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❏ Turn this in online on CANVAS.

❏ You MUST have a total of 15 hours planned out.
❏ Because this is a plan that is subject-to-change, you are estimating the amount of time
activities may take and you are estimating the date as well.
❏ Take a look at the 2018-2019 CMS CALENDAR before getting started. Take the planning
process seriously.
❏ I will not approve this form unless it is filled out in-full.

Directions: Please review the questions below. These questions are meant to help you focus on
exactly WHAT you will do with your 15 hours. It is your choice whether you fill out the 15 hour plan
first or answer the questions first. Just make sure this is completed.

1. Provide the original title of your junior paper.

Tired of Working? Paying Students to Come to Class.

2. What was your topic about? What was your position (belief) about the topic. Give pertinent
details. Explain #2 in a paragraph or less. If you have changed your topic, explain it here.

My topic is about schools paying students to attend. Schools should pay their students to attend
because it would motivate students to come to school more often, students won’t have to work
outside of school, and grades and attendance will improve. Paying students will give them motivation
to participate in class. Having motivation will encourage students to come to school more.

3. Explain the overall goal of your efforts by answering these questions:

a. Describe the community/ies you will focus on.

I want to work with the attendance committee, student council and mentor

b. Where will you go to find these people?

I will start by finding Mr Wendal Evans and Ms. Rice e is the assistant principal and he
is in charge of the attendance records. Student council is held with Ms. Imhoff

c. Explain HOW the community will benefit from your SLE.

The community will benefit from my SLE because it will help improve the attendance
rate of my school. I will work with Mr. Evans about the attendance record and try to
help increase the attendance and motivate students to come to school.
d. At the end of your hours, how will YOU know you helped this community? How will
you measure this? 2-3 sentences

e. I will know that I helped the community because I will increase the attendance rate
for my school and help students get motivated to come to school.

4. Will you have a mentor? YES or No


**A mentor is optional, but it does get you extra points on your final project grade. You must provide
evidence of working with a mentor throughout your project, if you choose to have one.

Date Amount Description of activity Materials Evidence of Name the group you will
you’ll of time needed performing impact.
perform you’ll to activity (Picture, Then explain how this
activity spend on complete video, emails, activity will positively impact
activity activity etc.) your targeted community.

Ex. Ex. 45 Ex. I’m going to choreograph an Ex. Video, Ex. My dance Ex. It will impact teens at MLK
February minutes interpretive dance. playlist, teacher will video Middle - where it will be
27 pen and me dancing, to help performed.
paper, list me see how It will positively impact them
of moves, everything looks to because they will be emotionally
etc. an audience. moved by what they see.

January 30 minutes Talk to Mr. Evans about garinger’s Paper, Picture of my notes Students who have poor
23 attendance Pencil, and ideas attendance. It will motivate
Phone students to come to school

January 30 Talk to Ms. Rice in the front Paper, Picture of ideas students who have poor
28 minutes office about attendance at Pencil, and notes attendance. It will motivate
Garinger Phone students to come to school.

Jan 30 1 hour Help mr Evans contact parents phone, printed emails and it would impact the parents. It
of students who have poor computer, text messages would encourage parents to
attendance emails or sent to the motivate their kids to attend
phone guardians of the school regularly.
numbers student
of parents

feb 4 1 hour Talk to student council about phone, picture of the I would impact student council
attendance rates at garinger paper,pen meeting, picture and students with poor
and see if we can do cil, maybe of notes and ideas attendance. It will provide
something to increase a multiple ways for students to
attendance slideshow be more involved in school
and encourage them to want
to attend.

feb 6 45 min Volunteer to help ms rice with computer, picture of tasks I would impact students and I
attendance paper, she asks me to would help ms rice with her
pencil complete work so she wouldn’t have to
do a lot. It would help also
help better students
attendance if they know a
student is trying to help them.

feb 12 35 Talk to a class about why slideshow slideshow, I would encourage students to
attendance is important. At , index pictures of me come to school more. The
the end of the slideshow there cards, talking to the questions would show that
would be questions for pens class, picture of their friends are concerned
students to complete index cards filled with their attendance and they
regarding their attendance out by students should work to improve it
and someone they know
attendance. They will write
down names of students they
see have poor attendance and
write down a way I could
contact them so I could
encourage them to attend
school more.
feb. 14 30 talk to a freshman counselor notes. picture of I would encourage freshman
about mentoring Paper, planning, picture to maintain a good attendance
pencil, of notes record. Freshman are the firsts
ideas of high school so if they can
maintain good attendance
when they get to 10 and 11th
grade the students below
them will follow in their
footsteps and be motivated to
come to school

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