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News-based English language activities from the global newspaper

November 2010
Level ≥ Lower intermediate
Style ≥ Lesson plan
Welcome to the Guardian Weekly’s special news-based materials to support learners and teachers of English.
Each month, the Guardian Weekly newspaper selects topical news articles that can be used to practise English
language skills. The materials are graded for two levels: advanced and lower intermediate. These worksheets
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White House goes green with solar panels

Materials prepared by Janet Hardy-Gould

Lesson focus: reading, letter writing
Materials: article, photos
Time: 60 minutes

1 Show students the photo without the headline or Who …

caption. Ask: what is this building? What do you know a ... first installed solar panels on the White House?
about it? Explain that soon there will be something b ... removed the solar panels?
new on the roof. Ask: what do you think it is? In pairs, c ... is going to install the panels again?
students write three possibilities. Feedback. Write up d ... has just installed solar panels on his home?
ideas. Then show students the headline. 8 mins e ... created an organic garden at the White House?
Answers: a Jimmy Carter b Ronald Reagan c Barack
2 Tell students the article has some “green” vocabulary. Obama d Mohamed Nasheed e Michelle Obama
Write up the words below and establish meanings. Ask:
4 Write up these sentences. Students read again and
which pairs of words do you think you will find together
complete with a time reference. 8 mins
in the article? Students match possible pairs. Feedback.
a Obama wants to install the panels in _____.
7 mins b Solar panels were last on the roof in _____.
Verb Noun
c Carter installed the panels in _____.
a [ ] install 1 an environmental campaign
d Campaigners travelled to the White House in _____.
b [ ] generate 2 an organic garden
e Nasheed installed panels to mark the special date _____.
c [ ] create 3 solar panels
Answers: a spring 2011 b 1986 c 1979 d September
d [ ] drive 4 renewable electricity
e 10/10/10
e [ ] lead 5 a biodiesel-powered van
Answers: a 3 b 4 c 2 d 5 e 1 5 Students imagine they are part of the 10/10/10 campaign
( They must write to their country’s
3 Write these names on the board: Barack Obama, Michelle
leader and suggest the installation of solar panels on the
Obama, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, Mohamed
official residence. Establish a paragraph structure as a
Nasheed. If possible, print photos of them from the
class. In pairs students write a simple letter. 25 mins
internet and give out to students – can they put the
photos next to the names? What do they know (if
anything) about them? Write up and go through the
questions below. Students read the article and write a
name for each question. Feedback. 12 mins
News-based English language activities from the global newspaper

November 2010

Materials sheet Article: White House goes

green with solar panels
1 Solar panels will be installed on the White House roof a quarter
of a century after they were removed by President Ronald

2 A mix of different panels will be fitted in spring 2011 to generate

both hot water and renewable electricity.

3 The move will come as a surprise to many green campaigners

after the White House apparently rejected a recent request by
environmentalists to install the technology.

4 It will be the first time since 1986 that solar panels have sat on
President brings renewables home Karen Bleier/AFP/Getty Images the White House, since Reagan removed a system installed by
his predecessor Jimmy Carter. In 1979 Carter held a conference
Student tasks on the roof, showing off the 32 panels and his desire to reduce
the US’s dependence on oil.
1 Find the noun definitions that match these verbs. 5 The return of solar at the White House follows other symbolic
Verb Noun green efforts since Obama took power, including Michelle
a install 1 an environmental campaign Obama’s creation of an organic vegetable garden in the White
b generate 2 an organic garden House grounds last year.
c create 3 solar panels
d drive 4 renewable electricity 6 Green campaigners have been lobbying the president to
e lead 5 a biodiesel-powered van reinstate solar at the White House. They have been driving
around the US in a biodiesel-powered van with one of the
2 Match the names to the statements. original panels installed by Carter.
1 Barack Obama 2 Michelle Obama 3 Jimmy Carter
4 Ronald Reagan 5 Mohamed Nasheed 7 The campaigners visited the White House in September and
Who … made a symbolic demand for the old panel to be reinstalled on
a ... first installed solar panels on the White House? the roof. But the request was rejected and no plans for future
b ... removed the solar panels? solar panels were given.
c ... is going to install the panels again?
d ... has just installed solar panels on his home? 8 Bill McKibben, who led the campaign, welcomed Obama’s
e ... created an organic garden at the White House? decision to fit new panels: “Solar panels on one house, even this
house, won’t save the climate, of course. But they’re a powerful
3 Complete these sentences with a time reference. symbol to the whole nation about where the future lies.”
a Obama wants to install the panels in .
b Solar panels were last on the roof in . 9 To mark last month’s 10/10/10 day of mass participation climate
c Carter installed the panels in . events around the world, the president of the Maldives also
d Campaigners travelled to the White House in decided to harness solar energy. Mohamed Nasheed, whose
. low-lying island country is at risk from rising sea levels caused
e Nasheed installed panels to mark the special date by global warming, has installed 50 panels on his presidential
. home.

Original article by Adam Vaughan, rewritten by

Janet Hardy-Gould

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