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Meaning of Kali


Kali (black), or Kali Ma (the Black Mother) is the Terrible Hindu War
Goddess (or Devi) of time, crime, death, destruction and doomesday who
demands bloody sacrifice of both animals and humans. Her iconography,
cult, and mythology is also often associated with sexuality, and violence.
Kali makes her first major appearance in Sanskrit culture in the Devi
Mahatmya (“The Glorifications of the Goddess,” c. 6th century ce). She is
sometimes called Durga or Tara, also Parvati.

Kali is often depicted entwined with serpents; a necklace of skulls; a girdle

of dissevered human hands holding various weapons of death; and
sometimes tigers crouching at her feet. You will also find Kali with her
husband dead under her feet, a long black tongue protruding from her
mouth with blood dripping, several arms that are extended, one hand
grasping a sword, another the head of a giant, and the other two
signalling to her hosts. Intoxicated with the blood of her foes, her eyes
flash with rage, her eyebrows are dyed with crimson, and her blood flows
down her breast.

Before I explain the Goddess Kali further, as I have stated before many
times in other articles, all Gods and Goddesses have always represented
the As Above planets as the So Below representatives on earth.

Kali is no different.

Although there are many different descriptions, depictions and even

variations of names for this death Goddess, in the end they all point to the
same meaning which Kali represents that I will explain below.

The word and Goddess Kali is found in both ancient and modern Hindu
literature. It can also be found in the Old Testament of the Phoenician
Hebrews which I believe her worship first spread. The name of the Indian
city called Calcutta or Kali-Cutta whose original name was Kalighat, “Kali’s
landing-place.” Even today where I live in California or should I say
Kalifornia derives its name from Kali and may very well be dedicated to
this Goddess.

Kali’s consort is the God Shiva (/ˈ ʃ iv ə/; Sanskrit: Śiva, meaning “The
Auspicious One”), also known as Mahadeva (“Great God”). He is the
supreme god within Shaivism, one of the three most influential
denominations in contemporary Hinduism. He is one of the five primary
forms of God in the Smarta tradition, and “the Destroyer” or “the
Transformer” among the Trimurti, the Hindu Trinity of the primary aspects
of the divine.(Wkipedia)

In India, her worship gave rise to that group of professional robbers who
we call thugs today. They are said to be a secret religious fraternity who
practiced systematic killing in many different ways. It is is said that many
thousands of humans were killed by Thugs in India at the hands of Kali-

A majority of the Thugs were Mohammedans who usually traveled in

gangs terrorizing, robbing and murdering their victims. In Arabic, a judge
is referred to as a Kali; an official to whom questions of Muhammadan Law
are referred. These thugs and self professed judges of other people in
their community were feared by the people of India and various measures
were made in an attempt to disband the group. Finally in 1829 they were
mostly surpressed by the English government through Lord William
Bentinck who arrested 2,000 of them over six years; and of these 1,500
were convicted and sentenced to death.(1)


It is important you know that from from the word Kali, we get the word
alkali or al-kali (ælk ə la ɪ/; from Arabic: al-qaly, “ashes of the saltwort”)
which is obtained from the ashes of burnt vegetables and humans. This is
also the basis of such words in the Hebrew signifies torrere, ‘to toast’ or
‘parch.’ According to Hebrew writers, there are two kinds of kali—one
made of parched corn, the other of parched pulse. This Hebrew definition
is key to understanding the role of the Goddess Kali and all other

Alkaline salt is called alas, alasor, alasort, alkahejl glauieti; according to

some cakadis. Alkali,because a great quantity of that kind of salt is
obtained from a plant called by the Egyptians kali, by us glass-wort. The
name alkali hath been given to the fixed salt of all plants; and that
because an effervescence arises upon mixing an acid liquor with the salt;
all volatile or fixed salts, and all tenestrious matters which ferment with
acids, have come to be called alkalies.
Kali with her eyes flaming red and tongue dripping of her victims blood is
the drinker and eater of Al-Kali. In the world of true alchemy/science and
real life modern Gnostics, she represents the So Below sulfuric acid which
comes from the As Above planet Venus. Sulfuric acid is derived from the
Venusian clouds which are thick and are composed of sulfur dioxide and
droplets of sulfuric acid. These clouds reflect about 75% of the sunlight
that falls on them, which is what obscures the surface of Venus from
regular imaging.

Sulfuric acid is very corrosive, and must be handled with care. Another
name for it is oil of vitriol.

The word VITRIOL is based on the Latin phrase, “Visita Interiora Terrae
Rectificando”, whose meaning in English is, “Visit the Interior Parts of the
Earth; by Rectification Thou Shalt Find the Hidden Stone.”


This is why the Hindu Kali is portrayed in this deathly fashion is because
she is the same ancient war and death Goddess you will find in ancient
Egypt as Isis, Phoenicia as Ishtar (black goddess), Greece, Rome as
Cybele (great mother), Europe as Estarte and in Germany as Rosy (Rosi).
The ancient Egyptians often represented this Goddess by a black stone,
which is the same black stone worshiped by the Arabs.

For this reason, Ptolemy had called her the Goddess with ten thousand

Kali is one Goddess who is Venus under many names depending on the
country and or religion. The planet made of sulfuric acid and the very
alchemical substance that makes war on our bodies, emotions and
intellect making us do immoral and unnatural acts.

One of her colors is green which represents how the worship and following
of Kali’s teaching turn the blood into a green pool of sulfuric acid and the
color black representing both black magick and death.

The stories and worship of Kali is based on the As Above, So Below and
how humans are managed alchemically by various religions. She is the
false Goddess who ursurped the throne of true God everywhere.

The very reason why our planet is in turmoil, death and destruction.
Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky had written in Isis Unveiled: “In this
age, Vishnu had to incarnate himself in Christna, in order to save
humanity from the goddess Kali, consort of Siva, the all-annihilating—the
goddess of death, destruction, and human misery. Kali is the best emblem
to represent the “fall of man;” the falling of spirit into the degradation of
matter, with all its terrific results. We have to rid ourselves of Kali before
we can ever reach “Moksha,” or Nirvana, the abode of blessed Peace and

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