LHDN Full Medical Exam

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ome stuff I google out from LHDN :


it says:

S55: Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan pemeriksaan perubatan penuh di

ruangan D7 dan bagaimana saya layak untuk mendapat pelepasan

J55: Pemeriksaan perubatan penuh bermaksud pemeriksaan yang

dijalankan secara menyeluruh sepertimana yang telah ditakrifkan oleh
Majlis Perubatan Malaysia (MMC) termasuk:
kedua-dua pemeriksaan fizikal dan ujian makmal (ujian atas darah dan
urine) serta perbincangan dengan doktor yang menjalankan rawatan iaitu
seperti berikut:

i. Pemeriksaan fizikal adalah pemeriksaan weight, blood pressure,

eyes, ears, nose and throat, examining your neck for the size of the
thyroid gland and any enlarged lymp nodes, listening to your chest
and heart, breast examination, abdominal exam, looking at your
arms and legs and the pelvic exam (pap smear).

ii. Pemeriksaan makmal adalah blood tests, urinalysis and pap smear.
Blood test checking on your cholesterol level, thyroid hormones,
complete blood count.

iii. Perbincangan selepas pemeriksaan (Consultation).


Yes, you read that right! Ever since January 1, 2018, the rental income was evaluated on a
progressive tax rate. This rate ranged anywhere from 0% to 28% and it didn’t come with any tax
incentive or exemption.

But because the Malaysian government now wants to encourage Malaysian residents to rent out
their residential accommodation at more reasonable charges to those who’re really in the need,
they’ve decided to offer a little extra incentive. During the tabling of Budget 2018, it was stated
that there’ll be an exemption of 50% on the statutory income of rental received by Malaysian
citizens who live in Malaysia.

Now, there are certain requirements which need to be met first before you can be qualified for
this income tax exemption. They are as follows:

1. The property in question is under a ‘residential’ status and must be rented out under a
legal tenancy agreement between the owner (landlord) and the tenant.
2. Monthly rental received (from each property) is less than RM2,000. This exemption is not
restricted to just one residential property, but to as many properties that one individual
3. Tenancy agreement must be stamped by LHDN and executed on or after January 1,
2018 and is only given for a maximum period of three consecutive years of evaluation
from 2018 to 2020.

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