provided in lieu of OH line is attached?
25. Whether provision of FLP fittings/switch gear etc, is made wherever required?
26. In case of buildings containing explosives, whether the scheme is designed after due consideration
of safety distances as per STEC Pamphlet No 7?
27. Whether UG cables are catered for road crossing in the areas where movement of cranes is frequent;
especially in factory areas. If not, whether extra high poles are provided in case of crossing by OH

28. What is the Earth Resistivity of the soil? Whether it has been taken into account while deciding
number and types of Earthings?
29. Whether Thermal conductivity of soil has been determined where extensive use of UG cables is
advocated? Give value.
30. Whether the site is near a factory and the problem of excessive deposits of dust/coal ash on
insulators is likely to be encountered.
31. Whether the design of lighting protection is in accordance with ISI 2309 of 1969.
32. Whether the building drawings showing lighting protection system are attached?
33. Whether rates provided are in accordance with Estimating Data rates/SSR and if not whether details
in respect of lump sum amounts and rates are attached?

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