Global Warming

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Semi-Random Slogans

1) Invite a denier to lunch 2) Eat less meat every day 3) Form a small climate group

4) Inertia will kill us, twice 5) Holiday on bicycles 6) Learn how to plant and nurture trees

7) Drain your rice fields sometimes 8) Auction caps 9) Grow and store carbon

10) Write to a newspaper in a denier region 11) Help the employees, not the fossil fuel owners

12) Read a book, not a newspaper, on the bus 13) Study tropical forest protection

14) Why are most deniers men? 15) Carbon tax before cap and trade 16) Look for a home closer to work

17) Oppose lobbying 18) Put a new slogan on your bicycle or bag every day

19) Study the latest climate science first 20) No air-conditioning before lunchtime

21) Drink just a little cow milk 22) Study Earth's thermal inertia 23) Learn how to teach

24) Send parts of this website to a politician 25) Grow and store carbon in houses

26) Organize exchanges with Asian universities 27) Grow crops not livestock 28) Rationing is equitable

29) Study thermal inertia in buildings 30) Practice dialogue, not argument

31) Behaviour before technology 32) Make a bicycle path plan 33) Don't use concrete

34) Drive a much smaller car 35) Study the denier claims 36) Don't use trees for offsets

37) Work with a bilingual person 38) Eat even less meat every day 39) Support better democracy

40) Do deniers care for their grandchildren? 41) Paint your roof white

43) Oppose advertising by polluting companies 44) Consume less, save money

45) Form an international group 46) Help a politician to learn 47) Making cement emits CO2.

48) Education must be global 49) Grow and store carbon in the soil 50) Fans, not air-conditioning

51) Lobbying is bribery 52) Study growing algae 53) Improve the school curricula

54) You can't read driving a car 55) Find dated photos of glaciers

56) Study which companies bribe political parties 57) How do you entice a denier to want to learn?

58) Share your job with an oil driller 59) Plant trees to absorb carbon dioxide already in the atmosphere

60) Have you tried Tahini dip? 61) What do deniers understand? 62) Dress less formally in the heat

63) Design a more tempting commuter bus 64) Get to know a denier's children

65) Pay tax to fund retraining 66) Less clothing, not fans 67) Eat kangaroo meat

68) E-commute 69) Improve the university curricula 70) One is enough

71) Interview a climate scientist on video 72) Insulate your home

73) Open a wind turbine factory in a coal town 74) Study Earth feedback processes

75) Wheat is safer than rice 76) Take men's fashions up, and women's down

77) Use a condom in emergencies 78) Share some job-time 79) Protest forest destruction

80) Wear a cotton coat 81) Study tree plantations 82) Eat just a little cheese

83) Get to know a denier's grandchildren 84) Why do the rich want to grow?

85) Put on an extra jumper when its cold outside 86) Offer a new job to a coal miner

87) Political bribes, not donations 88) None is enough 88) Holiday close to home
89) Invest in a diverse plantation 90) Wear less in the heat 91) Talk to migrants about emailing home

92) Make compost 93) Promote eco-tourism for locals 94) Read more of this website

95) Ask a politician have they read James Hansen 96) Eat less cream 97) Jumpers are cheaper than gas

98) Arrange a climate debate 99) Build a thick-walled house 100) Study how to turn moderate deniers

101) Study fast growing trees 102) Hand out appropriate leaflets at railway stations

103) Study your local energy organization 104) Learn about the delights of veganism

105) Practice walking 106) Shirts are enough in hot weather

107) Support rapid research on how to turn deniers 108) Get to know your neighbours

109) Asians make blankets from cotton and kapok 110) Recycle jumpers and coats

111) Holiday by mass land transport 112) Drink red wine, not milk

113) Support rapid research on capturing CO2 from the air. 114) Hand out leaflets at bus stops

115) Men's legs are beautiful too 116) Talk to local government about recycling biological waste

117) Keep a stock of morning after pills 118) Adopt another one 119) Write and publish leaflets

120) Holiday on a sailing ship 121) Start a course on climate change and solutions

122) Exercise periodically when its cold 123) Farmers now support the Green party

124) Give a talk at the local school 125) Chocolate's great with soya cream

126) Climate crisis not climate change 127) Share a car with your neighbours

128) Study tipping points and irreversibility 129) Form a climate group with your neighbours or friends

130) Read Climate Cover-Up 131) Study palaeo-climatology 132) Soon meat becomes less tempting

133) Improve your foreign language skills 134) Adopt a baby girl 135) Learn about biochar

136) Take plastic packaging off at the shop 137) Shop at dimly lit shops

138) Climate emergency not climate crisis 139) Email people you know abroad

140) Write an article for your local newspaper 142) Protest new oil exploration

141) Ask you government to make a good video on the climate emergency

143) Move your company to where your workers live 144) Invite your favourite denier to a vegan lunch

145 )Ask the supermarket to turn off half the lights 146) Study carbon taxes in more than one nation

147) Join yours with other climate groups 148) Ask a climatologist to explain the various! meanings of CO2e

149) Plant and nurture trees in your garden till its full 150) Study the bus routes in your town or city

151) Support James Hansen for the Nobel Prize for physics, peace or whatever.

153) Install a solar thermal hot water heater 154) Shop for food where the fridges have lids or doors

155) Plant 10 trees a month in neighbours' gardens and in parks 156) Ask your adult children what they think

157) No children is best 158) Write a better letter to the newspapers

159) Organize a demonstration outside coal company offices. 161) Form a climate group at work

160) Where are the Nobel prizes for Earth and social sciences? 162) Give a talk at a school in a coal town

163) Buy a glass of wine for a denier 164) Support honest and intelligent politicians

165) Join a good political party 166) Give a talk at a school at an oil town 167) Study hire-purchase
for solar panels 168) Stake out a coal energy factory 169) Don't export coal or oil
170) Work in a vulnerable area 171) Invest in geothermal 171) Live with a farmer family in the holidays
and help them plant trees 172) Build a sailing ship 173) Give talks at the local town.

174) Hand out leaflets at another station 175) Video a debate 176) Move to a swinging seat
in time for close elections

Some Emergency slogans for emergency times.

1) Babies today, carbon tomorrow 2) BP and BA are BC 3) Unsafe sex causes unsafe climate

4) Turn the deniers off before the lights 5) Send the US Republicans to Venus

6) Kick your carbon habit 7) Study radical climate science

8) What is radical climate science? It's up to date! 9) Move your home close to work

10) Whistle blow greenwash 11) Invest close to where the people live 12) Holiday nearby

13) Have you sold your grandchildren for an SUV?

14) Learn Chinese and make friends with migrants

15) Do the old care about the our future? 16) Buy some grandchildren contraceptives

17) Buy a thick cotton coat for winter 18) Is the USA on planet Earth?

19) Why such big storms, Republicans? 20) Are Republicans a threat

Are Republicans ignorant or selfish? (Are US Republicans perversely ignorant or selfish even
towards their own descendents, or both?)

22) Copenhagen, Cancun, Bangkok, Catastrophe

23) Total government promises are gutless (out of date)

24) How many academics are leading? 25) Do academics act on evidence?

26) So called Climate Sceptics are liars or deluded

27) I scream for icecream in a hotter world 28) What is the use of science without action?

29) Try creativity! 30) Why not support death with dignity? 31) Dare to think differently

32) Dare to change your habit 34) Do you think the powerful care?

33) The rich pollute the global atmosphere from Shanghai to New York

35) Conduct dialogue with the powerful 36) If business must change, what about academics?

37) Are academics' chairs too comfortable? 38) Are we in dialogue or contest?

39) The young people must lead 40) Learn how to lead

41) Change thinking habits, action habits 42) Don't say beef, say cow

43) Who will pay your pension if you don't change your habits? 44) Don't cut forest to plant cotton

45) Teach about it while practising personal low carbon action

46) From Homo habilis to Homo habitis 47) More children will kill more children

48)Form a small climate study, dialogue and teaching group

49) Are we smarter than the Ancient Romans? 50) 350 not 450 51) Is the problem men in fossil fuel?
52) Hey Granddad, do you care about my future? 53) Hot rocks, not hot climate

54) The young must lead a cultural revolution 54) Try imagination

55) Form a team to tackle the social inertia 56) Hey youth, are you powerless like the Egyptians?

57) Support death with dignity 58)Read Merchants of Doubt 59)Don't have children

60)Are the media killing us? 61) Turn on your air conditioner later in the day

62) Have you sold your grandchildren for a habit? 64) Who controls the media?

65) The rich are dirty polluters in every country 66) Sail ho for tourism

67) Holidays should be in the non-stormy season 68) Use a new slogan every day

69) Eventually energy will be rationed 70) Many babies grow up to use excessive carbon

71) Do women care for children more than men? 72) Send Fox News to Venus

73) Thick walls, not air conditioners 74) Change is normal, in fact necessary

75) Social inertia is not safe 76) Your emissions pollute wherever you live in the world

77) Emission growth grows temperature growth 78) Do US Republicans ever study science?

79) Deniers, not cars, are killing us 80) Bicycles preserve icicles 81) Send Rupert Murdoch to

Venus 82) Migration raises net emissions 83) Children, ask your elders, what are they doing.

84) Send the ACADEMIA webpage to a suitable person 85) Pollution isn't guilty. Deniers are.

86) Study ocean inertia 87) Who are the most powerful deniers? 88) Rich old men have

polluted the most 89) Why are Republicans deniers? 90) Stop the global suicide

91) Republicans will eventually kill themselves 92) Green wash is growing more dangerous

93) Take a polluter to court 94) Do US farmers study science? 95) Ask a rich man about his

carbon footprint 96) Invite a denier to lunch 97) Ask a rich business woman about her

carbon footprint 98) Alter your behaviour. 99) Eat less cow meat every day 100) Ask why!

111) In e-commuting you save on energy twice 112) Ask how 113) Challenge a denier to a

public debate 114) The mass media lie regularly 115) Learn how to lead dialogue 116) Study,

act and communicate 117) Inertia will kill us, twice 118) The mass media don’t get it.

114) Do Republicans dislike children? 115) Holiday on buses, trains and bicycles 116) Learn how to plant

and nurture trees 117) Expose a case of greenwash 118) Is your dog vegan? 119) How do

we murder indirectly? 120) Technology will not change fast enough. 121) Why are so many in the

mass media deniers? 122) Auction any caps 123) The furniture doesn’t need a light on

124) Drain your rice fields sometimes 125) Plant trees and talk to a business person 126)

Does polluting the atmosphere amount to collective murder? 127) Sockets with switches are

best 128) Start a tree nursery 129) Electric cars need renewable energy 130) Use a condom in

emergencies 131) For mobility, you can walk, run, or bike to your destination.
Sure you can drive your hummer, just keep on killing…I mean cruising.

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