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“Who Exercise” 

Fourth Marking Period Musical Creation Project 

Character Description:Isaac
Describe the character in a short paragraph.
Issac has hazel eyes and brown hair. a lean body and a
decent jaw line. hes quite and mysterious and has a
funny personality when you get to know him, he loves
jokes. 😂😄 hes very independent.

Character Development
1. What happened to the character before the events of
the play? his parents never really cared about him.
there always working so he took care of himself sense
he was young.

2. What does the character want, and what does he/she

do to achieve it? he starts to like one of his friends but
the other friend does like that

3. Who is the character allied to? Opposed to?

hes friends with scott malia and summer

4. What are the character’s beliefs? List as many as

you think are important. he thinks that having people
around is important cause sometimes you need
someone but to many people can be bad a little alone
time never hurt nobody

5. How do other characters feel about the character?

they really like him he seems nice

6. Describe the character’s change during the course

of the show. at first hes good friends with the new
people he meets but then one of becomes obsessive
and it scares him and he tries to do what he can to

Character Analysis
1. Describe the external traits of the character.
“Who Exercise” 
Fourth Marking Period Musical Creation Project 
hazel eyes, brown curly eyes, muscles, nice jaw line

2. Describe the internal traits of the character.

mysterious, nice , funny

Character Description: Summer

Describe the character in a short paragraph.
summer is a nice girl who met a kid. They become friends. she has blonde hair and blue eyes. shes funny
but has a little bit of anger issues.

Character Development
1. What happened to the character before the events of the play? summer has grown up with her bio
mom and dad they have always given her what she wants. she has a huge house and everything you
could probaly imagine but the only reason for this is cause her parents never want to deal with her.

2. What does the character want, and what does he/she do to achieve it? summer wants issac and she
will do anything to get him

3. Who is the character allied to? Opposed to? Explain. her friends: issac malia scott. She has no enemy,
but in the end, she becomes the enemy because she tries to kill them.

4. What are the character’s beliefs? List as many as you think are important. her parents are Christian so
she has always followed that belief

5. How do other characters feel about the character? they like her for a while but then they realize how
crazy she is

6. Describe the character’s change during the course of the show. at irst she s really nice she meets new
people but then becomes obbseve with one of the kids she meets and starts to go crazy

Character Analysis
1. Describe the external traits of the character. blonde strait hair, blue eyes,skinny, tall

2. Describe the internal traits of the character. anger issues, loud, nice, funny
“Who Exercise” 
Fourth Marking Period Musical Creation Project 

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