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Calibration Management 3 WAYS TO DETERMINE THE TOLERANCE OF INSTRUMENTS IN A CALIBRATION CERTIFICATE — If a Tolerance For Pass Or Fail Is Not Given Handbook of Titration (PDF) - Fr: ‘Thiscompeehesve gud tle you everthing bout he ce aprehensive Handbook e)* low are the statement in a callratoncatifeata and he actual questone witha phot ofthe caliration certeate Actua Statement “Below isa caliyration conicte for my digital caliper & there is a remark stated as “Tho user shall decide the usabilly ofthis Instrument. ‘Actual Questions: +. How do we know eer is clip is to use or not based on this statement & the calibration rest? 2. What shal wo do with he instrument when we received the cetficte with his mentioned statement?” First Question How do we know either this caliper is fit to use or not based on this statement & the calibration result? Based on the calibration result, how do we determine ifthe Instrument has passed or failed? very calibration lab quod to put the statement The user shal decide the usability of this instrumont’once calleraton is already performed and results have been proved. The CCaltvation Lab wllony reflect the measured value but wil nt insist you on haw tue During calibration the carlin ab fellows aspectc procedure in performing the calibration inside thoi hb, A cecain conto ssl Tolowed inside the lab in ordor lo eho the best (Ones the UUC (Unit Under Calibration) is rleased tothe custome, a diferent concton in which the owner of the UC has now the corel ‘The above statement means hat the sulablty of using the instruments is row ino the user that HelShe shaulé make a proper decision based on the resul ha proved bythe ab [Andis is because only th users the one who knows where to apply the given calration results based on thar day o day process that's wy he user shall decide the usatilty o the instument but consideration tothe results provided by tho ab ‘But how do we dedi on its usabily in thor words euitabilty? Contin reading to loam Question: How do we know either this caliper is fit to use or not based on the above statement & the calibration result? Now let us discuss the givan questions related othe caliper based onthe provided albration corfeale above

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